RAILWAY SYSTEM 2017 The Right Ticket SINGLE TICKETS PRICE LEVELS Get further informati on and your ti ckets at the following points of sale. Always the right price level. Points of sale Transport companies VRS Pocket Guide at All Times. Bergheim | Busbahnhof | REVG BSM – Bahnen der Stadt Monheim GmbH Valid from 11 December 2016 Bergisch Gladbach 02173/9574-0 | www.bahnen-monheim.de K With the single and 4-trip tickets in the 3 Price level 3 to 7: – Busbahnhof | wupsi DB Regio AG, Region NRW price level K (Kurzstrecke) you can travel – Bensberg | Busbahnhof | RVK Kundendialog: 0180 6 464006 (Festnetz For several towns/communities – de- Bonn 20ct/Anruf, Mobil max. 60ct/Anruf) | For single trips. For day trips. 4 stops on the same line – except for RE, 4 pending on distance and route travelled – Hauptbahnhof | DB Abo-Center NRW: 0180 6 033 099 (Festnetz RB and S-Bahn trains as well as express – Busbahnhof | SWB 20ct/Anruf, Mobil max. 60ct/Anruf) | 5 Examples: – Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz | Bahnsteig B | SWB www.bahn.de/vrs EinzelTicket A single trip within the Unlimited travelling for a whole day from the point coaches. – Münsterstr. 18 | Cassius-Bastei | SWB Bonn > Cologne – 4 – Bad Godesberg | Alte Bahnhofstr. 22a | SWB DKB – Dürener Kreisbahn GmbH (Single Ticket) chosen price level. of departure to all towns and communities within the 6 Cologne > Aachen – 7 – Bad Godesberg | Bahnhof | DB 02421/3901-0 | www.dkb-dn.de reach of the chosen price level. – Beuel | Bahnhof | DB Karl Schäfer Omnibusreisen GmbH 1 1a valid within one town/community 7 Brühl 02443/1000 | www.schaefer-mechernich.de Four single trips within the chosen (except Bonn and Cologne) – Bahnhof | DB KVB – Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG price level – can be used for more DayTicket 1 person For one person. Transferable. – Engeldorfer Str. 2 | Stadtwerke 0180 6 504030 (Festnetz 20ct/Anruf, Burscheid | Großbrucher Str. 3 | Mobil max. 60ct/Anruf) | www.kvb-koeln.de 4erTicket than one person travelling at the Valid around the clock until 1b valid within Cologne or within Bonn Kraftverkehr Gebr. Wiedenhoff (TagesTicket 1 Person) Kraftverkehr Gebr. Wiedenhoff GmbH & Co. KG (4-Trip-Ticket) 3 a.m. of the following day. Every town and community in the VRS area forms a Düren same time (one ticket panel per – Bahnhof | DB 02174/3334 | www.wiedenhoff.com person and trip). 2 2a valid between two neighbouring tariff zone with a standardised pricing for all stops. – Markt 6 | iPUNKT | DKB National Express Rail GmbH For up to five persons. Transfe- towns/communities (except from/to With every crossed town and community a further Dormagen | Willi-Brandt-Platz 1 (Bahnhof) | 0221/13999444 | www.nationalexpress.de SDG StadtBus Dormagen OVAG – Oberbergische rable. Valid Mondays to Fridays Cologne or Bonn) price level applies. The period of validity is determined by the price level: DayTicket 5 persons Euskirchen Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH from 9 a.m until 3 a.m. of the – Bahnhof | DB 02261/9260-0 | www.ovaginfo.de (TagesTicket 5 Personen) 2b valid between Cologne and a neigh- – Oststr. 1–5 (Bf) | SVE REVG – Rhein-Erft-Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH Overview of all tram K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 following day – at weekends Information on the right price level for your journey is bouring town/community or Bonn and Frechen | Hauptstr. 