FALL SPORTS '89 SUPPLEMENT INSIDE THE CHRONICLE l*L! MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1989 © DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85. NO. # Mixup forces revision of new alcohol policy By CHRIS O'BRIEN IfreshmeYil a chance to get com­ The new alcohol policy an­ fortable in their dorms and to get nounced by the office of Student to know their classmates before Affairs last week placing a mora­ they're thrown into that," she torium on open parties for two said. weeks was incorrect and was The new policy differs from revised to exclude only freshmen past years in that the ban on from attending such parties, ac­ freshmen attending open parties cording to several members of previously only lasted through the ad hoc Alcohol Committee. orientation. The revised policy, adopted on To demonstrate the serious­ Friday, states "no freshmen stu­ ness of the policy, the committee dents are allowed at upperclass adopted strict penalties to deter house parties through September violators, said Larry Glazer, 10," according to a letter from president of the Interfraternity William Griffith, vice president Council (IFC) and member of the for student affairs, to members of committee. "There will be some the committee. teeth in it," he said. "We don't want the freshmen Any freshman, male or female, to necessarily become dependent found in attendance at a party on the fraternities for their social will lose all rush priviliges for life," Semans said. this year. Fraternities would be JIM JEFFERS/THE CHRONICLE The setting of fraternities is a subjected to additional punish­ "fairly high-pressured social ment that would be determined The thinker situation," said Suzanne by the IFC judicial board, Glazer To serve, to protect, to defend, ... to sleep. Wasiolek, dean for student life." said. "The two-week period will give See ALCOHOL on page 21 • Cannibals to perform Orientation confronts discrimination in Cameron Sept. 27 Angelou challenges freshmen By LIZ MORGAN From staff reports camp out for tickets. as a poet, educator, author, play­ wright, actress and civil rights The English rock band Fine Members of the Major At­ Singing, reciting poetry and of­ activist. She is also a professor of Young Cannibals will perform tractions committee will begin fering words of advice and en­ American studies at Wake Forest in Cameron Indoor Stadium to hand out numbers at 6 a.m. couragement, one of America's University. September 27. on the first day of ticket sales. foremost contemporary writers The concert, sponsored by Many of the floor and addressed new students and Although she stood at a po­ dium in the front of the Chapel, the Major Attractions commit­ bleacher seats for the concert others last night at Duke Chapel. Angelou turned frequenlty to tee of the University Union, will be sold at Page. No ID is She challenged freshmen in the speak to members of the audi­ also features Neneh Cherry. necessary to purchase tickets. standing-room-only crowd to ence seated behind her and to Tickets for the concert will Fine Young Cannibals, led prepare themselves as the guard­ SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE each side. "You have begun the by singer/actor Roland Gift, ians of the future by drawing on be sold at Page Box Office and perilous journey" of eradicating Maya Angelou is touring to support their for­ the richness of human experi­ all Ticketron locations on Au­ ignorance, she said. "Education prose, she added, "She does not mer number one album "The ence. gust 31 at 9 a.m. The tickets can help. It will not do all the know her beauty/She thinks her Raw and the Cooked." "The responsibility on you is to will cost $18.50 each. work, but it can be a tool to help brown body has no glory/If she Also, contrary to an earlier earn your freedom from igno­ At Page, first day ticket you be free." could dance naked under the sales will be on a cash basis report, there are 800 tickets rance so that you can go out and At the start of her speech, An­ palm trees and see her image in only. There will be a six ticket available for The Cure con­ earn the freedom of someone who gelou alternately sang and a river / She would know." limit. Ticket buyers may not cert. is to come," said Maya Angelou, who is known around the world recited poetry by black Ameri­ Later, she told the students cans. She sang choruses of "I'm the song "is a song I would like to gonna run on, see what the end is give you for the next few years. Inside gonna be." Then, speaking in See ANGELOU on page 20 • Sporting life: Is there any outside Wallace Wade? Find Workshops inspire debate out about volleyball, cross­ country, field hockey, and more in the Fall Sports By LEIGH DYER West Campus. Freshman advi­ Preview. First-year students had the op­ sory counselors (FACs) and resi­ portunity to discuss racism and dent advisors (RAs) from first- Weather multicultural equality Sunday year dorms also attended the dis­ night as part of the focus during cussions, and faculty members Drop/Add: Get psyched. orientation on "Duke's Vision." served as discussion leaders. Bring umbrellas. 