
KILDARE ESTATE + MOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATE master plan and design guide APRIL 2019 / v1 document Quality Assurance Bibliographic reference for citation: Boff a Miskell, 2019. Mountain View Estate Development Design Guide. Report by Boff a Miskell Limited for Mountain View Developments Ltd. Prepared by: Simon White Landscape Architect Boff a Miskell Ltd Reviewed by: Morné Hugo Landscape Architect | Urban Designer Associate Partner Boff a Miskell Ltd Status: Final Issue date: April 2019 File ref: BM19127_Mountain_View_Estates_Development_Design_Guide_ 1. OVERVIEW 4 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 VISION 5 1.3 Purpose of the Guidelines 8 1.4 Who should Use the Guidelines 8 1.5 Approval Process 9 2. Landscape MASTER PLAN 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Arrival 11 2.3 Neighbourhood Character Areas 14 2.4 Streetscape 15 2.5 Gullies and Reserves 15 3. DESIGN GUIDELINES 28 3.1 INTRODUCTION 28 3.2 Site Planning 28 3.3 Streetscape Interface 30 3.4 Architectural Design 33 3.5 landscape design 45 3.6 Ancillary Structures 46 3 1. OVERVIEW 1.11.1 IntrIntroductionoduction TaupiriTaupiri is a small townshtownship of about 450 people on the eastern bank of the Waikato River in the Waikato District of New Zealand. It is guarded by Taupiri mountain, the sacred burial ground for the Waikato tribes of the Māori people, located just to the north. It is remembered in the tribal saying: KoKo Waikato te awa Ko TaupiriTaupiri te maunga Ko Te WherowheroWherow te tangata. WaikatoWaikato is ttheh river TaupiriTaupiri is thethe mountain TeTe WherowheroWherowhe is the man. ManyMany Waikato ancestors and chiefs are buried on Taupiri, including all the Māori kings, and the late queen, Dame Te Ātairangikahu. Mountain View Estate is located directly adjacent to the existing Taupiri township. The beautiful rural site is located to the south of Taupiri MountainMoun and to the west of the current State Highway 1 corridor. With the construction of the Waikato ExpresswaExpressway,y, further to the east, the current portion of SH1 will revert to local road status and traffi c numbers, especially large ttrucksrucks and commerciacommerciall vehicles, are anticipated to substantially reduce. Taupiri Mountain directly to the north of the site, is a keykey feature in the landlandscape,s and forms a strong focal point and impressive natural backdrop to the development. 4 1.2 VISION The design vision for Mountain View Estate is centred on a strong appreciation for the natural environment, and Taupiri settlement’s historic and cultural narrative. Space to relax and enjoy Mountain View Estate is a place for both young and old. A place where your family will have room to explore and enjoy the environment. Sustainable design practices are promoted within the estate’s public realm, and active and passive reserve space. Aside from the surrounding hills and proximity of the Waikato River, the natural gully system running centrally through the site is a key natural landscape feature of the development. The estate has been carefully designed to protect this valuable natural feature and enhance it, so it is not only visually appealing for residents, but becomes a functional active recreation spine running throughout the entire development. A shared cycle and walkway network has been developed linking the gully network to reserve spaces within the estate and the wider open space network. Residents are encouraged to enjoy the landscape amenity and active recreation opportunities off ered within the estate. A safe and secure community It is important your residential environment has a feeling of safety and security. It is important that you feel safe within your home and within the Mountain View Estate community. The principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) have been embedded within the design of the estate. This is refl ected in the way that the design guidelines control things like lot fencing, boundary treatments, street interfaces and planting. We want to ensure that we not only create a visually appealing residential community, we also want it to be safe and secure for your family. 