U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Multiproxy Record of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) off Central and Northern California, U.S.A., from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1018 and 1020 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1632 Availability of Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey Order U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) publications by calling Documents. Check or money order must be payable to the the toll-free telephone number 1–888–ASK–USGS or contact- Superintendent of Documents. Order by mail from— ing the offices listed below. 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Minerals information is available electronically at http://minerals.er.usgs.gov/minerals/ Electronically Subscription to the catalog “New Publications of the U.S. Some USGS publications, including the catalog “New Publica- Geological Survey” tions of the U.S. Geological Survey,” are also available elec- tronically on the USGS’s World Wide Web home page at Those wishing to be placed on a free subscription list for the http://www.usgs.gov catalog “New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey” should write to— Preliminary Determination of Epicenters U.S. Geological Survey Subscriptions to the periodical “Preliminary Determination of 903 National Center Epicenters” can be obtained only from the Superintendent of Reston, VA 20192 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Multiproxy Record of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) off Central and Northern California, U.S.A., from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1018 and 1020 By R.Z. Poore, H.J. Dowsett, J.A. Barron, L. Heusser, A.C. Ravelo, and A. Mix U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1632 Environmental and climatic conditions during the last interglacial (about 125,000 years ago) along the central and northern California coastal region are interpreted from study of marine cores recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES G. GROAT, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 2000 Published in the Eastern Region, Reston, Va. Manuscript approved for publication July 7, 2000. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. For sale by U.S. Geological Survey Information Services Box 25286, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 or call the toll-free telephone number 1–888–ASK–USGS Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Multiproxy record of the last interglacial (MIS 5e) off central and northern California, U.S.A., from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1018 and 1020 / by R.Z. Poore ... [et al.]. p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1632) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Glacial epoch—California. 2. Paleoclimatology—California. 3. Paleoclimatology—Pleistocene. 4. Paleoecology—California. 5. Paleoecology—Pleistocene. I. Poore, Richard Z. II. Ocean Drilling Program. III. Series. QE697.M7898 2000 551.69794—dc21 00–061785 CONTENTS Abstract . 1 Introduction . 1 Acknowledgments. 3 Materials and Methods . 3 Chronology . 5 Results . 5 ODP Site 1020 . 5 ODP Site 1018 . 11 Discussion . 11 Coastal Redwood and Upwelling . 16 Millennial-Scale Cycles . 17 Abrupt Events . 17 Summary and Conclusions . 17 References Cited . 18 FIGURES 1. Map showing location of ODP Sites 1018 and 1020 and generalized position of the California Current in the Pacific Ocean off California . 2 2. Graphs showing oxygen-isotope records and chronology . 4 3–9. Graphs showing age and marine isotope stage plotted against— 3. Abundances of selected pollen taxa in samples from ODP Site 1020. 6 4. Abundances of selected planktic foraminifer taxa in samples from ODP Site 1020 and sea-surface-temperature estimates . 8 5. The number of diatoms per traverse and abundances of selected diatom taxa in samples from ODP Site 1020 . 9 6. Globigerina bulloides abundance, reflectance, and calcium carbonate content in samples from ODP Site 1020 plus spectral analyses of reflectance data . 10 7. Abundances of selected pollen taxa in samples from ODP Site 1018, oxygen-isotope results from Uvigerina, and sea-surface-temperature estimates . 12 8. Reflectance, magnetic susceptibility, and calcium carbonate content in samples from ODP Site 1018 plus spectral analyses of reflectance data . 13 9. Key environmental proxies from ODP Site 1020, core 1020D . 15 TABLE 1. Calibration points used for age models . 5 III IV CONTENTS CONVERSION FACTORS Multiply By To obtain Length nanometer (nm) 0.0000000394 inch micrometer (µm) 0.0000394 inch centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch meter (m) 3.281 foot kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile Volume cubic centimeter (cm3) 0.06102 cubic inch For temperature conversions from degrees Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F), use the following: °F = (1.8 °C) + 32 Multiproxy Record of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) off Central and Northern California, U.S.A., from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1018 and 1020 By R.Z. Poore,1 H.J. Dowsett,1 J.A. Barron,2 L. Heusser,3 A.C. Ravelo,4 and A. Mix5 ABSTRACT Variations in physical properties, calcium carbonate content, and diatom assemblages in sediments from ODP Marine microfossil and pollen assemblages, benthic Site 1020 appear to be related to changes in the dominance δ18 foraminifer O, physical properties, and calcium carbon- of coastal versus open ocean upwelling. Evidence of ate content in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program upwelling-related cycles of about 8,000 and 5,000 years (ODP) Sites 1018 and 1020 off central and northern duration is present throughout much of the MIS 5 record California in the eastern North Pacific reveal strong links from ODP Site 1020. Two abrupt climatic coolings are between the marine and terrestrial environments during identified in MIS 5e, at ~126 ka and at ~119 ka. marine isotope stage 5 (MIS 5) (~125,000 years ago). Our multiproxy record indicates that at the beginning of the last interglacial (MIS 5e), reduction in global ice volume, INTRODUCTION increase in sea-surface temperature, and warming of air Many marine and terrestrial climate studies (for temperature along the central and northern California coast example, Bond and others, 1997; Broecker, 1997) show were synchronous within the resolution of our sampling that millennial-scale cycles and abrupt changes are persist- interval. The waters off the coast of northern California ent in records of the last glacial interval and deglaciation. (near ODP Site 1020) were strongly influenced by warm Evidence is less clear for significant and periodic climate central Pacific waters at the beginning of MIS 5e near the variability during the last interglacial (marine isotope stage maximum interglacial. The strong influence of central (MIS) 5e = Eemian of the European continental record Pacific waters resulted in less intense upwelling and more (Shackleton, 1969)). Ice cores
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