"Nothing is more desirable Oldest Catholic Paper than that Catholic papers in United States. should have a large circu­ Established lation, so that everyone October 22, 1831. THE CArrHOLIC TELEGRAPH may have good reading." In Essentials, Unity; m Non-Essentials, Liberty; in All Things, Charity. ---Pope Benedict XV ~~~~=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ...- VOL. LXXXXIV. No. 48 CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925. EIGHT PAGES. PRICE SEVEN CENTS. MASONIC LODGES FATHER HENSHAW ARCHBISHOP'S COLUMN BOUNDARY DEAL • NATIONAL COUNCIL CLERGYMEN WILL EDIT I I BEST ARCHITECTURAL WILL BE FORMED GOOD WILL" EDITION SALFORD BISHOP OFFICIAL FEARED IN ERIN FORM FOR CHURCHES ·CATHOLIC WOMEN OF MINNEAPOLIS STAR [N. C. w. C. News Service.] hi Conformity With Italian Law. ~----------------~ Paris, Nov. 9.-The review Plans $600,000 Endowment of Cardinal Gasquet's Sister Dies "Architecture", in a recent issue, [N. C. w. C. Ne ws Service] Indications That Commission Is After An Illness of discusses in an interesting arti· Social Service School. Twenty Thousand Pilgrims Minneapolis, Nov. 20.-A "Tol­ Contemplating Increase of cle the question as to whether a New Officers. at Pope's Mass. erance" edition of the Minne­ Fifteen Years. Orange Zone. modern village church should apolis Daily Star, edited by a have a single nave or a triple nave. Ancient edifices resorted Resolutions on Peace, Dress, board of local clergymen of var­ Widow of Coventry Patmore, to the triple nave, because the Simultaneous World-Wide Conse­ ious denominations, will be pub­ Pope Makes President Cosgrave columns helped to support the Stage and Literature. cration to Sacred Heart. lished here Tuesday. Publication Irish Poet, Passes Away. weight of the roof. Modern ma­ Knight of Pius Ninth. terials and building methods of this edition is a part of the [N. C. W. C. News Service.] fN. C. w. C. Special Cable.l render these supports unneces­ [N. C. W. C. Special Cable.] "good-will" movement initiated sary; and certain architects ASHINGTON, Nov. 20'.-The fifth ONDON, Nov. 23.-Father" . Hen- . [N. C. W . C. Special Cable.] OME, Nov. 23.-The Grand Master here .to counteract the influence claim that churches should be Wannual convention of the Na­ of the Ku Klux Klan. Every line shaw has been appointed Bishop Concursus UBJ..fN, Nov. 23.-The Free State constructed in such a way that tional Council of Catholic Wom­ of Italian Free Masonry yesterday L of Salford, succeeding Bishop Cas­ Rissued a decree, declaring all Ma­ Holy Rosary Church, Dayton, O. Cabinet, on Saturday, accepted the main altar can be seen from en closed here Thursday night with ' of type which goes into the paper artelli after the See had been vacant D every point. The village church, a banquet in the ballroom of the sOniC lodges and Masonic organiza­ on that day, from the first page for ten months. St. Patrick Church, London, O. .the resignation of John MacNeill tions of every kind in Italy dissolved. as its representative on the Boundary built this year at the Exposition ' New Willard Hotel, at which 600 to the comic strips, will be care· Bishop Henshaw was pastor of St. The following letter has been di­ of Decorative Arts, had a single enthusiastic women heard their ac­ The decree also announced that new rected to all the pastors of the arch­ Commission. fully scrutinized by the clerical Anne Church, Blackburn. He was This development followed im­ nave. complishments eulogized and the lodges will be formed in conformity diocese eligible to appointment to the highest optimism expressed for the with the anti-Masonic law, approved editorial board. In addition, each born in Manchester in 1873. For a mediately upon President Cosgrave's After mentioning some fine ex­ time he was on the teaching staff of above pastorates: amples of churches with single Council's future. In reports of strides last week by the Italian Senate at of the pastor-editors will con- repudiation, in the Dail, of any pos­ Ihe instance of the Mussolini Govern­ St. Cuthbert College, Ushaw, later "23 November, 1925. sible transfer of Free State territory naves, the Architect Louvet forward and the magnitude of plans writes: projected, its leaders declared the ment. tribute one signed editorial. becoming vice-rector of St. Bede Col­ "Reverend Dear Father:- to the Grange Government. It is, During the debate preceding the Members or the editorial board lege before taking up mission work. "The Church of the Holy Rosary, therefore, regarded as confirming the "These churches have always g·athering has been surpassed by no previous convention. enactment of the law, representatives for the "Tolerance" edHion are: Dayton, Ohio, and St. Patrick Church, fear that such a transfer of Free seemed to me to be less religious Cardinal's Sister Dies. London, Ohio, whose pastors are ir­ than the others: they lack the of the Government made it plain that -Rev. James M. Reardon, pastor State territory