THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 62, _ MILITARY .A.ItEA N-0.18 (INVEROARGILL)-~ 609813 Findlay, Walter Alexander; school-teacher, Pnkearuhe Rural 596766 Graham, David William, farmer; Waikaka. Delivery, Waitara. · 573094 Graham, Harry, bacon'curer, Great North: Rd., Winton. 552386 Fw.l11yson, Peter William, farm-manager, Crookston Rural 492060 Graham, John· Taylor, garage-manager, 123 Chelmsford St; Delivery, Heriot. 582069 Grant, John Adam, farming -contractor,·. Tramway Rd., 5523S7 Finn, J01!6ph Edward, surfaceman, RiversdaJe. Winton. · · 534106 Finnerty, Fergus, dairy-farmer, Timpanys Otara Rural 627112 Grant, John James, labourer, Annan St._, Nightcaps. Delivery, Section 8. 627288 Grant, Ronald Thomas, farm·hand, Waiwera South. 503988 Finnie, Thoma.<r Wilfed, railway clerk, Thombury, Southland. 576619 Gray; Alexander Haugh, labourer, 74 Don St. 572461 Fischer, Frank Fredrick, electlicia.n; 36 St; Andrew St. 576645 Gr... y, -Francis Joseph, draper, ·Coloru;ay St., Lawrepcce. 605036 Fleming, James Alexander, farmer, RuraiDelivery, Waikaka. 627731 Gray, John Colin, general la·bourer, Beach St., Queen~town. 5026ll'5 Fleming, James Cuthbert Rewcamole, accountant, 173 460620 Gray;· William Edward; linen-flax worker, Linen-flax Mill, Catheline St. - Clydevaliv : · · , · · 551816 Fleming, John Redmond, labourer, care of Public Works 556jl58 Green, Francis Absolum, carpenter, High St., Rosedale. Department, Waipahi. ~ - · 529569 Green, Joseph Allen, -eompany-mahager, Liverpool St., 562435 Fleming, John Vincent, farm labourer, Heriot, Rivei'sdale, Southland. 574172 Fletcher, Leslie Robert, labourer, Rakiura Pile., Otatara. 559800 Greenfield, Cedric Garth, sawmiller,Waiwera South, 504228 Fletcher, William, hardware salesman, 11 Tweed St. 570016 Greenwood, Eric John, grocer, 35 Blackwater St.;Bluff, · 493248 Fleury, James Henry, exchange clerk, Paisley St., Balclutha. 566600 Greer; ,Robert, billiard-saloon proprietor, River St., Mataur.... 281002 Forbes, William Dunca.n, nurseryma.n labourer, 60 Broughton 567270 Grey, Arthur Herbert, engine-driver; Fairfax. St., Gore. 627177 Grimwood, Graham Robert, grocer's assis);a,nt, Prince St.; 536880 Ford, Alfred George, clerk, corner of Bamborough Rd. and Winton.· · · James St. · 627290 Groves, Norrie Ivan, farm hand, care of H. Groves, Kinloch, 551360 Ford, Patrick ·William, labourer, 50 Elles· Rd, Lake Wakatipu, 626956 Forde, Thomas Eric, exchange clerk,· care of T, K. Clarke, 591530 Guise, Frank, bank officer, South Riverton. Redan St., Wyndham. ·491463 Gunn, Hector Neyyne, insurance officer, 371 Tay St. _ 517593 Fordyce, Thomas, care of Police-station, Bluff, Southla.nd. 591522 Gntschlag, Alexander William, lorry-driver,- 17 Mary St., 590157 Forrester, James Robert, baker, Eddystone· St., Kaitangata. · Gore. 11.54389 Foster, Edward .John, shop-assistant, Taieri Mouth. 559046 Gntsohlag,'George Philip; lori:y-driver, 17 Mary St., Gore. 554361 FIJster,. Eric Stephen, butcher, 66 Chelmsford St. 626701 H1tggerty, Cyril Albert, butcher, 185 Pomona St._ 521817 Foster, Geoffrey Charles, fireman (N.Z.R.), Tahakopa, South . 535799 Hainsworth, Jack, farmer, Rive:rsda,le Orchard, Ettrick. ,Ots;go. 482701 Hale, Ivor John, miner, Bridport St., Kaitangata. 