SADDLERY & CRAFT CATALOGUE www.lefflerleather.com.au H. Leffler & Son Pty Ltd has been supplying leather and associated products to many industries for over 80 years; our range of products covers more than 12,000 different lines. The range is so vast that our customers have been heard to say: “If you can’t find it at Leffler’s you just won’t find it!” Our Company was started in 1932 by Henry Wilby Leffler (dec. 1957) as a supplier of Leather, mainly to the Shoe Industry, located in Albert Park, Victoria. In the very same year his son Richard (Dick) Leffler (dec. 1998) was born. Dick joined the business fulltime in 1953 and immediately commenced developing new markets for Saddlery, Craft & Upholstery Leather. Dick would see new products on his many travels overseas and purchase large quantities he believed the Australian market needed. In many cases he would send the new lines out to customers and say “just pay me when you’ve sold them”. In this way Dick not only grew the market but also financed many businesses to grow with it. Now over 80 years after its inception, the Leffler family still owns the Company. The family and staff continue to drive the business into the new millennium with modern technology and a desire to satisfy our customers needs by searching the world for new and interesting products. H. Leffler & Son Pty Ltd Established in 1932 Table of Contents Adhesive & Solvents 2 Rosettes 94 Adhesive Brushes 5 Rug Fittings 96 Belts 7 Saddle Packing 97 Book Binding: Headbands 8 Saddle Nails 45 Book Binding: Marble Paper 9 Sam Browne Fittings 98 Book Binding: Tools 10 Scissors and Shears 99 Books: Leathercraft 12 Slides 100 Buckle Sets 17 Snaps 101 Buckles: Belt 18 Speedy Stitcher 106 Buckles: Fancy Belt 19 Squares 107 Buckles: Trophy 24 Stains & Edge Finish 108 Buckles: Blevins & Western Fittings 25 Staples 113 Buckles: Saddlery 26 Studs 114 Chains 31 Thonging & Lacing Flat 115 Conchos 33 Threads 117 Conchos: Crystal & Gothic Nickel 34 Tools For Setting 120 Dees 36 Tools: Boker 121 Eyelets 37 Tools: Craft 122 Girths & Elastics 38 Tools: Dixon 134 Hair on Hide 39 Tools: Knives 141 Harness Fittings 44 Tools: Maun 143 Harness Fittings & Horse Brasses 46 Tools: Osborne Saddlery 144 Hat Bands 48 Stirrups 148 Keepers & Key Fittings 49 VELCRO®Brand Hook & Loop Fastener 149 Leather: Belt & Embossing 50 Wallets 150 Leather: Chamois & Kangaroo 52 Webbing & Strapping 152 Leather: Footwear 53 Whips 159 Leather: Garment 54 Whips: Crops 161 Leather: Linings & Sheepskins 55 Leather: Saddlery 56 Leather Care 63 Leather Suede 67 Leather Suede, Splits & Other 68 Lining and Materials 69 Machinery 71 Needles & Awl Blades 73 Ornaments 76 Plastic Fittings 80 Pouches: Leather 82 Press Studs 83 LEATHER MERCHANTS Rein Grips 85 Rings 86 171 Kensington Road, West Melbourne Victoria 3003 Australia Rings: Split 87 Rivets & Washers 88 Rope & Cords 91 Adhesive & Solvents RENIA SYNTIC TOTAL RENIA COLLE DE COLOGNE BONDS ALL fOOTWEAR materials. gLUES ALL mATERIALS INCLUDINg PVC 1 litre with Brush RNSYN1 5 litres RNSYN4 1 litre RNCOL85OG 12.5 litres RNSYN10 5 litres RNCOL4 12.5 litres RNCOL10 RENIA SOLVENT fOR CLEANINg AND REmOVINg SOLES, TOP LIfT ETC. dissolves ALL contact