, 'TSSrySJTST' t 12 EVENING IEDGEK-PHILADELP- HIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1016. ROWLAND'S ALL-STA- R CAST OF REPUTED FENCE BREAKERS ARE NOT CLASS OF LEAGUE WHITE SOX AKE OVERRATED ; KELLY GOT HIS BALL SHOOTING OUT OF TURN INJUEIES TO STARS PIECE ROWLAND'S TEAM NOT GREAT OP HAED LUCK NO GENIUS CLUBBERS, CRITICS CONTEND CAN OVERCOME, SAYS CONNIE 'it- - I " LISTGiO- - I OVER Re .... , gonta v D E- - ME RED ,.s r .7 1 Hlfflir-- I'VE BEEN V., UsoSt-- UP Hy GIIANTLAND RtCE GhicagoLacks Offensive Power, Occasional IMV To A DE EX FROM Now- - mo- - Real J 6H6- T- SnooTiMG AFTER PLN I LlN-DEE- HUni-- are three ball clubs that havo circuit. Ills team won 20 out of 24 games, I ' RoLL0 .EMBARRASSMENT PT rp i i AllDrl- G- i i i JL Extra Base Hitting Misleading Fans Who Com- loo ioJ Right j j(owj To NeSoM. been Harassed by fnto above all others. moving along for a month nt an .800 clip. 8d They nro tho Cincinnati Iteds, tho Cleve- And tho old crash arrived. Ollhooley, IM I leading li.it, YOU'RE WAMTA MIM THE. U (SNE ,&HMtA- - I land Indians and the N'ew York Yankees. the regulars at and the fast- pare Offense With Famous Mack Machine v)MJ Wwfl est on Is one pleco luck," says man the teim, broko an nnklo. "There of hard linker, Just swinging Into his stride, A 'MUMP 0NI.Y UK MMWHA f'onnlo Mack, no genius can over- Chlcogb Whlto Sox have been likened to tlio Athletics of 1010, 1011. 1912, WM.K YAl ,.M iffrlE IfaC "that cracked two ribs. And Kato onca moro Tne BLOCK I SHOW 2" HE'S PUT HIS I - ,f come. And that la tho loss of star players THE 1914 as an team, critic's linve speculated at length on Tn5S &$& through looked down with n contented smile. on4 offensive and f amd cool JJ injury." In this rebpect Cleveland the- failure o Rowland's all-sta- to win. H frequently has been rumored that h Villc,V nnd New York always havo suffered tho The Real Reason ' wulwr penalty no Howland was" to bo displaced as manager after tho present season beeauso lio rfoT evlrcmo from misfortune, with Wo know now ono of the renl reasons other club even closo. lcaguo" xZ why tho gtnnd old or tho grand young failed to get results from tlio "greatest hitting team In tho mid a Won Wo linvc seen the Cleveland Club on State of California has no abiding nfteetlon derfully welloiilanced team, but after seeing tho Whlto Sox In seven gahtcs ftt many occasions broken Up when It had Jap. You course, tJjA for thn know, of the Shlbe Park season we believe that It 13 tho most overrated ball team In tho it chance to win. We have often seen the chief product of California. You aro un- major .leagues, and that Kowland Is not to blame. Yanks shattered beyond leeognltlon Just doubtedly right. Lawn tennis In the answer. as they got started. With Mct.oughlln. Johnston, Untidy, llrlf-fl- n, Chicago may wla tho pennant, ns It ls-- a strong aggregation with an excellent Tako tlio present campaign. Cleveland, Murray, Dawson, Strnrhnn and sonio pitching staff and the best catcher In tho game In Hay Schnllc, but so far an offense milking a brave, gnme halite from the 10 or 50 others upholding the' prestige of Is concerned tbero la no more comparison between tho White Sox of today mill tho dcptlii, first lost tho services of Chapman the mate, Imro comes Irhlya Kumagac, tho Mack machlno than Is L'nlvorslty of l'eiinsylvunla and and Klrpfer a star Inflelilcr and n win- Toklo tornado, lnlslng tho n famous there between tho ning pllrhcr. Then Inter on, wllllo still deuro. major league team. Mor- a In the lead, c.iino the Injury to liny Kiimngne Is good enough to beat Orlftlit llowland'8 team has a number of longdI.itauca hitters If they ton, one of the greatest pitchers In Hie stendlly, having won from the Cali- game, 11 stnr connect, and while- It might bo termed a dangetous hitting team, It Is not really who had won games and lost fornia!! three times In a row. and UrKTln but two. leennd-rate- r. a good hitting team. Tho Sox will fatten the team and Individual averages at the Is no pait of a No wonder The Break Againstthe Yanks California doesn't look upon Nippon with expense of poor pitching, but a clever hurler will find this team of supposed fenco friendly eyes. breakers about as easy ns any In tho league. The same goes for tho Yankees. Early In tho year tlicy lmd Caldwell out of top There aro too many "soft spots" In tho