G FOR TH Reading NIN E F N UT LA U P RE Borough Local T S R Development E A S P P E E Framework C H T T I N G G N I T T H C E E P P S A E S R T E P R L U A T N U N F I N E H G T F R O Core Strategy G NIN AN Adopted PL January 2008 P L A N N I N G G NIN AN PL P L A N N I N G FOREWORD TO THE ADOPTED CORE STRATEGY DOCUMENT BY COUNCILLOR TOM CRISP This document sets out the Council’s adopted planning strategy for the Borough. It sets out how planning and development will achieve the Reading 2020 Vision for the town. It provides a framework for how Reading can grow in a sustainable way in the future. It also sets out how Reading will accommodate the growth expected of it in the emerging South East Plan and through the council’s commitment to New Growth Point status. As part of our strategy, future development will be focused in the Central Area and in South West at Kennet Island and Green Park. The strategy Reading. Such development will grow hand in proposes further major development on the hand with improvements to the transport network. western side of the A33 to provide a new, attractive The strategy also incudes the strengthening and gateway entrance to Reading from the south. It also enhancement of District and Local Centres in the proposes new residential development at Green Borough and the potential redevelopment of land Park 3, which will in addition provide a new railway currently used for employment use into mixed use station and other essential transport infrastructure. or predominantly residential communities. The strategy will also develop an appropriate framework The Adopted Core Strategy includes a number of for controlling new development in existing policies designed to provide a planning framework suburban and other residential areas. In line with for implementing the Strategy for sustainable emerging government policy, it aims to improve the growth. It includes policies seeking ambitious design and environmental performance of all new targets for sustainable construction and design and development. a new framework for achieving high quality design in new developments. The Council will continue to support the development of Central Reading as the leading The Core Strategy has been subject to extensive regional centre in the Thames Valley. The opening community involvement. It has also been subject to of the Oracle has already established Reading as a testing examination of its soundness. The the foremost shopping destination in the region. Inspector who conducted the examination found Considerable new commercial development is the Strategy to be sound subject to only a few currently taking place in the centre. More is minor wording changes that have now been planned for the future. Many new homes are being incorporated. I believe that this strategy provides delivered in the town centre. With major an excellent framework for achieving a sustainable improvements to the transport network, with and prosperous future for Reading, which will make increased capacity at Reading Station and our town a great place to live, work and play for improved public transport measures being planned, people living here now and in the future. the attractiveness and potential of the centre to new development will continue into the future. Councillor Tom Crisp Flagship developments in South West Reading are Lead Councillor for Strategic Planning and being constructed with new homes being delivered Transport 2 ADOPTED CORE STRATEGY DOCUMENT • January 2008 CONTENTS PAGE NO: Key Diagram 4 1 Introduction and Background 5 2 Developing the Vision and Preferred Strategy 10 3 Preferred Spatial Strategy 19 4 Cross Cutting Policies 26 5 Economic Development and Employment 42 6 Housing 48 7 Transport 58 8 Retail and Leisure 65 9 Open Space and Recreation 69 10 Community Facilities 75 11 Built and Natural Environment 78 12 Implementation and Monitoring 89 Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms 90 The Ordnance Survey map data within this publication is provided by Reading Borough Council under licence from Ordnance Survey in order to illustrate the options under discussion. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey map data for their own use. ADOPTED CORE STRATEGY DOCUMENT • January 2008 3 4 ADOPTED CORE STRATEGY DOCUMENT • January 2008 Reading Borough Local Development Framework 1 Introduction and Background Strategy Document, will set out the key elements of the planning framework for the 1.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act area. It should comprise a spatial vision and 20041 requires local authorities to prepare strategic objectives for the area; a spatial local development frameworks for their areas. strategy; core policies related to the Under the new system, the development plan implementation of the strategy; and a will now consist of: - monitoring and implementation framework with clear objectives for achieving delivery. • Regional Spatial Strategies prepared by the regional planning bodies; and 1.2 Prior to preparing the Core Strategy • Development Plan Documents prepared by Document, authorities are advised to involve district Councils, unitary authorities and, in their communities in considering issues and the case of minerals and waste alternative options, and then again on the Development Plan Documents, by County preferred options. The preparation of the Councils or joint arrangements. Core Strategy has been influenced by community involvement on Issues and These documents will replace the former Options that took place during Summer 2005, system of County Structure Plans, Local on Preferred Options during Spring 2006 and Plans and Unitary Development Plans. on the Submission Draft Core Strategy published in January 2007 and the Development Plan Documents must be in Examination that took place during Autumn conformity with Regional Spatial Strategies, 2007. The soundness of the Submission in the case of Reading Borough, that means Draft Core Strategy was examined by an in conformity with RPG 9 (Regional Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State Guidance for the South East). At the present during September/ October 2007. The time, it should also be in conformity with the Inspector found the Core Strategy to be Berkshire Structure Plan 2001-2016. It sound, subject to a small number of binding should also have regard to the need to recommended changes to the document. eventually be in conformity with the emerging South East Plan, which is being prepared by 1.3 At the same time as preparing the Core the South East England Regional Assembly Strategy Document, the Council is preparing (SEERA)2, and which will eventually replace a “Reading Central Area Action Plan” to RPG 9 and the Structure Plan. provide a framework for the future development of the Reading Central Area. At the District level, local authorities are This is programmed to be submitted to the required to prepare a Local Development Secretary of State in March 2008. The Council Framework (LDF). The LDF will comprise a is programmed to commence preparation of a series of Local Development Documents Development Control Policy Document and a (LDD’s) for an area. It will form a portfolio of Site Allocations Document during 2008. It documents that collectively deliver the spatial has also prepared a Supplementary Planning planning strategy for the local planning Document on Sustainable Design and authority’s area. The new system is intended Construction. It will also be preparing a to streamline the local planning process and Design Supplementary Planning Document. promote a proactive, positive approach to Local Development Documents, together with managing development. the Regional Spatial Strategy, make up the development plan for Reading. The Core Strategy The first document to be produced, the Core 1 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, HMSO, 2004 2 Draft South East Plan, South East England Regional Assembly, 2006 ADOPTED CORE STRATEGY DOCUMENT • January 2008 5 SA/ SEA October 2005 and adopted by the Council in July 2006. The SCI sets out the principles on 1.4 In the new planning system, a sustainability which the Council will consult on LDF 4 appraisal must accompany every development documents . plan document that the Council produces. A sustainability appraisal is a tool that highlights Community Involvement on the Core any significant environmental, social or Strategy economic effects of the plan. It assesses the plan against a number of sustainability 1.6 Community involvement was carried out on an objectives in order to identify these impacts. Issues Report and Draft Spatial Strategy in the The appraisal needs to be fully integrated into early part of 2003 as a first stage in a review of the plan process, so that it can inform and the Reading Borough Local Plan. A report of influence the plan as it progresses. Planning the results of that community involvement was authorities are also required to carry out a prepared (which is available on the Council’s Strategic Environmental Assessment of local website5). The review of the Reading Borough development documents, in accordance with Local Plan was not progressed because it was the requirements of European Directive clear that the government’s proposals for the 2001/42/EC. The environmental report new planning system might produce a very required by the SEA Directive has been different form of development plan document incorporated within the Sustainability Appraisal and it was decided to await the introduction of Report, which assesses the wider effects of the new system. However, the results of that the plan. This is consistent with Government consultation exercise informed the start of a advice, which indicates that both Sustainability process for developing new planning policy for Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Reading.
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