Abby 07944 574 202 Aldridge Saffron 4 7 l.idbroke Rd Abousleiman, Joanna London W11 3PD 0207-7271006 0603 338 787 001 212-879-7653 Email: Email: [email protected] joannacheva!ier@hotmai!. c 0207•221-3621 Adam, Nick AJexander Pam 19 Rue De Lille 01415 644 305S(i 65~QJf ~~~7260tw) 01 415 515 9708{p 00 331 40150061(h/ Email: patexander alexanderrogil 00 33 607 341 980 p} Alaranti Giacomo Ftar4 83 Dllke St Agag Alejandro 83 DUke Sl 00 44 771 730 6038 Flat4 Email: London W1 aagag@as!inveslmenls.com 0207-493 6171 0385 261 390 0208-969 0027 (hi 0208-7461181 w 0207-746 1157 I) 0207--930 3703 9w) 0386 438 218 {PJ Allan Paul 001 206 355 5777 Email: [email protected] Alai Azzedine 00 331 4272 1$19 Allan, Nick & Sarah Albermarle, Rufus & 65 Banyan Villas 9 Stanley Village Road Sally Hosq Kong, 511 6th Ave 00-852-813-0762 P.O. box 394 N"ew York, NY 10011 1212465 9867{w) Email; rufusa®mac.com Althorp, Charlie 1 917 969 2158 {pl Rufus 1 917 257 9735 {p Sally A!!hOrp 212 271 3481 (try his firsl) 0207-229 1573 {h) ,.,- 0207-637 8655 {w} 0207-235-7769/9169 (2nd home phone & fax} Alun..Jones, Carella 34 Eaton Place Amon, Roberta & London SWi, Maurice 0207•235 7500 (h) 4 East 72 Streel 0372 58158 (c) New Yo,iMY ~0021 001 212 s 9 77 0012123192020 flw) Alun.Jones, Jeremy & Deborah Old Park Anastos1 Lisa Fishbourne 200 E 72nd New York ~t~ Kf8~8a~{J18 8AP NY 0124 357 2102 hr 10021 nfaH: d~@o!d-park.co,uk 001 2i2 446 47611,w) "!J21 . James Square 001 212 737 1722{ ) ron on SW1Y 4JP 001 917 923 4513 001 212 446 4900 !e..b bJe,em!1777 4 1212 0207 930 4237 fDWw) And_erson, Lulu 0207-937 7730 Alvarez, Senor 0976 287 202 Vincente 00 34 1 276 6697 bhl, 011 34 915 90349 w} 00 34 1 563 8466 (fj Appleby, Robert & Alex 16 Grafton sauare London SW fi,3P7-498 3400 (h) Amon, Mr Philippe ~Asia.debt.com Oomaine de Bougy Ema : alex~rockgecko.com 1170 Aubonne ~Hm)House Swi!Zerland, Consort Rise 41 21 681 5555:/wl Pok Fu Lam ··oo 41 21 a212 2 (h) HK Email: 00 852 91042817 26514181 rrh rili~~e.amon~sicpa.com Hm 5 Eaton quare (2nd 00 852 2817 4281 h Fla!omfo 88 ~g~ ~¥l, ~i1! ~w> I Lon on SW1 00 852 9104 2615 RJ) 41 21 821 2200 ~hO '~' 0041 79210317 JP) > oo 41 21 627 592 ~wl 0041 21 821 220~ f) Arango, Maile 41 21 627 5925 ( Espaller #10 (home) 9C Mad~d, Spain 28014 Armstrong, Arthur & 001 201 659 3299 (hl Emal/: maraooo~mai!.vips.es Cathy Assaf, Charlotte & 001 201 83121s21wl Vittorio 011 34 91 5 6 10~wr 001 212 737 7290 {h) 011 34 91 420 3776 h 21 East 66th S! (h) 00 34 63 913 6063 ( ) New York NY 10021 , AznarJose Aron, Herve & Marine 001212688 3820 (hj S&S Cap:ital 001 212 593 9040 140 West 57th Slreel AreUano, Victor 32 East 67th Street Email: [email protected] 7lh Floor New York NY 100r 001 917 3314656 (p} 15 Cad~an Square 001 212 535 8623 h} 646 431 3052 {emergency con• ~8Fs~W~3~~e29 Londo~ nBJ!nd SW1X OHT 001 212 988 5248 m) tact) Email; jose@s!scapita!.com 0207~2 5 6 4 0207~245 606~ 0012126067 001 212 772 3880 lw/h Ash,Lorinda Astaire, Mr Simon Baddeley, Jean h!g Park Ave 60 Calhcart Road Fine-a las Cotinas London SW10 Lista de Correos 001 212 535 8835fhl 001 212 353 1285 (h) 29100 COIN Arion Joaquin 001 212 734 0100 w) 0207-351 7973 /;") Mala~a, Spain Fernandez de 001 212 235 57 Ema ; ~ueenbee~mercuryin.es Cordoba 34952 12814{ Castillo de Mafpicas 00 34 52 783865 Mafpicas de Tago Ashley & Allegra Hicks 0295 768 285 ProviBcia di Toledo 32 Walpole SI. Astor Vlscount William 0385 770 977 {p) ~HmJ !dasoa 6 · London 0207-412 0703(w) 80 2 SW34QS Madrid 07973 134277 (gJ s3a1n 0207 7303130 Bahrke Peter 0 34'25 877113 (ii/ Atkin Helene 0207-973-8250 003414117575!) 508 and a half connelicu! St 00 46 707766655 00 34 1 262 4531 w} Ashley, Nick & Ari SF 94107 Email: [email protected] 001 650 851 2669 57 Ledbury Rd 001 650 851 2689 London 001 650 9878 \Wk Arion, Fernando W11 2,M 001 650 224 2 9 ~Pl Baker Danny 120 & 1/2 E 65th Strael 0207-22 1221Jw) 650 851 2689 (h) ome 001917647 9649 NY NY 10021 0207-937 106 (ti) ooi 212 826 7426(»;) 0207-937 1086 r) 001-212 772 1029 { 0207•7366700 WJ 0207-221·1221 w Bakhtiar, Shariar 0159 12461 Atkin, Mike & Ami 825 Was~nyton Street #SA 3 Hoboken 07030 USA 2~~r~'clr:~~e~fJ~ ~fuss - 0285 770067 (fi 0285 770146 ti) +44 7831 136 210 A/fee {p} 00 1 917 873 9156 Georgetfl scheduler) (Hm)103-87/97 Yammabbe Gar- +44 7836 747546 George Keel! 941 349 6467 douy/ands h dens 917 887 8-468 Jim en- Darling Point . Balazs, Andre nedyJ~ress1 . S$dnefO Austraha The Mercer 212 7 11 0 (guy Doug tnend h) 142 Greene Slreef #SA (h) Bamford Sir Anthony 914 861 9380 no.it2 do not use ~raVfs slJ4ao Portahie 12 and Lady C 01734 398 Country ~.fl2\°if~rs! 018895 90312fsa) 001 9-1 6-5946 (p} 212-226·8224 ftPwf} 01608 659777 le} 02011 Bannister, Clive 612 93 foh-Auslrah~) . Emat!: hotersatifiao!.com HSBC Investment Bank pie fuHmfe3 Nos!ran Parkway 612 9328 hf-Australia) . i he er Island. NY 11965 8 Canada Sguare K 00 614 O 7 (other porta• ., 212 869 3050 Ans.Svc. Bands,Ooug London E74 SHQ U ·;J 212 226 1555 Home 011442079916182~ 8~J 7389 5019 w-direct line 3 1 Office of William J. Clinton 44 207 991 4320 { 020 7389 5015 (Asst. Helen 55 Wes! 1251h St 44 1n 1840 228 able Andrew5J j 6~\ 2\11\1ii-w pl New York 44 20 7221 1878 raome a 646 221 7221 020 738 5011 {wf} .·j 6317490494 /g NY 10027, 001 212 977 112 011442079914320 fax . 