MARIST Archives & Special Collections LOWELL THOMAS PAPERS Box 844 File 3 Marist Archives & Special Collections, 3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601; 845.575.3199 Copyright Notice: Individuals requesting reproductions expressly assume the responsibility for compliance with all pertinent provisions of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. ss101 et seq. Patrons further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Marist College Archives & Special Collections and its staff in connection with any disputes arising from the Copyright Act, over the reproduction of material at the request of patrons. For more information please visit the following website: http://www.loc.gov/copyright/title17/. (Lfi ~K-H· GETTS, Inc· .-w~-LD-OR-F·-A-Sli_OR_lll-.-n-~w-YO-Rt:;_(l_TY December e, l~Z& ! r. Lov.ell Thomas Rockefell r Center e . York, N. Y. My de~r owell Thomas: am delighted to release Erling Strom. ·m afraid I have no expl nations whatever to offer you or Mr . Strom in the m~tter, we have done our best and h~ve spent a great deal of time and money on 'rls representation, but, as 1 told him the other d~y, it is probrble that some one ~l[e can do much bv ter for hi~ and he .d, 1 "1 ays have our warmest wishes and every afsi struice we ::!D.D. pr0 ·ide. CLARK H: GETT , INC. CHG:e. ~ ~{J • STROMS AT MANSFIELD • STOWE, VERMONT Jan 6. 1941. - 'l'ha1lke for your l••~ letter. I will •ever know how you find time to write them. It was nice to get all the news fr~m Placie, ane fine that you and the Marquis got together a little better this time. 'l'ba.nks millio•s for the boost on the air ••• night. I ai•sea it •yselt 8ut eTery oay else hear• it, which is the most iaportant. In that respeet you are no less than a world wonder, ut that is probably what the Softoco people rouni out too. !y all means bring on Hubert, Rolf ani as J11111ny others as you can think of tor January· 18th. Our bookiags tor that particular weekend are noae too good yet. We ha.Te had a great deal of snow the last few day•, and I had beautiful skiing both yesterday and today. There i• enough snow aw to do whateTer exploring we would like, and as for this place we haTe done all the ·things that we can poasibly atfora to do this year, so the sooner you come the better. Naturally we do hope that you can bri g Frances along and S may too. It you should roUlla up a gang tor the 18th I would keep you posted a• to snow-co•ditioas and be very henest about them. I dia the sU1e to some friends this Chriet11as and did loo•• a bit of business on it, but think it will pay in the loag run.Right aow it is wonderful aroUJld here, eo the dietrict can certainly be reco1111ended. The litt woorke every day, and by stri gin~ a few more ropes they are handling the crowd somewhat better ~t the entrance. Uy only objection is that the whole contraption is beastly cold in cold weather. I almost feel like bringing a climbing rope by which I could decend in ease the darned thing s~ops. I will be hoping to see you on the 18th. If that cant be worked, ~ we shall ~Te to ~et to~ether for one of vour later free weekenee. -.:_ /~ ~ Thanke for the invitation to the Explorers Club. I .$_M...vt_ s s ~ should probablv heve taken you up on that had it been in the midd l e or a WAek. Ae i t is I better stick to home and attend to bueinees this firet winter, unt il things run more smoothlv. Some guests are coming in tho door now, so I si~ off with best wishes for the New Year to all or you. Sincerely ' A Ls 0 : M 0 u N T A s s I N I B 0 I N E L 0 D G E I BA N F F, A L B ERT A I c A N A DA I ' I ' • STROMS AT MANSFIELD • STOWE, VERMONT April 5. 1943. "\.. • ·, Dear Tommy: / Sigrid and I felt sorry about y6ur last visit here, and we have wondered how long time your one hoof kept bothering you. We hope not too long. Am writing today to tell you that the lift will stop on the evening of Sunday t ue 18th. At least that is the plan at the moment. It gives us just two more weekends and we have a great deal of snow to use up in tnat "ime. The last few days we have had some of the 'rest skiing of this winter, end it is snowing hard here tode.y. It all means to prove ~hat if you are planning one more weekend on Mount ~!ansfiele it oet'ter bt:i "this coming one or the following. 