Established 1941 Saint Ann Catholic Church 113 South Kemp Street, Florence, SC 29506 Telephone 843.661.5012 Fax 843.673.2680 www.stanncatholicparish.com Solemnity of the Feast of the Ascension of Our LORD May 15 & 16, 2021 Most Reverend Rober t E. Guglielmone Bishop, Diocese of Charleston Parish Clergy Our Mission Statement Reverend Noel P. Tria, Pastor Deacon Robert L. Cox iii “to know jesus christ as he is revealed in Deacon David A. kahn, sr. sacred scriptures; to celebrate his presence within the liturgy; and to serve holy mass schedules him though outreach to the poor and Weekend Mass Schedules needy within the parish community.” Saturday, Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Sunday Masses, 8:30 & 10:00 am Welcome to Saint Ann Parish! Sunday Mass (Filipino/Tagalog) 12:00 PM Fourth Sunday of the month We welcome all who are visiting with us Daily Mass Schedules today. If you attend saint ann’s regularly Tuesday – Friday, 12:00 PM and consider this to be your parish, please register at the saint ann parish Sacrament of Reconciliation office, or print a registration form from 30 Mins. Before Mass & By Appointment the parish website under the ‘about us’ We Pray the Holy Rosary tab, or you may fill out and submit the 30 Mins. Before Each Mass form to the saint ann parish office. Sacramental Preparation S a c r a m e n t o f B a p t i s m S acrament of Matr i m o n y Parents must be registered and regularly Those contemplating the Sacrament of a t t e n d i n g Saint Ann Catholic Church . M a r r i a g e m u s t be registered and regularly Parents must attend two classes prior to the a t t e n d i n g Saint Ann Catholic Chur c h . T hos e S a c r a m e n t o f B a p t ism being conferr e d . c o n t e m p l a t ing the Sacrament o f M arr i a g e Ple a s e c o n t a c t t he Saint Ann Parish O f f i c e , mus t c o n tact the priest at least six m o n t h s 8 4 3 . 6 6 1 . 5 0 1 2 for more information . prior to the wedding d a t e . R C I A Sacrament of Anointing of t h e S i c k (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Individuals interested in becoming full A Mass is celebrated yearly with the members of the Catholic Community Anointing Rite. For Hospital Visits or participate in a pro c e s s o f C h r i s t i a n individual Anointing when seriously ill or Initiation. P l e a se c a l l Dea c o n R obert L. Cox , h a v i n g s u r g e ry, please contac t the S a i n t 8 4 3 . 6 2 1 . 1 0 8 4 , f or more information. A n n P a r i s h o f f i c e . CCD/YFF C h r i s t ia n Formation Classes: Children in G r a d e s K t h r o u g h G r a d e 8 s h o u l d be enrolled in a religious education program. If not enrolled, please contact K i m Wilcox, Saint Ann DRE, o r R e v e r e n d N o e l P . Tria, at the Sai n t A n n P a r i s h O f f i c e , 843.661.5012. Due to Covid 1 9, for the 2020 - 2021 Academic Yea r o u r Catechetical Instruction P r o g r a m w i l l b e a h o m e - b a s e d p r o g r a m . P a g e 2 S t . A nn Catholic P a r i sh, M a y 15 & 16, 2 0 2 1 Weekly Calendar of Events Saint Ann Parish Staff Sunday, May 16, 2021 Barbara Lewis Business Administrator Solemnity of Ascension email: [email protected] 8:00 AM We Pray the Holy Rosary 8:30 AM Holy Mass Bulletin Editor For the Parish Deadline for Bulletin Mondays 12:00 Noon 10:00 AM Holy Mass email:[email protected] Intentions of Dan & Marjorie Henry 5:00 PM Youth CYO Meeting @ St. Anthony’s St. Ann Parish Office Telephone 843.661.5012 Monday, May 17, 2021 St. Ann Parish Office Fax 843.673.2680 9:30 AM Legion of Mary Meeting St. Ann Parish Office Hours, M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM 12:00 PM Legion of Mary to Lead Rosary 12:00 PM Pope Francis Requests A Worldwide Rosary to End This Worldwide Pandemic Weekly stewardship report Daily Mass Not Scheduled Today Tuesday, May 18, 2021 May 1 & 2, 2021 