- 1-_Dz:Ilt*#9*>RKE - 1 -1-11 1- A y,r-,1 . 1-=1 -- 1 - , I &-. - 1=1-4 ,-1=* 't'»C »s,94* f .· **481----'- -'- -T '-2 _ '- ='t-L, Cttl71-r-=3**SE ··%352 331.54* . -,7 - -- Er ' - 0 . 1 . ' = . 1, r i:thuu;kl'-'11, 1 1,Z' i 1 1 1 *:41; Vol. 18 N o. 1 PACKARD ELECTRIC DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION October 22, 1956 Gill British Divisions Youngsters Are Set For " Trick Or Treat" Chest Contributions Hit $17,000; Expand Operations Division Drive To End This Week ' Harlow H. Curtice, president , :.'13)....--' of General Motors, has reported , After one week's campaigning for Community Chest funds "impressive progress" in GM's from Divisional employes, $17,000 has been pledged toward the expansion a n d modernization 4.- 6 .. ..,4, 46*"i".L Division's goal of $29,000, Kenneth M. Thompson, supervisor of program affecting its manufac- .' rf.- 1'19 salaried personnel and chairman for the Packard campaign, has an- turing operations in G r e a t nounced. Britain. -- "Early returns of the drive indicate that Packard employes are whole-heartedly behind the Community Chest's campaign to ti,Cr F&57 S xhalile,LY:r ,n»ZI 1,74* Viq/5, raise funds for operating in 1957," Mr. Thompson said. Delco and Frigidaire at Luton, Duns- '43 34 r V:. He added that the drive i,s continuing through this week so table and Hendon last week on the - .,1M & 24 1 that everyone at Packard will have the chance to pledge his con- eve of the opening of the London tribution. Motor Show and his departure to the I/F= **0. 1-- United States after a four-week tour /....#Li (,R q"..W Perhaps the Salvation Army, USC, J. T. Ronion Jr. Gets Trumbull County Guidance .Center or of GM's manufacturing and assem- bly operations in Great Britain and - 17'.1.4&..: Warren Hearing Society, to list a few of the 17 organizations included in the continent. ---irt= e » Proied Engineer Post the Community Chest, don't affect The General Motors president re- everyone personally. Indirectly, ported that the company's major pro- .,p:.9/.Ii- - In Recent Promotion though, the benefits are numerous. gram to double Vauxhall Motor's Just having these agencies located passenger car and truck capacity to f, 1/0 .r'.V 250,000 units annually is "on sched- James T. Ronian Jr. of the and functioning in Warren provides a better environment within ule" and should be virtually completed Tool and Process Engineering munity. the com- by the end of the year. The Vauxhall Department has been promoted The Community House, a recrea- program, launched in 1954, includes 0000! These little Halloweeners have certainly spotted something scarey in Mr. to project engineer in charge of construction of more than 3,000,000 tional and character building agency, Jack O' Lantern. That's really Michael Koltak, left, age three, in his Teddy Bear assembly hoppers, tools and fix- is instrumental in raising the stand- square feet of floor space for a new costume. Miss Bo Peep IS Debbie Lynn Zampedro, five, and Ronnie Koltak, seven. tures for Plants 2,3,4,7 and 8, press shop, body and final assembly is dressed as Robin Hood. Michael and Ronnie are the sons of Joe Koltak, Dept. ard of living in the Flats area. The Continued on Page Six 1012. Debbie Lynn is the daughter of Mary Zampedro, desk girl in Dept. 1012. Master Mechanic Carl Habel has Ohio Citizens' Council is a state-wide announced. health and welfare organization pro- moting better health and welfare Mr. Ronian joined the Division in ' Calling All Boys . Continued on Unveil Fuel Iniection June 1950 as a Dept. 551 millwright Page Six helper. In Jan- uary 1951 he was Craftsman's Guild Awards Total Unit On '57 Chevys promoted to ma- A new automobile fuel injection chine repairman C Employes Are Urged unit, culmination of several years of and in February _ _ development work, has been an- 1952 he became a }"* I , To Keep Cars Locked Model Car Contest . .1' $115,000 In Tool and Process nounced as optional equipment for , 4 - ,-I the 1957 Chevrolet. engineer, a posi- Don't leave your car unlocked Sons of General Motors employes again are offered an oppor- tion he held until _r-,4/ or the key in a logical hiding The fuel injection unit, being manu- his recent promo- d/illpllt· AlllII tunity to share in $115,000 in awards in the annual Fisher Body factured by the Rochester Products place. That's what Plant Pro- Craftsman's Guild model car competition, Division of GM, is the