30 percent After attending a speech in The groups discussed the chance of rain in the second- Duke Chapel by Maya Angelou, themes of Angelou's speech and biggest line at Duke tomor­ Reynolds professor of American related them to the broader prin­ row. Same today, as if you'd studies at Wake Forest Universi­ ciples outlined in "Duke's notice in those classes you're ty, first-year students broke up Vision," a pamphlet published by about to get rid of. Highs in JIM FLOWERS/THE CHRONICLE into their 100-200 member living the Office of Residential Life upper 80s both days. Mandatory discrimination workshops were held after Maya An­ groups and attended discussion which is "intended to increase gelou spoke Sunday evening in the Duke Chapel. sessions at locations around See WORKSHOPS on page 22 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, AUGUST 28,1989 World & National Newsfile Private rocket launches from Cape Canaveral Associated Press By WILLIAM BROAD N.Y. Times News Service The office, which regulates the new Contras march: Thousands of Con­ fleet of commercial rockets, expects six tra soldiers, disgusted by weak and un­ A privately-owned rocket on Sunday more private launchings to take place this certain U.S. support, are preparing to fired a payload into orbit for the first time year. It says a total of 27 additional defy a regional peace accord and march in the history of the space age. launchings are now scheduled through back into Nicaragua. The 11-story Delta rocket, built and 1993. The space office weighs mission launched by the McDonnell Douglas safety, sets insurance standards, and is­ Walesa issues warning: Soli­ Space Systems Co., of Huntington Beach, sues licenses to companies for private darity leader Lech Walesa said Sunday Calif., roared off a launching pad at Cape launchings. that the nation's historic political and Canaveral, Fla., at 6:59 p.m., carrying The new fleet will compete against economic reforms will collapse unless into space a television broadcasting satel­ Arianespace, a consortium based in Poles' living standards improve within lite for a British company. France owned by the 11 Western Euro­ six months to a year. Although private companies have previ­ pean governments that make up the Eu­ ously sent small rockets on suborbital ropean Space Agency, and that now Debt will increase: Major Third flights, the launching on Sunday was the dominates the launching of commercial first in which a privately owned rocket satellites. World countries are expected to fall was big enough to boost a payload into an nearly another $5 billion behind in in­ "This is a proud milestone for McDon­ earth orbit. terest payments to U.S. and other nell Douglas and yet another positive step banks this year. In contrast to this commercial advance, in the nation's return to space preemi­ the thousands of other satellites put into nence," Carl Dorrenbacher, president of orbit since the Soviet Union ushered in McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Co., a Cuban minister accused: wit­ the space age with its launching of Sput­ subsidiary of the McDonnell Douglas nesses at the military trial of a former nik in 1957 have all been launched by Corp., said in a statement. UPI PHOTO Cuban interior minister indicated he government agencies or government- The building of private rockets, a goal NASA's monopoly on U.S. space flight abused power, stole government owned companies in the United States, long pursued by many small American money and had illegal weapons, ac­ was broken Sunday. Europe, India, Japan, China, and the So­ companies, picked up speed when Presi­ cording to a Cuban news report. viet Union. dent Ronald Reagan ordered most com­ Major American rocket companies, in­ "This is the beginning of a whole new mercial payloads off the nation's fleet of cluding the General Dynamics Corp., Newton remembered: Thou­ era in space for America," said Stephanie space shuttles after the space shuttle McDonnell Douglas, and the Martin sands of friends and admirers of Huey Lee-Miller, director of the Transportation Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff Marietta Corp., were quick to respond. Newton lined up for three blocks out­ Department's commercial space office in on Jan. 28, 1986, killing the seven crew They founded groups to commercially side a funeral home Sunday to pay Washington. "We're now aggressively members. market their rockets, which previously their respects to the slain Black Pan­ entering the world competition to launch Reagan's action instantly created a had been sold exclusively to the govern­ ther Party founder.
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