4314 CONGRESSIONAL R.EOORD-SENATE. M ARCH 1_, By 1\fr. BURTON· of Delaware: Petition or' the Legion of the SENATE. Red Cross, Grand Council of Delaware, against the bill to codify the statutes relating to the classification of second-class FRIDAY, March 1,1907. mail matter (bill H . R. 608)-to the Committee on the Post­ 'l'he Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. Office and Post-Roads. By l\!r. DAWSON : Petition of the Iowa State Retail Mer­ Prayer IJy the Chaplain, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE. chants' Association, for the Dixon bill (H. R. 3000), etc,-:-to The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of :yesterday's the Committee on the Post-Offiee and Post-Roads. proceeding , when, on request of l\lr. GALLINGER, and by unani­ By 1\fr. ESCH: Petition of t11e Wisconsin Retail Lumber mous consent, the further reading was dispen ed wi tb. Dealers' As ociation, for reciprocal demurrage by railways-. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands approYed. to the Committee on Inter-·tate and Foreign Commerce. BOOKKEEPING IN TREASURY DEPARTMENT. By ~1r. FITZGERALD: Petition of the Trades League of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Philadelphia, for bill S. G023, for reduction of first-class post­ tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, requesting that an ap­ age-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. propriation of $7,000 be made to provide for a change in the By 1\'Ir. FRENCH : Petition of the Pocatello Commercial methods of bookkeeping in the Treasury Department; whicil Club, of Idaho, for bill carrying an a11propriation for the rec­ was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered lamation of lands of Fort Hill Indian Reservation and lands to be printed. south of the same-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Also, papers to be filed witil bill II. R. 24.325-to the Commit­ INDIAN AND FREEDMEN ENROLLMENT CASES. t ee on .tile Post-Office and Post-Roads. The VICE - PRESIDE~"'T laid before the Senate a communica­ By l'Hr. GOULDEN: PetHion of .Max J . Levy, of Nen· York tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in re­ City, against any legislation to deprive once naturalized citizens sponse to a resolution of the 28th ultimo, a statement with re­ of the United States of citizen hip after they may haye lived spect to the number of Indian and freedmen enrollment cases · abroad for five years (H. n. 24122)-to tile Committee on For­ pending before· the Commis ioner to the Five Civiljzetl Tribes, eign Affairs. the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on reyiew from said Com­ By 1\lr. GRAHAl\I: Petition of H. Klingensmith, of Pittsburg, missioner, and tile office of. the Secretary on reyiew February Pa., repre enting 400 -railway telegraph· operators, for the 1\Iur­ 2i3, 1007, etc. ; which, with the accompanying papers, was re­ pily nine-hour-day bill-to the Committee on Labor. ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be Also, petition of r. H . McKenna, for an appropriation to test printed. the ntlue of tile electric signagrapil as a railway safety deyice­ SCHEDULE OF CLAL\IS .. to tbe Committee on Interstate and ]!'oreign Commerce. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before tile Senate a communica­ By l\Ir. HEFLIN : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Wil­ tion from the Secretqry of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ liam N. Gladney-to the Committee on Claims. Rponse to a resolution of this date, a schedule of·au claims al­ By 1\.ir. JENKINS: Petition of 55 citizens of Pierce County, lowed IJy the accounting officers of the Tteasury under appro: .Wis., to amend the free-alcohol bill- to the Committee on Ways priations, the balances of wilich have been exhausted or carried and 1\leans. to tile surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the act By 1\fr. -fcNARY: Petitions of W. J . Cassidy, president of the of ·June 20, 1874, etc. ; which, with the accompanying papers, Leitrim . County CluiJ, and C. F . Forrester, president of the was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered Connty Dublin Association, of Boston, Mass., fa ;~ oring bill H. R. to be printed. 