626299 Foster, Raymond Robert, P. and T. employee, 59 O'Hara 468088 Hall, Joseph Henry Alexander, porter (N.Z.R._h Railway St. · · House B501; Stirling. · · 594556 Fowle, Eric Edward, farmer, Clifden Rural Delivery, Tuata­ -466568 Hamilton, James Alexander, stevedore, 102 Foyle St., Bluff. pere. :505875 Hamilton, Nomi,,,n Thomas, sohoolcteacher, Osborne St., - 507670 Fowler, Leslie John, winch-driver, Nightcaps, ' · Riverton. · 497427 Fowler, Merton Trevor, compositor, No. I Alderson Flats, :614349 Hammond, Francis Arthur, labourer, care ·of-Downer and Liffey St. · , Co., Homer Tunnel .. ...601812 Fox, Francis William, french polisher, 13 Centre St. '589530 Hanoox, John Thomas, dairy-farmer; Post-office, Tisbury.· 537476 Francis, Anthony George, taxi-driver, 54 Elles Rd. South. 517382 Hand, John, labourer, care ofMcElrea Bros., Kiness, Milton. 537&03 Fraser, Benjamin Bradley,· assurance superintendent, 151 ,506088 Hand, Roland Thomas David, carpenter, care of Mitchell Layard St. and Sons, Clydevale. 593905 Fraser,- Gordon William, truck-driver; Charlton Rd., Gore. '622334 Hankey, James, labourer, Benhar, South Otago. 599090 Fraser, Leonard Francis, farmer, Balfour-Glenure Rural :505747 Hannah, Allan, farmer, Tussock Creek, Glencoe Rural Delivery, Balfour. · Delivery. _ 574312 Fraser;-Robert John, surfaceman (N.Z.R.), Kapuka, South; 627169 Hannah, Maurice, stable hand, Kana St., Matanra, land. 49308jl Hanrahan, Thomas ·Lancelot, exchange clerk (P. and T.), 626586 French, Allan John, butcher's assistant, Lawrence. Frimkton·Rd., Queenstown. · 586801 Fretwell, Leonard Lonsdale Reid, labourer and storeman, ·626755 Hansen, Mervyn Douglas, -woollen-millll employee, Caldonan · 17 Coronation St. _ St., Balclutha. 596584 ·Fricker, Thomas William, shepherd,.Waiwera South. :549719 llanaen, Ronald Robert-Christian, operator-fitter, Momiwai;:, 490945 Frisken, George Fergusson, tractor-driver, Drummond. '. Tuatapere. _ . 506943 Frobarth, George Duncan, woodwork machinist,- 69 Chap- ,545713 Hardie, John Alexandra, freezing.:Workt!employee, 239 Foyle man St. ' - - St., Bluff. 531697 Frye, Alfred Basil, coalman (N.Z.R.), :i:.a,nark St., Balchi.tha. 557184 Harding, Richard John, ooal-min0r, Ohai. 627342 ·Fyffe, Leslie John, cadet (N.Z.R.), 90 Princes St. '595078 Harding, William, bushman, .Stuart's Post-o:(lioe; Catlins 572654 Gabites, Leslie George Arthur, dairy-farmer, Waianiwa. Branch. - __ _ _, 626142 Gale, ,Douglas Vemard, grocery assistant, Weymouth St., 468091 Hardy, David Christopher, clerk,. 25 Eccles St., Gore. Kaitangata. · 540619 Hargest, Stanley John, farmer, Charlton, Gore. 474256 Gallagher, James William Robert, clerk, 24Eccles St., Gore. 517871 Hargreaves, Edward Watson, draperysbnyer, ·92 Duke St. 572664· Ga,lt; Ian Stanley, cheesemaker, Waianiwa. 541734 Harper, James Edward, sawmill hand, Tuata.pere. -. 572678 Galt; John Gifford, fa'rI!ler, Hokonui, Winton, Otapiri Rural 563695 Hartington, Crawford, Allen, company-manager; Rye St., Delivery._ Otautau. ·. 528175 Ga,rden, Alexander· Noel James; school-teacher, care of 505'754 Harris, James Howell,.sheep-farmer, Emmasva!F, Clinton. Southland Education Board, McNab. 544790 Harris, Wiiliam John, 286 Nelson St; 610503 Gardner, Sydney Lee, butoher, Clyde St.; Balcmtha. 