. "4 ................ " ..... ,.~ .... ,- ., . l , ':', •• ~-; : .. _ ", .. .. :.., ""I !, ;,; p (~ C , C () I I , "r""'" ! U)I?9, 6 C~, (),Iti (Ardl'i ve5) OI~:rON. 29;f.\ Oel: 14, :l.H92 I~~cei ved on: J.0-l4·'92 [E ML I~ lAM I.. I li I~ 1\ I~ Y.... CS LJ , C1-1 leo :volume 29, Issue 8 California State University, Chico Wednesday, October 14,1992 COLUMN ONE ,The pedestrian always has the right of way , , A recent study showed that Thousands rally at state capitol ,the best way to get around in Chico probably isn't on foot, es­ Libby Thompson, a former ents support as well. "We have to Davis and several others." tion. "Right now I can't afford the pecially if you're drunk. College students CSSA representative from Cali­ get our parents behind us," Thomp­ Thousands of people attended CSU system. It's not right. We , , According to the Butte attempt to save fornia State University Long son said. the rally to support the concerns need to get more money into our 'COWlty Health Department, the Beach, said the approximately two' An unofficial count of those col­ of labor unions, farm workers, educational system.'" number of accidents involving financial aid millionstudentsinvolvedinhigher lege students who participated in teacher organizations, the elderly , A more affordable education pedestrians and automobiles in education today are experiencing the rally placed the number some­ the disabled, and a number of was the most common concern Butte COWltyis above the state Patrick Mullins despair, frustration, worry and where arOlUld400 to 500. "We have other groups. among those students who par­ average for counties ofasimilar NEJW$ Editor fear. students here from all over the ButJenniferHilsinger,asopho­ ticipated in the rally. size. Chico accounts for half of Thompson also prodded stu­ state," Thompson said, "from more at American River College And, according to Thompson, ,this county's collisions, which Last Thursday the state capi­ dents to not only get involved Sonoma, Berkeley, San Francisco, in Sacramento, travelled to the are most likely to affect "the tol was under siege. themselves, but to get their par-· I,o~g. Beach, American River, capitol to support higher educa- See Rally, page 7 college age citizen." Pedestri­ Anq, perhaps for the first time, ans are at fault 60 percent of our state politicians felt the heat the time and not surprisingly, ofthe public's rising discontent on alcohol is a factor in one in five a number of issues, including of the accidents. higher education. "Local students simply need Thousands ofpeople converged to be careful when out on the on Sacramento Thursday to take town," said Bryon Brace, Butte part in one of the largest rallys COWlty Health Department in­ the state capitol has seen this jury control coordinator. "We year. A number of people, includ­ have taught people not to drink ing Speaker of the Assembly Wil­ and drive. Now we have to alert lie Brown, spoke at the rally. them to be more careful walk­ Among the thousands who ing after consuming alcohol." showed up to listen to Brown and The report also found that several other speakers were sev­ most accidents occur during eral hundred university students September through N ovember. from across the state. So be careful out there. A flier distributed by the Cali­ fornia State Student Association The lights are on but prior to the rally urged students nobody's home attend the rally and "Speak out Judging from the outpouring against Governor Wilson's attack ofsupport for Ross Perot during on education and students." the call-in portion ofa local tele­ The crowd erupted with ap­ vision station's coverage of the plause when Brown urged them presidential debate on Sunday, to "Say no to Pete Wilson" and to one might think the Chico area send out the message in the up­ is overflowing with Perotites. coming election that "He (Wilson) But then again, theyroightjust cannot dismember public educa­ be the kind of people who call tion." phone polls. Brown went on to say that the Hank Gorman, the regional crowd's presence on the capitol coordinator for Perot support­ steps was "an expression of your ers (he said he still answers the disgust" with Wilson's policies. phone and fux mllC:h.i.,e, hut n...... "I want you to stay all day, go in . I _~ .... ..i mains undecided on how he'll and out of the halls, of the offices, ORION vote), said the number of hard­ see everybody," Brown said. "Don't Speaker of the House Willie 'Brown addressed several thousand people who gathered on the capitol steps last Thursday to protest the policies of core faithfuls fell drastically . take.'