TllEi UAlAtlA OUWIJAY. ISUIVjI fcJl!il'H'jMlilln zn, ivy. 3 a Twas Worth It, He Says Drawn for The Bee by J. Swinnerton ' ' I 1 cop FALLS darnedest to tho gTavy today. It SEASON'S CURTAIN will be a gingery fight and will be worth Young,Amerioan Match for Foreign Wizards COACH STIEHM IN THE DUMPS Manager Callahan walking blocks to see, and country blocks argument Judgments Local Close Satisfac- at that. The last between Qloomy One Man Who Takes Sandlottars a these two herds was tinged with a Luxus Comhusker Foot Ball Mentor tory Year of Base Ball. flavor, so it can plainly be seen that the Orer Nebraska Prospects. li this for a team Beef congregation will be up on their Stock in Rumors Long Tom Hughes, MInei FINISHING WITH DUAL BOUTS toes throughout this muss. They will be THREE PLAYERS OUT OF GAME HOW Jack Pfelster, Frank up against a starchy proposition, aa the CHICAGO. Sept S7.-Jl- mm' Callahan. Interesting popular manager of FatRagan, Dusty Rhodes; Ancient Order of United Workmen Luxus boys are playing great ball, but CnmerOii, Ilecsr nnd Ilnvrklns the nnd catchers, Agnew and Hick John-o- r regardless of chil- tho White Sox, says that a manager "Will this the South Omaha Injured In Austin or Perrlnc: left field, George Team Finish Bummer's dren might watu away with the sweet- verelr Practice bumps Into many hard knocks during n on; first base, Chick Autrey; second Activities rrtth Ttto Game's meats. Gurness will hurl them for the Kreshnit-- Show Up In the season, but one of the worst bumps la base, Schlpke: third base, Perrlng. nt Fort Omaha. Armours and Dyck will wiggle for the Vnraltr Iteiiulnr Temu. Old Man Rumor." Hero Is what tho Austin, Nlehoff; shortstop, Nlehoff or Luxus family. Lineup: leader ot the Chicago elub has to say Austin or Perrlnc; left field, aeorjte II r FRANK QUIOL13Y. LUXUS. ARMOURS. I1Y JAMBS 12. I,AWUENL'U. about thts old man; Etone; center, Del Howard, and Today is the time set aside by th Farley...., First..., Ryan LINCOLN, 8cpt. S7. Special. Coach "Old Man Rumor stalks up the alley right field, Qus "Williams? These are for local schedule makers to ring out the Smith Second., Tuttle Stlohm's gridiron warriors will Inaugurate and attacks you unawares," continued base ball soason 1913. Traoey...... Third... .... Corcoran tho foot ball season Saturday Cal. Instance, I heard the papera mer Omahans who are now, have been or of Fans will havo Rapp Short. ,.. Langhnlne with a "For are going Into the big leagues. In tholr to kits the old season on the chewers Denny Left Collins game with Washburn university the first prlntod the alleged fact that we bad day they were all great ball players. and bid It uu revolr for approximately ox Center, A I Graves lineup on the Comhusker schedule. asked waivers on Larry Chappell. Now. six months. They have had a very suc- Kochcr Right Alvle Graves It has been a blue week In foot ball as a matter of fact, wo never had any Omaha has been especially strong on Hachton Catcher Llsmond third basemen, sending In turn George cessful season from every standpoint Dyck Pitcher Gurness olrcles at Nebraska rogretablo early sea idea along that line, and I am highly and apparently everybody in neck Hull son injuries removing threo players upon satisfied Chappell is a great young Perrlng, BUI Schlpke, Jimmy Austin and this ' Pitcher Hlatt that Bert Nlehoff to faster company. Del of the woods Is satisfied with the ar- Diamond Dust. whom Btlehm was placing much confi- ball player. you Howard, who could play anywhere, is ticle of base ball dished up by the local Clink Clair, the Dallas.ls. D magnate, dence. Early In the week, Cameron, tho "Do know that Chappell has had placed In center field In this lineup, baso ball manipulators. The different rolled In last week. Lincoln High school star, wont out with a bad leg, yet he has been in there every though covered second for Omaha squads are overly pleased with the show- Did you know that the Workmen team u broken collarbones It Is doubtful If ho day? Ho came Into the leaguo under he copped the local rag? and relieved Chance at first for the Cubs. ing they registered and the only thing will be able to get back into the game distressing circumstances. He was hailed they have to regret Is the season Louis Kocher says with vehemence again this season, and thus Btlehm losos as the great '$18,000 wonder,' and he has Dusty Rhodes came to Omaha from St. that that this ,u his is practically over. However, a few last offense. ono of the men he was