280 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW AUQUST1936 CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLES CONDENSED CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY In the following table are given for the various sections of the climatological service of the Weather Bureau the monthly average temperature and total rainfall; the stations reporting the highest and lowest temperatures, with dates of occurrence; the stations reporting the greatest and least total precipitation; and other data as indicated by the several headings. The mean temperature for each section, the highest and lowest temperatures, the average precipitation, and the greatest and least monthly amounts are found by using all trustworthy records available. The mean departures from normal temperatures and precipitation are based only on records from stations that have 10 or more years of observations. Of course, the number of swh records is smaller than the t,otal number of stations. Condensed climatological ezimmary of temperature and precipitation by sections, dugust 1936 [For description of tables and charts, see REVIEW, January p. 291 Temperature Precipitation - It m D a M Monthly extremes gz Greatest monthly Least monthly Section E - - E cm 5: zgEg Y Y B Station I B Station Station .- Station ua sz 8; mH 8 dan 4 4 - -- - I- OF. OF. OF. OF. In. In. In. In. Alabama.- _________ 80.9 +l. a 2 stations ________..__103 1 17 2 stations_______..___ 51 11 5.73 +l. 20 Ozark .______________11.84 Belgreen _____________ 1.51 Arizona. __ __ ___ __ - - 81.0 +I. 3 Buckeye ___.._.__._.130 14 Fort Valley ___.__.__36 22 224 -. 12 Williams ____________ 6.20 Yuma Valley ________ T Springbank. ___.__..stations ________.__._ Arkansas___________ 85.0 +5. 0 Omrk ..._._.......__120 10 2 stations ._._________43 1 .44 -3.14 2.37 8 .00 Seven Oaks .__._.__.stntions _______..___ California. ___ - - __ __ 73.4 +l. 0 Greenland Ranch..- 126 6 Portola ______________ 24 123 .13 +. 03 2.55 91 .OO Colorado.____ __ __ __ 68.0 +2. 6 Las Animas ____..__.109 17 Pearl ________________ 23 23 2.65 +. 68 PagosaSprings (near) 9.81 2 stations _____________ .22 81.5 +. 1 Raiford. _____ - __ 100 28 Quincy______...____. 59 31 6.76 -. 27 Blountstown________ 17.41 Palatka ______________ 2.14 80.3 +. 8 4 stations ____________ 103 1 19 2 stations _______._._46 31 6.41 +l. 16 Griffin ______________ 12.50 Douglas ______________ 1.69 67.4 +l. 0 2 ststions.______...__ 107 15 Bostetter ..__________18 29 .82 +. 16 Blackfoot Dam ______ 2.76 2 stations _____________ .OO 81.0 +6.9 .___do_____________. 111 117 Mouut Carroll------ 47 1 2.66 -. 68 Sycamore__________. 10.04 Du Quoin __...___.___ .04 79.4 +5. 9 Seymour ____________ 111 22 Marengo ____________ 43 31 3.04 -. 34 La Porta ____________ 8.16 Shoals________________ .47 79.2 +7. 2 Sac City ____________ 114 18 3 stations________ __ __ I 46 11 3.4s -. 06 Britt.______._._.