Durham E-Theses A history of Richmond school, Yorkshire Wenham, Leslie P. How to cite: Wenham, Leslie P. (1946) A history of Richmond school, Yorkshire, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9632/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk HISTORY OP RICHMOND SCHOOL, YORKSHIREc i. To all those scholars, teachers, henefactors and governors who, by their loyalty, patiemce, generosity and care, have fostered the learning, promoted the welfare and built up the traditions of R. S. Y. this work is dedicated. iio A HISTORY OF RICHMOND SCHOOL, YORKSHIRE Leslie Po Wenham, M.A., MoLitt„ (late Scholar of University College, Durham) Ill, SCHOOL PRAYER. We give Thee most hiomble and hearty thanks, 0 most merciful Father, for our Founders, Governors and Benefactors, by whose benefit this school is brought up to Godliness and good learning: humbly beseeching Thee that we may answer the good intent of our Founders, "become profitable members of the Church and Commonwealth, and at last be partakers of the Glories of the Resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. iv. Prefaceo In I86I4., hy order of the Charity Commissioners, ten Trustees replaced the Corporation of Richmond as the governing body of RoS.Y. Their newly appoimted Clerk received from the Town Clerk all the documents, papers and hooks relating to the School and was instructed to purchase a fire-proof safe in which to keep them. However, as the Trustees considered that the cost of the safe was prohibitive the order was countemanded and a 'great iron chest' bought instead. Soon after the appointment of Mr. C.G.Croft as Clerk in 1891 a disastrous fire broke out in his office (now Sandford House) and, the iron chest proving quite incapable of withstanding the flames, the greater part of these papers, particularly the oldest ones, was destroyed. Today only about a dozen of the documents in the possession of the Governors date before 1795? fortunately some of those dating after 1795 contain abstracts or copies of earlier records, the originals of which must be presumed burnt. In this fire were also destroyed some of the oldest Corporation Coucher Books which must have also contained many references to the School; copies of scane extracts of these, though by no means all, have been recovered. Pmnm I86U to the present day the Minute Books, Admission Registers and numerous documents belonging to the Governors are the ciiief> sources of our information of the School, while since 1900 the Compostellan affords a continuous a:nd reliable record off events intra muros For the period 1750-1863, covering the Masterships of Anthony Temple, James Tate,senior and James Tate, junior, I have had access to the voluminous letters and papers relating to the Tate family in the keeping of Miss Warman of Limpsfield, Surrey^ great-grand-daughter of the elder Tate. To Miss Warman I extend my warmest thanks for all her kindness and painstaking care in assisting me with the events of these years. Chapter 11 of this work is based principally on the BE. acquired by long years of research at the Public Record Office by the Late Bar. G.W.Waine of Caterham Valley,Surrey. Without his helpful criticism and never failing courtesy this work could not have taken the form it has. To the Governors for their kind permission to undertake this wcsrkj to the Headmaster (S,f ,S,W6odhead,Esq.) for his encouragement and advice; to my father, whose original collection of School papers has farmed the nucleus of this work J t© Mr» E.Bush whose inspiration, first as teacher and then as friend, gave me both the training and the incentive vi. to hazard this task; to Messrs George Bell, Publishers, for kind permission tg reproduce on page 147 a letter ©f Canon Tate's; to Mr. P.Dickinson for many of the photographs; to my wife for ker correction and criticism of the t©xt;and to all those numerous Old Boys and friends who have assisted me with information,-I return my grateful thanks. vii. Contents Page jD^d.iLCS.'til.OIl ooooooe*eooooo»oo X School Prayer „ . » » » » <, . » . o , o . o iii !IPX*6f &06 ooo ooooo ooooeoooooo XV Table of Contents o <. o o » <. » o . vi List of illustrations . , o . c . » » Abbreviations oooooooo.o.oo.o. »<< Bibliography o , o o . o . <> . o . » o » Chapter 1 o The Mediaeval Grarninar School , . « . o o , i Iio The Elizabethan Foundation . o . » . « . /8. 