ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Jahr/Year: 1993 Band/Volume: 136 Autor(en)/Author(s): Kozur Heinz Artikel/Article: Gullodus n.gen. - A New Conodont Genus and Remarks to the Pelagic Permian and Triassic of Western Sicily 77-87 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Jb. Geol. B.-A. ISSN 0016-7800 Band 136 S.77-87 Wien, Juli 1993 Gullodus n. gen. - A New Conodont Genus and Remarks to the Pelagic Permian and Triassic of Western Sicily By HEINZ KOZUR*) With 3 Text-Figures, 1 Table and 1 Plate Sizilien Perm Trias Conodon/en Taxonomie Contents Zusammenfassung 77 Abstract. .. 77 1. Introduction 77 2. Geological Setting 78 3. Systematic Paleontology 79 4. Biostratigraphic evaluation 79 5. Biofaciallnterpretation 80 6. Annotations to Text-Fig. 3 83 Acknowledgements. .. 84 References 84 Gullodus n. gen. - ein neues Conodontengenus und Bemerkungen zur pelagischen Permotrias von Westsizilien Zusammenfassung Conodontenfaunen aus Riffschuttkalken vom Sosiotal, Westsizilien, enthalten eine charakteristische neue Conodontengattung, Gullodus n. gen. Die Paläoökologie von Gullodus und im Zusammenhang damit die paläogeographische Position der permischen Kalksteinblöcke des Sosiotales innerhalb der Sicanisehen paläogeographischen Einheit werden diskutiert. Neuergebnisse zur pelagischen Perm- und Triasabfolge von Westsizilien werden aufgezeigt. Abstract Conodont faunas from the Middle Permian limestone blocks of the Sosio Valley area, western Sicily, contain a very distinctive new conodont genus, Gullodus n. gen. The Paleoecology of Gullodus and, in connection with this, the paleogeographic position of the Sosio limestone blocks within the Sicanian paleogeographic domain are discussed. A revised stratigraphic column of the pelagic Permian and Triassic of western Sicily is presented. 1. Introduction The Permian limestone blocks of the Sosio Valley area, PEL, 1965). BENDER& STOPPEL(1965) described also other western Sicily, well known and studied for more than 100 forms assigned to Gnathodus (G. sicilianus BENDER & STOP- years, yielded the first Permian conodonts of Europe PEL), Hindeodella (H. triassica MÜLLER sensu BENDER& STOP- (MÜLLER, 1956; BENDER& STOPPEL, 1965). In both papers PEL), Lonchodina (L. muelleri TATGE, L. festiva BENDER & STOP- gondolellid conodonts have been described (Gondolella sp. PEL), Ozarkodina (0. torti/is TATGE, O. turgida BENDER)and Roun- sensu MÜLLER, 1956, G. rosenkrantzi sensu BENDER& STOP- dya (Roundya sp.). 0) Author's Adress: Dr. HEINZ KaZUR,Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Innsbruck, A-6020 Innsbruck. 77 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at After the revision of the Sicilian Permian conodonts by model, the Sosio ammonoid faunas belong to the open- KOZUR(1975, 1989b), GULLO& KOZUR(1992) and in the pre- sea faunas. KOZUR & MOSTLER (1989), DiSTEFANO (1990) sent paper, these species are now placed in Mesogondolella and FLÜGEL, DiSTEFANO & SENOWBARI-DARYAN(1991) re- siciliensis (KOZUR) (for Gondolella sp. MÜLLER, 1956, and G. garded the Sosio limestone blocks as reef slope or base- rosenkrantzi BENDER& STOPPEL,1965, only the Sicilian spe- off-slope limestones with pelagic matrix and shallow-wa- cimens), Gullodus sicilianus (BENDER& STOPPEL)and Pseudo- ter or slope limestones as clasts. This view is confirmed by hindeodus oertlii (KOZUR) (both for Gnathodus sicilianus BENDER the present conodont investigations because all cono- & STOPPEL), Stepanovites festivus (BENDER & STOPPEL) (for dont faunas contain the pelagic Mesogondolella siciliensis be- Lonchodina festiva BENDER& STOPPELand for the Sicilian Mid- side different percentages of shallow-water conodonts. dle Permian representatives of Hindeodella triassica MÜLLER sensu BENDER& STOPPEL,1965), and Sweetocristatusgaleatus (BENDER & STOPPEL)(for Spathognathodus galeatus BENDER & STOPPEL). The remaining "species" listed by BENDER & 2. Geological Setting STOPPEL(1965) from the Middle Permian of the Sosio Valley All investigated material has been derived from the Per- belong to the apparatus of Mesogondolella siciliensis mian limestone blocks of the Sosio Valley area (western (KOZUR). Sicily). The geologialc setting, microfaunas, facies, and According to the facies model for Permian and Triassic age determinations of these blocks and the surrounding conodonts by KOZUR (1974, 1976) Mesogondolella siciliensis Permian deep-water sequence have been discussed by (KOZUR) is a pelagic, open-sea conodont. This was in CATALANO, DiSTEFANO & KOZUR (1988a,b, 1989, 1991 a,b), strong contrast to the gen- erally accepted view that the Sosio limestone blocks N are Middle Permian reef- like rocks on a large carbo- nate platform. However, t ammonoid studies and mi- cropaleontologic and mi- o crofacies investigations have changed this former view. ZHOU, Zuren (1986) studied the ecologic pat- terns of the Permian am- monoids in a gobal scale. According to his important Text-Fig.1. Geological map of the Torrente San Calogero area, Sosio Valley (westernSicily, Italy). 