Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-10-1967 The Ledger and Times, June 10, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 10, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5688. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5688 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - "Us • , E 9, 1967 41/) 1111811144 SI I SW IS lionittray oommtunly RSINIPPIN The Only, Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Beth In City Calloway County, • And In County, elmommummosun,iii United Press International In Our 88th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, June 10, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 137 Seen & Heard Dr. Harston Atomic Energy • • Speaker For Contract Goes Israel Drives To Gates MURRAY Rotary Club To MSU Here Of The Atomic Enegery Commission Damascus; Soviets Or. Marlow Harston, Tiegional One of the best quotes we have read has awarded a $39.000 research Director of Region 1, a nine county lately is Some of the contract to the physics depart- people who area for work in mental hegath and suffer because they are ment at Murray State University, maunder mental retardation, was tile speak- stood would suffer a gaud acso" rding to Dr. Lynn Brative.l. 4 er Thursday for the Murray Rotary if they were understood'. project director. The contract by A. W. Break Club. He was introduced With Israelites went into effect May 1. Simmons, Jr., president of the local The ADC award 18 for researoh The fountain down at the Mental Health AesociatIon. Peoples on "the interaction of newton con- Bank is in full swing now. It is a Dr. Harston. who has a wide back- tract fraganages with thin films of beautiful thing psychiatry, mental health Mideast 4 ground in uranium SOMile." Dr. Bride ell Russia Threatens Sanctions mark, private practice and mental said. The inl contract is for one At A Glance Human nature has • coarse aspect health clinics pointed out to the year, but meg. be renewed "pro- which is beyond comprehenaion. We club that President Kennedy was rated reasionehle progress has CAIRO — Egyptian President Chi- If the first president who Fighting Is Not Stopped don't know whether It is linked to speolficellY been made." to take some action me] Abdel Nasser itiethdree his res- intelligence. education or what. Any- urged congress Dr. adrifedk .40mMllant prof.profes . - way someone'with a to promote mental health work: ignation Mobs - in the streets pea skies brain Id .PUIM011 ag MERL mid the By WALTER LOGAN to try to forte the fall of the left- lived in Utah, he said ▪ screamed praise of Nasser and curses apparently put some kind of de- While he many mien- wing Socialist government lagieregi, =UM Wire at Amencans Some 250 tergent in the fountain last night. that the governor of Utah tolled Americans The Soviet Union broke off diplo- Hie and one result were evacuated through a mental health the "number one. howling matic relations with Israel today as The Israeli drive also was aimed may be a ekirsem to convert nuclear mob social problem Israeli forces drove to the gates at *lancing the Syrian artillery Who ever did it probably energy dirabily to electric energy. Tiberias. reports thought Israel—Military of Damascus and laid siege to the which was repeatedly shelled Is- that this was the first time any He told the Rotarians that Ken- The MU professor raid this is said Israeli to the forces stnashed Syrian capital. Damaacus Radio mid raeli villages in the Lake Tiberias dimwit thought of it The hurran tucky is leading In the mental health the 'aft AEC contract in Ken- Syrian capital of Damascus and the city had been under almost con- area. Another drive speared 30 miles of much an act escapes us com- field. "We all -need to be prgtnoters tucky at this time, fighting was reported within the tinuous bombardment since dawn. to Der's on the Jordanian larder pletely M mental health," Dr. Hamlin said. A pletion of the money will be sources col- city Informed said the The Russian annountement fol- and was aimed at wiping out a - — He pointed out that there are nine used to buy and construct per- lapse Syrian was of the government lowed a Moscow meeting of seven force of Palestinian refugee terror- General Nasser cast his bread upon sountries In this region with each manent equiptnent whicb will be- • imminent Communist nations and a stern ists whose raids on Israel helped the waters and got It back right oounty being represented on the property MSC. Tea United Nations — The Security come the of warning to Israel. Today's =noun- bring on the war. in the teeth regional board. Council met in a pre-dawn emer- rnaaor