Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:132 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes THURSDAY . DECEMBER 10 . 2015 -Qaus 19, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 0708954626 Karzai slams Kandahar terror attack AT News Report curity forces were searching the apartments and nearby facilities to the foreign office, where leaders operations against militancy, but KABUL: At least 37 civilians ‘carefully’ to eliminate the mili- discussed Afghanistan.Also in the said the action had "created unin- have been killed and 35 others tants and ‘prevent further civilian spotlight today was Indian For- tended consequences bringing were wounded in a group attack casualties’. Militants had man- eign Minister Sushma Swaraj, who about the displacement of a signif- of the Taliban on residential apart- aged to bring enough heavy and arrived in the capital last night in icant number of these groups onto ments near Kandahar International light weapons with them to the order to participate in today’s dis- our soil". Airport, said initial reports. township. “Most of the commer- cussion. President of Afghanistan "There no historical precedent The attack began late yester- cial flights in Kandahar Airport Ashraf Ghani opened his speech for solving this problem. The quar- day afternoon when a group of 10 by expressing gratitude to Pakistan rel of these people is not with the have been delayed by authorities for "hosting millions of Afghan ref- government of Afghanistan or its to 14 suicide bombers entered to to ensure safety of the passen- ugees over decades". But his speech people. We are fighting on behalf a township near Kandahar airport gers,” airport officials said. Mili- quickly turned to the perils and of all of you," he told the confer- and started fighting against Afghan tant press wing on social media origins of the refugee problem and ence, "But we are the ones who security forces. Nine of the at- claimed their suicide bombers tackers, who had taken positions were fighting against Afghan and ISLAMABAD: The opening of screengrab The theme of the con- as well as the defence minister. he talked about the ‘unintended are daily suffering some of the ference, jointly hosted by Pakistan The Afghan president reached consequences’ of Pakistan’s mili- worst atrocities, including the inside a school, market and resi- foreign troops. However, NATO the ‘Heart of Asia’ conference in dential apartments, were killed the press office in Kabul in a state- the capital today was marked by a and Afghanistan, is 'enhanced co- Nur Khan airbase on Wednesday tary operations. "Unfortunately, butchering of our children and eld- operation for countering security morning for the 'Heart of Asia' con- recent events in Pakistan have erly who are totally innocent." other day afternoon. Families of ment said the Taliban were warm welcome from Pakistani au- both civilians and army officers thorities to visiting dignitaries from threats and promoting connectivi- ference. - DawnNews screengrab forced us to host close to 350,000 He believed it prudent to name blocked out of the airport by Af- India, Afghanistan, China among ty in the Heart of Asia region.' Ghani arrived at the Nur Khan to 500,000 Pakistani refugees on the problems plaguing the region are living in the apartments. The ghan troops. The fighting ended other Asian countries. The Chief Afghan President Ashraf airbase to a resounding 21-gun sa- our soil. The refugee issue is a com- in order to formulate a plan of ac- Ministry of Defense said that 37 on Wednesday afternoon. of Army Staff, Chief of Naval Staff Ghani was greeted by a full recep- lute and the melody of the Afghan mon issue, like other issues that tion for regional cooperation along civilians, including women and chil- It said there had been no re- and Chief of Air Staff were present tion which included the prime min- and Pakistani national anthems. He confront us," Ghani said. He laud- the lines Prime Minister Nawaz dren have been killed and 35 oth- port on casualties among foreign at the reception. - DawnNews ister, the army, air and navy chiefs was then escorted in a limousine ed Pakistan's decision to launch Sharif earlier suggested. ...P2 ers received injuries. “The attack- troops. Ex-President Hamid ers had taken two families, includ- Karzai in a statement strongly ing women and children, as hos- denounced the terror attack. MAIL creates jobs for tages and used them as human Karzai said that killing innocent shield in fight against security civilians was an inhuman act. Ha- over 550 individuals forces,” said local security offi- mid Karzai extended his condo- in 6 months cials. Mohsin Sultani, a spokes- lences to the bereaved families and man of Afghan army in Kandahar prayed for quick recovery of the KABUL: The Ministry of Agri- told Afghanistan Times that se- wounded. Taliban hand culture, Irrigation