II SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS OF MAE RAS Электронная библиотека Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 74 Battle and ritual shield. New Guinea, late 19th century. Wood, paint Phone: (812) 328-41-81 E-mail: [email protected] Head of Department Stanyukovich Maria departmentЭлектронная of australia, библиотека Музея ocантропологииeania и этнографииand indonesia им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 75 DEPARTMENT OF AUSTRALIA, OCEANIA AND INDONESIA The Department of Australia, Oceania and Indonesia of the MAE RAS is the cradle of Russian science in the sphere of the studies of the Austronesian and Australian areals. This was due to the materials and collections brought from the first circumnavigations by Russian and foreign seafarers, including an outstanding Russian scholar and traveler N. N. Miklukho-Maklai (1846– 1888). It laid the basis for Russian Indonesian studies (founder — L. A. Mervart) and, later, Philippine studies (Roy Fr. Barton), Australian studies (V. R. Kabo), and, finally the studies of Oceania (N. A. Butinov). N. N. Miklukho- Maclay (1846–1888) in an expedition outfit. Электронная библиотека Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 76 Since late 19th century, the research groups now con- stituting the department, were scattered among several museum units (Department of Malay Archipelago and Africa, that of Oceania and the Malay Archipelago, that of the Civilized Nations of Asia, India, and the Malay Archi- pelago, Sector of America Leningrad Division, Depart- ment of Foreign Asia, and that of the Far East). The De- partment of Australia, Oceania and Indonesia emerged as an independent unit in 1972. After being part of the De- R. F. Barton (1883–1947) partment of East and Southeast Asia, Australia and Ocea- nia for a short time (1998–2002), it was restored in 2002 and headed by E. V.Revunenkova. In the past, the Department staff included prominent researchers (beside the abovementioned ones) such as E.L Petrie,A.B.Piotrovskii, R.F.Barton,I.N.Vinnikov,L.A.Mervart,Yu.M.Lichtenberg,N.A.Buti- nov, L. G. Rozina, L. E. Karunovskaya, V. G. Triesman, Yu. V. Maretin, V.R. Kabo, D. D. Tumarkin, and L. A. Ivanova. MAIN RESEARCH AREAS The department’s scholarly activities mainly focus on the history and traditional cultures of the Indonesian and Australian regions: shaman- ism and other traditional beliefs, social organization and kinship sys- tems,languages and literature,folklore and eposes,questions of ethno- genesis, traditional art, including folk theater, traditional seafaring, traditional written language systems. DEPARTMENT STAFF Stanyukovich Maria,Head of Department,Cand.Sc.(ethnography and folklore of the mountainous peoples of the Luzon Island; mythol- ogy,traditional beliefs and epos of the Philippine peoples,shaman- ism and ritual, ethno-botany). Member of the “Nusantara” society, the European Association of Researchers of Asia, department of South-East-Asian and Oceania studies (EURASIAS), the Interna- tional Association “World Epics”,the International Expert Council for Religious Issues of the Ateneo University (the Phillipines). Revunenkova Elena, Chief Researcher, D.Sc. (cultural and ethnic his- tory of the Malay-Indonesian region, specifically mythology, reli- departmentЭлектронная of australia, библиотека Музея ocантропологииeania и этнографииand indonesia им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 77 gion, beliefs, rituals, status of ethnic minorities, and theory of shamanism).Member of the “Nusantara”society,the European As- sociation of Researchers of Asia, department of South-East-Asian and Oceania studies (EURASIAS), Folklore Fellows. Fedorova Irina, D.Sc., Leading Researcher (decipherment of Easter Is- land hieroglyphics, history of circumnavigations, Polynesian cul- ture, mythology and folklore). Belkov Pavel, Cand.Sc., Senior Researcher (ethnography of Australia and Oceania, myths, rituals, classificatory systems of kinship, theo- ry of ethnicity, and political anthropology). Lebedeva Arina, Junior Researcher, Cand.Sc. (Micronesian ethnology, population history, navigation and shipbuilding). Kasatkina Alexandra, Junior Researcher, postgraduate student of the Department of Ethnology of the European University in St.Peters- burg (Medieval literature of the Java Island, semiotics of space, il- lustrative materials on Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines). PRINCIPAL PUBLICATIONS Joint publications prepared by the Department staff members in- clude N. N. Miklukho-Maclay’s collected works and volumes on Australia, Oceania, and Southeast Asia in the series “Peoples of the World”,as well as collections of articles. The most important publi- cations include the following: ◆ Miklukho-Maklai N. N. Sobranie sochenenii. [Collected works]. In six volumes. Ed. by B. N. Putilov, D. D. Tumarkin, et al. Moscow: Nauka. 