■-'- i-* w Sb t w b l v b IRatu^0tn: £t>raitig l|mllk •nroRBDAT, A P ^ 1 6 , 1 9 8 6 , f c — AVBBAOB OAlUt OBOUIATION Townsend Club No. 1 will hold ita tor the Mouth ef Blareh, 1888 Oibbons Assembly, CatboUe La­ A t the North Methodist church The meeting of the Board of Park regular meeting Friday evening at dles of Columbus, will bold Us reg­ TUB WBATUBR ATTENTION! ABODTTOWN tomorrow evening at 6:80 a supper Oommlaaloaara scheduled for yester­ Foreoaat of U. « : Weather Bureau. IN CASE Nathan Hale school. As there la ular meeting Friday evening at 8 will be served to the team of can­ very Important business to be trans­ day afternoon In the Municipal Berttord Local 2125, o’clock. Since flnal plans for the in­ vassers In the annual campaign for OF ACCIDENT Local 3125 will bold its regular acted to elect a delegate to the Con­ building was postponed because few­ 5,848 stallation and banquet will be made funds. Everyone of the workers la er than three of the live members, a MaNOfttne Ce«» Henbe' Audit U. T. W . of A. It takes a big responsibility monthly btiBiness meeting on Sat­ gressional convention and a sponsor at this time, a large attendance la to preaent and endeavor to have blm urged to be present for flnal instruc- quorum, attended, No date was sat Bureau ef Oreulatlone. ParUy cloody and elighUy cooler I t o refoU r montUy bari- off your mind to know you urday, April 18 at 2:30 p. m. in Odd desired. Uons and Inspiration. M M iBMtIiW o f Local 21M will Fellows hall. Executive oRIcera are chosen and elected to assist the for the meeting SELF SERVE 3 TO 6 tonight; Saturday fair. ba bold Saturday, AprU 18tb, possess dependable automobiia requested to be present at 1 p. m. state manager on the congressional t:M P. Odd FWlowo Ball insurance. board, It la essential that every (Uaaslfled AdvertMug ea Page .) n o ExiMtlva offlcem are The Army and Navy Auxiliary member be present. SPECIALS FRIDAY 14 win meet, this evening at 8 o'clock (SIXTEEN PAGES) reqtMoied to be preaent at For a change, aerve PRICE THREE CENTl Biiloa office at 1 P. April at the club. Members will sew on The entertainment committee of IStk. JOHN L. JENNEY the new club curtains All members 1 <4-Pound Box Sunbeam 10 Depot Square Phone 6850 Zion Lutheran church wiU meet on Free Running “BuyI Onion1 Labeled ____ Mpreeenitnf are requested to attend. Friday evening at i:80 In the Mberchandlae'’ THB TRAVELERS, Bartford, Conn. church basement to plah' for the PINEHURST FRESH FISH Low-Priced, Speedy Sky Ford Soon To Make Bow Saturday special prices on But­ tomorrow. The flret fraah mackerel of the eeaeon are now in— 7 BANDITS HOLD UP social to be held on Friday, AprU SALT ter and other staples will be in ■loo beautiful freah Halibut. Yon will want eome genuine Tar­ 24. The membeia are requested to tar Sauce to lerve with your Heh— 12o and 29o Jar. bring any material suitable for en­ effect in all departments tomor­ 2 boxes ETHIOPIA REJECTS tertainment, games, comic sketches row. Fresh Oysters, 85c pint ' Opened Clams, 35c pint DRIVE and songs. Plans for the banquet Steak Cod — Salmon NEW JERSEY TRAIN; on May 23 will also be discussed. Fresh Sea Scallops .................................................... pint BIRDS EYE KeUogg’s Boston Blneflsh (Ib. 15c), ESCAPE WITH $900 MUSSOLINI’S OFFER [HO SAFELY PEAS Whole Haddock, 2 pounds 25c Corn Flakes Smelts, 29c Ib. special • Headlights Fresh Mackerel — Fresh Halibut Irmed HIHth ISiotgims and 2 5 c Pinehurst Boneless Filet of Haddock, TWO ARE HELD OF A FORCED PEACE • Windshield Usually 29e. Special Friday and I b ........................... ................................ 22c 2 1 3 ^ ReTolvers They CoYcr McCrIIiL'S Best Paints Saturdayi Filet of Sole Wipers Birdseye Lim as.............. box 2dc IN BOND THEFT AND PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES Vi-Pound Box Baker’s Crew and Loot Baggage Italy Wants to Make Own Sliced Peaches or Blueberries... Plnehorat Fruits and VegetablM — Dial 4181. Italy Vows to Take • Speedometers .......................... ..................... 25c C O C O A a ) i | Car; Flee in Anto. OFOVERMIION Terms Without Interfer” REFLECTORS Red Ripe Louisland ASPARAGUS bunch 39c w Addis Despite League ence from League; Conci* Extra fancy grade. Medium atalka. 2 1-4 to 2 1-2 pound NuUey, N. J., April 17.