BOX 1673 ST AUGU3.TI3S FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper in Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 57 Boca Raton, Flo.., June 6, 1965 16 Pages PRICE State Law Validates All Old Annexations Will Clarify Roritfo ilii HlffiDlIS A. Right to Tax © "SEA-VAN" LABORATORY New Areas CONCEPT for Boca Raton's annexation pro- Ocean Engineering Instruction blem seems to have been ironed i out with action during Thurs- day's session of the Florida Legislature. In one. of the last state-wide bills passed by the House of Representatives, all annexa- •tions made by cities under the 1879 statutes were validated and made law up to and includ- TO SUMMER CRUISEfr ing July 1, 1964. The Senate |TO F.A.U. CAMPUS Charter Ship had previously passed the bill. (far Academic Year) When this law is combined with local bill permitting the Drawing shows how the Florida Atlantic University "Sea-Van" city to annex contigous proper- laboratory works. On the ground, it's a truck trailer, . aboard ty with permission of the land- ship it's a compact portable laboratory for ocean studies. Chief owner, it leaves only approxi- advantage lies in the, fact that it may be transported aboard any mately 12 pieces in the 1964-65 merchant ship, eliminating the expense of maintaining and opera- annexation program unaccount- ting a special vessel. ed for, a check with the tax School's out! Lots of smiles and happy the students will enroll in J. C. Mitchell and assessor's records showed. faces were the rule of the day as classes Boca Raton elementary schools. During the These were small parcels, ended Thursday for purlic school students summer, the school will be used for classes located south of the Hidden Val- Florida Atlantic Receives throughout Palm Beach County. And at Road- in the "Head Start" program and recreation ley Canal, which were annexed man School, classes are out for good. The activities. between July 1 and the time the school will be "phased out" and next year Supreme Court threw out the Section 170 law, which had.per- Ocean Engineering Grant mitted annexations of areas m Expected Tuesday owned by less than 10 freehold- The Office of Naval Research Santa Barbara, California, and ers. has issued a $16,700 research Albert Kellam Jr., a student This new law seemingly would project grant to Florida Atlan- assistant at Florida Atlantic make invalid the claim of Mrs. tic University to conduct the University, will complete the Thomas Wright, presently Atlantic Ocean phase of Pro- scientific party. pending before the City Com- ject Neptune,- Dr. Kenneth R» Project Nepturne Atlantic has mission. Mrs. Wright, through Williams, FAU president an- been strongly supported by Con- N.Y. ton at a salary of $7,452. Her her attorneys, contends that her nounced. gressman Paul Rogers, repre- Appointment of Mrs. Ann Hil- sentative of the Sixth District The new city personnel di- post was created in the re- property, annexed Jan. 7, 1964, The project is designed to liard as personnel director for test the feasibility of using of Florida in the efforts of the Boca Raton is expected to be rector will come to Boca Ra- cently adopted city charter. should not pay 1965 taxes, since it was "illegally" added to the merchant marine ships as "re- Oceanography Sub-Committee confirmed at Tuesday's City Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commission meeting. corporate limits. In the opin- search ships of opportunity" ion of some commissioners, for obtaining oeeanographic and Committee of the House of Re- City Manager L. M. McCon- marine biological data. presentatives to utilize the po- nell said Mrs. Hilliard current- Attempts to Outrace Police, the new law would make the tential of our U.S. Merchant ly holds the same position in action of annexation legal. Professor Charles R. Ste- phan, chairman of the depart- Marine to increase our gather- Boynton Beach. No stranger Between the two laws, it would ing of oeeanographic data. also appear that Lee Bros, could ment of ocean engineering at to Boca Raton, Mrs. Hilliard The project was issued by Dr. formerly covered City Com- now repetition the city to take Florida Atlantic University mission meetings as a news- Causes $7,000 Car Collision their property back into the city, will be the principal investiga- Sidney Galler, head of the Bio- tor and scientific officer of the (Continued on page 8A) paper reporter for the Del- was totally demolished. Both and discussion before the Plan- ray Beach paper. See pictures, page 8A. ning and Zoning Board Thurs- project. His associate for con- Heed and Davis were slightly ducting the biological phases Her appointment marks the Two persons were Only