May 2020 ISSN 1650-3414 Volume 31 Number 2 Communications and Publications Division (CPD) of the IFCC Editor-in-chief: Prof. János Kappelmayer, MD, PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary e-mail: [email protected] The Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine In this issue COVID-19: Armageddon before light? Damien Gruson, Gabriel Ko, David Luu 103 Artificial Intelligence – powered search tools and resources in the fight against COVID-19 Larry J. Kricka, Sergei. Polevikov, Jason Y. Park, Paolo Fortina, Sergio Bernardini, Daniel Satchkov, Valentin Kolesov, Maxim Grishkov 106 Reference value for serum zinc level of adult population in Bangladesh Nilima Barman, Marium Salwa, Debabrata Ghosh, Muhammed Waliur Rahman, Md. Nasir Uddin, M. Atiqul Haque 117 Blood lead levels in rag-pickers of Kathmandu and its association with hematological and biochemical parameters Keyoor Gautam, Vivek Pant, Santosh Pradhan, Devish Pyakurel, Bijay Bhandari, Abha Shrestha 125 Survey on stat tests in Catalan clinical laboratories Ariadna Arbiol-Roca, Dolors Dot-Bach 134 Critical results reporting in Portuguese hospital laboratories Dora Vuljanić, Margarida Pereira, Sérgio Santos, Ana Nikler, Vanja Radišić Biljak, Isabel Cachapuz 145 Diagnostic challenges with acyclovir crystalluria – a case study Alicia R. Andrews, Darryl Yu, Andrew W. Lyon 157 In this issue Case report on paediatric nephrotic syndrome Shireen Prince, Kunta Naresh, R. Tulasi 164 Aerococcus urinae spondylodiscitis: an increasingly described localization Amina Lyagoubi, Chahrazad Souffi, Victoria Baroiller, Eric Vallee 169 A tarnished toy story Michelle (k/a Mikhaila) Muscat 174 This is a Platinum Open Access Journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. COVID-19: Armageddon before light? Damien Gruson1,2, Gabriel Ko3, David Luu4,5 1 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, St-Luc University Clinics and Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium 2 Research Unit for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research, St-Luc University Clinics and Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium 3 GKo and Co Consulting, Paris, France 4 The Heart Fund, Paris, France 5 Absolutys, New York, USA ARTICLE INFO MANUSCRIPT Corresponding author: COVID-19, five letters, two numbers, five months, Damien Gruson Pôle de recherche en Endocrinologie, three billions. Three billion people confined in a box Diabète et Nutrition (1,2). But who turned the light off? Humanity did Université Catholique de Louvain Tour Claude Bernard not expect this. The Doctors did not expect this. Bill 54 Avenue Hippocrate Gates did… (3). Unthinkable, but excruciatingly real. B-1200 Brussels Belgium The impact of the wave seems indelible. And yet, it’s Phone: +32-(0)2-7646747 2020 and everything is possible, AI is more than a Fax: +32-(0)2-7646930 E-mail: [email protected] promise, it exists. Anybody can become somebody, and any start-up company can become bigger than a Key words: coronavirus, COVID-19, laboratory, State. But who turned the light off? outbreak, testing COVID-19, invisible but potentially on everyone’s hands. Nowhere, but already everywhere, even there. In a continuous and disproportionate flow of information, data, the incredulous faces of men, women or chil- dren, caregivers and patients pass on our screens, at every moment. The distress of families, the distress of caregivers freezes us. Presidents, ministers, hospital directors in search of hope and solutions and… tests. “Test, test, test”… Page 103 eJIFCC2020Vol31No2pp103-105 Damien Gruson, Gabriel Ko, David Luu COVID-19: Armageddon before light? Our lives, we walked in crowded streets, we used (3). What if nature wanted to reclaim its rights crowded public transport to get to our laborato- in the face of an increasingly aggressive human ries, and then nothing. Locked down. Thousands footprint? (4). of patients seen per day and thousands of tubes However, even on the darkest days, glimmers of analyzed every day, and then almost nothing. hope appear. We just test. Locked down. First, because we are facing through unprece- On arrival, the repercussions of this pandemic dented mobilization. The medical and scientific are incommensurate with what we have already world faces, supported by a citizen impulse in experienced. Human and health consequences, all countries. Solidarity is organized and takes hundreds of thousands of sick people and a high cross-border orientations, medical capacities death rate. Intensive hospital and care capacities are shared (5). This solidarity is also cross-busi- under extreme tension. A crying need for artifi- ness and cross-sector. Willingness to coordinate cial respirators. Caregivers subjected to severe European logistics, manage logistics and man- ordeal and extreme cases, confined, stressed age population testing. Several countries in the populations, scenes of panic in supermarkets, Africa and in the Caribbean are mobilizing re- closed schools. Locked down. sources to implement testing strategies. But it’s a tsunami, a wave train. If the first wave Digital platforms are fostering international co- is about health, the next are about economy, so- operation, remote work, and mass communica- cial issues... And they will be bigger… If all world tion, faster than ever. stock exchanges are known for dizzying falls, the economic repercussions even for health Technology also comes in support. Epidemiological care players are also gigantic and the losses for and big-data monitoring tools allow real-time laboratories and the in vitro diagnostic industry monitoring of the dispersion of the pandemic will be colossal with several months of very lim- with clinical outcomes monitored in real time. ited activity. And yet, “test, test, test”. We hope, too, as through darkness comes light. The global response to the darkest unicorn ever If Labs have been confined for years in the base- that perfectly surfs on the wave of globalization ment of the temple of Medicine, or second role is protectionism. It spreads, we lock and then players, they are now in first line. Clinical biolo- we lack. The defective globalization, lack of sup- gy and the in vitro diagnostic industry are ready. ply of masks, impact on the pre-analytical phase Through screening tests, through their techno- with a lack of swab and on the analytical phase logical capacity to develop molecular biology with lack of reagents. We should answer togeth- capacities in real time, they will also respond to er, but we broker alone and compete. Business the global call. They will test, they will help. But first. Our laboratory activity has changed from they will need help too. Light gives powers but traditional assays to the thousands of COVID-19 also responsibilities. Labs lack. PCR tests and a lack of assay capacity defective A capacity for adaptation and technological re- by this pandemic requiring thousands of mo- bound thanks to rapid tests, serological tests. A lecular biology tests. We are ready. But we lack. capacity to respond to the need for critical hos- We lack coordination and that is the most glar- pital units but also to triage in emergency situ- ing lack, a simple consequence of our withdraw- ations through point of care testing. But we will al behavior. The picture is very dark and close need to be accompanied, to coordinate and to to Armageddon. Could we have anticipated it? validate solutions and pathways altogether. Page 104 eJIFCC2020Vol31No2pp103-105 Damien Gruson, Gabriel Ko, David Luu COVID-19: Armageddon before light? If our discipline is brought to light as never be- 4. Les images incroyables de la chute de pollution en Eu- fore, pushing away a lack of recognition, it still rope - Le Point [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 30]. Avail able from: https://www.lepoint.fr/environnement/les-images- suffers from internal divisions that do not allow incroyables-de-la-chute-de-pollution-en-europe-27-03- exploiting its full potential. 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