____ 8.68 Keokuk ______________ .78 85.3 +7.7 2 stations ____________ 119 112 ____do_______________ 47 m 1.06 -2.07 Scott City (near)---- 4.40 2 stations _____________ .00 81.1 +5.3 4 statlons ____________ 108 1 17 Greensburg-. ________ 43 31 2.22 -1.48 Paintsville __________ 7.55 3 stations _____________ .25 83.1 +l. 3 Plain Dealing _______ 114 10 Robeline .___________56 1 4.42 -. 62 Burrwood .__________12.67 Shreveport ... __ ______ .39 75.7 +2. 6 2 stations ____________ 101 121 2 stations ____________ 39 1 4.30 -. 29 Salisbury, Md ______ 9.64 Cumberland, Md.-.. 1.44 69.0 Adrian _____________.105 22 Dukes ._._..._._____32 20 3.45 +. 75 Luther ______________ 7.59 Detroit ____.__________ 1.07 Minnesota. - _______ 70.7 St s St. Paul_____________ 108 15 Meadowlands.. - __ __ 34 31 2.93 -. 24 Zumbrota .__________7.01 Fosston _______ ~ ______ .75 Mississippi ___.__ - -. 82. 6 +I. 9 Tunica ._____________108 118 Batesville .______.~__ 51 31 2.39 -1.55 Port Gibson _._______6.35 Yazon City ._________.12 Missouri ___.______.84.6 +8. 2 Clinton _____________ 116 I6 Dean ._______________43 1 .81 -3.00 Jefferson City _______ 3.48 Capo Girardeau----.- T Montana __________.67.4 +a. 6 Garland _____________ 108 9 Wisdom ____._______.24 25 .99 -. 14 Cut Bank---: ___.__.I 4.94 Heron _.______________.03 Nebraska- - - - - - - - -. 79.4 +6.4 Pawnee City________ 117 13 Gordon ____________.34 29 1.62 -1.15 Tekamah ___________ 5.32 Sappa Valley _________ .28 Nevada. _...____ __.72.9 +2. 4 Logandale ___________ 112 24 2 stations .___________ 33 123 .53 +. 02 Sharp_....._......_. 2.08 2 stations _____________ .OO New England ...--. 67. 1 +. 3 2 stations ____________ 97 13 First Conn. Lake, 33 121 4.11 +. 26 Blue Hill, Mass_._.. 7.48 Block Island, R. I ____ 1.11 N. H. New Jersey. - -----.74.2 +2.4 Elizabeth ...________101 4 3 stations .___________44 11 4.14 -. 61 Bdvidere .__________6.97 Belleplain ____________ 2.136 New Mexico______. 71.7 +1.1 San Marcia1_________ 110 2 Therm8_____________ 25 26 2.07 -. 41 Rsmah. _____._._._..7.02 2 stations _____________ 1 .00 New York- +l. 9 2 stations----__------ 100 19 Oabriels 32 1 I8 4.19 +. 42 Honk Falls __________ 11.73 Lewiston ______.______.83 - _______ 69.3 _____________ North Carolina.-.. 77,3 +l. 4 Lumberton__________ 100 27 Mount Mitchell L..- 36 31 4.69 -. 8% Beaufort __._________12.49 Reidsville ____________ 1.21 North Dakota- - - - . 69.8 +3.6 2 stations____________ 110 1 Cavalier ____________ 28 26 1.40 -. 74 Pembina ____._._____4.44 Fullerton. -.- __ ___ - - - .24 Ohio________._____. 76. 1 +4. 5 Gallipolis (near)----- 108 121 Canfleld ____________ 42 18 3.59 +. m Allianm ____________ ~ 8.87 Oklahoma-. 89.0 +e. 6 2 stations____________ la0 110 Smitbville __________ 45 1 .21 -2.71 Clinton _____________ 1.25 13Catawba stations Island ____________ ______ .98.OO Oregon ____ - - - - - 66.2 +. 8 5 stations____________ 105 15 Fremont.-.. ________ 23 25 .16 -. 2a Astoria ___.__________1.31 43 stations ____________ 00 Pennsylvania. - ___.73.2 +3. 1 2 stations____________ 102 1 21 3 stations ______ __ .___37 11 4.96 +. 73 Ebensburg __________ 9.48 Erie. __.