1 = Debris; 2-6 Upper tectonic Unit: 2 = Cherty limestones (Up- per Carnian- Rhaetian),3 = Platy limestones and marls (Middle Carnian and lower Tuvalian), 4 = Beddedcherts, nodular lime- stones and marls (Ladinian - Lower Carnian), 5 = Undifferenti- ated Permianand LowerTriassic, mostly pelagic deep-waterdepo- sits (Roadian Olistostrome Unit, Wordian and Capitanian gray clays, Dzhulfian - Changxingian Red Clay Unit, Lower Triassic .CALOGERO graded, often conglomeratic limestones,yellowish weathering marls, siltstones, red marls and red Hallstatt Limestone. Anisian greenish-gray siliceous limes- tones, 6 = Sosio limestoneblocks (a = Rupe di San Calogero, b = Pietra dei Saracini, c = Rupe dei Passodi Burgio, d = Pietradi Sa- lomone); 7 = Lower tectonic unit: Triassic - Miocene deposits; 8 = Main tectonic boundaries; 9 = Minor thrust planes; 10 = Cross section line (cross section published by CATALANO, ])0 2)m3)~ 4)~ 5)1><16)1 a,o...1 7)[1]] DiSTEFANO& KOZUR,1991b). Age determinations of the lithologie units partly changed. 8) "".., 9),.'J ..... 10)A~A' 11) S 78 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at KOZUR & MOSTLER (1989), DiSTEFANO (1990), KOZUR Text-Fig.2. (1991 c,d), FLÜGEL, DiSTEFANO& SENOWBARI-DARYAN(1991) Gullodus hemicireu/aris n. sp. and GULLO & KOZUR (1992); for locality data see these pa- Refigured from VANDENBoo- pers and Text-Fig. 1 of the present paper. GARD(1987, Fig. 1DE). Holotype. 3. Systematic Paleontology Order Conodontophorida EICHENBERG,1930 Superfamily Polygnathacea BASSLER,1925 Family Anchignathodontidae CLARK, 1972 Ty pel 0 c a lit y: Bitauni, Timor (see VAN DEN BOOGAARD, Genus Gullodus n. gen. 1987). Derivatio nominis: In honour of Dr. Maria GULLO, Ty pes t rat um: Brown-red marls with nautiloids, latest Palermo Artinskian or Early Leonardian s. str. Ty pes p e ci es: Gnathodus sicilianus BENDER & STOPPEL Dia g nos is: Blade short, high, of subhemicircular out- 1965. ' line, highest a little before the midlength at the boundary between the anterior and posterior blade. Anterior blade Dia g nos is: Spathognathodiform element with short to moderately long, with 4 denticles that become increas- moderately long anterior blade that bears 3-6 broad ingly larger posteriorly. The last denticle of the anterior denticles. In the anterior part of the anterior blade one to blade is the largest denticle of the unit. Posterior bar two small denticles are present. The following two den- longer than anterior bar, but relatively short for the ticles are large, the third or fourth denticle is the largest genus. It bears 7 slender-subtriangular denticles of one. After the largest denticle two smaller, but also nearly equal size. Only the last two denticles are smal- broad denticles may be present. ler. The posterior blade is somewhat to very much longer than the anterior one. It consists mostly of numerous o c c u rre n ce: Bitauni (Timor). Latest Artinskian or Early (more than 10, mostly 13-15) small triangular denticles Leonardian s. str. of nearly'equal size. Only in the stratigraphically oldest Rem ark s: Gullodus hemicircularis n. sp. is clearly distin- form the posterior blade has 7, rather long subtriangular guished from the Middle Permian Gullodus species by its denticles. subhemicircular outline, the very high and relatively Under the entire posterior blade a large cup is present. short blade and by the minor size differentiation be- Basal cavity strongly expanded. Under the posterior tween the denticles of the anterior and posterior blade. blade a broad basal furrow is present that becomes nar- As in G. catalanoi (GULLO & KOZUR, 1992) the last denticle rower against the anterior end of the blade. of the anterior blade in G. hemicircularis is the largest one, o c cur re n ce: Latest Artinskian to Wordian. whereas in G. sicilianus two shorter, but broad denticles are present behind the largest denticle of the anterior Assigned species: bar. In G. catalanoithe blade is rather high, but because of Gnathodus sicilianus BENDER& STOPPEL, 1965: Roadian to the short anterior and long posterior blade the outline of Wordian .the unit is not hemicircular. The blade of G. sicilianus is "Pseudohindeodus" catalanoi GULLO & KOZUR, 1992: Wordian considerably lower than in the other known two species Gullodus hemicircularis n. sp. (= Hindeodus ? sp. VAN DEN and the posterior bar is considerably
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