No.44 November-December 1988 $3.95 T H E M C R 0 T EC H N C A L J 0 U R N A L Object-Oriented Programming Objects are the latest buzz word. For a long time there was only Smalltalk, now there's a whole troup of players including Actor, Objective C and C++. So we start out this issue with a four-piece trilogy on objects: complete with theory, examples, and projects. (Space is no object.) A Taste of Smalltalk page 8 An intense look at messages, objects, classes, late binding, and all the other fancy terms that have grown up around this fascinating field. Actor, an Object-Oriented Language Thinking Objectively Building MicroCad A Special Project The Peripheral Technology-PT68K-2 page 42 An inexpensive, build-it-yourself, 68000 system. A great way to learn both hardware and software from the ground up. Plus: Hercules Graphics Printer Dump 38 Sharing At SOG 46 And Much, tv-1 uch, More 1 0 0 74470 19388 3 #1 PROGRAMMABLE EDITOR NEW VERSION 3.0 • Best Multi-Level Undo • Regular Expressions • Pop-Up ASCII Table • Pull-Down Menus • Compiler Support • Column Blocks Until now, if you wanted the best Undo, the best compiler sup­ port, regular expressions and column blocks you chose BRIEF™. If you wanted unlimited keystroke macros, the best FREE EVALUATION COPY* configurability, "off the cuff" command language macros and blazing speed, you chose VEDIT PLUS.® Call 1 ·800-45-VEDIT Now the Choice is Easy The all new VEDIT PLUS 3.0 gives you the best Undo of any editor, the best compiler support, unequaled windows, true • Fully Network Compatible regular expressions and extensive new features. We're lead­ • Call for XENIX and OS/2 versions ing the way with easy to use pull down menus, context sensitive • 30 Day Money-back guarantee help, a pop-up ASCII table, new printing options and much more. Incredibly, VEDIT PLUS 3.0 is now twice as fast as be­ fore and, at only 60K in size, it loads fast! Features of VEDIT PLUS 3.0 • Simultaneously edit up to 37 files of unlimited size. Completely Configurable • Variable sized windows; multiple windows per file. Change a few keys or redefine the entire keyboard, VEDIT • Execute DOS commands and other programs. PLUS adjusts to your editing style in minutes. You can even • Flexible "cut and paste" with 36 "scratch-pad" buffers. create new editing functions using simple keystroke macros or • Block operations by line, character or column. fine tune existing ones. VEDIT PLUS is so configurable that it • Search with pattern matching or regular expressions. • Configuration-determine your own keyboard layout, create easily emulates other editors and word processors (WordStar your own editing functions, support any screen size. and Word Perfect emulation included). Quickly access editing • Select window colors, support 43 line EGA, 50 line VGA. functions with a single key or through the pull-down menus. EASY TO USE Try before You Buy • Modern pull-down menu system. Pop-up ASCII table. • Context sensitive on-line help is user changeable. We challenge you to experience the dazzling performance and • Multi-level Undo (100 to 1000 levels). Undo keystroke by exceptional features that make VEDIT PLUS the best choice. keystroke or line by line. Our evaluation disk includes the complete editor.* Learn • On-line integer calculator (also algebraic expressions). VEDIT PLUS using our extensive "training" macro that gives • Keystroke macros speed editing, menu function "hot keys." instructions in one window while you experiment in another. FOR PROGRAMMERS See for yourself why no other macro language comes close. • Automatic lndent/Undent for "C," PL/I, PASCAL. Call for your free evaluation copy today. See why VEDIT PLUS • Match/check nested parentheses, e.g. "I" and" I" for "C." has been the #1 choice of programmers, writers and engineers • Flexible macro runs popular compilers and automatically since 1980. moves cursor to each error in your program. Easily changed to support new compilers and assemblers. Supports the IBM PC, XT, AT and PS/2 including DESQview, FOR WRITERS Microsoft Windows, PC-MOS/386, Concurrent DOS and most • Word wrap, paragraph formatting and justification. networks. Also available for MS-DOS, CP/M-86 and FlexOS. • Convert to/from Wordstar and mainframe files. (Yes! We support windows on CRT terminals.) $185. • Flexible printing; fully adjustable margins and Tab stops. MACRO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE VEDIT and CompuView are registered trademarks of CompuView Products, Inc. BRIEF is a • If-then-else, looping, testing, string compare, branching, trademark of UnderWare, Inc. PC-MOS/386 is a trademark of The Software Link, Inc. CP/M-86 user prompts, keyboard input, 24 bit algebraic expressions. and FlexOS are trademarks of Digital Research. MS-DOS, OS/2 and XENIX are trademarks of • Flexible windowing-forms entry, select size, color, etc. Microsoft. DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. • Simplifies complex text processing, formatting, conversions. •Also available for Tl Professional, Tandy 2000, DEC Rainbow, WYSE 700, Amdek 1280 • Extensive 400 page manual with hundreds of examples. and Others. *Free evaluation disk is fully functional and can even edit small files. Reader Service Number 7 1955 Pauline Blvd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 (313)996-1299 • Telex701821 • Fax(313)996-1308 CompuView CASES& KEYBOARDS POWER SUPPLY 5339 Professional XT-AT 150 Watt Power Supply (XT) . 