124–126 | REVG 02271/768520 | www.revg.de and rail lines in the VRS area, and on public holidays, Carnival available in the list of destinations available at every Gummersbach | Busbahnhof | OVAG RSVG – Rhein-Sieg Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH a neighbouring town/community Hennef | Bahnhofstr. 32 | RSVG including ticket type and Verkehrsverbund VRS station, in the ticket advisor at www.vrsinfo.de 02241/499-0 | www.rsvg.de 20 90 120 180 180 360 360 360 Monday, December 24 and 31 Hürth | Hürth-Park | L227 | Stadtwerke Hürth pricing information. Rhein-Sieg valid around the clock. Example: Cologne > Hürth – 2b and at all sales outlets. Kall | Bahnhof | RVK RVK – Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH min min min min min min min min Kerpen | Horrem | Bahnhof | DB 0180 6 131313 (Festnetz 20ct/Anruf, Mobil Köln max. 60ct/Anruf) | www.rvk.de – Braunsfeld | Scheidtweilerstr. 38 | KVB SDG – Stadtbus Dormagen GmbH – Deutz | Bahnhof Messe/Deutz | DB 02133/272625 | www.stadtbus-dormagen.de As of: 1.1.2017 – Dom/Hbf | KVB SVE – Stadtverkehr Euskirchen GmbH – Ebertplatz | KVB TIMED TICKETS Fares in Euro 02251/1414-0 | www.sveinfo.de For regular trips. – Ehrenfeld | Ehrenfeldgürtel 14 | KVB Stadtwerke Hürth AöR K 1a 1b 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 – Hauptbahnhof | DB 02233/53-903 | www.svh-direkt.de – Mülheim | Bahnhof | DB With timed tickets (ZeitTickets) you can move around Even bett er with subscripti on. – Mülheim | Wiener Platz | U-Bahn- SWB – Stadtwerke Bonn Verkehrs-GmbH Tickets SSB – Elektrische Bahnen der Stadt Bonn the clock in the chosen towns and communities. Zwischenebene | KVB The Monthly Ticket and the Formel9Ticket can be Single Tickets and – Neumarkt | U-Bahn-Zwischenebene | KVB und des Rhein-Sieg-Kreises – Porz | Flughafen Köln/Bonn, Term. 2 | DB 0228/711-1 | www.stadtwerke-bonn.de In the evening and at weekends the Week Ticket, ordered with subscription to save you money and time. 4-trip Tickets – Südstadt | Karolingerring 10 | KVB Stadtwerke Brühl GmbH Monthly Ticket and Formel9Ticket allow you to take Additionally, the subscription allows you take along an Single Ticket Adult 1,90 2,40 2,80 2,80 3,80 5,10 7,80 11,40 14,30 17,50 Leichlingen | Unterschmitte 41 | 02232/702300 | www.stadtbus-bruehl.de Verkehrsbetrieb Hüttebräucker Transregio – MittelrheinBahn Mobile versati lity with along up to three children free of charge. adult and a bicycle free of charge at certain times. Single Ticket Child 1,00 1,30 1,60 1,60 2,00 2,50 3,70 5,10 6,90 8,30 Leverkusen 0261/98887070 | [email protected] bus, tram and rail. 4-trip Ticket Adult 7,50 9,20 11,00 11,00 15,00 19,60 30,20 44,30 53,10 65,00 – Bahnhof | DB www.mittelrheinbahn.de – Wiesdorf | CityPoint | wupsi Verkehrsbetrieb Hüttebräucker Available as a HandyTicket 4-trip Ticket Child 4,00 5,20 6,40 6,40 8,00 10,00 14,80 20,40 27,60 33,20 – Opladen | Busbahnhof | wupsi 02175/8992-0 | www.treffpunkt-bus.de WochenTicket Valid from Monday until the first – Fixheide | Borsigstr. 18 | wupsi (Week Ticket) DayTickets Mechernich | Bahnhof | Büro Schäfer Reisen wupsi GmbH working day of the following week. with 3 % discount. 