! ain't available' as an an­ Governor WilsGl'I_ Also in c;Hen:iance were several hundred col!C!g~ students who came together in an attempt to save the state-supported financial when Perot bowed out of the swer.'" aid program. ... '. race and there are probablyonly a handful left in Chico. Gorman also confirmed a report that Students voice their some are driving around with leo McCarthy visits Chico State their headlights on during the day to signify their support. He Robyn Slagle "Today's economy is the biggest Bush during the last four years concerns to Trustee said he wasn't sure where the Staff Writer enemy of education," McCarthy has cut $50 billion in defense ,. trend started but suspected it said. spending. "Barbara Boxer would Bryan Moll that we have gone through that ,. began in Los Angeles. Lt. Gov. Leo McCarthy told a McCarthy told the class and like to see twice that amount cut Staff Writer period and there is a realization "I think it's silly. We've all packed Chico State University members of the media that Boxer and put into job training and edu­ that it isn't going to go away, that been kind of chuckling about political science class yesterday understands how frightening the cation," he said. Student budget woes may be in fact it is going to continue for it," Gorman said. that a vote for Barbara Boxer was job market looks for students who Student Mark Morse, who at­ just beginning according to An­ Bome time." a vote to improve education. will soon be graduating, while say­ tended the speech, said that he thony Vitti, chairman of the Vitti said that, "the state of Freudian slip McCarthy endorsed Demo­ ing that Herschensohn doesn't believes he will still vote for Boxer, board of trustees for California California is in pretty sad shape. The debate on Sunday didn't cratic Senate nominee Barbara understand those fears. but said he's not optimistic that State University. We have nothing pointing to even offer much out of the ordinary. Boxer's plan to cut defense spend­ "Barbara wants the Federal education or the job market will Vitti listened to and ad­ a light at the end of the tunnel.'" Ross Perot came through with ing in oroe.t to fund more educa­ government to put more money improve in California ifBoxer was dressed the concerns of the stu­ "We need to dig in and solve prob­ several witty one-liners, Bill tion and job training, while dis­ into education," McCarthy said. elected. dents during his first ever visit lems the best we can with what we . Clinton made a sappy appeal to credi ting Republican Bruce "She believes the government "McCarthy kept jumping to Chico State University in have," Vitti said. viewers' family values by cel­ Herschensohn's stand an education, could play a much more promi­ around (the issue'of) education," preparation for the dedication "We now Wlderstand that this ebrating his wedding anniver- the envil'Onment and abortion. nent rc.1e." Morse said. "He mentioned a con­ of the O'Connell Technology is not a temporary situation. Ev­ , sary with the entire country, McCarthy pointed out the "Herschensohn wants to elimi­ cern for students and thejob mar­ Center. erybody is prepared to take steps, and George Bush talked about strengths and weaknesses of the nate the Federal Department of ket but rm still not tbatconfident in Students were concerned pulling in their belts so to speak, his military record and patrio­ two candidates running for the Education," McCarthy said. with the effect the past budget and come up with a strategic plan tism. The high point of the one six-year Senate seat. McCarthy said that President See McCarthy, page 7 cuts have had on the system and that is in the best interestofCSU," and one-half hour monotony, what the future may hold. "In Vitti said. ; however,waswhenBushstated terms of what we are dealing Friday afternoon, during lunch, " cocaine use in America was on with next year, I don't have a Vitti took the opportunity to walk the decline and simultaneously crystal ball. There's widespread around the campus and talk to wiped his nose with the back of belief that we are headed into students. "They weren't shy, they his hand./ another budget crisis no differ­ weren't reluctant to talk about any Kristin Winrlbigler ent, perhaps even worse, than issues. They made their opinions Managing Edilor last year,'"Vitti said. well known and were interprior to During a financial crisis, Vitti It may look like just another redwood tree on the 'I:: .; :"':'I':AT-D'. E'X''~ , said, one often denies the exist­ \ .,' 'i:~' . California State University Chico campus, but to the ence of the problem. "I think ,,' I ;:.', _ ",,' ,." See Trustee, page 7 Native American community it is much more. This little tree was planted three years ago as a symbol of peace.
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