first to be tion. A 1941 gradu- - tection Chief H. D. Parthemer Eighteen university scholarships worth $38,000 and another used on a production automobile al- increase com- though fuel injection in itself is not ate of Howland urges as he warns of the $77,000 in cash and other awards are the stakes in the 1957 in auto theft and pilfering on a new, having been used for a number High School, Mr. James Ronian Jr. petition. of years on Diesel engines, airplane Ronian continued national and local scale. Enrollments for the new competition are now being accepted, engines, and on some racing cars. his education at Bowling Green Uni- „ Some employes are leaving their it was announced by James P. versity and Marietta College. He Among the potential motoring ad- majored in chemistry and was grad- cars unlocked. This practice just Wines, secretary of the Guild. vantages of this new development uated from the latter school in 1947 makes the car thief's job an easier Division's Signature are: Better overall fuel economy; Boys born in the years 1936 With a bachelor of science degree. one. There is also a tendency for Mr. Ronian saw service during motorists to "hide" the ignition key I tthhreo 5kihrdlis, bjilf&'11991 Is Changed For Ads pa t rnd t ]3 2 »ocC »ICil twis - in a place that even an amateur thief through 1945 may enroll in the junior World War II in the U. S. Navy where is aware of. If you hide your key in ' division. GM employes as well as Beginning this month Packard r@%:, ' he served for three years, part of the Cove compartment, over the sun sons of employes who fall in those L. - that time on duty in the Pacific. Mr. age brackets may participate. Electric will be identified as the Ronian is currently a member of the visor or under the floor mat, a car * 4...'*%D U. S. Naval Reserve and is executive thief will have no trouble in stealing Murray Milne, a summertime em- "Live Wire division of General 1 U -1. T-- jp ' ' I FF- - Continued on P.ge Si X Continued on PaGe Six ploye at the Technical Center, won Motors" in most trade magazine *f -2.- 1 92.-.,LI1 petition. Campbell - Ewald & Co., the 'tf National Safety Group To See Packard Skit In every instance where an employe Division's advertising agency. / 11,)*-i<114/ or son of an employe wins, a dupli- The slogan will be used in conjunc- 4, ' r b - ---1 7 , " I ,- '.,. 71-/4.4.-'- -/9 - , I cate award tion with a new, re-designed Packard a $4,000 scholarshipis givenintothea 1956contestantcom- advertisements p r e p a r e d by 1 1· L,1, 1,1 :1 i./,1.,1., .'' 1.('' 1'. 2 : , who has no GM affiliation. signature pictured below and will ap »S< -1 Joilli'&5)::9:m Seventy-seven boys with GM affi- pear for the first time this month in 4.V- .. U·-i W 'I liations entered the 1956 competition ten national trade publications which 1 1! 'I, " , 1 11 » «ry35 o t is n aawsa de rksle tid sa o be e ft » ioclrs]:ttn in I;IIP ,liI,I lglili:Ii;I I f : New Ch«vr 1«1 F,«1 Ini«« 10. Udt Ifl fzk·:1 | '| | 4 , AYAhhAR#J6lilli ,,, , 2 1 |1 1 1 t in the competition. ing power applied to the rear wheels); , ''40#'ip''Ii''illii'.11 i cottbrou .I& °ng .voednelt aera sE>U:] _.P tck(trt/.111 '(ectric 8tittn bo c j, or&d;;3!pstCM]A, 1'»i stops; and filel 9 .-- 1, -i-- in the Guild. Prepared by pro- steep grades, or quick i:,i,!,liI rolling cut-off during deceleration. '' fessional designers and engineers, it Ivat'/rn, 0/, iii + '0| It | this new application of ' ' is the only textbook of its kind for /262.71 Although boys wishing to learn about auto- fuel injection will be used in place r , mobile design. "Liee Wire"dirisiuv of Gewi'rfil Moto}'6 of the conventional carburetor, the Since 1930, the Fisher Body com- basic function of both units is the petition has awarded 160 university The new signature is distinctive, same - the all-important job of pro- IKfi fuel : Ir. 1 ./ scholarships valued at $484,500 to and designed to better portray the viding the proper mixture of national w i n n e r s. Approximately progressive character of Packard and air to the engine cylinders. , mt°82%21%:2% YS: Crti :il nes 1112 'Clessi.gI i Hioh » 6 freelora.tds, ri are ma eu 1 ' winning state and regional honors. will replace in most instances the reted fuel system and the mixture ' · Packard trade mark formerly appear- then is fed through passages to each , The Fisher Body model car competi- --.
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