1990–99. ◆ Narody Avstralii i Okeanii [Peoples of Australia and Oceania].(Ed.by S.A.Tokarev and S. P.Tolstov) Moscow: Nauka. 1956. 852 p. ◆ Narody Yugo-Vostochnoi Azii [Peoples of Southeast Asia] (Ed. by A. A. Guber, Yu.V.Maretin, D. D. Tumarkin, N. N. Cheboksarov). Moscow: Nauka. 1966. 762 p. ◆ Kul’tura i byt narodov stran Tikhogo i Indiyskogo okeanov [Culture and Life of the Pacific and Indian Ocean Nations]. Moscow–Leningrad: Nauka. 1966. 268 p. (Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]; Vol. XXIII). ◆ Kul’tura narodov Zarubezhnoy Azii i Okeanii [Cultures of Foreign Asia and Oceania], Leningrad: Nauka. 1969. 364 p. (Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]; Vol. XXV). ◆ Kul’tura narodov Zarubezhnoy Azii [Cultures of Foreign Asia]. Leningrad: Nau- ka. 1973. 252 p. (Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]. Vol. XXIX). ◆ Kul’tura narodov Avstralii i Okeanii [Cultures of Australia and Oceania]. Leningrad: Nauka. 1974. 251 p. (Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]; Vol. XXX). Электронная библиотекаdepartment Музея антропологии и ofэтнографии australia, им. Петра Великого oc eania(Кунсткамера) and РАН indonesia http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 78 ◆ Kul’tura narodov Indonezii i Okeanii [Cultures of Indonesia and Oceania]. Leningrad: Nauka. 1984. 190 p. (Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]; Vol.XXXIX). ◆ Kul’tura narodov Okeanii i Yugo-Vostochnoy Azii [Cultures of Oceania and Southeast Asia].Leningrad: Nauka.1995.238 p.(Sbornik MAE [MAE Collections]; Vol. XLVI). ◆ Etnografiya detstva.Traditsionnye formy vospitaniya detey i podrostkov u naro- dov Vostochnoi i Yugo-Vostochnoi Azii [Ethnography of Childhood. Traditional Forms of Child Rearing in East and Southeast Asia]. Moscow: Nauka. 1983. 232 p. ◆ Etnografiya detstva. Traditsionnye formy vospitaniya detey u narodov Avstralii, Okeanii i Indonezii [Ethnography of Childhood. Traditional Forms of Child Rear- ing in Australia, Oceania, and Indonesia]. Moscow: Nauka. 1992. 191 p. ◆ Etnograficheskaya nauka v stranakh Azii. Yuznhaya I Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya [Ethnography in Asia. South and Southeast Asia]. Moscow: Nauka. 1993. 231 p. ◆ Etnografiya,istoriya,kul’tura stran Yuzhnykh morey.Maklaevskie Chteniya 1995– 1997 gg. [Ethnography, History, and Culture of the Southern Pacific. Maclay Lec- tures 1995–1997]. SPb., 1997. 246 p. The most important collections of articles published in 2004–09 include: ◆ Problemy etnografii i istorii kul’tury narodov Aziatsko-Tikhookeanskogo re- giona [Problems in Ethnography and History of Culture of the Asiatic-Pacific Re- gion]. SPb: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie. 2004. 368 p. (Ethnographica Petro- politana, Vol. XXII) ◆ Kul’tura i byt avstroneziiskikh narodov (istoriya collektsii i ikh sobiratelei) [Cul- ture and everyday life of Austronesian peoples (the history of collections and collec- tors] / Ed. be E. V. Revunenkova, P. L. Belkov. SPb.: Nauka, 2007. (MAE Collec- tions; Vol. LIII). ◆ Indoneziitsy i ikh sosedi [Indonesians and their neighbours] / Festshrift by E.V.Re- vunenkova and A. K. Ogloblin. Makhlai collection / Ed. by M. V. Stanyukovich. SPb., 2008. 425 p. The most important individual monographs by department staff members include: ◆ Fedorova I. K. Mify, predaniya i legendy ostrova Paskhi [Myths, Tales, and Leg- ends of Easter Island]. Moscow, Nauka. 1978. 382 p. (Hungarian edition: Fjo- dorova,I.K.Húsvét-szigeti mítoszok, mondák és legendák. Budapest, Gondo- lat. 1987. 413 p.). ◆ Fedorova I. K. Ostrov Paskhi. Ocherki kul’tury XVIII–XIX vv. [Easter Island: Studies in 18th–19th-Century Culture]. SPb., Nauka. 1993. 288 p. ◆ Fedorova I. K. Doschechki kohau rongo-rongo iz Kunstkamery [Kohau Rongo- Rongo Plates from the Kunstkamera]. SPb., MAE RAN. 1995. 159 p. ◆ Fedorova I. K. “Govoryaschie doschechki” s ostrova Paskhi. Deshifrovka. Chte- nie. Perevod [‘Speaking Plates’ from Easter Island: Decipherment, Reading, Trans- lation]. SPB., MAE RAN. 2001. 379 p. departmentЭлектронная of australia, библиотека Музея ocантропологииeania и этнографииand indonesia им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН http://www.kunstkamera.ru/lib/rubrikator/08/08_04/978-5-88431-165-7/ © МАЭ РАН 79 ◆ Revunenkova E. V. Narody Malaisii i Zapadnoi Indonezii. Nekotorye aspekty dukhovnoi kul’tury [Peoples of Malaysia and Western Indonesia: Aspects of Ideol- ogy]. Moscow, Nauka. 1980. 274 p. ◆ Revunenkova E.V.Mif — obryad — religiya [Myth—Ritual—Religion].Mos- cow, Nauka. 1992. 216 p.
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