September 7 1936 • S Eventful Minutes • P rograms RAY ana CHua • Page 9 ISTENERS' Paderewski in Trans-Atlantic Broadcast October 12th Lanny Ross' State Fair Concert has Ignace Jan Paderewski. world fa­ become so popular that its sponsors mous Polish pianist. will present his have decided to keep it on the air at first American radio concert this fall least three weeks longer than origin­ :t was announced today. The noted ally planned. Heard over an NBC­ musician will be heard over an NBC­ Here's a Thought WJZ network each Sunday at 5:00 W JZ network from 9: 30 to 10 : 00 Partner for Otto '! p. m.. CST. the program now is ll. m., CST, on Saturday, October 12 . Listeners, this is your page. Your An autograph of one of the gang scheduled to continue through Sep­ when he broadcasts from his home In Stand By! of August 17 the pic­ letters concerning the magazine, each week! What a splendid sugges­ tember 22. Riond Bosson, Morges. Switzerland .. ture of otto reminds me of when I tion. But why not add a little to it? Howard Barlow's 35-piece semi­ Seated at his piano in the living had the mumps. Gee. I can almost the programs, or other letters, will Have an artist write an article of room of his villa. Paderewski will play hear his left eye click. He also looks symphonic orchestra and guest art­ be welcome. Please hold your some kind and sign his name to it. I Mrs. B. F. Langworthy ists also are heard on the programs. an all-Chopin program. The program as if he has "hassenpfeffer und " scripts" to one hundred words. am sure they could do as well as Ala­ was arranged by the Societe Romande kleets" for dinner often .... My little Address "Listeners' Mike." bama Buttram.-Helen Kunkel, Riv­ Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, president of de Radiodiffusion. daughter said. "Mother. perhaps you erside. Ill. the National Congress of Parents and The famed pianist. now in his 74th and Otto could team up and call (Your suggestion is excellent, Miss Teachers, will speak during Home­ year. will give no concerts this year yourselves the 'Beef Trust·... Well. Kunkel, but take it from the editor, makers' Hour on Monday. September NEXT WEEK so that the broadcast to be relayed Otto. don·t lose any weight. I have Faithful Fans 9. Mrs. Langworthy has just returned it's mighty hard to corral any oj John Lair. outstanding au­ from his own home on Oct.ober 12 to just 12 pounds to go to catch uP. and We have l!Ieen fans for 12 these fo!ks and convince them that from Oxford. England. where she at­ NBC listeners will offer the only op­ that's that! ... Nothing like olden years since 'way back when Charlie tended the International Federation thority on folk music and leg­ their literary efforts are in demand. ends, writes a fascinating story portunity to hear him. times. old scouts. Today it·s the bunk. Stookey gave temperature reports However, next week you'll find what of Home and School. Her subject I wish those old days would come from his back porch . .. We never will be "The P. T. A. Around the of the fiddling. dancing and we think is a fascinating story by other goings-on at the annual back with seven yards of goods in our miss a Barn Dance.-Mrs. Sylvia John Lair. Look for it.) World." This is the second in a new street gowns.-Mrs. Florence B. N .. Conn. Marion. Ind. series of P. T. A. talks to be given White Top Folk Festival on Willow Springs. TIL each Monday on Homemakers' Hour. White Top Mountain, Virginia. The glory that was Gr,ece and the It's a story of a little known grandeur that was ancIent Rome-­ Thanl{s, Boys group of our fellow Americans and Florence, Venice, Versailles, PariS, and you won't want to miSS it. Heidelberg, and other famous histori­ There Are More Men Greetings from the Timberline cal spots in Europe-will be revived Shanty Boys to all that take part in Common Sense Magazine Why is it that nearly all your pic­ Jack Benny's return to his Sunday for NBC listeners in a series of pro­ making Stand By! the best paper night spot on an NBC-WJZ network grams from the actual scenes. begin­ ... I shall always cherish the love­ tures on the front page of Stand By! that reaches our shanties. Not only ly picture of Linda Parker which is are of the men folks? Come on, bring following his first vacation from radio "Little Known Facts About Well ning in October. to Stand By! but to every entertainel' in several seasons has been set for The series was announced by Dr. in this week's Stand By! This is a on the women folks for a change. I on the staff. We love every one. Sure­ Known RadiO Stars" is the title of a real radio magazine, full of so much also think that the idea for auto­ September 29, at 6:00 p. m .. CST, new program being broadcast daily Franklin Dunham, NBC Educational ly would love to be a part of that big with a repeat performance for west­ Director, after conferring with John common sense and good advice. I graphs is wonderful. Mrs. J . happy family. We are, in spirit, if not from 1 :45 to 1 :50 p. m., CST, in which look forward in happy anticipation Kopshever, Chicago. ern states at 10:30 p. m., CST. The Dale Carnegie, radio commentator, F. Royal, NBC vice-president, who in person.