day night moved in that direc- slightly injured in a two-car injured and were treated at tion. of the project will be Dr. Har- Home Building culmination of several months North District Hospital, of arguing by last city com- accident Friday night that was rison Hoffman, associate pro- mission over what a personnel assessed at more than $7,000 Patrolman Robert Pool was fessor of microbiology in the director should be, or whether damage. the first officer to see the Reed Named department of biological sci- Sets Fast Pace Patrolman H. E. Marshall, speeding Davis. Pool said he ences. the city should have one at all. Single - family home con- Mrs. Hilliard has held her Boca Raton Police Department, was cruising near 12th street Frank Carneghe, electronics said Harvey Davis Jr., about when Davis appeared to be head- To Committee engineer of the General Motors struction started out in May job at Boynton Beach since with a faster pace than the Nov. 1961. From 1950 to 1958 24, is being Held in city jail ed directly toward him and the State Representative Donald Defense Research Laboratory, under $275 bond on a drunken officer put his patrol car into Reed, Boca Raton's Republican same month in 1964, accord- she was a free lance person- ing to the city building office. nel consultant in Rochester, driving charge. the ditch to avoid an, accident. member of the State Legislature, Ptl. Marshall said Davis was Pool said by the time he could has been named to the House The Weather Leading the parade were two fleeing police following a near get his vehicle back on the road, Legislative Apportionment homes started this week in Ro- accident in the north part of Davis had turned and gone east Committee. June 2-5, 1965 yal Palm Yacht and Country Wester Bills Draw the city. Speeding down Fed- to Federal highway. Pool fol- Reed, the House minority Hi Lo Rain Club. One permit was for eral highway in excess of 80 lowed and seeing only taillights leader, was the only Palm Beach Wednesday 86 75 0 $60,000; the other for $80,000. miles per hour, Davis cut to headed north, went in that di- County legislator named to the Thursday 88 64 0 Single-family home building Mnny Complaints slumped to hit a five-year low the left hand lane of traffic at rection. A few blocks farther 19-man committee headed by Friday 89 63 0 Camino Real and rammed a on, he received a call on the George Stallings of Duval Coun- in March, gained in April, and Complaints are being reg- Saturday Noon 85 69 0 leveled off again in May. Con- istered on water rates due to 1965 Lincoln driven by Char- radio from Patrolman Clarence ty. The first meeting of the Quinn saying the fleeing driver U.S. Weather Bureau official recordings dominium and co-operative the rise in minimum charges les Ho Heed, Deerfield Beach, House in the extraordinary ses- attempting to make a left turn „ had been involved in the Camino sion for reapportionment is from the cooperative station^ Boca Raton. apartment construction is con- for homes with one-inch me- tinuing at an even pace. ters, the city water depart- Marshall said the Lincoln Real-Federal highway accident.. scheduled Tuesday, Reed said. ment reported. "There will probably be more, too, as many of the peo- ple affected have not yet been billed," a department spokes- man said. The City Commission raised the rates on one-inch meters School Gives from a minimum of two dol- lars per month to $3.50. Water department employes were quick to point out that Student only a small portion of the bills showed a minimum charge. The dry-weather - probably the driest in the city's history- Awards has water consumption at an Finance department figures Academic and scholastic show billings for May ran honors were handed out during $70,020.53, up 50 percent over an awards assembly Thursday the $45,590.85 for May, 1964. at Boca Raton High School. Athletic director Harold Hazel- wood presented the top scholar- athlete award to Steve Breit- iiiiiiiiiiliiii enstein, left, while Thomas F. Fleming Jr. presented the com- Ann Landers Page IB munity service award to base- Calendar 3B ball coach Harry Benson. Ben- Classifieds 6-7A son coached the high school Editorials 4B team which brought to Boca Real Estate 6B Raton the Class B State Base- Sports 4-5A Travel 7B ball Championship. Additional TV Listings TA pictures and story on pages 5B Women's News Section B and 4-5 A. 2A June 6, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS Television Listings for June 6-9 2-Miami-Educ. 4-Miami-CBS T-Miami-KBO 10-Miami-ABC 5-Palm Beach-NBC 12-PaIm Bch—ABC 6:00 Bold fldven, Meet Press® ISuto Race Meet Press© Bowling 6:15 6:30 Ch.
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