Alliance of Holy Family Intr’l Visits St. Ann’s Offertory Collection $ 3,087.00 9:00 AM St. Martin dePorres Pantry OPEN Poor Box $ 29 .00 11:30 AM We Pray the Holy Rosary 12:00 PM Holy Mass Online Giving: April 2021 $ 12,159.00 + Harold Agar Bicentennial Qtrly Rebate $ 8,088.35 12:30 PM two Hearts Seminar, Parish Life Ctr 2021 BAA appeal To Date $ 10,545.00 Legion of Mary to Host Light Lunch Thank You for Your Support of St. Ann’s Wednesday, May 19, 2021 St. Ann to Host Deanery Meeting Today Weekend of May 15 & 16, 2021 9:00 AM St. Martin dePorres Pantry OPEN Ascension of Our LORD 11:30 AM We Pray the Holy Rosary 12:00 PM Holy Mass (TBD) Teaghan Rose Cavin (Birthday) “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God 12:30 PM St. Ann Prayer Group to Meet abides in him, and he in God.” – 1 JOHN 4:15 Thursday, May 20, 2021 11:30 AM We Pray the Holy Rosary “How strong is your faith? When you have an 12:00 PM Holy Mass opportunity to either defend or clarify a question + Vincent Azares about our Catholic faith, do you do it? Or do you Friday, May 21, 2021 remain silent so that others do not think you are 11:30 AM We Pray the holy Rosary weird? Pray for the courage to be strong in all 12:00 PM Daily Mass circumstances and to joyfully share your witness with + Laurence Barnes others.” https://www.archstl.org/about-stewardship Saturday, May 22, 2021 4:30 PM We Pray the Holy Rosary 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Where to Find St. Ann Parish Online + Kay schweers St. Ann Parish Website Outreach www.stanncatholicparish.com/ Did You Know? St. Ann Facebook Page May is the Month of mary www.facebook.com/StAnnFlorence We Pray daily For an Increase To Watch Sunday Mass Livestream In Devotions to the www.facebook.com/StAnnFlorence/live Blessed Virgin Mary & To Watch Sunday Mass on YouTube An End to This Pandemic www.youtube.com/channel/UCyrMKsE9ApU6kOGvHwgP Og P a g e 3 St. Ann Catholic P a r i s h , M a y 15 & 16, 2 0 2 1 Solemnity of the Ascension of Our LORD From the Pastor’s Desk “Ascension, not ‘Space Travel’ ” “Today, we commemorate the feast of Jesus' ascension. Christ entered a new dimension, an unseen but definitive presence which is the spiritual or immaterial. His ascension was not a separation neither was it a retirement from public service after accomplishing his mission. End of the story? No! As a matter of fact, the story continues up to this moment. Jesus continues to be present among us. What was changed was only the manner of his being present. Although no longer physically present in the world, Jesus continues to be present spiritually - in His Church, in His mystical body and in each believer who is striving to be a disciple. In this very moment, while Jesus is going back to the Father...Let us reflect these simple words as if you are talking to Jesus right now..."l just want to say, I'm sorry, LORD." Sorry for all my sins, sorry because I tend to forget you sometimes. I'm so sorry for those times when I just wanted to give up. I'm sorry for the wrong things that I have done. Help me, LORD. Teach me how to honor you in everything that I do. I'm simply nothing without you. I need your guidance. I need your love every single day. Teach me how to humble myself, LORD. Teach me how to listen to your words. Father, I pray for your healing. Please heal the world because of this Covid-19. Protect and give strength for all front liners in the world. Please help all countries especially INDIA that they are facing challenges and difficulties now. Father, I'm so lost without you. I need your comfort every day. I need you to remind me that I am loved. Sometimes, I tend to forget my identity, LORD. I blame myself. I condemn myself because I feel like I'm not worthy. But every time I feel so inadequate, LORD, please remind me that I am your child.
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