-Fred Hall and the Tim­ popular comic will be inaugurating has just returned from a trip to Eu­ of its arrival each week.-Mrs. Galin (You're right, Mrs. Kopshever, but berline Shanty Boys. Antigo, Wis. world traveler and noted author, is Crook. Logansport, Ind. his fifth series of broadcasts. Aided heard. The program is presented by rope during which he arranged with there really are more boys than there by his heckling poetess-partner. are girls here. We like to spread out the American Radiator Company. foreign radio officials for an increase Mary LiVingstone, Jack will introduce which is also announcing a daily in broadcasts to the United States. the girls' pictures. However, we can two new cohorts on the fall series. promise you a front page picture of Another Ad Lib Fan prize-a complete heating system­ "The programs will be designed to Michael Bartlett, screen and stage for the best letter in a contest. benefit history students in schools Friends in Need a girl real soon.! The pictures on the cover of Stand tenor-actor. will replace Frank Park­ and colleges as well as the general By! are just grand. The radio listen­ er, while Johnny Green's band will be listener," Dr. Dunham said. Just finished reading the account ers who haven·t subscribed for Stand heard instead of Don Bestor and his of the Doolittle children in Stand By! "Here we will be carrying out the By! don't know what they're missing. orchestra. greatest mission of radio to educa­ We are so happy to know that Wil­ Jack Holden's Ad Lib is my favorite. A talk of seasonal interest to the fred Jean is getting along nicely. We Microphone Twins tion. by bringing to the classroom a . Mrs. Ralph D. Fierce, Blooming­ home gardener will be heard during picture of events and places of great all realize in times of illness how Pardon my southern accent, but I ton. Ill. Homemakers' Hour, Wednesday. Sep­ heartily disagree with Mrs. Mary historical importance which vitalize splendid it is to have friends. But not tember 11. often do we anticipate such coopera­ Rhorer of Tremont, TIL You can't Niela Goodelle. former singing star the lessen. thus doing for the school tion from an appeal to people un­ tell Jack Holden's and Howard Cham­ STAND BY! of the Ziegfeld Follies. will be the what it cannot do easily itself." berlain's voices apart. They have known to us. as these folks received BURRIDGE D. BUTLER. Publisher star of a new weekly radio series of in their moments of distress. This big "twin" voices and could easily pinch "one-woman" musical shows begin­ c opyright. 1935, Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. It's the informal, unprepared radio world is a friendly place to live in. hit for each other.... I never would ning Sunday, September 8. Playing show that crops up with bits of hu­ isn't it? ... Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kas­ have known the difference but one 1230 Washington Blvd .. Chicago Indianapolis: 17 West Market Street her own accompaniments and singing mor like this: Jerry Belcher and After five years distinguil:'hed serv­ ten. Carlinville, Ill. day I went to the studio and Howard New York City: 250 Park Avenue the hit melodies of the moment, the was announcing a canary program Parks Johnson had the ferrymaster ice, Jimmie Wallington, one of radio's Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year young songstress will be on the air of the Weehawken-New York ferry on best-known announcers, leaves NBC while Jack Holden wandered around over an NBC-WJZ network each Sun­ the air in NBC's Vox Pop last week. September 12 to join his famous the studio. Good heavens, thought I. 'SIngle Copy. 5 cents day from 7:45 to 8:00 p. m .. CST. have they developed a new system Issued Every Saturday A few questions about marriage cere­ teammate of the air waves, Eddie He's for Autographs monies brought the response, "All I Cantor.
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