•t, THE VOL. XII NO. 28 SUMMIT,', N. j; SATUBDAY8 . MAT 4, 1901 $1.50 FEE TEAR Fraulin Halstein left on Tuesday for GONE TO THI GEIAT BEYOND HAMILTON W. MABIE HONORED. ANENT HAILROAD CHANGES SCHOOL MONIES NEEDED. LOCAL NEWS N01ES Californiar Mr. William Ornger Oushman sailed Tne Angel of. Deati Makes Visits- Dinner Given at the University Club, What is Being Done by Influential' Board of School Estimate Hal Decided DAY-MAY 1 for Europe this, week. N, Y,, to Our Esteemed Townsman, s ... •• tioiis la Summit this Week Citizeni-Oonsidering Proposition ; Upon Amount of Appropriations. Mr. Sydney G. Stevens returned to- On Monday night, April SB, a din- The Board of Estimate of the Sumiijit MIlS. SOPHIA WOODRUFF RISK, Stiort Accounts of the Week's day to Lynohbiirg, Va. ner was given at the University Regarding the property on the Boule- Public Schools mat on Tuesday evening. Miss Ida Holt of New York is the Mrs, Sophia Woodruff Risk, wife of Club, Now York in honor of vard heretofore acquired by the Rail- The members of that board are Messrs. A Large Number of our News Happenings gueit of Misi Libby this wiik, Dr. William H, Risk, died on Monday Mr, Hamilton W, Mabie, Lt.D., of road Company, it is definitely known Ohttuibirlin and Williams of the Board noon at her risldenoe on Springfield this oity, as a fitting tistimoniftl in that the Hailroad Company has come of Education and Messrs, Buckley and Miss Matilda Janeway was the guest to some arrangement with Mr. Bonnel THE NATIONAL QAMB. mer Residents Here thii week of Miss Olive Whittredge. recognition of the completion an^ pub- Sayre of the Common Council, .to- Mrs, Bisk-bad been-confined to her lication of his works on Shakespeare for the purchase of oirtain property in Mr. Philip Holt and fttmily have taken A paw Notes Which night Interest gether with the Mayor and seot'y. of the home for the past thirteen years suffer- and bis recent appointment to the the vicinity of the present station, pro- WITHIN THE CITY'S LIMITS a cottage on Oak Ridgi for the annimer. Baseball Lovers, Board of Education. The Board con- ing from a spinal affection, but bad Trumbull lectureship at Johns Hopkins vided, however, that th§ lapd on the sidered carefully the estimati of the AN INCREASE EYERY YEAR The May term of the Union county only biin in bid two weeks prior to her University, Boulevard shall be taken off the bandit The opining baseball game of the Board of Education 0,8 to the amount of the Railroad Company at coit. Seve- court will open at Elizabeth on Tnesday diath, Mrs, Risk was flfty-ei(|ht years About 100 men weri.present embrac- isason at Springflild, between the local deemed necessary for current expenses ral of the gentlemen living in that Brief Readable Items and W.orthy next. of oge, and was a daughter of the late ing a most representative gathering. At team and the Hilton' F. Q, was a fine for the ensuing year, and it was nnani- vicinity have been much interested in As the Fame and Popularity of Sum- Mrs. Theo. 0. Dunn was the guest QeorRi B, Woodruff of East Orange, the guest's table were/'Mark Twain, R. exhibition, the game being close and monsly adopted as follows; the matter, and are at work upon .a ,..,_,. of.Jwyjbqdy'a .Attention jand this week of Mrs, George H; Hodenpyl and a • cousin of 'assistant; Postmaster' W; Gilder, Prof. W.N, Slonne. Horace .interesting for seven,innings, with the' .mit Spreads ^Our-: Population, scheme for the incorporation of a com- Sohool supplies; (000; futl, fBOO; kin- on Hobart avinne. General William M, Johnson of Haeken- White, Brander Matthers, W. D. score 2 to 1 in favor of Hilton, ' Then Consideration Found Here pany whiqh shall purchase the property dergarten, |oO; incidentals, (700-, bonds Steadily Advances The engiigeuient has been, announced sack. Howell, Hon. O, S< Fairohild, James the Springfield boys found the horse- A. J. Lane of the Record, spent sev in question. Some snb;briptions have and intirsst, (1,800; teacher's salaries, of Miss Ella Johnson to Mr, Courtlandt Dr, Risk, as is well known, had b§§n Lane Allen, Dr. W. S; Rainsford, Dr. hide for enough safe hits to tally six Tho first of May was greeted with §ral dayi this week at'AHomtmOity;. already been received and... it. is , hoped (9,000; manual training, J250; janitors, Bettsof Morristown. •-••?