50.00 w I 12 function key .. .. .. .. .. .. 69.00 200 Watt Power Supply (AT) ....... 80.00 5060 Keyboard AT Style .............. 49.00 XT Slide Case .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.00 KB 101 Keytronic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 7 .00 XT Slide with Lock & LED . 38.00 Focus 101 Key, Tactile, Switchable, STD AT or 80386 control caps lock, Dust cover . 89.00 w /Lock & LED...................... 65.00 -Chosen #1 Find hy Micro C Staff- Tower AT or 80386 w /Lock, LED 101 Key Click Style .................... 59.00 and Power Supply ................... 239.00 -All keyboards switchable to XT or AT- MONITORS HARD DRIVES EGA/CGA (Auto Switch, .31 dot) .... 395.00 & CONTROLLERS VGA/EGA/CGA Multi Sync c.31) ... 495.00 AT 40 MB Miniscribe 3650 (61 msJ ... 375.00 CGA Color ............................. .249.00 AT 40 MB Miniscribe 3053 (ZS ms) ...489.00 Amber 12" TTL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89.00 AT 71 MB Miniscribe 6085 c2s ms> ... 695.00 Green 12"' TTL.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89.00 AT (MFM) Hard Drive & VGA Analog (Mitsubishi .28 dot) ..... 495.00 - Tower Case Pictured - floppy controller (WD) ............ 130.00 VIDEO CARDS KIT OPTIONS AT RLL HD & FD controller ....... 189.00 Color /Graphics/Parallel . 52.00 MS DOS 3.21 w/GW Basic ............ 49.00 XT20 MB Miniscribe 8425 (65 msl .... 2 79.00 Mono/Graphics/Parallel.............. 49.00 MS DOS 3.31 w /GW Basic ............ 95.00 with controller ....................... 340.00 *5339 Keyboard Sub ................... 24.00 XT30 MB Miniscribe 8438 (65 ms> .... 299.00 EGA, CGA, VGA (640x480) ....... 129.00 *Color Options: VGA Analog, STB Extra .............. 239.00 (Includes video card & monitor) with controller ....................... 355.00 CGA Color ......................... 200.00 EXPANSION CARDS CGA/EGA Color ................... 380.00 SOFTWARE Clock Card . 22.00 CGA/EGANGA Color ............ 450.00 MS DOS 3.21 w/GW Basic ......... 49.00 Dual Floppy Disk Controller . 25.00 ASSEMBLY AND TESTING Flight Simulator 3.0.................... 39.95 Game Port . 19.00 XT Systems. 60.00 AT/80386 Systems . 80.00 ACCESSORIES XT Multi-Function, 1 ser/par/clk/ Generic Analog Joystick............... 25.00 game/2 floppy ........................ 61.00 XT KIT WI 2 Floppy Drives. Gravis Analog Joystick . 49.95 Parallel (Supports LPT 1, 2 or3) . 18.00 Includes: 6401< RAM, Serial, parallel and game V20-8mhz ................................ 14.00 Dual Serial Port Card - 1 installed ports, clock/calendar, AT-Style keyboard, cabinet, 1200 Baud Internal . 79.00 switchable Com 1, 2, 3, or 4 ..... ; 22.00 power supply, mono graphics card and amber or green monitor. Keyboard switchable turbo. 2400 Baud Internal ..................... 119.00 Kit for 2nd Port .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20.00 EPROM Programmer ( 4 gang) ....... 175.00 XT 640K RAM (0K installed)......... 35.00 8 mhz with lock, LED, Reset & Turboswitch . 825.00 Memory Chips ............ (call for prices) XT 2 MB Intel EMS (0K installed) ... 99.00 MICE XT I AT Multi l/O lOmhz with lock, LED, Reset & Turboswitch............. 895.00 Logitech 2 Button (serial)............. 59.00 Serial/Par /Game . 41.00 Logitech 3 Button (serial or bus)... 89.00 Kit for Second Serial.. .......... , . .. 30.00 XT KIT W /20MB Hard Drive. Logitech HiRez (bus) .................. 109.00 AT 2 MB Intel EMS (0K installed) ... 139.00 With mouse purchase only - DTK 4 MB 32 bit memory card lncludes: 6401< RAM, Serial, parallel and game ports, clock/calendar, AT-Style keyboard, cabinet, First Publisher .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50.00 w/o RAM ............................. 139.00 power supply, mono graphics card and amber or Generic CAD 3.0 . 50.00 XT I AT Multi Drive Controller - green monitor. Keyboard switchable turbo. Paintshow ............................. 15.00 Supports 1.44, 720K, 1.2, 360K 8 mhz with lock, LED, Reset drives on XT or AT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54.00 & Turboswitch ........... 1095.00* Prices are subject to change without notice. lOmhz with lock, LED, Reset Shipping CHARGES will be~ MOTHERBOARDS & Turboswitch ........... 1165.00* XT/Turbo 4.77 /8 mhz ................ 89.00 *(For 30MB Miniscribe add $15.00) XT/Turbo 4.77 /lOmhz ............... 99.00 BUILDING YOUR AT 6/10 mhz Choice of Award, OWN CLONE V2.1 80386KIT- ****FREE BOOKLET**** Phoenix or DTK Bios ............... 2 79.00 Includes: lMB RAM, 1360K floppy drive, 1-1.2 *90-day warranty /30-day money back AT 6/12 mhz Choice of Award, MB FD, 1 40MB HD, DTK bios, switchable (subject to restrictions) Phoenix or DTK Bios ............... 340.00 keyboard, monochrome monitor, monographics. Serial/parallel ports, case, power supply, game Baby AT 6/12 mhz AMI Bios ......
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