ADHESIVES, PLASTIC ADHESIVES AND HOT-melt SySTEmS (NOT fOR THINNINg) 1 litre RNSLV1 RENIA HARDENER USE WITH gLUE TO INCREASE RENIA PRIMER HEAT, OIL AND gREASE RESISTANCE PRImER fOR PUR mATERIALS 50ml RNHARD 250ml RNPRIM250 85ml RNPRIM85 RENIA THINNER CAN BE USED TO CHANgE THE VISCOSITy Of contact CEmENTS, AND TO CLEAN EqUIPmENT 1 Litre RNVULFES4 RENIA ORTEC RENIA SUPERFIX BONDS PUR, EVA, PP, PE, Leather, BONDS ALL SHOE materials EXCEPT RUBBER, fOAmS, TEXTILES AND Metals. fOR PVC. NO TOLUENE. HIgH TACk, TOLUENE fREE. fAST BONDINg. 1kg RNORT1 RENIA REHAGOL 1kg RNSF1 4kg RNORT4 PRImER fOR TR AND LATEX 4kg RNSF4 10kg RNORT10 85ml RNREH85 2 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au Adhesive & Solvents FOSS AB708S GLUE HARDENER / PROmOTER LEATHER TO LEATHER NUMBER 9 200ml FOSH.2 CONTACT ADHESIVE FITTING ROOM CEMENT 500ml AB708S.5 A LIgHT gLUE fOR BINDINg ETC. 1 litre AB708S1 500ml FITROO.5 4 litres AB708S4 1 litre FITROO1 4 litres FITROO4 20 litres FITROO20 NUMBER 9 FOSS GLUE FOSS SOLVENT FITTING ROOM SOLVENT LEATHER TO LEATHER SOLVENT fOR fOSS ADHESIVE SOLVENT fOR NUmBER 9 CONTACT ADHESIVE 500ml FOSLV.5 fITTINg ROOm CEmENT 500ml FOSC.5 1 litre FOSLV1 500ml SOLFIT.500 1 litre FOSC1 4 litres FOSLV4 1 litre SOLFIT1 4 litres FOSC4 4 litres SOLFIT4 20 litres FOSC20 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au 3 Adhesive & Solvents DUALL 88 CEMENT ACTICOL PRIMER HOOCO GLUE A super-strong leather to leather cement. 250ml ACTPRI.250 A fast bonding, low fume adhesive for leather, Dries clear. rubber, TR, crepe, EVA, cork and textiles. 500 ml DU88C.5 1 litre HOOGLU1 1 litre DU88C1 4 litres HOOGLU4 4 litres DU88C4 8 litres HOOGLU8 20 litres DU88C20 G.P.O AT M activator GLUE REMOVER FLEXIBLE GLUE An accelerator and hardener A cyanoacrylate ATOm glue. Helps to clean any A new 'instant glue' for ATOm glue. 50ml GPG50ML ATOm glue residue. that remains flexible. 200ml GPGACT200 20ml GPGREM20 50ml RNFLEX BOSTIK CONTACT ADHESIVE BOSTIK CONTACT CEMENT BOSTIK RUBBER CEMENT ALL PURPOSE gLUINg 50 ml tube in blister pack 1222 INCLUDINg NEOPRENE BOSCONCEM50 for light-weight bonding applications. 500ml BOSCONCEM500 (See also less expensive alternative No.9 4 litres BOSCONCEM4 fitting Room Cement on previous page) 4 litres BOSRUBCEM4 4 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au Adhesive Brushes FLAT TIP-FLAT HANDLE gLUE BRUSH 25mm BRUFLA25 ROUND TIP-ROUND HANDLE gLUE BRUSH SmALL TSBBS ROUND TIP-ROUND HANDLE gLUE BRUSH mEDIUm TSBBM ROUND TIP-ROUND HANDLE gLUE BRUSH LARgE TSBBL BLACK FLAT TIP-ROUND HANDLE gLUE BRUSH TSBBFS tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au 5 Adhesive Brushes REPLACEMENT BRUSH FOR KABI KABI GLUE GUN GLUE GUN RED BOOK BINDING GLUE BRUSHES GLUGUNBRUKOB GLUGUNREDKOB gLUE BRUSH 7/8" SIzE 14 BRUGLU14 1 1/4" SIzE 20 BRUGLU20 1 1/2" SIzE 24 BRUGLU24 GLUE POT WITH BRUSH 0.4 litres GPBOY0.45 1.5 litres GPBOY1.5 0.9 litres GPBOY0.9 6 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au Belts Leather belt straps are available (in various widths and thicknesses) in Natural, Tan, Brown and Black. They can be plain, stitched with points cut and holed, and/or embossed as required. Standard belt lengths are a minimum of 48" long. Premium grade are heavier, cut from butts, and are also a minimum 48". Belts over 55" are available at an extra cost. Also available: 'Fat Boy' Belts, extra long, cut from US skirt sides. Various colours. 