& MKDICIXES. MERCHANDISE, &u. Productloa of Beetroot Sujrnr lions of Minister and those of Deputy will MEKCtlANDlSE, &0. SUGA1! & MOLASSES. LEGAL NOTICES. In CierBiuay. establish between the Chamber and my Government; the presence of all the Min- X880 H&-waii- an SOMETHING WORTH READING! isters in the Chamber ; the deliberation in Itiao Suprome Court of the I "When at Cologne, we were told that the Council of affairs ; a un- R,K SLB 33L Air. State sincere JUST RECEIVED Islands. the late Joest had th merit of derstanding with will consti- the Erst minafictory for the the majority, EX tute for the country all the guarantees Kuhllanl. ts. Usury O. Tarks Divorce. re&ninar of foreign sorars, and afterwards v fn. which we seek iu our common solicitude. CompIniBMBt CASTLE & COOKE for the extraction of ssgar from tho bcot- - 1869 W1IK11B.VS, the la I have already proved several times how 2L Wood, entitled cause, bas filed a u W. root, anu reamng uie suptr uuuian. disposed I was." for tho public interest, to petition unto the Honorable A. S. llartwell, ARE business had proved so lucrative that l"he renounce my prerogatives. FROM BREMEN, Jnitlce of tho Supreme Court, praying for a PILLS. certain of The De- RADWATS PILLS Dta For he left a very fortunu to his fire sons, deer of divorce, from ber haiband, the DR. hrp modifications which have decided to pro- A Large Merchan- Stocaacb, Bowels, and 3"oxj3t which them individually several I and Varied Assortment of fendant aforesaid, on the grounds of willful EKiMif the Littr. Oponing, yielded pose are the of those Kidneys, PiR at Siill. OUUoilo thousand pounds of yeariy income. Tro-- natural development dise, Selected Expressly for this Market, I1I1.0, II. I. desertion, and absence from this Kingdom for iw for THEIR which have been successively introduced in Diseases and Chronic ccaayrslrits 4 to r vioas to his retiring trout the business he consisting la part of tho following more than three years, and not heard from. the institutions of the Kmpire. They Nttsrur untt JHolHsmrn. Xow Is notify said Henry O. Parks, citrr 24 hocrs. As a Dinner Pill, one Pill funned the joint stock company by which this to the - good will, moreover. leave intact the preroga- to appear before the Ilonorablo A. S. llartwell, coe- hocr before) dials; will ensure a New & Fine Assortment of Goods it is now conducted. Calling a second English Dry Goods, PROP COMIX I) IX AND FOR SALE IX dir-tK--a. tives which the people have more explicitly at his chambers In Ibo Court House, at Hono- appetite, and healthy time at the manufactory, we were so for- Vlt Brown Cottoas, quaniitits to sun purchasers, oy conferred on me. and which are the WALKER Jt ALLKX, lulu, on WEDNESDAY, the Sd Jy of Novem- RAaNVAVS PILLS arc Ex-FR- ED. tunate as to End Mr-- Jlugust Joest in the Drills, ber 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon, at Dr. essential conditions of a Government Browa on Agents nest, at COHPOCV'DED FK03I VEGE- office. This rvntleman. the youngest of which time will be heard the petition afurssald. charged with maintaining order and so- Bloc Cottons, TABLE EXTHACTS, Coated uve sons, anu WM. HUMPHREYS. tne in ine most trani. tue ciety. Bin Drills, 0N0MEA PLANTATION. mtIIb Street Cum. and arts lite THOMPSON, most explicit manner, renlied to the Ques Deputy Clerk Supreme Court. c. White Moleskins, bet, qulckwt, and iTet Pursa-tlv- and we take this of Honolulu, July 30th. ISoD. JM4w Autl-lJlUoi- tions put. opportunity nml Croj 1869 Aperient. aud FROM EN C LAN D , The Irish Church IIII1. White Shtrtlnrs, Sunur ?Io!ao expressing our sense ot tue obligations IX, FOR SALE IX QUAXTI Catkartlc Medicine known to we are under for tho information supplied. was in Striped COMIXO Licences Expiring in Sept., 1869. Science. COMPRISINC. The following protest entered the suit purchasers, by Medical the company is two million White Victoria Lawns, One oriJr. Kiultvay' PHI con-tal- is The capital of House of Lords against the third reading AVALKKR ALLEX. thalers. The thaler is equal to 2s lid. the Irish Church Uill : Black Victoria Lawns, i Agents. T ETAIL Oahu, 7th, Alo t 3th. Peck Leek I more or the active princi- of JA) Clh, 11. The Fiarst Assortefat i: Patterns or Knglish currency; consequently, 300, BoMcttt Mosquito Xettlag, Sth. ApMuHilj E.Motnt.Trot ple or cure, and trill act quicker Iis$tn!ient, 1. Because this Bill, for Bth, Grinbaum A Co. , Utb, Ah See ; ISth, on Stomach, 000 is the capital invested. There are Blue Serge Drawers, the Urer, Bowrli. the first time since the foundation of the PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. II. Bird t 10th, Chulan Bros, t 10th, O. O. Utood, share-tiolder-s. and the Hoard of