ll) TffiE WruTAffiATE @ffiAR,A@EER @ruNDE lll THE UTTIMATE CHARACTER GUIDE --- trffiYffiffiffifuJffiKHffiro i:-; When Super" Henoes team up they are even mightier! Manvel Avengers is the wonld's pnemiene Super Heno team, and most of the wor"ld's greatest henoes have - been on their nosten at one time. Leann all about bhe Avengers, fnom founding membens lnon Man, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man and Wasp, to lessen known alumni such as Lionheant, Statune and Squirrel Gitl. Meet the Avengers' deadliest foes, fnom the evil Loki and Kang the Conqueron, to the more misundenstood villains such as Moonstone. .ffi Contents Bullseye c? Egghead 53 This book contains mone than Captain America a8 Electro F4 5S 200 heroes and villains with links Captain Britain 'E Elektna to the Avengens. Eveny page is Captain Marvel ICarol Danvens] 38 Enchantness 5m filled wilh amazing facts and stats, Captain Mar'-Vell tMan-Vell] st Ex Nihilo 3T including power rank, fot" which Captain Universe itd ExecuLionen 5S E6 the top mar"k is 7. Nonmal human Charlie-27 oJt Falcon rank is 1 or' 2. The characters Cloud I 34 Finesse sn are arnanged in alphabetical orden Collector Firebind 6',r according to thein finst names Count Nefaria 36 Flatman oz, a? H or title. For example, Morgan Le Cnimson Dynamo Gamona ss Fay is under "M" and Count Nefaria Crossbones ss Gaunllet sd[ ffi is under "C". Use lhe contents list Crystal 3C Genis-Vell i1 below to zoom str"aight to each Daredevil 4tl Gilgamesh oa chanacter, and discover amazing Deathlok jtl Grandmaster U' facts about the wonld's gneatest Demolition Man 4T Graviton ss team of Super Heroesl Diamondback 43 Gravity 6:l Dinah Soar 44 Gney Gangoyle ?{t 't4 Doclor" Dr"uid 45 Gnim Reaper "!2 Abominaiion s Doctor Strange 46 Groot Absor"bing Man 5 Doctor" Voodoo Jt? Hank Pym !a Abyss b Doonman its Hardball 74 A.I.M T Dormammu qs Hawkeye [Clint Barton] ?5 Amadeus Cho I Dnax 50 Hawkeye tKate Bishopl ?G Ant-Man I Dum Dum Dugan st Hazmat 7',| Ares 10 Echo sg Hellcat 78 Arkon t1 Hercules tct Attuma 12 High Evolutionary sit Baron Stnucker t3 Hood 8f Banon Von Blitzschlag t4 Hulk 8g Baron Zemo 15 Hulkling ss Balroc 16 Hydra $4 Beyonder 1? Hypenion s5 Big Bertha 18 lmmontus 86 Black Bolt 1S lron Fist ST Black Knighl tn lron Lad s8 Black Panthen 21 lnon Man 8S Black Widow lron Patniot s0 Blackout 23 Jack of Heants s1 BIade 24 Jarvis st Bloodwraith 25 Jessica Jones o? Blue Marvel 1S Jocasta 3{ ffi J ustice nI Skaar 176 Kang :!6 Slingshot 117 Ka-Zar s? Songbir"d 1I8 Klaw !ts Space Phantom lts Komodo !ts Speclrum 190 Konvac 10t! Speed 181 Lionheart 1 {tl Spider-Man 182 Living Laser 18* Spider"-Woman 183 Living Lightning 't03 Squir"rel Gir"l 184 Lockjaw 1ll4 Star Brand 185 Loki ttl5 Starfox 186 Luke Cage lns Star"hawk 187 Machine Man ftl? SLar-Lord 18S Madame Hydna 108 StaLure 18S Madame Masque 1{ts Stingr"ay 1S0 It/an-Ape tt8 Stranger" 191 53 \4andanin t 1'l ,] Stniker 19t scl 'lanifold 112 Sub-Mariner 133 55 ',4antis tls Super-Adaptoid 134 5ff ',4aria Hill tt{ Supneme lntelligence 155 5? ',,larnina 1',t 5 Swordsman lSS 58 ',4 antinex 118 Taskmaster EA lrlanvel 15I Boy 1',! ? Norman 0sborn Thanos ts8 st! !4aslen Pandemonium lts Nova Thor 199 G1 l,4aximus 11!t Pagan Thor" Girl t00 ot lledusa ta0 Phillip Coulson 3-D Man 201 SJ i,lelter 1e1 Phobos Thunderstrike 202 8lt lv4etlle 12e Power Man Thundra 203 ss l'/iss America t*3 Proctor Tiger Shar"k 204 66 Misten Hyde 124 Psyklop Tigra 205 o1 li/islen lmmortal lCS Purple Man Titania 206 s8 Mcckingbir"d 1e6 0uake Titanium Man 207 6S M.0.D.0.K. 127 Suasar Trauma 208 ?0 lv4onrca Chang tps Guicksilver" Trickshot 20s 7"N lv'loon Knight tzs Radioactive Man Two-Gun Kid 210 12 Moondragon 13ti Rage Ultra Girl g1t td Moonstone 13',! Ravona Benslayer Ultron 212 74 It/ordred 132 Red Guar"dian U.S. Agent 213 75 Mongan Le Fay 1S3 Red Hulk Valkyrie 274 7$ Marvel Ms. r34 Red Skull Vance Astro 215 i7 MVP 135 Hed Wolf Veil 216 78 Nebula 136 Reptil l$ Venom 217 Rick Jones Veranke 219 80 Bocket Raccoon Victor Mancha st 219 Ronan Victoria Hand 220 Eg Sandman Vision 221 s3 i Scarlet Witch Warlock 222 s4 r Scor"pio 165 i Wasp 223 s5 i Sentry 18fi i White Tiger 224 86 ' Serpent 16? i Whizzen 225 s7 , Sensi 168 i Wiccan 226 8S , Shang-Chi 163 i Winter Soldier 227 8g Shanna , 1?0 I Wonder Man 228 s0 Sharon Carler o.t 'l?1 i Wnecking Cnew 22S She-Hulk 172, i Yellowjacket 230 92 Shocker lIS i Yondu 131 93 Silverclaw fl4 94 Sin 1?5 Acknowledgemenls <ta ,e"ffiffiffiftF€&Y#ffitr€ &t Emil Blonsky is the Abomination, a gamma-nadiation- spawned monster even mone fenocious than the Hulk. Blonsky was oniginally a spy befone using Bnuce Bannen's equipment to blast himself with gamma nays, mutating into a fearsome meature that Bannen's girlfriend Betty Ross called an abomination. The Abomination neanly killed the Hulk in thein first battle and has worked alone and with the Hulk's enemies even since. He has even neturned fr"om the dead to attack the Hulk. - -' l i!