Whlto Sox batting order to comparo It condition, Mngoo, Ollhoolcy, Baker nnd with tho Mackmtn of a few years ago, as so many critics do, and thero also Is a I'ecklnpaugh sick or Injured. Then Fritz ir OOK In tho rendymndo store windows I painful lack of gray matter shown by the Sox at all times. Tills is particularly Matscl broke, his coltarbono. In splto of B nnd seo tlio Suits at $20 to $.10 I this, tho great secondary Btrength of the H then come hero nnd see tlio wooleni truo when they aro on the bases. Many hits nro wasted by tho pale-hose- ag- 0 ,1 make up Into stylish, perfert-nttln- g I club filled the open gaps. About a month garments nnu gregation, even when they are hitting nt their best, because they do not think igo, for tho ilrst time, tho Yanks had their "" nt sh.hu stn.nn. quickly enough. full strength In tho field. Tho result proved BILLY MORAN, 1103 Arch St. Players Can't Think for Themselves that ronovan had the strongest club In tlio rill! TAII.olt Open i:c-nlng- Rowland's men afoot average ball player, SEVERAL of nto faster than tho but Collins and Schnllc they fall to tako nn extra base on a slnglo to tho R"rygtaL!Ug WTJTJSi outticld; do not run when they should and Invariably run when they should not, 3SttpwJlujgpTOa pnd altogether show, a painful lack of the brand of ball that wins pennants. Even tho famous JacIt3on is included in this list. No one rver accused .loo of being overburdened with gray matter, but ho always has been looked upon as a JliflL n etnr In all other departments; but he uIho Is a poor baso runner despite his epecd. When Jackson starts running thero Is no telling where ho will estop, nnd ho has been "ridden" so often for bad breaks on tho paths that ho Is now MATHEWSON IS anchored, onco he reaches first, and goes no further until he has to. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Cool and com- Decauso John Collins, Fournier and one or two other members of Itowlnnd's By LOUIS II. JAFFE team occasionally go on the rampage, clouting out long extra baso drives for a INDICATED AS fortable to throat few days, tlio Impression is goneral that they nro sluggers, but, like tho rest of Jnhnnv lmnuVe would le the next ltRhturelfrht shnpe. Lew fltlnner Is "berrylnB' on a New rh.imiMim of tin- - voi 1,1 If Welfth muti) he Jersey farm, and besldeo staying In condition and tongue a tho White Sox, they aro overrated. At best neither Collins nor Fournier is a good l Inlo tho rlnir with the New York Louis sets 2 cents for oiory yuart of berries b decidedly Jumplni; Jack, helleven Krottv Montelth. Tlio Pklit. hitter, whllo Weaver and McMullin nro weak and Felsch littles better GIANTS' LEADER S'ot In i nnxloua to mateh Dumlco with Welih With a good curvo ball pitcher opposing him. thit he nnnotinren hi wllllniriiees to pans up And Frnnk Mornn Is still drawlnjr down bli SENSIBLE iitiv mnni'lnl hem lit fnr n Welnh titular nilic purses! Ten thou' will bo tho I'lltsburElicr s Wo naked ono of tho veteran Mackmen why the White Sox were considered J.',oo for training expunges. Leonard, consideration for n decision bout with pigarette. White nnd raeh nrobahly could Dny. such a powerful hitting team, replied: i:er c.iMly Carl .Morris at Tulsa. Okls.. Labor Terms and ho "Search mo. I did not know Optional Agreement Is dilhruiii- tho llrltnn ua an Dundco. havo been mado satisfactory and articles slfincd. nny ono thought it was. Wo certainly do not. As for classing them with tlio York-Cincinn- Plx boxers will be Included In Jlmmv Dlmn's Athletics a few years ago, it is a Joke. Don't think I am prejudiced, but nsk Hitch in the New ati partv for his Invasion of Australia. They nro Two blc matches a Prooklyn promoter is try- and Jue I'hlp, Tom MoMnhon, Undo ing to pet nro Jim Coffey vs. Jock. Dillon and some of the other players on the circuit Tho Sox are not a good hitting team, I'leuto, J'.iliy llr.intilunti and Johnny Illley. Henny lxionsrd vo Charley White. They are Trade New I'll., will In- leavlntt ptneo to- to be staged at llbbots tho latter part of 1 particularly In pinches, they all trying to tho fasti". th.lr tho because aro knock cover off tho morrow fur San from whero they tho month. ball. Plank, Bender or Coombs, In their prime, would beat bunch every day t.il.D ims.i.ikc-- July l'o for tho Antlpouca.
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