dopendlng on to been trying to live up to that reputation Lcuts and does not return from here, but Next season Joe Vanous will hold more, , down rebuild line. ever a Toxaa team, to the majors. But a tussles will probably be Jerked oft pouch No. 1 for the Storz Triumphs. the since. by (he Following on heels of Injury may Imagine It, It to me Blanco at that array of pitchers Hughes dudes that are Inoculated with Madam Rumor has It that Hull will do the the to "I but sems the base ball fever so badly they the driving for brigade Cameron, Roese, tho track crack, went every time he comes to the plato tho op- still a winner for Washington; Brown, that year. the Luxus r.ext Chicago; don't know when to shut off the steam out wtlh a badly Injured knee and tho posing pitchers put on another pound of king In his day, here and at According to dope greatest southpaw As far as the big children are concerned, the Jake Krug Is doctor has Issued orders against him ap- steam. I enn just hear the pitcher say Jack Pfelster, tho for today going to give his band a thousand rocks pearing again ing to sorno years In the National, the terrible will be their last appearance on next season this season. himself: 'Here's where I show up The severest Ioib expensive guy.' may Giant killer,' who went back only after the turf. Ever since Grossman of the Nebraska of the week resultod that This bo Collegians returned ho been sitting on In the Injury which Earl Hawkins, var-slt- y imagination, but I would take an oath breaking his pitching arm; Pat Ragan, Play n Double-Decke- r. has the sick list. quarterback, sustained. Hawkins re- that it looks way. now In his prime at Brooklyn. As to! At beautiful Fort Omaha this after- that Cup Benson and his Hanscom ceived a broken log In scrlmmago Thurs-da- y "And, speaking Agnew St. noon the Ancient of Work- Parks of dissension, the team catchers, of Sam the Louis Order United will decorate the register ns soon us the will be does men team will partici- ueii again. and out for tho entire Mason. that not fight Itself )s too indifferent Republic says: "He has the best throw- shut tho doors by iass to double-decke- His loss Is all tho mora serious slnco it succeed. You can got a 'dlssonslon' ing In American league and pating In a r. They hovt Last woek the Dundees had a very en- arm the joyable banquet given expense Is doubtful It Max Towlc, tho llttlo quar- story in our clubhouso every evening, how to use it," For Hick John- chalked up a remarkable record this at the of but knows u.elr generous backer. terback who played ho Well in the closing it wouldn't pan out tho next day. llko son we bespeak successful career In seaBon and it Is their Intention to cor I a . The Council Bluffs Merchants will finish games last season, will return to school, to hnvo the boys crlUclso each other's New York. These are not all the men theso two scrambles if there Is any waj Jtnelr season by playing a couple of class I Towlo promised to report the first of work, for It tends to keep on graduated Omaha Into the possible to "doer." By tho way, the, J Council Bluffs teams. Uo them their who havo from week, but nothing has been beard of him. toes. big company, but they are enough to havo already snagged the amateur cham- The Chris Lycks made a grand fight for pionship the class B rag, but they were nosed out Unsatlsfnctory "Stories havo been printed to tho effect big part Omaha has played, Is 'of this burg and if they gamer , Practice. show tho the skin of their teeth. To add to woes, that Hal Chase would lay down on us, playing will play on the larger lots, these two Jamborees they can "claim tlu Stlohm's the practice and The Emll Hansens will grab a steamer this week has been anything hnd I want to say that Chase has boon and offers somo refutation to tho thought- championship of tho three cities. The libeled for Schuyler, Neb., today, where but satis- hey will r factory. Tlio freshmen Thursday flight playing first baso for tho last two weeks less statement about our never having the Council Bluffs Merchants, who at the deliver their wares. simply present writing are leading Next year will find the Diets club on reeled oft five touchdowns In rapid 'stltj-- on his nerve. He hurt lila ankla best. the leagut n Bermuda spring by a small margin, were given a good the menu with a fast team under the cesslon against Uio regulars, the Una this nnd "It hasn't put iiuiicrvlston of Frank Spellman.
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