••">•• ••*-•-'• - lyingat death's door for several weeks, J.Hi Canfield,-Jacob F.MilUw, Judge runs and capture the contest by a score clouds aud dropping of, rain which that a sufficient sum will soon be ob- (l.OQO; seorefarjviSBO; beoki, (COO; re- Tin Y. M. 0. A, bicycle club of but had only just begun tp show signs Horace Rnssell, B, 0, Stedmari, Prof, of 7 to 3. Card, Troxtll and Corby, dampened the spirits of the nniiierons Mr, and Mrs, P. HarwOod Vernoja_and tained to warrant these gentlemen in pairs, $1,000; insurance, 100; apparatus, Elizabeth^.willniake, a run to Summit, of recovery. It is believed that her A, H, Morton, Dr. Van Dyke was players who are known to Summit, hoiisoholdei's who were compelled to family have retnmed to their houii on Bdeepting the Railroad Company's |100; desks, (500; water, lias-rent, fSOO; on the ifth inst. '•"••••' husband's critical illness so affected ber toast master and presided in a most played Biooad base, left Held and cin- olmngo their pliices of roiidiiico on Few England avenue, ' proposition. It would certainly b§ a total, (17,083, ' ' Miss Elsie Baker of Vniiar College, that. it hastened the death of his be- felicitous manner. Summit was rapre- tre field, respectively, for Sprinfffiild, 1 that day. But notwithstanding - the Miss Effie and Miss Ollv§ Whittredge great detriment to • property in that This is an inuriaii of p. SO.) over that •pent last Sunday with Miss Mnohmore, loved wife. sen ted by Messrs. William • J. Cnrtis, and (Juris of the New Providence iijht rain tho moving went forward in neighborhood, as Will as several block] of last year and it is reqiiirid to nioet •ailed for England this morning on the It was feared that the sad news of his Rollo Ogden, F.; J. Mather, Jr., tealu held down right field for Hilton, Suiiiinit to a grenter extent than 'ever of Springfield avenue, . either side of it, to have a freight depot the inurittie in'tiaoheri and janitors "Mlnnehah" of the Atlantic Transport wife's death would seriously affect the. and Earnest D, North. - A number of people from Summit wit before,, and §v#ry van, express wagon The Essex and Hudson Qai Co. will there, as it would literally change the lalttriee and for the euiploymont of ad- Line. Doctor's condition, but at the present nisied the game. as will as farm wagon for miles around Rive demonstrations in baking with a The speeches were all.of a high order. method of freight handling through ditional tiaohirs, Tni hoard eo|isidered Invitations have been issued by the time he appears to be gaining strength were pressed into service, and kept gas ranee at their office all_ne3Et week. The speakers present being, Messrs, E, the city. Almost all the residents of The game between the Y. M. C, A,, tit Isngth a proposition for recommend- Summit Guutd fora smoker to be Ueld slowly but .surely under the..attentive busy from early morning until late V.-,;Mr, and Mrs. -Frank":&- LitMll fieft O, Stidman, / Mark Twain, Dr. Tf F, the Boulevard,' fbr instance, wbnld-havi team and ths : Snmmit High School, ngthe.. issuing of school bonfls^ to the in Willard Hall 'on Thursday evening, 'niedioal skill of hifbrothirV Dr! if-'. ; nt iilijlit iriiuUiig arid unloading house- on Wednesday for Fierpont, New York, innHeld, flrander Matthers and F. Hop- a' prooiisionj of trucks passing their Saturday afternoon, proved an easy win BHuiof ioO.000, for the building.'of 1i May 28, Risk, ably assisted by. Dr. Fewsmi hold furniture, Summit o-lso received where they expect to spend the guinmer. son Sriiith. Ainong the editors pres- doors from morning until night, so that for the former. The score was lp to 8, school .buildiiin at East Summit, aiid for Newark ts llrst installment of summer visitors An important business meeting of the ent wero E. L. Bnrlimramo, W. H.Page, not alono those directly opposite the The Ciescont Juniors, a team com- the purohasi of land for a new braiding The engagement is announced of Miss Mis Risk and her husband have re- from the cities, as' well M many who W. C. T. U., will be held next Friday, R. W. Gilder. John Kenrick Bangs. proporty, but many of the other citizens poneii mostly of boys from' West, Sum- n the first ward. Action, upon this Norma H. Schwartze, of Edgewood sided in Ktimmit for about twenty-eight May 10, at 8 p. m., in their room, Van- The publishers, were represented by would bo inconvenionced should the mit, met the Summit Grammar •Wsho'ol was deferred for further consideration, urpose miikiiiff this their permanent avenue and Mr. Allan S«ott of Now York. ycats. Previous to Mis Risk's illness 'iso building. MBBSIS. H. H. Scribnor, F. H. Dbdd, freight dopot be established nt that team on thi> old urioket gronnds Satur. as there was some question as to what [ihice of residence. Among thane who Postmaster .W. H, Coggeshall and Dr. she was actively engaged in numerous Mr.
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