< t. 'I y'L r ••"•-. .•' -a/ Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 3 Dye and tannin-producing plants R.H.M.J. Lemmens and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto (Editors) HTBLlOTHiiEK LANDHOU V/UNIVERSITEIT WACENINOKN Pudoc Wageningen 1991 DR R.H.M.J. LEMMENS is a plant taxonomist who graduated as a biologist from Wageningen Agricultural University in 1984. Since 1984 he has been employed by the University, working at the Department of Plant Taxonomy. His doctoral thesis, defended in 1989, was a taxonomie revision of the family Connaraceae with emphasis on Africa. He has written several articles on botany, and has made field trips to Africa and Asia. MRS N. WULIJARNI-SOETJIPTO is a botanist who gained her MSc in plant taxono­ my from Reading University, United Kingdom in 1976. She worked at the Cen­ tral Library for Agriculture and Biology in Bogor from 1962-1972, and joined the scientific staff ofth e National Biological Institute in Bogor from 1972-1986. Since 1986 she has been working at the Centre for Research and Development in Biology in Bogor. Her publications cover various aspects of legume genetic resources, seed storage and bibliographies. She is coordinator of the Prosea Regional Data Bank. Cip-Data Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag Plant Plant resources of South-East Asia. - Wageningen :Pudo c No. 3 :Dy e and tan­ nin-producing plants / R.H.M.J. Lemmens and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto (ed.) ; [general ed. : E. Westphal ... et al. ; associate ed. : N.R. de Graaf... et al. ; ill. : Achmad Satiri Nurhaman ... et al. ; contributors : L.M. Berenschot ... et al.]. -111. map, drawnings. With index, ref. ISBN 90-220-0987-4 bound SISO 632.4 UDC 635.65(59) NUGI835 Subject heading: plant production ; dyes ; tannins ;South-Eas t Asia. ISBN 90-220-0987-4 NUGI 835 Design: Frits Stoepman GVN. © Pudoc/Prosea, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1991. No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form including print, photocopy, microfilm, electric of electromagnetic record without permission from the publisher, Pudoc, P.O. Box4,670 0A A Wage­ ningen, the Netherlands. Printed in the Netherlands. Contents Editors and contributors 9 Personnel Prosea Foundation 11 Foreword 13 1 Introduction 15 1.1 Choice of species described in this volume 15 1.2 Definition and chemistry of dyes 17 1.2.1 What is a dye? 17 1.2.2 Chemistry 18 1.2.3 Fastness of colours 20 1.2.4 Food colouring 21 1.3 Definition and chemistry of tannins 22 1.3.1 What is a tannin? 22 1.3.2 Chemistry 22 1.3.3 Tannin and animal skin proteins 24 1.3.4 Tanning practice 25 1.4 History and role of vegetable dyes 26 1.4.1 History and importance 26 1.4.2 Textile dyeing 26 1.4.3 Food colouring 27 1.4.4 Wood-tar and hosts of lac insects 28 1.5 History and role of vegetable tannins 28 1.5.1 History and importance 28 1.5.2 The production of leather 30 1.6 Botany 32 1.6.1 Dyes inplants 32 1.6.2 Tannins inplants 32 1.7 Prospects 33 2 Alphabetical treatment of species 35 Acacia catechu cutch tree 37 Acacia leucophloea pilang 39 Acacia mearnsii black wattle 41 Acacia nilotica babul acacia 45 Albizia lebbekoides tarisi 48 Aporosa frutescens sasah 49 Bixa orellana : annatto tree 50 Bruguiera gymnorhiza :blac k mangrove 53 Butea monosperma :flame-of-the-fores t 56 Caesalpinia :divi-divi , teri-pod plant and Mysore thorn 57 Caesalpinia sappan :sappanwoo d 60 Cassia auriculata : avaram 62 Ceriops decandra :tenga r 63 Ceriops tagal :tenga r 65 Crocus sativus :saffro n 67 Dioscorea cirrhosa :dye-ya m 69 Diospyros :Malaba r ebony, Siamese persimmon and ma kluea 70 Excoecaria indica mock-willow 73 Fibraurea tinctoria areuy gember 74 Garcinia hanburyi gamboge tree 75 Gardenia jasminoides cape jasmine 76 Haematoxylum campechianum logwood 78 Impatiens balsamina garden balsam 80 Indigofera indigo 81 Lawsonia inermis henna 83 Lithocarpus sundaicus sunda oak 86 Macaranga tanarius tutup ancur 88 Madura cochinchinensis soga tegeran 89 Mallotus philippensis kamala tree 91 Marsdenia tinctoria tarum akar 93 Morinda citrifolia Indian mulberry 94 Myrica esculenta box myrtle 96 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis night jasmine 97 Oldenlandia umbellata chay-root 99 Omalanthus populneus mouse deer's poplar 100 Peltophorum pterocarpum yellow flame 101 Peristrophe bivalvis nojal04 Phyllanthus emblica emblic myrobalan 105 Phyllanthus reticulatus malatinta 109 Rhizophora mucronata bakau 110 Rubia cordifolia Indian madder 112 Sophora japonica Japanese pagoda tree 113 Symplocos jirak 115 Terminalia bellirica beleric myrobalan 118 Terminalia catappa Indian almond 120 Terminalia chebula chebulic myrobalan 122 Uncaria gambir gambier 125 Xylocarpus nyiri 128 Ziziphus oenoplia jackal jujube 130 3 Minor dye and tannin-producing plants 132 4 Dye and tannin-producing plants with other primary use 143 