011442079916182 Clive Direct al 6317490512 h p 212 226 5656 X ~01 (W) ~~~ ~ia ~Jg~ work Email: 1~imcinfhular.com Barnes, Peter kl \Hm)20 esl 60 pl. 22G 001 213 621 2332 (w) ·· NewYotk Sanon, Javier Baldwin Alec 2 /FB /ntematlon.tl Finance Sank 001 212 769 7975fhJ ~{i 1~i £7s1 David Slade 55 East 59th Slreel Barnett, Craig lt 001 516 205 2532 C 202 406 8002 Mikel:•• New York NY 10022 301 627 8125 Mike ee Fh 001 212-:!08-0300 (pl 983 Park Avenue jf 914 806 0462 Mike Lee car) 001 212-250 7545(w 001 212 272 4012 ., 877 741 2905 Mike Lee b} 001 212 249 0259 {h 001 917-754-7456 {p) r"1~ Balliol College, Oxford Mike lee email . 001 212 687 2816 mlee~usss.treas,gov 001 646 734 7618 (p) ~lJ%r~'l~R~and OX1 3BJ 07 7 524 101 Sara Latham ~ 646 227 4930 Denise Diorio Bastone, Hillary spkii scheduler 0207-259 6070 q 212 8 0452 Joe Cashion asst. & Bamford George/allce director sch d 202 236 5546 Uma Daylesford House 914 806 0463 Mark Galesre Batstone Hillary n Moreton- in- Marsh 202 288 5192 Mike Lee(p ! Gloucestershire 212 828 8321 Jim Morrison W1W 81Y, 8 Holbein Place I 212 348 9245 fax 67601"\ London SW1 W8NL d ~,t.t&it~77 212 348 4963 Hanna Richert 5010 w 0171-730~5335{wf I) Email: :[email protected] 212 3481779 laura (Clinton's Email: lHmJ24, 1st Slree [email protected] on on SW1 W8Nl !;} 0171-581·2554(h) '<1 •• u ,~ rni'.4 M 0836-594.908(p), 212 24~ 6801 (Asst Erin Eagan} Berkman, BUI Bismarck, Debbie & The Associated Group Bola Von Batstone, Tim Natasha 650 Madison Avenue Benson, Steven 25th Floor 1 Gerald Road 01492 580274gh) 001 212 11s 13s2 iwi New Yoris NY 10022 London.-t SW1W 9EH 01492 876593 w) 001 212 832 0091 hJ 212 301 ,aoo (o) 0207-8u8 4800 fh) 0492 860584 ( ) 212 301 2811 ([) 0207-808 4801(hf 0492 76593 (w) Email: bis­ Hm)158 Mercer St (home) [email protected]. \ 0012 0207-730 6224 Bentinck, Baron 001 917 520 8910 07 77 05 23 026 {p) Baumer, Lorenzo 001 212 625 0066(h 00 33 1 4286 9933 f:fi?J~r~~tear Halstead 00 33 1 4286 9944(1) Esse~ EnQ!and C094BP Email: www.lorenztlaumar.com 01 44u730396fol Bernard, Tara Bismark Vanessa Von 001 917 734 4663{µ} 43 Wes\ 13th St. Email: Ste- 07 770 523 149(p) Apt. PHF ven [email protected] New York Beaumont, lord & Lady oo ~68 864 22'1 \Pl NY 10011 01440 730073 {h oo\ 917 497 4970 40 Elms Road Birchall, Martyn 001 212 741 0141lw} Londonsw1..,, 44 E 12th Street (Hm)112 Wes! 271h (w) 0207498 8!W4 NewYork, NY 10003 Suite 401 Beraaruen, Nicolas 212 254 1548 New York Alphaiirvesimant Management 212 253 0437 Wto 110 East 59th Street (w} 212 253-0438 ice Fax ~ri11~~J.is 6331 (h) Beckwith, Tamara 33rd Floor 001 212 529 3400 001 323 864 4005 New York:, NY 10022 001 212 5115697 001212 421-0110 (w 001 212 741 001 212 421-0169 (f 0630 {wf) Email: Belzberg, Lisa nicolasb@alphai;ngmt.com (HmlPierre fiotel tn) Bisson, Jean Marc 7 E.
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