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 12 24 13 25 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au 7 Book Binding: Headbands HEADBAND SIZES WOVEN ART SILK ONE SIzE ONLy - NOmINALLy SIzE 2 SIzE 0 BBHEABAN 110 BBHEABAN SIzE 1 LUREX SPECIALS BBHEABAN STRINg OR CANE CENTRES AS ABOVE 117 BBHEABAN SIzE 2 BBHEABAN 141 BBHEABAN 118 BBHEABAN SIzE 3 BBHEABAN 142 BBHEABAN 119 SIzE 4 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 144 BBHEABAN 120 SIzE 5 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 146 BBHEABAN 121 BBHEABAN 122 BBHEABAN ART SILK 126 STRINg AND CANE CENTRES WOVEN CHEQUERED BBHEABAN ONE SIzE ONLy - NOmINALLy SIzE 2 27 127 8 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 28 129 BBHEABAN 9 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 29 10 BBHEABAN 130 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 30 11 131 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 31 BBHEABAN 132 BBHEABAN 32 BBHEABAN 133 PRINTED COTTON BBHEABAN 33 STRINg OR CANE CENTRES BBHEABAN 134 BBHEABAN 34 46L BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 135 35 46D BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 136 36 47L BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 137 37 48 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 138 38 49 BBHEABAN BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 139 333* BBHEABAN BBHEABAN 140 BBHEABAN * Size 2 - string centre only 8 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au Book Binding: Marble Paper JHS MARBLE (MACHINE ASSISTED) A M MARBLE 53 150/58 Am2 BBMARPAP053 BBMARPAP150/58 69 954 BBMARPAP069 BBMARPAP954 Am3 121/68 955 BBMARPAP121/68 BBMARPAP955 Am4 129/01 956 BBMARPAP129/01 BBMARPAP956 Am5 129/02 960 BBMARPAP129/02 BBMARPAP960 Am7 129/03 961 BBMARPAP129/03 BBMARPAP961 129/04 962 Am8 BBMARPAP129/04 BBMARPAP962 129/05 2101 BBMARPAP129/05 BBMARPAP2101 Am10 129/06 2104 BBMARPAP129/06 BBMARPAP2104 129/07 2200 BBMARPAP129/07 BBMARPAP2200 ENGLISH 150/11 2202 T4 BBMARPAP150/11 BBMARPAP2202 150/14 2204 T5 BBMARPAP150/14 BBMARPAP2204 150/50 2205 BBMARPAP150/50 BBMARPAP2205 T6 150/52 BBMARPAP150/52 T8 spanish MARBLE ART MARBLE T8P Brown green Art Cloud BBMARSPABRN Printed T9 green BBMARSPAGRN Blue T10 BBMARSPABLU Red BBMARSPARED tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au 9 Book Binding: Tools SPOKE SHAVER NO 151 BBSPOSHAV repair TAPE BBDOCREPTAP band NIPPERS BBBANNIP SHEARS FLAT TIPPED COTTON TAPE 8" BBSH8 BBCOTTAPE BOOKBINDING NEEDLES No 15 NEEBOO15 No 18 NEEBOO18 ENGLISH paring KNIFE POINTED BONE FOLDERS LINEN THREAD SKEINS BBKNIPARFR 6" BBBONE6UK BBLINTHRE 8" BBBONE8UK 9" BBBONE9UK ELECTRIC STYLUS paring KNIFE ADST45 BBELESTY Left Handed BBKNIPARLH Right Handed BBKNIPARRH 10 tel 03-9090 4500 • fax 03-9090 4599 • sales@leffler.com.au • www.lefflerleather.com.au Books: Leathercraft BASIC SEWING KIT Beginners Kits BASIC LEATHER WORK KIT 6 Piece set to start you off hand sewing.
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