lien will be a mull, cement said "sanctions" would be system gency session at the request of Sy- As Israeli forces closed Use no In defining mental health he said, apelsilled computer applied against Israel unless It stops William Feather in the Imperial ria Secretary General Thant maid on Damascus. the official Damas- "mental health is a feeling of hap- which all reiete to a larger com- fighting. Moscow did not elaborate. Magazine lists the basic reference the Syrian capital of Damascus was cus Radio mid the battle may prove lanes and well being meet of the puter in the physics depertnient, The other Communist nations were books which Herbert R.. Mayes finds bombed to be the turning pant in the war. time." He pointed out that anyone Dr. Brildwall expected to follow ant. to be most useful. Moscow — Seven Communist bloc Fight to god becomes depressed at times but that The Union Carbide plant in Pa- In New York. the United Nations nations usued an ultimatum to mental health is the absence of ex- ducah a also budding some ex- Security Council met in emergency "We shall fight from house to Here is the greater part of the Israel to withdraw from all Arab canna feelings of fear, anxiety, dis- perimental apparatuel for use in seaaion at 4 33 a. m. eISDT0 and house, from street to slept and from list: land or face a reslute rebuff" Laalleig the greed Mini Saturday evening for the 19117 trust or unhappiness. the study, according to the pro- heard a report from Secretary Gen- corner to corner because we have Bextlett's Familiar Quotations — Damascus Radio saki Charity Dell. "A Night In Arabia", will be Mrs. Don Keller. general ject director Beirut eral Thant that there had been derided to turn our territory into • Pberlera Modern Engliah Usage three meets the battle on the Syrian front may &airtime et the Charity Ball Committee. and Ben Humphreys, Dr. Harston made Dr Bridwell plans to utilise the three Israeli air raids in the Da- a graveyard for the invaders," the Ftogeta Thesaurus of mental health. prove to be the turning point in the Grand Marshall and chairman of the Calloway County Mental In speaking Amer:leeof pialletup Research mascus vicinity today but that broadcast said. World Almanac Middle East war. The broadcast Health Board. Center in Lexington for part o• bombis appeared to have fallen out- Benets Reader's Encyclopedia 1. Good mental health depends exhorted Syrians, "We shall fight The minter ysituation was so and cir- Use atudy. He will have four grad- sided the city. Magill's Masterpieces of Work! lit- The ball, to be staged again this year In the Student talon on how we meet situations from house to house, from street serious, according to reports reach- others. Mulch uate seastante and an In Cairo, Soviet-backed President erature banresin, will feature two orchestra.' providing continuous musk cumstances and not on undelTrads to street " ing Beirut. that the military regime on • e pruatian assiaant working Gomel Abdel Nasser announced he Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms frees 9 to I. of • person's outlook deeencia announced it was releasing all po- Baaselsiary of the remit will be the Murray-Calloway was bowing to public preesure and Ackerman'. Popular Fallacies himself alone wt.% Mtn tills summer. litical prisoners so they could take County Heal* withdrawing lea resignation. Thai- Apar. Harvard Dictionary of Malec 2. We cannot he how we feel. part in the defense of the city The of Ilryptiarus surged through Who's Who in America - but we eon hale what amide. ▪ pi-Stoners were believed to include • „ the streets In wtel exhiglating Se- Wiletath's Dictionary of Similes times a person blames his lack of Murray former President Lt. Oen, Amiss Legion Team curity forces hustled no Amerlgati inotumbis lancpclopedia Two Enlist In Army work or bad work on his outlook Hales. Downs Paris Friday WEATHER REPORT evacuees to safety The Bible - Dr. Woods Is 3, It is all right for • person to Flight Training Claims Four Jets bombing of civilian Marek's World Treasury of Grand Indicate what his desires are, but The reported A military communique broadcast Cairo for the first time Opera not to Insist that three desire's KENTUCKY. Clear to partly clo- targets in SPC Rudy Smith, the Army re- Damascus Radio said anti-Ur- Dictionary to The Murray American Legion udy and continued warm through on added a new note of urgency Weester's Biographical Now Listed cruiter of Mayfield, carried out or to force another announced to- emia gunners had shot down four Stevenson's Home Book of Verse carry out these desires.
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