Kidneys, IIladder, Ac, LINEN" DRILLING-- twenty British Monarchy, introduces, so far as Blue Pilot Jackets, Molean ; 19th, Ah Sam 1 Slth. Lambkin t 23d, or ol persons. Nil 3IoIitHHtn 1S8B Oth, than lour or lx the ordinary Directors consists six The Ireland is concerned, the principle, unre- Dyed Silrslas, tritr mill Crt, Klmaui Ahpal; ISth, Tong Ki ( 1Mb, common Purgative Cutlitirtle special director is Otto Kiroeger. The IX, FOR SALE IX QUAXTI HoOichUegtr A Co. , 10th, Mossman A Son; White Lisea She tic- -. Artile Linen Damask, cognized in any other country in Europe, Undershirts, COMIXO sold under rariou nutues., w hen able White and Browa Cotton suit purchasers, by Hawaii:.!, a. M. Coffin Ah Lean; Pill Whit Lima Handkerchitis, directors are satttSed they are of an entire severance of the State from list. or than tea grain or Blub 32us. shareholders 10 per" on White and Brown Cotton Drawers, WALKER X ALLEX. Kailua 15th. Ahpal A Son. Hllo. Kauai White Liaea DrilKBg. to pay the cent of any and eve:y form of re- the support Denim Frocks and Trowsers, Agents. 18tb, 1'rncoTlllei ;0th. Handchete. Walmeai White Linea Dojlies. the capital. Bine j TRUE COMFORT FOR THE AGED AND , ligious worship. Molokst 10th. Fountain Itst.Uibson.LanaL Kasiis Linra Dlsp-er- When the late extraction of sugar from White and BUck Cotton Spool Threat!, OTHERS AFFLICTED WITH 2. Because the adoption of this princi- WHOLESALE Oahu, 7th, Heuokr 1st, rnblcichcJ Cotton, beet-roo- t was begun, serious difficulty MAKEE PLANTATION. a ple with regard to Ireland, can not but Grey aad Black Felt Hats, Ehlers 1 30th. Clerhorn. AND PARALYSIS OF THE Bio CotUa. had to bj overcome. Farmers refused to RETAIL Oahu, 21st, Hough, She TturaJ, give great encouragement to those who Black Coburgs, iVcivCrop oT Susrnr IHolawne SPIRITS BOWELS. grow beet-roo- t for tho manufactory. The tailing. Licta aad Cottea Thread, BorUps, desire its extension to every part of the COMIXO IX, FOR SALE exenses forward were, had Black Alpaccas, TOW AXD IX WHOLESALE Oahu, 21sl. Walker A Al- 05E TO THREE OF RADWArS PILLS BUck, Brawn aad Greta Lastia;, pat they never JL quantities to suit purchasers by United Kingdom. Honej-eoai- b Towels, len. 4 will secure regular evaeca-- TowtlUnr, Scarlet Coburj. grown the crop ; their fathers and grand- - once in hours Crash 3. Becausu it js a violent stretch of the 0. BREWER A CO., VICTUALLIXQ Oahu, 3d, Ahonj JSth, than tie bowels. Pens who 6,r r fathers had not grown it, and why sbould power of rarltatnent to resume a grant Scarlet, Bine A White Woolen Blankets, Agents. Mrs llrlckwedde. not enjoyed a natural stool, asd Very Real Black Silk Alpaca, from bad Tears hate Sup'r they deviate what they been made by itself in ; still more to White Cotton Blankets, BUTCHKIt .Oahu, 14th, Clifford Utb, compelled to aa perpetuity hare been ujntutu, aire The ia the Market. taught? By persevering in holding out confiscate orooertv held bv lou urescrin-- GreyAforse Blankets, WAILUKU PLANTATION. Boyd. Hawaii. Utb, Allen A Conway; 14th, been ecred by a few doses of Raiway's pills. Hat Reed .t Saperier Light and Dark Madder Prints, inducements to the occupiers of land, and Blae Denims, Richardson. tion, and by a title independent of Parlia AUCTION Hawaii, 22d, Coney. Whaltbone-fras- e Uatbrellas, bv renting several farms, the entire area ment. also "VTEW CROP X0W COMIXO IX. FOR READ THIS. Table Covers, claid which is 8.000 JL Sale in quantities to suit purchasers, HOUSES Oahu, 1st, Xo. SI, 12 Horses. i Diosil, of about acres, the company 4. Because if this principle be well Summer Bncksktns, New Albany. Iad March 12, 1557. Grey Liaca Usckabae. ultimately succeeded in obtaining the by C. UKKWKIl A CO., founded as regards private property, it is Ravens Duck, Agents, forty years I have-- been aSkted with Scarlet Twill FUaael, quantity of beet-ro- required which on For Tarkish Towel, still more so with regard to that which Notice ofCopyright. coatsveaesi, the last twenty was coin-pcG- ed -- Buntlne, and for an average, is about 5,000 tons annually. has been solemnly set apart for the pur daily to resort to injections to seenre Those farmers who contract to grow Hessians, GOODS, &C. IT REMEMBERED THAT OX THE com- Gent's Pine "WTiite Shirts, poses or religion and the service of .VI Seaming Twine, DllY Twenty-sevent- h day A. an vraccatien. In December last I the white Siiesian beet-roo- t for the Com of July, D. 1S9, menced the use of Radway's Pills. After Liaa Bojoau, aad Collars, mishty God. Clothing. CHAUXCEY C. 1IEXXETT, of Honolulu, pany are supplied with good seed at the Suspenders taking a Jew doses, my Krer, stosach, asd, TASCT WOOL TWEEDS.
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