Bibliography of Publications 1974 – 2019

Bibliography of Publications 1974 – 2019

W. SZAFER INSTITUTE OF BOTANY POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Ryszard Ochyra BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLICATIONS 1974 – 2019 KRAKÓW 2019 Ochyraea tatrensis Váňa Part I. Monographs, Books and Scientific Papers Part I. Monographs, Books and Scientific Papers 5 1974 001. Ochyra, R. (1974): Notatki florystyczne z południowo‑wschodniej części Kotliny Sandomierskiej [Floristic notes from southeastern part of Kotlina Sandomierska]. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 360 Prace Botaniczne 2: 161–173 [in Polish with English summary]. 002. Karczmarz, K., J. Mickiewicz & R. Ochyra (1974): Musci Europaei Orientalis Exsiccati. Fasciculus III, Nr 101–150. 12 pp. Privately published, Lublini. 1975 003. Karczmarz, K., J. Mickiewicz & R. Ochyra (1975): Musci Europaei Orientalis Exsiccati. Fasciculus IV, Nr 151–200. 13 pp. Privately published, Lublini. 004. Karczmarz, K., K. Jędrzejko & R. Ochyra (1975): Musci Europaei Orientalis Exs‑ iccati. Fasciculus V, Nr 201–250. 13 pp. Privately published, Lublini. 005. Karczmarz, K., H. Mamczarz & R. Ochyra (1975): Hepaticae Europae Orientalis Exsiccatae. Fasciculus III, Nr 61–90. 8 pp. Privately published, Lublini. 1976 006. Ochyra, R. (1976): Materiały do brioflory południowej Polski [Materials to the bry‑ oflora of southern Poland]. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 432 Prace Botaniczne 4: 107–125 [in Polish with English summary]. 007. Ochyra, R. (1976): Taxonomic position and geographical distribution of Isoptery‑ giopsis muelleriana (Schimp.) Iwats. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 22: 129–135 + 1 map as insertion [with Polish summary]. 008. Karczmarz, K., A. Łuczycka & R. Ochyra (1976): Materiały do flory ramienic środkowej i południowej Polski. 2 [A contribution to the flora of Charophyta of central and southern Poland. 2]. Acta Hydrobiologica 18: 193–200 [in Polish with English summary]. 1978 009. Ochyra, R. & P. Szmajda (1978): An annotated list of Polish mosses. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 24: 93–145 [with Polish summary] 010. Ochyra, R. (1978): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria I. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 24(2) Supplementum: 329–356 [12–31 Dec]. 011. Ochyra, R. (1978): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria II. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 24(3) Supplementum: 487–514 [12–31 Dec]. 6 Bibliography of publications 1974 – 2019 1979 012. Ochyra, R. (1979): Flora lejków krasowych okolic Staszowa. I. Rośliny naczyniowe [Flora of the karst sink‑holes in the vicinity of Staszów (S Poland). I. Vascular plants]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 25: 209–236 + 1 map as insertion [in Polish with English summary]. 013. Ochyra, R. & H. Tomaszewicz (1979): Nowe stanowiska Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda (Ricciaceae, Hepaticopsida) i przegląd jego rozmieszczenia w Polsce [New localities of Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda (Ricciaceae, Hepaticopsida) and a review of its distribution in Poland]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 25: 429–438 [in Polish with English summary]. 1980 014. Ochyra, R. & A. Pacyna (1980): A contribution to the moss flora of Mongolia. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26: 71–79 [with Polish summary]. 015. Ochyra, R. (1980): Flora lejków krasowych okolic Staszowa. II. Mszaki [Flora of the karst sink‑holes in the vicinity of Staszów (S Poland). II. Bryophyta]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26: 321–340 [in Polish with English summary]. 016. Ochyra, R. (1980): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria III. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26(1) Supplementum: 187–214 [Nov 1980]. 017. Ochyra, R. (1980): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria IV. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26(1) Supplementum: 215–242 [Nov 1980]. 1981 018. Ochyra, R. & P. Szmajda (1981): La cartographie bryologique en Pologne. In: J. Szweykowski (Ed.), New perspectives in bryotaxonomy and bryogeography. Uni‑ wersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Seria Biologia 20, pp. 105–110. Uni‑ wersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań. 019. Ochyra, R. (1981): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria V. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26(2–4) Supplementum: 365–391 [Feb 1981]. 020. Ochyra, R. (1981): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria VI. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 26(2–4) Supplementum: 393–418 [Feb 1981]. 1982 021. Ochyra, R. (1982): Kindbergia (Brachytheciaceae, Musci), a new name for Stokesiella (Kindb.) Robins., hom. illeg. Lindbergia 8: 53–54 [26 Mar]. 022. Ochyra, R. (1982): New names for genera of mosses. Journal of Bryology 12: 31–32 [14 Jun]. Part I. Monographs, Books and Scientific Papers 7 023. Kuta, E., R. Ochyra & L. Przywara (1982): Karyological studies on Antarctic mosses I. The Bryologist 85: 131–138. 