-.r:l'ij::l.n'ii;il:iir'i "r:;::':t lri'1:_']:-i. "i.. '. ' :ffi VITAL STATS REAL NAME Emil Blonsky OCCUPATION Criminal; fonmer 4:- '#,.!j spy; fonmen univensity pnofessot" BASE Mobile HEIGHT 2.03 m (6 fl B inl WEIGHT 444.5kst980 lbsl g EYES Gneen HAIR None POWERS The Abomination has supenhuman strength, speed, H stamina and dunability, and can :-i sunvive both rn outen space and in the ocean depths. He can also slip inlo an inent state to sunvive the coldness of space on bunial beneath the Eanth, ALLIES Legion Accunsed, Rhino, Galaxy Masten FOES Hulk, Avengers, Doc Samson, A-Bomb, Red Hulk :-€: E :16m ffi: uF \4 Ei 17 A il|ltht*'' "ryt &ffiffiffiffiffi$ffiffi rc&ro Cnushen Creel is Absonbing Man, a violent ex-boxer who gained incr"edible powens when given a potion by Loki, the Asgardian God of Mischief. Loki saw Cneel as a pawn to use against his brothet Thot and in their finst meeting, Cneel came close to defeating the heno. Cneel is a hardened miminal, but he's also found love - mannying fellow Super" Villain Titania. Absor-bing Man nemains one of planet Earth's most dangenous villains. ja \ : I :: :jjl ) : : \'j:: : ffi, : l.:' :a.) a:t | 4 VITAL SiTATS REAL NAME Canl 'Cnushen" Creel OCCUPATION Cr.iminal BASE Mobile HEIGHT '1.90 m tG fr 4 inl, but is vaniable WEIGHT 122.5 ks t270 lbsl, bul is variable EYES Blue (vaniablel HAIR Bald POWERS Absor.bing Man can absorb anything he comes into contact with, His slrength and powen incnease depending on what he absorbs. He once developed the ability to take oven people's minds. ALLIES Titania, Wnecking Crew, the Str"anger FOES Thor', Avengers, Hulk 777 t fu4HffiW&. tq* Hydra has been one of the wor"ld's most notol"ious and deadly tenrorist ongantsations since it was fir"st meated in World War ll by Nazi agent Baron Stnucken The Baron saw the or"ganisation as a way of gaining power for" himself, bub oven the year"s many others have taken change, including Madame Hydra. Hydna seeks to br^ing chaos and disonder" lo the world. As a result, Hydra agents have repeatedly clashed with S.H.l.E.L.D. openatives and with the Avengens. VITAL EiTATsi NAME Hydra ROLE Ternonislorganisation BASE Various LEADERSHIP High Council Ipr"eviously Banon Strucker, Gorgon, Madame Hydr"a, Edgan Lascombel POWER Sleepen agents embedded al all levels of society all over lhe world. Openatives have unarmed comba[ skrlls and ane highly exper"ienced with advanced weaponny of all kinds, as well as explosives, They ar"e also highly tnained in espionage lechniques. ALLIES A.I.M, H.A.M M.E.R. FOES Avengens Nick Fury, S.H.l.E L D, Secret Warriors El4 kp--- .e** : /t nl 4t -m{*fl*r;"ilHtr ,ruff]i 0 ffiffiffiffiry Groot is pant of a nace the alien Knee called Floral Colossal. His fir"st visit to Eanth saw him attack humanity. However, he later changed his ways and formed a close fniendship with Rocket Raccoon aflen the pair met up in jail. They both joined Star-Lor"d and the Guandtans of the Galaxy when the Univense was lhr"eatened by Ultron lt sounds as if he only ever says "l am Groot", but to those who listen closely, his words reveal fan, fan mone. -,:r i;'{:ii?.rjr,tira:r.riiifl{Ji4i1-:r.ii:r" i Tr:E+ VITAL SiTATS REAL NAME Gr"oot OCCUPATION Adventunen BASE Mobile HEIGHT 7.O1 m t23 ftl, but is vaniable WEIGHT 3,629 ks t8,000 lbsl, but is variable EYES Yellow HAIR None POWERS Gnoot can alter, expand, on grow his body at tlvill. He is immensely strong and can control tnees. He can negnow himself fnom just a splinter" of his pnevious fonm. ALLIES Guandians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon FOES Thanos, Coilector', Moio 374 ,l ryffi rI 'Hmn dmseffiffiL m$, ,rrlt*irt 8ffiffiro T""+E;a'f€ Billionaire businessman Tony Stark is one of the most intelligent and influential people on the planet.
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