___________.._I 1:28 South Carolina ..... 79.7 +. 8 Dlllon _______________ 103 14 Long Creek (near).- 48 31 4.84 -. 85 Oolumbia ___________ 9.82 Dillon ____.___________1.04 South Dakota.----. 76.3 +5.7 Gannvalley _________ 116 24 Pine Ridge __________ 38 28 1.59 -. 54 Wentworth _________ 5.86 Camp Crook .... _____ .I5 Tennessee-.- - - - - - -. 80.6 +4.0 Carthage__________ __ 108 21 WaynesLoro..----... 44 31 221 -1.78 Kingsport ___________ 6.38 Union City __________ .17 Texas. ______ .___ __. 84.4 +I. 6 12 a stations ____________ 50 12 1.47 -. 84 Raymondville_______ 9.36 19 stations ____________ .M) Utah __________..__.70.4 +. 7 23 Clear Creek _________ 27 28 1.59 +. 53 Kimberly ___________ 4.70 Wendover .___________.30 Virginia--. - - - - - - - -. 7G. 4 +2. 4 4 2 stations .___._~ __.__45 31 3.65 -. 88 Plnnaclea ___________ 8.20 Timberville. - ____ - __ .78 Washington..- - - - -. 6G. 6 +l. 0 5 Deer Farm (near).-. 28 28 .52 -. 32 Clearwater __________ 4.27 8 %ations____._.______ .oO West Virginia-----. 75.2 +3.5 111 Bayard _____________ 36 1 3.88 -. 12 Jane Lew.. .__.._.._ 7.44 Cairo ... ___._________1.49 Wisconsin____ - __ __. 70.7 +3. 3 Meadow Valley-_.-- 104 9 Long Lake__________ 34 31 5.15 +l. 92 Stoughton._____...._ 9.11 West De Pere ________ 2 29 Wyoming____ __ __ -. 66. 1 +2.3 Buffalo._______._____ 108 24 Gallatin. --__________ 22 28 1.27 +. 17 Middle Forks ___.___3.46 Sheridan Field Sta- .07 tion. Alaska (July)- - - - - . 57.4 $1.6 Ruby _______________ 98 2 Barrow______________ 24 8 274 -. 21 Cordova ____________ 10.72 University Experi- .48 ment Station. Hawali __.___ __ __ 75.0 +.2 Papohaku ___________ 93 laa Kamlohuluhulu. - - 51 11 10.00 +3.33 Pilhonua...- ~ - ___ - __ 46.00 2 stations .____________.OO Puerta Ria, 78. 9 -.e Coroza1.- ___________ 99 17 Guineo Reservoir- - - 53 11 10.76 +3. MI La Mina (El Yun- 36.61 Santa Rita ___________ 1.23 que). - - - 1 Other dates also. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/21 08:06 PM UTC Ananm 1936 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 281 TABLEl.-Climatological data lor Weather Bureau stations, August 19.5'6 [Compiled by Annle Small, by officinlauthority, U. 8. Weather Buresu] ~~ Elevatlon of instruments I m Maximum % Distrlct and statio1 velocity 'c) 525-8 -_- 67.71F. +0.21F. OF. 1 /OF,/ &IO In. In. New England Eastport 5.61 I ____ ____ ____ 46 27 52 29 57 M 88 238 -0.6 14 5,887 sw 4 11 1( 6.9 0.0 0.0 QreenviUe. Malne- - 36 21 51 31 .. - - - - - - - - - - 247 ____--13 3.129 88. 8 9 1. .o .o Portland. Maine..-. 53 18 (io 30 59 55 70 205 -1.1 9 5,641 n. Concord 203: 3.8 .O .O ______ __ __ 45 18 56 34..-. - - - - -.. 3.75 -.2 8 __....ne. 18 s -.. .o .o Burlington. - - - - 45 18 56 33 59 55 71 3.84 +.e U 6,636 s. 6 11 1: 6.5 .O .O Nortb6eld __________ 38 28 50 38 58 68 81 6.54 4-2.0 121 4,929 s. 6 14 1: 6.6 .o .o Boston I ____________ 54 22 61 28 e3 60 77 5. 15 +1.5 11 6.452 e. 9 13 I 5.4 .o .o Nantucket--- - - - - - __ 55 19 62 20 64 02 86 2.84 -.e 10 9,952 sw.
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