024. Ochyra, R. (1982): Orthodontium lineare Schwaegr. – a new species and genus in the moss flora of Poland. Bryologische Beiträge 1: 23–36. 025. Furmańczyk, K. & R. Ochyra (1982): Plant communities of the Admiralty Bay region (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic) I. Jasnorzewski Gar‑ dens. Polish Polar Research 3: 25–39 [with Russian and Polish summaries]. 026. Ochyra, R. & P. Szmajda (1982): The state of floristic and chorologic investigations of bryophytes in Poland. Lejeunia N. S. 107: 41–44. 027. Ochyra, R., L. Przywara & E. Kuta (1982): Karyological studies on some Antarctic liverworts. Journal of Bryology 12: 259–263. 028. Ochyra, R. & T. Pócs (1982): East African bryophytes, VI. Polish collections. Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 28: 361–389 [14 Jun 1983]. 1983 029. Ochyra, R. (1982): Mszaki synantropijne [“Synanthropic bryophytes”]. Wiadomości Botaniczne 27: 31–44 [in Polish]. 030. Ochyra, R. (1982): Proposal to conserve Haplocladium (K. Mueller Hal.) K. Mueller Hal. 1896 (Musci, Thuidiac.) against Haplocladium Naegeli 1862 (Rhodophyc., Cera‑ miac.). Taxon 32: 133–134. 031. Ochyra, R. (1982): Świat roślinny Antarktyki [“Plant life in the Antarctic”]. Kosmos (Warszawa) 32: 277–292 [in Polish]. 032. Ochyra, R. (1982): Validation of Hygrohypnum Lindb. sect. Dilatatae Szafr. Journal of Bryology 12: 619–620 [23 Jan 1984] 033. Ochyra, R. (1982): The rediscovery of Loiseaubrym ephemeroides Bizot (Musci: Funariaceae) in Nigeria. Acta Botanica Hungarica 29: 173–179 [13 Feb 1984]. 034. Ochyra, R. & P. Szmajda (1982): Mosses (Musci). In: J. Szweykowski & T. Wojterski (Eds), Atlas of [the] geographical distribution of spore‑plants in Poland. Series V. 1. 31 pp. + 11 maps. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa – Poznań [in Polish and English]. 1984 035. Kuta, E., L. Przywara & R. Ochyra (1984): Chromosome studies on Polish bryo‑ phytes I. Bryologische Beiträge 3: 28–45. 036. Przywara, L., R. Ochyra & E. Kuta (1984): Chromosome studies on Polish bryo‑ phytes II. Lindbergia 9: 178–185. 037. Ochyra, R. (1984): Zbiorowiska roślinne Antarktyki [“Plant communities in the Ant‑ arctic”]. Kosmos (Warszawa) 33: 43–56 [in Polish]. 8 Bibliography of publications 1974 – 2019 038. Ochyra, R. (1984): Uwagi o kilku rzadkich gatunkach z rodzaju Seligeria (Seli‑ geriaceae, Musci) w Polsce [Notes on some rare species of the genus Seligeria (Seli‑ geriaceae, Musci) in Poland]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 28: 181–194 [in Polish with English summary]. 039. Ochyra, R. & H. Tomaszewicz (1984): Calliergon megalophyllum Mikut. (Amblys‑ tegiaceae, Musci) na Suwalszczyźnie [Calliergon megalophyllum Mikut. (Amblyste‑ giaceae, Musci) in the Suwałki Lakeland (NE Poland)]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 28: 195–200 [in Polish with English summary]. 040. Lindsay, D. C. & R. Ochyra (1984): The lichen genus Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. in the Antarctic. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 28: 413–416 + 1 plate as insertion [with Polish summary]. 041. Ochyra, R. (1984): Mchy Skalic Nowotarskich i Spiskich (Pieniński Pas Skałkowy [Moss flora of the Nowotarskie and Spiskie Klippen (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathian Mts)]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 28: 419–489 [in Polish with English summary]. 042. Ochyra, R. & B. G. Bell (1984): A record of Schistidium falcatum (Bryophyta: Musci) from the Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 64: 77–79. 043. Przywara, L., E. Kuta & R. Ochyra (1984): Cytological studies on Antarctic mosses II. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 57: 127–137. 044. Ochyra, R. (1984): Hypnum bizotii nom. nov., a new name for an African moss. Journal of Bryology 13: 294 [15 Jan 1985]. 045. Ochyra, R. (1984): Bryophyta Antarctica Exsiccata. Numbers 1–200. [27] pp. Uni‑ versity of Alberta, Edmonton [March 1984]. 046. Ochyra, R. (1984): Musci Poloniae Exsiccati. Centuria VII. 34 pp. Institutum Botanicum Academiae Scientiarum Polonae, Cracoviae. 1985 047. Ochyra, R. (1985): Roślinność lejków krasowych w okolicach Staszowa na Wyżynie Małopolskiej [Vegetation of the karst sink‑holes in the vicinity of Staszów on the Małopolska Upland]. Monographiae Botanicae 66: 1–136 [in Polish with English summary]. 048. Ochyra, R. & Szmajda, P. (1985): Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindb.) Kindb. (Musci, Bryaceae), nowy dla flory polskiej gatunek mchu [Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindb.) Kindb. (Musci, Bryaceae), a moss species new to the Polish flora]. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 29: 109–119 [in Polish with English summary]. 049. Birkenmajer, K., R. Ochyra, I. U. Olsson & L. Stuchlik (1985): Mid‑Holocene radiocarbon‑dated peat at Admiralty Bay, King George Island (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica). Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Earth Sciences 33: 7–13 [with Russian summary]. Part I. Monographs, Books and Scientific Papers 9 050. Ochyra, R., E. Kuta & L. Przywara (1985): Chromosome

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