21511-to the Committee on Claims. Also, petition of Jeremiah J. Carroll, David J. :Moynihan. JUDG~ENT BY CIRCUIT COL"'RT OF ALABAMA. Lawrence H. Sullinm, and other citizens of Boston, in aid of . '.file VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ bill for relief of Jo eph l\fanning (H. R. 2151) - to the Commit­ tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ tee on Claims. sponse to a re olution of this date, the record o:f a judgment By !IIr. NEEDHA..l\1 : Petition of F . G. Baker, for such legis­ rendered against the United States· by the circuit court of the lation as shall secure an intelligent understanding of the ship­ United States for the middle district of Alauama under the act .ping articles of seamen on whaling yessels-to- the Committee of lllarch 3, 1887, as submitted by the Attorney-General, $247.8G; on the l\lercbant l\farine and Fisheries. wllkll, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ . By l\lr. RUPPERT: Petition of the Trades League of Phila­ mittee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. delphia. Pa., for the Penrose bill (S. G023)-to the Committee LISTS OF JUDGl\IEXTS. on the E'ost-Office and Post-Roads. By 1\Ir. RYAN: Petition of the Trades League of Philadelphia, Tile VICE-PRESIDENT laid before tile Senate a communica­ Pa., for bill S. G923 (reduction of first-class postage) - to the tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, h'ansmitting, in re­ Committee on the Post-Office an<l Post-Roads. Rponse to a resolution of this date. lists of juugments rendered By· Mr. SIIER.l\fAN : Petitions of Oriskany Falls Legion, No. by the Court of Claims, amounting to $201,044.G8, which have· 170; Lafargeville Legion, No. 1590, and East Utica Legion, No. not been heretofore presentetl to Congress; which, with the ric­ 7GO, against the bill to amend and codify the statutes relating companying papers, was referred to the Committee on Appro­ priations, and orderec~ to be printed. to the. classification of second-class mail matter-to the Com­ mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Il'\DIAN DEPREDATION CLAl:\IS. By 1\lr. SULZER; Petition of the '.frades League of Phila­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ delphia, for bill S. 6923, as a first step for adoption of a 1-cent tion from th~ Secretary of the Treasm·y, transmitting, in re­ letter postage-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post- · sponse to a re ·olution of this date, a list of judgments rendered Roads. by the Court of Claims in fayor of claimants in Indian dopreda­ Also, petition of Linn S. Judd and other citizens of New tion cases, amounting to $55,200, as submitted by the Attorney­ York City, for passage of tile Appalachian and White Mountain General; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred forest-resene bill- to the Committee on Agriculture. to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. By 1\Ir. W .A.DSWORTII : Petitions of_ members of the Pres­ byterian Church of Geneseo and citizens of Genesee County, N. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Y .. for the Littlefield bill-to the Committee on the Judiciary. A message from the Hou e of Repre entatives, by Mr. "r: J. By 1\lr. WEEKS: Petition of " :-inslow Brothers & Smith, of BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced tllat the House had . Norwood, .Mass .. for amendment to the free-alcohol bill-to the pas ed the following bills and joint resolution : Committee on Ways and Means. S. 4!)G-1 . .An act for the relief of Thomas F . w·alter; By fr. WEISSE : Paper to accompany bill ( S. 7238) for re­ S. 5363. An act to appoint Joseph Y. Porter a lieutenant-colo­ lief of Dr. James Carroll-to the Committee on 1\filitary.A.ffairs. nel and deputy surgeon-general, and to place him on the retired Also, petition of the United Commercial Travelers of America, list of the Army ; for the Sherman mileage rate bill-to the Committee on Inter­ S. 56GO. An act for the relief of Capt. 'VilliaJ.U N. Hughes ; .state and Foreign Commerce. S. 5869. An act for the relief of Larvan Gordon; Also, petition of Goethe Lodge, No. 112, Independent Order of S. 6134. An act proYiding for the conveyance to the State of Odd Fellows, of Fond du Lac, Wis., against the Littlefield bill­ North Dakota of certain h·acts of land for t he use and benefit to the Committee o:p the Judiciary. of the North Dakota State H istor ical Society; By 1\Ir. WOOD: Petition of Delaware Tribe, No. 184, Im­ S. G729. An act authorizing the P resident to appoint Webb C. proYed Order of·Red l\len, of Trenton, N. J . ; Assanpink Lodge, l\laglathlin a second assistant engineer in the Reyenue-Cutter No. 16, Improved Order of Red l\len, and the Ludentafel Singing Service; Society, against bill H. R. 13655 (the Littlefield bill)-to the S. 7550. An act for the relief of Harry A. Young; Comuaittee.on t he Judiciary. S. 8427. An act to annul certain titles to land acqu ired by ju- 1907. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4315 tlkial proceedings in tlle court of the United States in Texas, II. R.
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