'Ve have really nad a much better winter than expected this year. Our very best "o l'·ran and yourself. No doubt Sonny is still getting along famously. l:>incerely, ) 0 ALSO: MOUNT ASSINIBOINE LODGE, BAN FF, ALBERTA, CANADA \ \ \ \ \ ~~,,.... ,,--- ) ~ 9-> -'' ( '2.__ "'~- \ /I~ ·~ ~ J ) I \ fY7 -- N )) _@,trnmn nf Nnrway Jan 15. 1962. 6tolut, l:i trmont Dear Tommy: Have just mailed you back Bernt Ealchena book. What a story that is, and what a life he has had. No doubt he is one of the real great pioneers of the air. Now I am looking forward to your own story about Wilkins. For the fUn of it I am enclosing an un- expected letter from the Seppa.las. Having had nothing to do with the whole thing I felt embarrassed about that. However, they certainly appreciated seeing Alaska once more. It must be great fUn to be able to do thing s like that for such people as the little Viking . Had a telephone call from Mc.Laughlin in Stratton, and realize t hat you have stuck my neck out again. I accepted t he invitation, however, and suppose I can think of a few word.s . to say about skiing .It will be fun to see t he place • Once you are tied up in one place you rarely see the others. Let us hope for a l ittle snow so t hey can s et off to a good st art. We have all ice here now. See you soon. Sincerely, ~llso: Jflount ~~stniboine I.obge, Jjanff, ~lhtrta, Canaba c®lnunt J\zsittihnin~ Ifiohg~ • ~OX 369 ~auff, J\lberta CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS DL =Day Letter This is a fast message unless its deferred char .. WESTERN UNION NL=Night Letter acter is indicated by the 1201 (4-60) proper symbol. TELEGRAM w. P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of 1 -\ SYA162 BD150 B MPA031 PD::SSTOWE vr 6 12 35P EST:: LOWELL THOMAS= . PAWLING NY:: DRINKING YOUR SKALL TODAY MANY HAPPY RETURNS= SIGRtD AND ERLING STROM: '7 {)"DI lfLS f} 7 7 1 L .Aft, ., __ -·- Tl:U.P ... ')!!# #:! aY jail, I r '- c ; C\; lEi"<I-' I~ l - 5 THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERN.ING ITS SERVICE ~?/ - 6 -e J ~ ~~ y-(/1/ ~_,v ~~ ~trnmn ~ a ' \.,.!) :;:;;es ")' ~~/ iv r e,-e 6totutt l:1 mnont (' f) December 2~ /( , 1961'> ....... Dear TommY; , r ......0 d ~ hank you for letter with clipping over two months agoo So glad the doctors are beginning to agree with me. From now on I won ' t even have quilty conscience when I let the bading go till Saturday. Seeing that we are already writing December I almost got panicky and phoned you last night, to ask if you are reallt trying to get to Norway for some skiing between now and Christmas. You do realize that the days are very short there now. The time to ~ go would be around Easter, when there is plenty of snow and a little sun to go with it. I just say this because I hate to have you go and be dissappointed. .. Furthermore I wish you would wait until next year when I will be there and could join you somewhere. As for snow before Christmas, I believe they have plenty of it already. Speaking of skiing, what about this do ~~ out in Sun Valley. I have received some dope on it, ~ but dont even know whether or not I am eligible as I have never set foot in Sun Valley so far. Have wanted to see the place for a long time, so this \ ~I might be a fun time to do it. I see they expect you, but are you really going to be there ? We are l{ ' not in business this year so I could take the time ~ and maybe also the money, and I should think I would , J\ ~ run into enough old timers I know to have some fun. , ~'\ J I hate to write them and find I am not eligible. ~ What do you think ? ' I was out in Vancouver a few weeks ago \ and missed Sonny's lecture by one day. Would have ~1 stayed over had I known, but found out too late. J ,4: So you see I dont do everything r!g~~A friend who heard him and was very impressed liit'me the programs ~ ( and things, and that is enough to impress me terrificly.
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