544789 Harrison, Cecil, farmPr, Owaka, Clntha, _ 536409 Gawn, Valentine William, motor mechanic, 152 St. Andrew 470625 Hart, Fredrick Gilbert, gold-miner, Colao Bay, Southland. St. 513107 Harvey, Albert James, gardener, Galway. St. - 515008 Gee, John James, stock agent, 1 Robertson St. 582400 Harvey, Charles Henry, bushman, Tokanui, Rural Delivery, 5116024 Gerken, Eric Charles Maxwell, dairy-farmer, Knapdale Rural Haldane. Delivery, Gor<,, · 627591 Harvey, Thomas Henry Allan, farm labourer, Brooklands, 556504 Gibb, Eric Rewa Edwin, bricklayer, 352 Tay St. - · Milton.- ,' ·_ . , 547125 -Gilchrist, George, paper-mill employee, Burns St., Matanra. 399379 Harvey, Walter James Henry, labo:urer, Alton, Tuatapere. 479031 Gill, .Erie Walter Hogarth-, storeman, 117 Venus St. 520885 Hasler, Cyril Frederick, motor mech.ailio, Argyle St. North, 495850 Gill, John, Magnus, machini"t, Pukearnhe, Otapm Rural · · Balclutha. _ . Delivery. · · •564733 Hassed, James McIntosh, mach}nist, care of lG)keUy B,os., - 587884 Gillan, Charles Roy, baker, .Ellia Rd., Otantau. Otaut$.u•Blackmount Rural Delivery. _ _ 567831 Giller, Thomas Edmund, farmer, Mossburn, Southland. 627730 Hastings, David Ronald, student, Crown Hotel, Clyde. St., 525989 Gilmour, Douglas Montgomery, joiner, 67 Leet. St. Balelutba. · . 588740 -Girvan, William James, farmeP, Lawrence Rural Delivery. ·503806 Hastings, Walter, motor mechanic, WQodlands. 600186 Glynn, Thomas William, farmer, Blaokmonnt, Ota.utan ·622120 1Iatton, Robert John, coal-mi~. Chelml!f'oi:d St. _ . Rural Delivery. ' 521047 Ha11gh, La:ucelot Alexander J~mes, sheph,rd,Waim-.:iinn Rd.; 51Sl12 Golden, Charles, farmer, Seo. 5, InveroargHl-Otara Rural Mataura. · - Delivery, . 500719 Hawes, Robert George, freezing-worker, GreenhiUs.. 507511> -Goldsworthy; John Remy,. oysterman, (5 Henderson ·st., '522370 Haydon, Clifford Henry Richens, labourer; 87 Lom _St., Bluff. Richmond Grove. 486.782 Gone, Anthony John, tr&nsport operator, Dover St., Orepuki._ 506543 Hayes, Carl Thomas, sawmill hand, Stuarts, Catlins, 598387 Goodall, Reginald W1tlter, storekeeper, Orawia. · 522567 Hayes, David, labourer, Mak11>Iewa, Southland. 564625 Goomes; Cedric, waterside· worker, 246 Marine Pde., Bluff. 498712 Hayes, George Lightford, wool-scourer, -Tokoiti Rd., Milto:11, 530564 Gordon, Charles James, brickmaker, Main St., Gmre. 5223_67 Hayes, John Joseph, carpenter, Woodlands._ 5587ti7 Go11doo, :Erie Jal'.MS; e&lesman, 8t Sel'wyn St. · 601748 Haywood, Hector George, farmer, Invercargill-Ohai Rural 492648 Gordon, Hector Donald Munro, company-malllllger, 93 Isling- Delivery. ._ . _ ton St. · · .. 579457 Haywood, Herbert James, farmer, Section 4, Wright's Bmih, 531713 Gordon, Ian &l'll6tt, clerk (N.Z.R. ), e&re of New Zealand ._ Railway.., WintoR, · · .. Rural Delivery, Gladfield . 930533 Gorton, Maurice Arthur, lorry-driver, King St., Tuatapere. 552822 Haywood, Howard William Earnest, labourer, 7 Galway St:; 529069 Gott, Frederick William, farmer,. Rom&lul.pa, South Otago. Waikiwi. 550470 Gourley, Alexander, paper-mill baler, 179 Kana St., ·568054 Hazlett, Herbert Robert Seaward, carrier, l'tfyross :Bush, Mataura. Southla.nd. .
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