Graate Name Book January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 Memr Governo The Honorable Michael O. Leavitt, Chairman, Emeritus Governor, Utah 1993 –2003 Alaska Guam Montana North Dakota Texas The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Michael J. Dunleavy Lou Leon Guerrero Steve Bullock Doug Burgum Greg Abbott Arizona Hawaii Nebraska Oklahoma Utah The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Doug Ducey David Ige Pete Ricketts Kevin Stitt Gary R. Herbert California Idaho Nevada Oregon Washington The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Gavin Newsom Brad Little Steve Sisolak Kate Brown Jay R. Inslee Colorado Indiana New Mexico South Dakota Wyoming The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Jared Polis Eric Holcomb Michelle Lujan Grisham Kristi Noem Mark Gordon Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Charles Sorenson President and CEO Emeritus, Intermountain Healthcare John W. Bluford III The Honorable Eric Holcomb Scott D. Pulsipher President Governor President Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute State of Indiana Western Governors University Cole Clark Tammy Johns David Simmons Executive Director, Higher Education CEO President Client Relations Strategy & Talent Simmons Media Group Deloitte Services, LP Lenny Mendonca Dr. Samuel H. Smith Joseph B. Fuller Former Chief Economic and Business President Emeritus Professor of Management Practice and Advisor Washington State University Co-Director of the Managing the Future Governor of California of Work Project Jane Swift Harvard University Talia Milgrom-Elcott President and Executive Director, Co-Founder and Executive Director LearnLaunch The Honorable Jim Geringer 100Kin10 Former Governor of Massachusetts Director, Policy & Public Sector, ESRI Governor of Wyoming (1995 – 2003) The Honorable Jared Polis Jessie Woolley-Wilson Governor CEO and President State of Colorado Dreambox Learning -2- Meage om e Psident Message from the President Dear Graduates, On behalf of all of us at WGU, I want to congratulate you and welcome you to our commencement celebration. We recognize and respect the hard work and sacrifices you have made to complete your degree, and today is your day to celebrate this important milestone in your life. We share your excitement and pride in this achievement—one that has the potential to make a real difference for you, your family, and even future generations. As you join the ranks of the more than 200,000 WGU graduates, we hope you will stay in touch through the Alumni Network. Again, thank you for joining us today. We are so grateful for the opportunity to share this day with you and your loved ones. Congratulations! Scott D. Pulsipher, President Western Governors University -3- Tae of Contents Graduate deGrees COLLeGe OF BusINess Master Busine Administration Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION . .6–10 HeaLtHCare MaNaGeMeNt . .10 –13 INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY MaNaGeMeNt . .13 –14 Master Science aCCOuNtING . .14–15 MaNaGeMeNt aNd LeadersHIP . .15–17 COLLeGe OF HeaLtH PrOFessIONs Master Health Leadehip Master OF HeaLtH LeadersHIP . .18 Master Science INteGrated HeaLtHCare MaNaGeMeNt . .18 NursING – eduCatION . .18–21 NursING – LeadersHIP aNd MaNaGeMeNt . .21–25 NursING – NursING INFOrMatICs . .25 COLLeGe OF INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY Master Science CYBerseCurItY aNd INFOrMatION assuraNCe . .26–27 data aNaLYtICs . .28 INFOrMatION seCurItY aNd assuraNCe . .28 INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY MaNaGeMeNt . .28–29 teaCHers COLLeGe Master Arts eduCatIONaL studIes . .30 eNGLIsH LaNGuaGe LearNING . .30–31 MatHeMatICs eduCatION . .31–32 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .32 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – seCONdarY . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – BIOLOGY . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – CHeMIstrY . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – GeOsCIeNCes . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – PHYsICs . .33 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY BIOLOGICaL sCIeNCe . .33 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY CHeMIstrY . .33 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY eartH sCIeNCe . .33 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY PHYsICs . .33 Master Arts in Teaching eLeMeNtarY eduCatION . .34 –35 eNGLIsH eduCatION . .35 eNGLIsH eduCatION – seCONdarY . .35 MatHeMatICs eduCatION . .36 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – seCONdarY . .36 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .36 sCIeNCe eduCatION . .36 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY . .36 –37 sOCIaL sCIeNCe eduCatION . .37 -4- Tae of Contents Cont’d Master Education INstruCtIONaL desIGN . .37–38 LearNING aNd teCHNOLOGY . .38–40 Master Science CurrICuLuM aNd INstruCtION . .40–44 eduCatIONaL LeadersHIP . .44 –45 sPeCIaL eduCatION . .45 –46 