Romance Languages 555 X. ROMANSH STUDIES By KENNETH H. RoGERS, University ofRhode Island (This survey covers the years 1990 and 1991) I. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND GENERAL Giovan Battista Pellegrini, La genesi del retoroman;:;o (o ladino) (ZRP, Beiheft 238), Tiibingen, Niemeyer, 71 pp., again takes up the theme of his article 'The sociolinguistic position of central Rhaeto-Romance (Ladin)', RPh; 40, rg87:287-300, to trace in detail the history of the positing of the unity of Rheto-Romance. P. castigates ( r) Romance scholars who have not fully read or understood the works of Salvioni or Battisti (2) those put off by a perceived Italian nationalist bias in Battisti's denial of RR unity (3) Dolomitic Ladin nationalists and teachers who advocate autonomy on spurious linguistic grounds, and (4) politicians who yielded to these nationalists by creating autono­ mous regions. While conceding that the Sella dialects constitute a special group of 'periferal and archaic' survivals (p. 47), P. again affirms his denial ofRR unity and of the status ofLadin separate from northern Italian dialects. P. returns to this theme in 'Qualche considerazione sui "reto-romanzo" ', Linguistica (Ljubljana), 3 r: 33 r- 39· C. K. Kamprath, 'Rheto-Romance', Comparative Romance Linguis­ tics Newsletter, 40:49-52. K. Widmer, *'Publicaziuns rg8g: Tscherna bibliografica', Annalas de la Societa Retorumantscha, r 03, r ggo: r 93-98. 2. LANGUAGE GENERAL. P. Beninca, 'La variazione linguistica del Friuli e Ia linguistica romanza: Ia posizione del friulano occidentale', Cefastu?, 66, r ggo: 2 r 9-32, asserts that, in most respects, phonological and morphosyntactic differences within Friulan are surface distinctions, and that Friulan as a whole is characterized by features, such as obligatory pronoun subjects in verbs, which characterize northern Italian and even French, but which do not always characterize Dolomitic Ladin. P. Swiggers, 'Su alcuni principi della grammatico­ grafia latino-volgare: i frammenti grammaticali latino-friulani', Lin­ guistica (Ljubljana), 3 r: 325-29, deals with some theoretical linguis­ tics insights as seen in 14th-century pedagogical treatises. A. Widmer, *'II romontsch alia Scola Claustrala de Muster', Annalas de la Societa Retorumantscha, 103, rggo: 23-28. L. Vanelli, *'Le varieta friulane occidentali: tra conservazione e innovazione', Ce fastu?, 66, rggo:233-55. 556 Romansh Studies PHONOLOGY. J. I. Hualde, *'Compensatory lengthening in Friulian', Probus, 2, Iggo: 3 I-46. MORPHOSYNTAX. I. Winzap, *'Aspects e problems dalla conjuga­ ziun dils verbs romontschs sursilvans', Anna/as de Ia Societa Reto­ rumantscha, I03, Iggo: 29-41. LEXIS. Two important dictionaries of Swiss Rheto-Romance varieties deserve mention, both by Theodor Ebneter, Worterbuch der Verben des gesprochenen Surselvischen ( Oberlandischen), Tubingen, Niemeyer, xiv + I8g pp., and Worterbuch der Verben des gesprochenen Unterengadinischen, Tubingen, Niemeyer, xv + I83 pp. E. gives Ger­ man translations for the verbs and provides usage samples, also with translations; unfortunately, no morphophonological information, such as inflectional peculiarities or variants, is included. And the I I 4th fascicule of the * Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun has appeared, containing the articles from inculpar to indrizzar. G. Taggart, * Dic­ ziunari dal vocabulari .fond.amental: /Qt1Izantsch ladin valla¢er-.frances et .frances-rumantsch ladin vallader/ Dictionnaire du vocabulaire ~fondamental: Romanche ladin vallader-.franr;ais et .franr;ais-romanche ladin vallader, Chur, Lia Rumantscha, Iggo. ONOMASTICS. W. Dahmen, *'La recherche onomastique dans les Grisons', Dictionnaire historique des noms de famille romans, ed. D. Kremer, Tubingen, Niemeyer, Iggo, pp. 29-31. G. Fran, *'Antro­ ponimia friulana', ib., 4o-45. J. Kramer, *'I nomi di persona in Alto Adige fra italiano e tedesco', ib., 32-39: C. Marcato, *'11 castella, il borgo, il territorio di Strassoldo attrav~rso lo studio degli elementi toponomastici', Cefastu?, 66, Iggo: I7-33· SOCIOLINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGES IN CONTACT. K. Holker, 'Peut­ on sauver le romanche des Grisons? Developpement et avenir du rumantsch grischun', RLaR, 94, Iggo:g7-I Ig, summarizes the current fragile status ofRomansh in the Grisons canton, past efforts at creating a unified language, and the current proposal by the Zurich Romance scholar Heinrich Schmid. H. enumerates the principles which guided Schmid in his language corpus planning, noting S.'s use of the Sursilvan and Vallader varieties as the basis for the 'Fusion­ sprache' and of the Surmiran variety as arbiter where Sursilvan and Vallader disagree. H.'s comparison of preservation attempts in Romansh with those in Norwegian lead him to a guarded prognosis concerning the fate of the former. 0. Gsell, 'Die Kirchen und die romanischen Minderheiten von Graubunden his Friaul', in Die romanischen Sprachen und die Kirchen: Romanistisches Kolloquium III, ed. W. Dahmen et al., Tubingen, Narr, Iggo, pp. I25-43· W. Dahmen, '"Romontsch sursilvan da messa- Romontsch sursilvan da priedi": Zur Herausbildung und Entwicklung zweier Orthographiesysteme im Surselvischen', ib., I45-71. M. Betz, *'Das Riitoromanische .
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