Literature 154 Glossary 158 Acknowledgments 173 Sources of illustrations 175 Index of scientific plant names 179 Index of vernacular plant names 188 The Prosea Programme 193 Editors and contributors Editorial staff of this volume - Editors: R.H.M.J. Lemmens and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto - General editors: E. Westphal and P.CM. Jansen - Associate editors: N.R. de Graaf, J.M. Fundter and J.W. Hildebrand - Illustrators: Achmad Satiri Nurhaman, Iskak Syamsudin, D. Sudradjat, P. Verheij-Hayes (drawings) and R. Boekelman (map) - Publishing consultant and in-house editor: R.J.P. Aalpol - Language corrector: J. Burrough-Boenisch Contributors - L.M. Berenschot, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Lima, Peru - T. Boonkerd, Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand - K. Chayamarit, the Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand - Chu Chengde, Nanjing University of Forestry, Nanjing, People's Republic of China - N.R.d eGraaf , Department of Forestry, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands - J.M. Fundter, Wageningen, the Netherlands - L.E. Groen, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural Uni­ versity, the Netherlands - J.J. Groenendijk, Wageningen, the Netherlands - J.W. Hildebrand, Wageningen, the Netherlands - D. Hou, National Herbarium, Leiden University, the Netherlands - R.H. Hughes, Cardigan, United Kingdom - C.C.H. Jongkind, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands - J. Jukema, Department of Tropical Crop Science, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands - R.H.M.J. Lemmens, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricul­ tural University, the Netherlands - Maman Rahmansyah, Centre for Research &Developmen t in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia - E.H.Mandia , Collegeo fMedica l Technology, Mendiola, Manila, the Philippines - B. Na Songkhla, Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 10 DYE AND TANNIN-PRODUCING PLANTS - Nguyen Tien Hiep, Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam - H.P. Nooteboom, National Herbarium, Leiden University, the Netherlands - L.P.A. Oyen, Department ofPlan t Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural Uni­ versity, the Netherlands - M.P.E. Parren, Wageningen, the Netherlands - C. Phengklai, the Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand - L. Phuphathanaphong, the Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand - Purwaningsih, Centre for Research &Developmen t in Biology, Bogor, Indo­ nesia - R. Rajendran, Charlottesville, North Carolina, United States of America - CE. Ridsdale, National Herbarium, Leiden University, the Netherlands - Rudjiman, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Madah University, Yogyakarta, Indo­ nesia - H. Sangat-Roemantyo, Centre for Research & Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia - C.J.P. Seegeler, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands - J.M.C. Stevels, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands - W. Subansenee, Minor Forest Products Research Section, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand - S. Sukardjo, Puslitbang Oseanologi, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Ja­ karta, Indonesia - Sun Dawang, Nanjing University of Forestry, Nanjing, People's Republic of China - W. Thephuttee, Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand - Tukirin Partomihardjo, Centre for Research & Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia - R.P. van der Zwan, Department of Forestry, Wageningen Agricultural Uni­ versity, the Netherlands - A.J.J, van Schaik-van Banning, Wageningen, the Netherlands - J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg, Department ofPlan t Taxonomy, Wageningen Agri­ cultural University, the Netherlands - Eko B.Waluyo , Centre for Research &Developmen t in Biology, Bogor, Indo­ nesia - P.C. Wessel-Riemens, Ede, the Netherlands - K.F. Wiersum, Department of Forestry, Wageningen Agricultural Universi­ ty, the Netherlands - Wirdateti, Centre for Research &Developmen t in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia - N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto, Centre for Research & Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia - J.V. Zerrudo, Asean Timber Technology Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Personnel Prosea Foundation (December 1990) Indonesia Ch. Aipassa, Secretary Sarkat Danimihardja, Assistant Country Officer Indonesia Jajang, Office Assistant A.J.G.H. Kostermans, Scientific Adviser Sampurno Kadarsan, Programme Leader Indonesia J.S. Siemonsma, Head Network Office N.W. Soetjipto, Coordinator Regional Data Bank Hadi Sutarno, Country Officer Indonesia Malaysia Lillian Chua, Assistant Country Officer Malaysia Salleh Mohd Nor,
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