PREPARING THE WORLD’S LEADERS LEADERS WORLD’S THE PREPARING THE 2009–10 FLET C H E R BULLETIN This Bulletin contains descriptions eligible to cross-register in other study are detailed on pages 24-33. for courses offered at The Fletcher graduate schools/departments Beginning in the fall 2006 semester, School for the 2009-2010 academic of Tufts University and Harvard. It new breadth requirements for all year only; however, they are typical should be noted that students may MALD students was established. of the courses offered every year. be denied admission to another Information about this new require- Biographies are also provided for school’s course due to restrictions ment can be found on pages 36-37 our faculty, both those who have in class size or other school policy. The Fletcher School reserves the full time appointments and those Enrolled students should right to change, at any time, any with part-time appointments. These contact the Registrar of the Fletcher of the information provided in associated faculty are appointed School for policies and procedures. this Bulletin, including adding and each year to add additional breadth Prospective students should refer dripping courses. Changes will and depth to our curricular offer- to the Catalog and Application be announced and posted by the ings. In addition to the courses Bulletin for additional information. Registrar of the Fletcher School at offered at Fletcher, students are Course requirements for our field of the beginning of each semester. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS .................................................... 1 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND ORGANIZATIONS ..................1 DIVISION OF DIPLOMACY, HISTORY, AND POLITICS ........................... 4 DIVISION OF ECONOMICS AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ................ 17 FIELDS OF STUDY .............................................................. 24 CERTIFICATES..................................................................... 34 BREADTH REQUIREMENTS ................................................36 FACULTY BIOGRAPHIES ....................................................38 EMERITUS FACULTY AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATES .....55 FACULTY BY SPECIALTY ................................................... 56 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ......................................................64 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS DIVISION OF and international law. Also listed as recent years have included equality INTERNATIONAL LAW DHP P207. Not offered 2009-2010. and non-discrimination; democracy; AND ORGANIZATIONS Joel Trachtman and Daniel Drezner economic and social rights; inter- national criminal law; business and ILO L200: THE INTERNATIONAL ILO L209: International TreatY human rights; and humanitarian LEGAL ORDER BeHavior: A PerspeCtive on intervention. Open to students who This introductory course deals with GLOBALIZATION have completed ILO L210 or equivalent. structural aspects of the international This seminar examines treaty behavior Spring semester. Hurst Hannum legal system, including the jurispru- over a broad spectrum of subject dence of international law and differing areas—including security, environ- ILO L212: SEMINAR ON NATIONALISM, cultural and philosophical perspectives; ment, trade and human rights. SELF-DETERMINATION AND the history of the international legal Approaches to international agree- MinoritY RigHts system; customary international law; ments affect economic, security and This seminar explores the evolution treaty law; statehood and recognition; foreign policy in this interdependent of the concepts of self-determination the United Nations and international world. The seminar examines IL and and minority rights from the nineteenth organizations; and the relationship IR theories of compliance. It explores century to the present. The focus is of the international legal system to exceptionalism in treaty behavior— on changing legal norms, including domestic legal systems, using the American and other nations. The interpretation of the principle of self- United States as a primary example. seminar offers students the opportunity determination by the League of Nations Fall semester. Michael Glennon to do research in depth on one or and United Nations; protection of the more treaties, or the behavior of a rights of ethnic, religious, and linguistic ILO L201: PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW given nation or group of nation minorities; and the articulation of the This survey course provides an overview under several treaties. Prior law rights of indigenous peoples. The seminar of the international legal system’s courses helpful but not required. requires a substantial research paper principal sub-regimes, including Fall semester. Antonia Chayes that analyzes a contemporary situation those relating to international dispute in which these issues are significant. ILO L210: International resolution, jurisdiction and immuni- Prerequisite: ILO L200, L210, or equivalent. HUMan RigHts Law ties, human rights, the use of force Fall semester. Hurst Hannum and terrorism, the law of war, criminal An introductory survey of international responsibility, arms control, the envi- human rights law and procedures, ILO L213: International ronment, and the relationship of these including detailed examination of CRIMINAL LAW sub-regimes to domestic legal systems, global, regional, and national institu- Word Count: This seminar will expose using the United States as a primary tions to protect human rights. The students to international criminal law example. Open to students who have course traces the development of re: genocide, crimes against humanity, completed ILO L200 or its equivalent. contemporary concepts of human war crimes, torture, and terrorism. Spring semester. Michael Glennon rights, including issues of universality, They will also study the International whether or not certain categories Criminal Court (ICC), the International ILO L207: SEMinar on International of rights have priority over others, Criminal Tribunal for the former POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW and the means of creating and Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International International politics and international enforcing human rights law. The role Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), law are clearly intertwined. Policy of non-governmental organizations and the hybrid tribunals in Sierra professionals often are required to use in fact-finding and publicizing human Leone, Cambodia, Bosnia, East international legal discourse, and to rights violations is also addressed. Timor and Kosovo. The seminar establish international legal rules and Fall semester. Hurst Hannum begins with an historical overview organizations in order to achieve their since Nuremberg followed by analysis ILO L211: SEMinar on CUrrent goals. At the same time, international of the legal instruments of these ISSUES IN HUMAN RIGHTS lawyers must consider political realities tribunals and their major cases. The This seminar analyzes in greater depth in crafting rules that will be respected seminar ends with domestic application a limited number of issues that are of and enforced. This seminar is suitable in selected countries emphasizing contemporary interest in the field of for students who already have some those exercising universal jurisdiction. international human rights law. While background in international politics Fall semester. Louis Aucoin specific topics vary, those addressed in THE FLETCHER SCHOOL Course Descriptions ILO L214: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE performance and offering a vision for issues. It examines the selection This seminar deals with the choices the future. Based on feedback from of the optimal business format for facing countries attempting to the class, constituted as the ‘senior international operations, including establish accountability for past management group’ of the organization, branch, subsidiary, joint venture, abuses of human rights in the after- the report is finalized and submitted technology license and distributor- math of mass atrocities. Students will as the major assignment for the course. ship; international commercial consider the philosophical and moral Spring semester. Ian Johnstone law, including sales contract, and issues associated with this subject commercial documents; international ILO L223: SEMinar on International and analyze the mechanisms available contracts and dispute resolution issues, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW for post conflict justice including including governing law, and choice This course addresses the nature, international ad hoc criminal tribunals, of forum, force majeure, currency, content and structure of international the International Criminal Court, the and treaty issues; and the United States environmental law. The course hybrid tribunals in Sierra Leone and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Fall commences with an introduction East Timor, and approaches like Truth semester. John Burgess to international environmental problems, and Reconciliation Commissions and together with basic principles of ILO L232: SEMINAR ON mechanisms, including the gacaca international law and environmental INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW process in Rwanda, which incorporate regulation. Specific topics include This seminar examines the laws, policies, local custom. Students will also study global warming, stratospheric ozone and legal institutions influencing the reconstruction of the justice system, depletion, and exports of hazardous cross-border investments, with examining non-criminal sanctions substances. Other topics may include special emphasis on emerging markets and considering the challenge
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