and Livestock over bodies of 4 (MAIL) on Wednesday said it had created jobs for more than 550 Taliban’s major Kunduzi: ALP being soldiers to ICRC individuals during the past six months. In a statement, the min- push to seize strengthened against MAIMANA: Taliban have hand- istry said the recruitments includ- ed over the bodies of four soldiers ed both public and project (con- Khanshin thwarted Daesh in Achin to the International Committee of tract)-based positions. “MAIL the Red Cross (ICRC) in northern is committed to ensuring all em- LASHKARGAH: Insecurity forc- JALALABAD: The governor on Faryab province, an official said ployees are hired based on their es last night thwarted a major push Tuesday said another 1,000 Af- Musharraf claimed that those on Wednesday. The four soldiers ability and merit though a com- by Taliban to capture Khanshin ghan Local Police (ALP) members fighting in Indian-held Kashmir were killed during a firefight with petitive and transparent process district of southern Helmand Taliban militants after their heli- would be appointed and deployed are ‘Mujahideen’ and freedom in accordance with Independent province, police said on Wednes- to the Achin district of eastern fighters. AFP/File copter crash-landed in Pashtunkot Administrative Reform and Civil day. Helmand police chief Brig. district near Maimana, the provin- Service Commission’s (IARCSC) Gen. Abdul Rahman Sarjang told Nangahar province to deal with KARACHI: Former president cial capital, in late November. The guidelines.” The statement said Pajhwok Afghan News Afghan the so-called Islamic State or General (retd) Pervez Musharraf Taliban are still holding about 18 the new employees had high-lev- security forces had prior informa- Daesh group. Salim Khan Kun- on Tuesday said those fighting in soldiers hostage amid an ongoing el degrees, including doctorate, tion that 150 to 200 Taliban mili- duzi, who led a delegation com- Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) were operation by the Afghan army to master and bachelor. “They are tants laced with light and heavy prising senior security officials to ‘mujahideen’ and ‘freedom fight- AT News Report ing another operation, Afghan po- rescue them. The 21 people on currently working at grade 3 – 7 weapons were planning a major the troubled Achin district, said ers’ and not terrorists, BBC Urdu lice seized 3570 kilograms of un- board included two Moldovan pi- positions in 33 provinces. Thirty attack on Khanshin district. Pre- the operation in the town was reported.. “Considering the atroc- KABUL: The Ministry of Interi- processed hashish. A number of lots and a Moldovan engineer, the female recruits are also included pared for the assaults, security successfully underway, but peo- ities and the treatment meted out or (MoI) on Wednesday said that equipment and explosives mate- country’s acting prime minister in this batch.” It said 189 of the forces pushed back the insurgents ple’s cooperation in maintaining to the Muslim majority in IHK, National Interdiction Unit (NIU) rials used in roadside bombs were Gheorghe Brega had told report- positions were project based con- after they launched their offensive security was crucial. The gover- and Crisis Response Unit (CRU) also recovered in the operation. ers in Chisinau. The Mi-17 was tract staff working in 15 provinc- nor told a gathering of tribal el- several groups such as Lashkar-i- “After receiving intelligence tip- last night and inflicted heavy ca- Taiba and Jaish-i-Muhammad in cooperation with Afghan air privately owned by the Valan ICC es — Kabul, Nangarhar, Balkh, sualties on them, he said. Sarjang ders in front of the district head- forces conducted 34 counternar- off, Afghan forces conducted an company in Moldova, according Kunduz, Ghor, Herat, Baghlan, emerged. They were ready to lay operation in Azra district of Log- did not provide figures for casual- quarters: “You have introduced cotics operations across the coun- to Brega, and had been chartered Badghis, Bamyan, Paktia, Bada- ties among security forces. But down their lives for their Kash- try over the past one week and ar province. Security forces recov- by the Afghan army. The Taliban khshan, Kandahar, Helmand, 1,000 local policemen, we are in- miri brethren, we call them free- seized around 86.172 tons of nar- ered around 1697 kilogram hash- in a statement on their website had Uruzgan, and Panjshir. The min- another security official said 17 creasing their numbers and want dom fighters, not Taliban or ter- cotics. Deputy Minister of Inte- ish during the operation,” Ahma- said they shot the helicopter istry said as part of its commit- policemen had been killed and to deploy them in areas retaken rorist,” Musharraf told BBC. rior for Counternarcotics, Baz di said. He added that nine people down. Maj.
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