111. Endowments c » o ...o ..... o . •i' • IV The School Buildings , ...o ...... f*"^ (A) School-houses in the Churchyard .... (B) 'Tate Testimonial' and subsequent enlargements . Vo Ordinances and Governing Bodies. , . ioio V1 , The Headmasters (including vacancy 1796-7) . (A) The Mediaeval Grammar School. .... 88 (B) The Present Foundation. , . , . VIIo The Friary ....... o . ....... Ofc V111. Trinity Chapel o ............. IX. The Seal and St. James's Chapel. ...... iofe X. Exhibitions, Scholarships and Bequests . o '^•'^ XI. Ad Collegia . o ... .......... 231^ Vti' Chapter Page X11 Miscellanea xjn- Appendices A Extracts from the diary of James Tate, jvmior, Master 1833-63 ... ISS B Reminiscences of Old Boys 1. Author un-named. (Temp. James Tate, senior, Master 1796-1833 • • i*^3 11. Rev. Canon Diclfflon (O.R. 1832-9) ..... 1*^(0 111. Octavius Leefe (O.R. 1835-1+2) . e . , ioih 1V. Sir Edward Russell (O.R.circa 18U4-7) (Temp. James Tate, junior, Master 1833-63). ^ . , . , . io9 V. Sir Charles Alex. Harris, K.G.M.G., C.V.O., (O.R. 1869-71+) . .- V1 . Dr. John Mason (O.R. 1870-5) ^17 VII. Dr. J.F.G.Whittingdale (O.R. 1873-7). iaj. VI11. Lt.-Col. L.E.Fawcus (O.R. 1876-9) ..... 32.b. XI. John Stuart Hodgson (O.R. 1890-5) ..... C The Three Tabernacles. Poem by Herbert Knowles . , ^ (0,R. 1814-7) . ^^3- UXWV^ feoek^O^, D /"Lewis Carroll" at R.S.Y., 18144-46. (Extracts from "The Life and :etters of Lewis Carroll" by So D. Collingwood . E Graph illustrating the fluctuations of numbers pouet^? of Scholars at R.S.Y., 1800-1946 ix Illustratioas. Tomb of Robert Close in the Churchyard p. In folder. Elizabethan Charter as entered on the Qriginalia Roll 1-5 School lands ^ p-^^ Richmond School,Yorkshire (1) Prior to 1850 (2) 'Tate Testimonial' Building 1850 (3) 'Big School' added 1068 %^ W>^. (4) New Addition 193 7 7 'Tate Testimonial' with enlargements, 1867-1937 from the Teirace. 8 The School Today 9 Interior, lookiiag east, of the larger scJaool-room 1814-50 iO James Tate,Master 1796-1833 11 James Tate, Lfester 1833-63.." • 12 Thomas Henry Stokoe,Headmaster 18S-71 13 James Snowdon, Headmaster 1871-18^ 14 Alger on Richard Prestwich, Headmaster 1906-13 15 The Friary (Boys' Wing) 16 School House and Friary Tower 17 The Briary (School House) 18 School Playing Fied 1.9 <Big School' 20 Interior of Trinity Chapel, 1^6 21 The School Seal • 22 Doorways in Chapel Wynd 23-25 East window of St. James's Chapel 26 Tomb of Estcourt Cresswell in the Churchyard... .„ 27 Genealogical Tables Jackson of Jfelsonbyo 0 o t • • Close of Richmond »........o...... „ Tate of R ichmond o Abbreviations Arch. Ael, = ArchaeoLogia Aeliana Clarkson = The History of Richmond by Christopher Clarkson (1821) Cooper = Athenae Cantabrigienses, by C. H. and T. Cooper. D.N.B. = Dictionary of National Biography. Foster = Alumni Oxienses, by J. Foster. Gent. Mag. = Gentleman's Magazine. O.R. = Old Richmondian. P.R.O. = Public Record Office, Speight = Romantic Richmondshire, by Harry Speight. Sur. Soc. = Publications of the Surtees Society. V.C.H. = Victoria County History. Venn = Alumni Cantabrigienses, by J.A.Venn Whitaker = An History of Richmondshire, by T.D. Whitaker. Y.A.J. = Yorkshire Archaeological Jo\irnal. Bibliography 1. General. Bowman, Guide to Richmond (1843) 1 (Bowman), History of Richmond (l8li+) Clarkson, Christopher. The History of Richmond (l821) Compostellan, vols, i-xi (No. 2) (July 1900 - July 19U5). Coucher Books of Richmond Corporation (MSS) Gale, Roger, Registrum de Honoris Richmond (1722) LeeLCh, A.F., The Schools of Medieval England (1915)« do. English Schools at the Reformation (1896). do. The true meaning of Free Schools (gournal of Education, June and July 1908). do. Edward V1 , Spoiler of Schools,(Contemporary Review Sept. 1892). Speight, H. Romantic Richmondshire (l897). Surtees Society, Publications of :- Vol. 9 (1839) Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores tres. do. 17 (1814-3) Hutton Correspondence. do.26 (1853) Richmondshire Wills. do.91 i & ii Yorkshire Chantry Certificates. Watson, Foster. The English Grammar Schools to 1660. do. The Old Grammar Schools. v7hitaker. An History of Richmondshire (1823). V.C.H. Yorkshire, North Riding, vol. i, (191^1-) Yorkshire Archaeological Journal;- vol. vi (1881) Marske in Swaledale. by the Rev.Canon Raine. do.XXV (1919) Registers of the Archdeaconery of Richmond ed. Dr. A.Hamilton Thompson. 1. This publication was Clarkson's first edition of his 'History of Richmond', though his name does not appear as author.
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