0180 6 504030 (Festnetz 20ct/Anruf, Day Ticket 1 Person 7,10 8,60 8,60 10,80 13,60 18,70 25,30 27,00 29,40 Monheim | Rathausplatz 20 | BSM Overath | Bahnhof | RVK Mobil max. 60ct/Anruf) | www.wupsi.de You can buy your Week Ticket, Monthly Ticket and Day Ticket 5 Persons 10,00 13,10 13,10 16,50 19,70 26,50 36,40 40,40 42,50 Rheinbach | Bahnhof | RVK Valid from the first day of the month Formel9Ticket on your smartphone at a cheaper price Siegburg MonatsTicket Timed Tickets Adult until the first working day of the – a registration is not required. Further information is – Bahnhof | DB (Monthly Ticket) Week Ticket 18,20 25,10 25,10 31,50 38,20 56,40 68,90 81,00 93,60 – Busbahnhof | RSVG following month. available on vrsinfo.de/handyticket Troisdorf Do you have any questions regarding Monthly Ticket 69,20 94,30 94,30 118,80 143,50 214,30 258,90 273,80 290,40 – Bahnhof | DB Available with subscription. time tables or ticket rates? Formel9Ticket 50,00 66,90 66,90 76,80 94,30 112,30 135,50 – Sieglar | Steinstr. 31 | RSVG Extensions for single trips. Waldbröl | Brölbahnstr. 17 | OVAG Smart number for buses and trains 0 180 6 50 40 30 VRS Extension Ticket Wipperfürth | Alte Papiermühle 13 | OVAG (Landlines 20 ct./call, mobile phones max. 60 ct./call) Discounted monthly ticket. Valid The area for which the VRS timed tickets and subscrip- Single Trip 3,60 (valid only in conjunction with VRS Timed Tickets) Formel9Ticket Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. in tions are valid can be extended for single trips with the chosen towns and communities extension tickets – depending on your destination you Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg More informati on – at weekends and on public holidays need a VRS AnschlussTicket, an EinfachWeiterTicket or These VRS ti ckets are available as HandyTicket on your smartphone – with a 3 % discount. Glockengasse 37–39, 50667 Köln ...verbindet! on ti ckets and prices: valid around the clock. Transferable. an AnschlussTicket NRW. Further information is availa- If you buy Single Tickets Adult (EinzelTickets Erwachsene), the price of every fourth ti cket is further reduced. www.vrsinfo.de www.vrsinfo.de/englisch Available with subscription. ble on vrsinfo.de/anschlusstickets Dransdorf E 7 Grünstraße F 3 LEV-Rheindorf E/F 1 RS-Güldenwerth G 1 Universitätsstraße (Köln) D 4 Drehbrücke F 4 Gummersbach H 4 K LEV-Schlebusch F 1/2 O RS-Lennep G 1 Unkel H 8 LIST OF STATIONS/STOPS Duckterath G 2 Gustorf C 2 K Airport-Businesspark F 4/5 Leyendeckerstraße D 3 Oberbetti ngen-Hillesheim D 9 RS-Lütt ringhausen G 1 Untermaubach-Schlagstein B/C 5 Düren B/C 4 Gutenbergstraße D 3 Kalk Kapelle F 3/4 Liebigstraße D 3 Oberdollendorf G 8 Rudolfplatz E 4 Urfeld F 6 Düren C 4 Kalk Post F 3/4 Limperich G 7 Oberdollendorf Nord G 8 Ründeroth H 4 Urft (Steinfeld) C/D 8 Biersdorf H 6 Dürener Straße/Gürtel D 4 H Kalker Friedhof F/G 4 Limperich Nord F 7 Obere Wilhelmstraße G 7 Urmitz Rheinbrücke H 9 A Biersdorf Ort H 6 Düsseldorf-Hellerhof E 1 Haan F 1 Kall D 8 Lindenburg (Universitätsklinik) D 5 Obererbach H 6/7 S Aachen Hbf A 4 Binsfeld C 5 Hachenburg H 7 Kapellen-Wevelinghoven C 1/2 Lindern A 2 Oberkassel Mitt e G 7/8 Sankt Augusti n Kloster G 6 V Aachen West A 4 Birresborn
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