on a large scale is To Endow Service School. lheY recognized a sharp difference be­ Miss Mary Gasquet, sister of Car­ removable, are hereby declared va­ contemplated by the commis·sion. ambulatory for processions and tween ' Halian politico-fraternal Ma­ of St. Mary .Pro-Cathedral; Rab­ dinal Gasquet, has died in London cant. the secondary altars, separated Outstanding was the convention's sonry and Masonry in other coun­ bi C. David Matt, of the Jewish at the age of 78. '''l'hese appointments will be made, from the main part of the church decision to raise an endowment fund Seek Assurance. of $600,000 for the National Catholic tries, such as the United States, Synagogue; Rev. Harry P. Dew­ Few knew the cardinal had a sis­ as in the past, according to the gen­ where the faithful may withdraw where the lodges have not meddled ter here. >She lived a retired life, in­ eral and particular laws of the Deputations of Northern Catholics for recollection. Despite the School of Social Service, which it in politics to the extent they have in ey, Presbyterian; Rev. G. K. teresting herself quietly in charities. Church and of the Archdiocese. are arriving in 'Dublin daily to seek modern facilities of construc­ has fostered for five years. Italy. Signor Rocco, Minister of Jus­ Stark, Lutheran; and Rev. Roy For fifteen years she had been an . "All who wish to enter the concur­ assurances of the 'Free State Cabinet tion, I believe it well to follow Education, immigraNon, girls' tice declared that, while conditions L. Smith, Methodist. ,invalid. Inquiries also disclosed the sus are hereby directed to send their that the zone of Grange domination the tradition". welfare, peace, rural problems and Dlay be otherwise in other countries, fact that Cardinal Gasquet also has written applications to the Chancery shall not be enlarged. They warn I. .- . ..... women in industry were dominant in Italy the existence of the Masonic --_ ..... a brother here, who likewise is a con­ on or before December 10, 1925. No that local signs of its early extension .. - themes at the convention, being can­ Order is not favorable to the main­ firmed invalid. applications received after this date are too alarming to be ignored. vassed in separate sessions. Half a tenance of order and morality. RELIGIOUS FAMILY will be considered. FREE STATE dozen topics were the subjects of The same speaker recalled the Hal· P!,-tmore's Widow Dead. "By order of His Grace, the Most Pledge Resistance. papers. ian Masons' bitter hostility to the Mrs. Coventry :Patmore, third wife Reverend Archbishop. Members of Monaghan County New Officers Chosen. Catholic Church, describing the lat­ One Member a Priest; Five Others of the Catholio poet, is dead at Lym- "JOSEPH H. ALBERS, Council have to a man adopted a Plans Elimination of 7,000 Bars and Mrs. Arthur Mullen, of Omaha, ler as "the glory of Italy." Discuss­ in Seminaries or Convents. ington in Hampshire. She survived "Chancellor, pledge ,to resist to the last any at­ Penalty for Drunken Autoists. who has been second vice-president ing precedents for such legislation as her distinguished husband thirty "Archdiocese of Cincinnati." tempt to mutilate their county or for the last year, was elected presi­ was proposed, -Signor Rocco men­ years. Her nephew, Canon Knuckey, "P. S.-Hereafter, all announce- Donegal County, or to bind in per­ dent, s!lcceeding· Miss Florence Loeb­ tioned the anti-Ku Klux Klan bill, [N. C. W. C. News Service.] celebrated :r.equiem Mass at' her fun-. ments of the above character, as well petual bondage the big Catholic areas . London, Nov. 21.-Several thou­ er, of New Orleans. Mrs. Mullen has enacted by the Legislature of New of Down, Fermanagh and Derry, re­ . Atchison, Kans., Nov. 21.-The en- eral. I as other official announcements, will sand of the 15,000' drink shops in the been 'a 'leader in the N. C. C. W. York in 1923 to compel publicity of trance of Frederick Crowley in St. Father Quigley. be made in the Official Column of gardless of the wishes of the in­ Irish Free State will be closed, if ltlOVement since its inception. the membership roster of that organ­ Benedict College here to study for Father Quigley, of Chicago, who THE CATHOLIC TELEGR.,I.PH. All com- habitants. Mrs. JohnN. Jackson, of Seattle, ization. the priesthood has brought about the was sent to Europe by Cardinal Mun- munications in the future should be the recommendations of the Govern: was chosen 11rst vice-president; Mrs. d I . d' t d t th Cl th dd Pope Honors President Cosgrave. Famous Picture Returned. unusual situation of six brothers and e em to arrange details connected Irec e 0 e lancery, e a ress ment Commission, which has been James A/:Bach, of Milwaukee, secord • sisters of a single family either in with the coming Eucharistic Con- of which is given below: The Holy Father has conferred inquiring into the liquor traffic, are vice-president; and Mrs.
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