Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-18-1983 The BG News March 18, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 18, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4117. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4117 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE T FRIDAY BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY MARCH 18,1983 SSft&WSf&fl m. Strikers dispute policies by Carolyn Van Schalk "WE WOULD LIKE to see them he said. Under the expired contract, staff reporter leave our benefit rights alone," Melva the employees received 13 paid holi- Kerr, final assembly worker said. "I days. Production employees of the Ameri- think that's the main concern, more He added that company officals can Lincoln Division of the Scott than money." also wanted employees to assume Fetzer Company, 1100 Hasklns Rd., The issues, according to another partial responsibility for overall remain on strike after a walkout two striking employee, Mary Settles, in- health care plans. weeks ago. clude seniority, health care costs, According to strikers, the employ- paid holidays, and wages. These is- "WE ASKED them (employees) to ees, whose contract ended in Feb- sues, she added, have been created by Sy one-half of all future increases in ruary, remain disgruntled over what the company's use of existing profits. sir health insurance because costs they said are wage differences and have skyrocketed in the health care changes in company policies pro- "We just think that there's money field," he said. posed in the new contract. there," Settles said. "The company Kettel added that another alterna- has been making money but they tive was to have employees assume "We disagree with wages and a lack (company officals) want us to make responsibility for their dental and eye of caring about the common worker," concessions." care insurance plans. This option was Merle Kennedy, a welder for the Settles added that office workers rejected by the strikers. company, said. have been most affected by company Although employees insist the com- "All the management here think layoffs. pany could do more for them, Kettel they're God Almighty. It's a really "Office people seem like they've said the company's original offer was bad situation," he added. gotten laid off more. He (company its best offer. William Kittel, company personnel president Bjom Iwarsson) tried It on "When we all walked away from the manager, said he does not understand us and that's why we're out here." table, there just wasn't anymore why the employees are upset. (Iwarsson was asked to comment on money," he said. We offered them what we thought the issue but said he was in meetings But the strikers said they'll remain was a fair package," he said. "We did all afternoon). on strike for as long as they feel is not attempt to ask for anything back necessary to improve conditions. in terms of wages." ccording to Kittel, the company "I hope that we'll get a lot of sup- BO News Photo/Patrick Sandor Striking employees said they dis- askeded for three paid holidays back port and that we'll get back there Melva Kerr, an employee of the Scott Fetzer Company, sits In a car at the entrance to the plant to bring attention to the agree most with the changes in the from employees because "the profita- under better working conditions," strike being staged by employees. The plant Is located on Hasklns Road in Bowling Green. company benefit program. bility wasn't there for us anymore," Settler said. Proposed defense increase cut in half WASHINGTON (AP) - The House The committee set a 4 percent ceil- Reagan's urging in 1981. vote. billion. And over the next five years, would be spent was defeated on a Budget Committee voted yesterday to ing for growth in military spending "Do you really think Congress is The full Democratically-controlled the gap between the two versions straight party-line vote, 20 to 11. slash President Reagan's defense after Inflation, compared to the 10 Eoing to impose a tax increase of $30 House is scheduled to take up the widens to $46 billion in 1988. Republicans on the committee said buildup by more than half and then percent figure recommended by the illion that Is going to take effect just budget resolution next Wednesday, the 4 percent growth figure was an gave final approval, 20-11, to an alter- president. before a presidential election year," when it is expected to face tougher The defense number was adopted arbitrary number with no connection native Democratic budget blueprint Overall, the panel set spending for asked Rep. Tom Loeffler, RTexas. going than in the committee. by voice vote by the committee, but a to the real national security needs of for 1984. fiscal 1984 at $863.5 billion and in- In fact, the Democratic chairman of Even before the alternative plan Republican-sponsored amendment to the nation. The budget, entitled "A Democratic . cluded $30 billion more In tax reve- the House Ways and Means Commit- went to the committee, the 287 House |uire specifics on how the 4 percent See DEFENSE, page five Plan for Economic Recovery" was nues than Reagan recommended. tee, Rep. Dan Bostenkowski of Illi- Democrats were surveyed, and the approved in a series of straight party- The $30 billion could come from nois, has expressed doubts that that Democratic plan was ai. inced line votes. elimination of this year's 10 percent much revenue can be raised. Tuesday by House Speaker Tujmas The action marked the first time tax cut due, with withholding to take Republicans on the commitee pro- P. O'Neill Jr. since Reagan's election that House effect on July 1, or limiting the reduc- posed more than a dozen amendments Democrats have united behind an' tion to somewhere between $400 and to either reduce spending on domestic ON THE defense portion, the Demo- alternative to Reaganomics. $700 per taxpayer. programs in the Democratic plan, or cratic plan sets a 1984 defense spend- Reagan's budget proposal calls for Republicans expressed doubt that block either tax increses or tam- ing level of $235.4 billion, compared to spending $848.5 billion in fiscal 1984 Congress would tinker with the third pering with the July tax cut Most Reagan's recommended $244.7 bil- starting next October. year of a 25 percent tax cut enacted on failed on a straight 20 to 11 party-line lion, a difference of more than $9 New drunk driving law discussed Residents, students have mixed feelings by Erin Eamont and tests above 0.10 percent is guilty of said. "That is one of the fortunate H.. 210 N. Main St, offered sugges- Carolyn Van Schalk driving while drunk. things of a college town. tions on how to avoid getting a driving "I think it (the new law) is a good "I was hit by a drunken driver," under the influence charge. Some University students and area idea because there are too many Annibale said. "He totaled my car "When you are drinking, just be residents expressed mixed emotions innocent people killed each year," and I know what happened to him - sure to take the back roads," Dick regarding Ohio's new drunk driving Glen Schwab, a sophomore manage- nothing. Stevenson, a Cygnet resident said. law that went into effect Wednesday. ment information systems major, "Well, (the new law) is like any- Another patron who refused to be "I am in favor of some sort of said. thing else. Unfortunately (people) identified said "if you get caught, you drunken driving law, but I don't know will pass it off until it effects them, get caught. If you keep your eyes if I agree with this one in severity," "I DON'T have anything against then they will take it seriously." open, you'll be all right/ Joe Penna, a senior at the University drinking and driving, yet you should Annibale added Downtown will reit- Having been convicted of a DUI and a bartender at one of the local be able to exercise some sort of con- erate their policy on cutting custom- charge, Orv Spittler of Bowling Green bars in town, said. trol and have enough self-discipline," ers off who have had too much to said he does agree with the law. The changes in the new law include: he said. drink. "I do see the point of it," he said. - A mandatory three-day jail term Julie Forrester, University of To- "You cant have people driving drunk if convicted. ledo student, said she agrees with the "WE HAVE one meeting every on the street." - Increased penalties for repeat new law but she questions the accu- semester with our bartenders where offenders. racy of the intoxilyzer test. we emphasize that customers who are Spittler added that since his DUI - The right of the arresting officer "The machines aren't always accu- extremely intoxicated should be cut conviction, he makes an effort to walk to seize automatically a drunken driv- rate - that's one of the problems," she off," he said. or get a ride to the bars because be er's license.
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