5 WAIKATO EXPRESSWAY TAUPIRI MAUNGA WAIKATO TE AWA SITE LOCATION ngaruawahia 7km (from site) Horotiu 13km te awa the base 18 km hamilton city centre 23 km 6 7 A high-quality environment At Mountain View Estate we have created a neighbourhood you will be proud of and look forward to coming home to. Upon arrival at the estate you will be greeted by lush plantings and well-designed entry feature walls. We have created tree-lined streets, each with their own character, streetscape features, LED street lighting, and a network of shared paths and footpaths that wind throughout the estate. Mountain View Estate has been carefully designed to refl ect the natural character and heritage of Taupiri. Sensitivity to the environment and a tangible sense of community will make Mountain View Estate a unique place to live. 1.3 Purpose of the Guidelines It is our intention to develop Mountain View Estate as a modern and well designed residential lifestyle community. To make sure that we achieve this desired outcome, a level of supervision and control is required to protect the interest of all future residents in relation to the nature and type of construction that is permitted within the development. This required level of control will be achieved in the form of design guidelines and covenants which each Purchaser will need to comply to when building within the estate. 1.4 Who should Use the Guidelines The guidelines will be used by: • Property Owners • Architects and Architectural Designers • Builders • Landscape Architects • Landscapers 8 1.5 Approval Process All plans and drawings are to be submitted to the Design Review Panel prior to submitting plans for building consent approval to Council. Plans 'HYHORSPHQW&RQWURO$SSURYDO)RUP and drawings are to be submitted by Wednesday 4pm each week for review by the Design Review Panel every Friday, after which approvals and/ or review comments will be provided. All feedback will be returned within 7 days of submission. /RW1XPEHU Submissions can be in hard copy or by email to: &OLHQW1DPH 6XEPLVVLRQ'DWH 6XEPLWWHG3ODQPHHWV'HYHORSPHQW&RQWURO*XLGHOLQHV$33529('7LFN Boff a Miskell Ltd 6XEPLWWHG3ODQ'2(61270HHW'HYHORSPHQW&RQWURO*XLGHOLQHV 6XEPLWWHG3ODQ&203/,(6ZLWKVWUHHWWUHHOLJKWSRVWDQGVWRUPZDWHUGUDLQORFDWLRQV +64 7 903 0006 &RORXU PDWHULDOSDOHWWH+$6%((1VXEPLWWHG &RORXU PDWHULDOSDOHWWH+$6127%((1VXEPLWWHG 'HYHORSPHQW&RQWUROOHU&RPPHQWV Attention: Morné Hugo <morne.hugo@boff amiskell.co.nz> H[DPSOHRQO\ Level 3, South Bloc, 140 Anglesea Street, Hamilton 3204 PO Box 1094, Hamilton 3240 $SSURYHGE\ 1DPH 0+XJR 'DWH 6LJQDWXUH The Design Review Panel can approve or decline any submitted design at their discretion, if it is deemed to not be in keeping with the intent of the Design Guidelines. Submitted plans that DO NOT meet Development Control Guidelines are to be resubmitted for approval following consideration of the Development Controller’s comments. Colour and material palette must be submitted for Development Controller approval prior to any ordering of materials or construction works commencing on site. No plans are to be submitted to Waikato District Council for Building Consent prior to Development Control Approval. Development Control Approval does not in any way imply compliance with Building Code, Resource Consent or District Plan requirements. The property owner / builder is responsible for checking with the relevant parties or authorities regarding statutory requirements and co-ordination with subdivision services, trees and infrastructure. Please ensure site & driveway layout meets on-site manoeuvring requirements. 1 Byy Morne HugoH atat 11:40:44040 am,aamm JanJa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o +7 &RQFHSWPD\EHVXEMHFWWRVXEGLYLVLRQGHYHORSHU VDSSURYDO )RXQGDWLRQ7\SH 7&(1*,1((5('5,%5$)7)281'$7,21 7REHFRQILUPHGZLWK*HRWHFKQLFDO5HSRUW P P P ( ( 6LWH,QIRUPDWLRQ 3RVLWLRQRIURDGFURVVLQJVHUYLFHVORFDWLRQVVWUHHWWUHHVODPS KWPP'D J 73$7+ 9 SRVWVSDUNLQJED\VSHGHVWULDQLVODQGVHWFLVXQNQRZQWREH 9 )3/ %(50 %(50 %(50%(50 %(50 , , , FRQILUPHGZKHQLQIRUPDWLRQEHFRPHVDYDLODEOH +HL )2273$7+ )22 \ 5 5 5 /DQGVFDSLQJ 7KLVSODQLVLQGLFDWLYHRQO\ 352326(' ' ' ' eoe /DQGVFDSLQJWREHFRQILUPHGE\WKHFOLHQW , , , %RXQGDU%RXQGDU\+HLJKWPP'D\OLJKW$QJOH $OO)HQFLQJWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKHUHOHYDQW&RYHQDQWVQWV %RXQGDU\+HLJKWPP'D\OLJKW$QJOH ':(//,1* lle P $ $ $ ))/ %RXQGDU\,QIRUPDWLRQ 7REHFRQILUPHGZLWKUHOHDVHRI&HUWLILFDWHRI7LWOHILFDWHRI7LWOH /HWWHUER[LQ//HWHWWHUER[LQ : : : 3O3ODVWHUH3ODVWHUHG3LOODUDVWHUHG3LOODU $ $ $ : : 6LWH/HYHOV /HYHOVDQGRWKHUUHOHYDQWVLWHLQIRUPDWLRQIRUWKLVVLWHWREHYDQWVLWHLQIRUPDWLRQIRUWKLVKLVVLWHWREHVLWHWREH : 'ULYHZD\ 3DWK &HVVSLWRYHUIORZ&HVVSLWRYHUIORRYHUI REWDLQHGDQGFRQFHSWXSGDWHGDVUHTXLUHGSULRUWRDFRQWUDFRQFHSWXSGDWHGDVUHTXLUHGSULRUGSULRUWWRDFRQWUDFWRDFRQWUDFW ([SRVHG$JJ P plpple %RXQGDU\+HLJKWPP'D\OLJKW$QJOH EHLQJVLJQHGQHG 25* '3 6RDNKROHVDVSHU ([LVWLQJZDVWHZDWHU 6HUYLFH&RXUW *HRWHFKQLFDOUHSRU +LVWRULFDO,QWHUHVW
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