— (AP) bunches. Paris Slendis Recover Seven bandits armed with sawed- RESILVERED Strawberries Rome, April 17. iation Efforts FaO; France Extra M eet (heavier statka) Aeparacne, t U t to 8 pound off shotguns and revolvers looted -(A P )—The lta l-* o f an Italian plan for ruling a con- .............................................................................440 2-Pound Box Smunveet 1400,000 of American jan high command, sources close to I[ quered Ethiopia already wore being NORTON the baggage car safe ui an Erie the government disclosed today. In- i studied by the ministry ot colonies. Makes Final Plea to HaYe ' pint basket 18c Fresh Spinach PRUNES railroad train today In a daring Securities On Men Trying tended to proceed resolutely to tak­ to dispossess the present dynasty ELECTRICAL Rips Tonutoes robbery at a tiny atatlon in the ing Addis Ababa and smashing and formally establish Italian do- ASPARAGUS Special! soon wlU go on production In -Lincoln, Neb., to sell at less than $1000 a cruising speed of 90, INSTRUMENT CO. Celery heart of a realdentlal section. Equipped with a typical automobile Halle Selassie’s Empire, prepared to minion over the lost unconquered Fasdsts Declare an Amh Iceberg Lettuce to Dispose of Them. motor that can be serviced at any Ford service staUon, or replaced- at ‘ of less than $60, the new air face any International consequences. African empire. Hilliard St. Phone 4060 A Special on Wellworth I BTrat reports, obtained from New­ Ford can travel 350 mUcs on 20 gallons of gas. — - Fascists rejoiced at reports that BeeU ark detectlvea, set the amoiuit of It already has passed teats of the Department of Oimmerce, Reason For Opposition I Ib. bunches 19c Carrots 2 boxes 2 5 « which purchased the plane shown above. their East African armies were at The Fascist high command, istice at Least BARTLETT PEARS the loot at 858,000 but aubaequent last "actually on. the road to Addis Fresh Peas Paris, AprU IT.-^lAP) —Police sources close to the government AT ITS BEST offlplal Information was that the Ababa,’’ while warnitqf Great Brit­ said, believed capture of Addis Aba­ 2 large cans 47c gunmen obtained only 3956.55 for said today they had recovered $440,- Charter Revision ain, not to “provoke Italy” too far. ba would force Britain to dUclose Geneva, April 17.—The Ethlcplaa Flowers and Plants GREEN BEANS ............................. 2 qts. 29c their trouble. Persistent reports circulated in tor all occasions. 000 In United States Treasury certifi­ that British Interests, rather than delegation today rejected the modi­ Light in W eig h t- Fancy, Fresh well-informed quarters that General Delivered anywhere I Thla figure came from State cates from two men wanted by League of Nations prindplss, were Sturdy OUTSIDE PAINTS Police, who aald the loot was com- Rodolfo Gnudanl's southern army fied peace propoaaU submitted ky United States authorities for the Senators Vote behind Ita opposition to the Italian Step Ladders $2.55 per gallon New Onions, 2 lbs. 9c - Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 15c poaed at one |500 package of coins, Town Meeting Problem had launched a movement on Harar, campaign. Premier Mussolini of Italy to thn PINEHURST Fresh Broccoli two *200 packages of coins, one $50 theft of $1,507,938 In securities from second city of Ethiopia, accompany­ Premier Mussolini’s government, League o f Nations. 25c a foot a New York bank runner Jan. 28 ing a daring drive by Marshal Pie­ In 6-gaOon cans FOR PLAIN GARMENTS Walter N. Leclerc package o f biUs, and another pack- these sources Indicated, would carry The rejection was described Extra Large, 126 SIxe 470 of $6.55 In coin. 1935. Must Be Solved tro Badoglio’s northern forces on on firmly, nevertheless, despite the as Called For and DeUvered. For Convii^on the capital. "complete." GROCERY, Inc. Funeral Director State police said a package of The prisoners gave thdr names outcome of the deliberations of the Red Roof P aint..........$1.30 gal. FLORIDA ORANGES.....................doz. 39c X-ray equipment valued at $50 also By RICHARD MARTIN Military sources said all signs League's conclllatlon Committee of The Ethiopian action followed t n Dial 7100 302 Main St Manchester, Conn. 289 No. Slain 8L Phone 82S0 as Bernard Klein, a Hungarian, and pointed toward a transfer of peace Grapefruit, 4 for 25c Pineapples, each 18c was stolen. Jacob Schwarts, a Cscch, and said IS, and the possible undertakings of Italian offer to let the League havn Floor and Deck Paint------85c qt. Railway express agency officials they were cousins. The principal problem to bo de-' » a . negotiations from Geneva, where the sanctions 0>mmlttee of 18. the right to keep constantly In TNC FLO R/ST U. S. CLEANERS •aid the money waa enroute to the elded by the Charter Revision com- Jurisdiction over the size Of H. L Ritter Italy was eyeing Britain Jealously Fascists expressed confidence that touch with direct negotiations b»^ IT Oak Street AND DYERS The Parisian authorities said they on the eve of Ita anticipated flnal Quick Drying Enamel------75c qt. Peoples NaUonal Bank of BellevlUe were seeking possible accompUces mlttee will probably be, What to do . —* ^ ** ** '“"'y France was showing again the sym­ tween the Italian high commaiid 836 Main Street from the Federal Reserve bank in with the town meeting? I ™ opposition to tampering with triumph,, to the field headquartefe of pathy with Italy which brought a and, the, Ethiopian government for and requerted New Yprk authorities Marshal BaJogllo, Fascist com­ New York.
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