eNdOrseMeNt PrOGraMs teaCHers COLLeGe Endorsement Pparation Program eduCatIONaL LeadersHIP . .47 eNGLIsH LaNGuaGe LearNING . .47 -5- Graduate deGrees –– COLLeGe OF BusINess –– Master Busine Administration Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION aLaBaMa CaLIFOrNIa Jennifer Martinez Elizabeth Brass Gina DeFranza Amanda Adams Aimal Abawi Katie Mason Abby Capwell Clark Faint Daiseree Bowers Alexis Algeo Gregory Mattox Ian Elverson Carly Fletcher Eric Calvert David Allas Lyle McDowell Albert Estrada Widline Fontaine Levi Greene Kyle Allington Joseph McGlone Kirsten Fordahl Jessica Fox Caitlyn Hoppe Tracey Aparicio Francisco Medina-Jacobo Haven Fuller Andrea Garcia Anita-Carol Jackson Kourosh Baharvand Ashley Merriouns James Hruby Alison Gilman Jennifer Lambert Cristina Bennett Elizabeth Moreira Alexandra Jones Alicia Harper Julia Loveday Kristen Bernasconi Sean Murphy Danielle Kneipper Jeffrey Hawkins Rusty Reaves Thomas Blondheim Albert Nava Daniel Krueger Kaitlin Hazlip Jason Bradshaw-Lopez Tam-An Nguyen Reginald Luper Wilson Hernandez aLaska Jessica Brown Krista Olson Avril Lyons Bijan Jahromi Ursula Jones Briana Buhl Sophana Ork Peta-Gaye Madourie Brittany Kammerer John May Erick Cabrera Danielle Ossa Matthew Marakis Mamta Kinsel Hannah Meneses Aleena Calderon Katie Parker Teah Miller Cassandra Kyle Kristopher Palmatier Phillip Cantarinha Brenda Pate Serenity Mitchell Sarah Laroque Aimee Wallum Marina Carpio Juan Sanchez Peralta David Molchan Justin Linnert Brittany Welzant Martha Cartagena Brenda Perez Shoba Mynampati Jacob Machelett Ben Cary Russell Perez Ben Newman Zeeshan Majeed arIzONa Guriqbal Cheema Edward Petrus Andrew O'Such Amy Marcoux Marcus Avery Ami Chilton Danielle Plass Jordan Ray James Mathern Patricia Blosser Marvin Colon Amanda Policastro Aviva Schatz Lisa McGuire Maegan Burns Ryan Comerford Sarah Potzler Lauren Sens Trina McKee Todd Callbeck Terri Contini Nicole Prine David Slik Jason Mckinney Valery Castro Bryden Coram Carl Quandt Sharaya Thompson Jeffrey Metzger Joseph Chaney Alex Cowdell Richard Quezada Gary Vialpando Trent Murphy Melissa Coborubio Cameron Coye Oscar Rodriguez Regina Wilcox Joy Pena Sarah Delegge Miriaco Curreri Dan Ronquillo Jessica Pollard-Cuddy Allison Delong Naiya Delisle Curtis Santsche CONNeCtICut Kimberly Powell Jason Doty Nicholas Desrosiers Aaron Schroeder Errol Anderson Christina Ricks Sean Evans Pamela Dunn Krystal Sharma Charles Babson Deann Rose Laura Fernando Tanner Ensign Elizabeth Singh Katie Bennett Justin Santiago Rarkimm Fields Natasha Estrada Thomas Soucek Kyle Contente Lauren Sawicki Stacy Johnson Javier Exebio Elisa Torres Joshua Eison Orren Shumaker Gwen Jones Lady Vinia Feliciano Jonathan Torres Gwendolyn Hay Jessica Skinner Edward Kinal Adam Felt Levent Unal Kingsley Nurse Ricardo Rivero Sosa Brent Lee Anthony Fisch Christopher Walczak Stephanie Scafidi Veronica Stehouwer Kristi Lee Natasha Fung Juchell Wardlow Christian Sgro Chris Studebaker Philip Lewis Kate Garcia Leslie Warner Daniel Viera Michelle Townsend Kellen Love Saghar Gorji Jaime Weddell Benjamin Wyskiel Julie Tran Selma Lubenovic Margaret Grant Jennifer Weissmuller Megan Varela Nathan Martin Robert Ham Julie Wenger deLaware Angela Victor Suzanne McGilton Neil Hamamura Christopher Wight Danny Quillin Carmela Villanueva Yazmin Paz Ian Hammer Jacob Winans Michael Wright Christopher Roake Phillip Hivale Carlee Wright FLOrIda Aldo Yong Jennifer Smith Zicheng Huang Kendall Ziganto Mark Augustini Mandira Young Ashley Troche Christopher Jones Matthew Zwang Robert Baker Virna Kim Jessica Cappa GeOrGIa arkaNsas Sara Klarich CaNada Farley Carrenard Jennifer Ballos Jeremy Capps Christina Kunkle Katie Oliver Michele Chatham Antoine Boynton Kevin Durand Bulk Lao Logan Clarke Stephen Brown John Hufford Bryan Levenson COLOradO Michael Crispino Larrita Browning Andrew Oehlert Eric Lichtenberger Lindsey Bergquist Lucia CuCulino Robert Burch Elena Malone Justin Bliss Christina Davis Melissa Carter -6- Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION CONt’d GeOrGIa CONt’d Chelsea Ericson Jennifer Hopper kaNsas James Cousino Samuel Chafin Clinton Garmane Dexter Howard Jennifer Abernathy Kia Glass Mike Childers Elissa Hernandez Josh Hurley Dan Ahlstrom Traci Grossman Nicole Follansbee Gabrielle Hill Andrew Jasper Rachel Dawson Theresa LaBranche Richard Hart Sheryl Johnson Gary Jones Julianne Fry Jeanne Parks Michael Harvey Brandon Keller Amanda Justice Jade Grow Nathan Perreault Kristen Holder Mackenzie Kelly Julian Kirkpatrick Amanda Schaeuble Timothy Pettit Chaquoia Holmes Amanda Livesay Blake Koss Gabriela Zeller Schroeder Madison Pullins Sean Huling Leonard Mitchell Tyler Krueger Hashem Qasem Pritam Kusiyait Robert Nielsen III Jennifer Lantrip keNtuCkY Blake Richards Barry Lilly Devin Otten Trent Low Billy Brittain Shanel Rousseau Karen Masschelin Kashaun Parker Emilie Martin Sarah Clark Ishita Singh Lisa Milby Kyle Penning Dawn McCarty Christopher Gibson Jacob Stressman Dustin
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