THE BATTLE CREEK ENQUIRER AND NEWS The National Live Stock and Meat Board dedicates TEMPTING MEAT RECIPES to all homemakers in the hope that these new and attractive meat recipes will prove an inspiration in meal planning and meal preparation. Published by the" NATIONAL LiVE STOCK AND MEAT BOARD 407 S, Dearborn Si. .Chicago, Illinois £ — Copyright, 1934 Printed in U. S. A. > T I M P I i N G BEEF • Roast Ribs of Beef Place the steak in the center of the rack so that there is a distance of about 3 Choose a 2 or 3-standing rib roast of inches between the top of the steak and beef. If desired, it may be boned and the heat. Leave the broiling oven door rolled. Season the roast with salt and partly open. When the steak is nicely pepper. Place it in an open roasting pan browned on one side, season it with fat side up. As the fat melts and cooks salt and pepper and turn. When the out, it will baste the meat. A rolled roast second side becomes browned, the steak should be put on a rack; a standing will be done. Only one turning is neces- rib roast needs no rack for the ribs and sary. A steak 13/3 to 2 inches thick will backbone hold up the meat from the require twenty-five to thirty minutes to drippings. Make a small incision through be cooked medium-rare. Season the the fat covering and insert a roast-meat second side and serve immediately on a thermometer so that the bulb reaches very hot platter. the center of the fleshiest part. Do not cover the roast and do not add any water. Place the meat in a moderate • Steak With Roquefort Sauce oven (300-350° F.) and roast until done. The roast-meat thermometer will register Porterhouse, sirloin, or club steak cut 140° F. for a rare roast; 160° F. for a 1 to 2 inches thick 2 ounces Roquefort cheese medium-done roast; and 180° F. for a 2 tablespoons cream well-done roast. Allow sixteen minutes Few drops Worcestershire sauce to the pound for cooking a rare roast, Salt and pepper twenty-two minutes per pound for a medium, and thirty minutes per pound Broil steak as described above. Mash the for a well-done roast. Roquefort cheese with the cream and Worcestershire sauce and when the second side of the steak is nicely browned, spread it with the cheese • Broiled Devilled Roast Beef sauce. Return to the broiling oven just long enough to melt the cheese, then 6 slices roast beef 3 tablespoons butter place on a hot platter and serve im- 1 teaspoon mustard mediately. 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce V2 teaspoon salt Pinch cayenne pepper • Planked Steak 1 egg yolk Buttered bread crumbs Porterhouse, sirloin, or club steak cut 1 to 2 inches thick Mix thoroughly the butter, mustard, 4 large mushroom caps vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, cayenne 4 uniform-sized tomatoes 4 slices bacon pepper and salt. Moisten with egg yolk. 2 tablespoons butter Spread a little of this devilled butter on 4 medium-sized onions both sides of each slice of roast beef. 2 tablespoons grated cheese Mashed potatoes Roll in bread crumbs and place under a Paprika broiler flame long enough to heat the Salt meat. Pepper Broil steak as described above. Transfer • Broiled Steak to a large wooden plank. Arrange around it on the plank tomatoes cut in Have a porterhouse, club, or sirloin half, sprinkled with grated cheese and steak cut 1 to 2 inches thick. Thoroughly topped with bacon, mushroom caps preheat the broiling oven, having the which have been fried in butter, and oven regulator set as high as possible. onions which have been parboiled. Dot onions with butter; Pipe edge of plank In a moderate oven (350° F.) until tender* with a border of mashed potatoes forced about one hourw through a pastry tube. Place under the broiler flame until the bacon and tomatoes are cooked, and the potatoes • Pot-Roast with Prunes and onions are browned. Remove from oven, sprinkle onions and potatoes with 3 or 4 pound chuck or rump pot-roast 3 tablespoons lard paprika, garnish with parsley and serve % pound dry prunes, soaked at once. 2 onions, sliced 4 whole cloves 1 cup cider 1 cup water © Broiled Beef Tenderloin with Salt and pepper Asparagus Bundles Brown the meat on all sides in hot lard. 4 beef tenderloin fillets cut Add onions, and when the meat and 1 to 2 inches thick onions are both browned, add the 4 long slices bacon 1 green pepper soaked prunes, cloves, salt and pepper* Asparagus tips water and cider. Reduce the tempera- 2 tablespoons buttet ture, cover, and let simmer slowly* Salt Pepper adding more water from time to time if necessary. Serve with potato pancake or Wrap the beef tenderloin fillets with buttered noddles. bacon and fasten with skewers or tooth- If cider is not available, diluted vinegar picks. Broil as described for steak. When may be used; cut llA to 2 inches thick, they will re- quire twenty-five to thirty minutes for broiling. When done, arrange on a large platter and garnish with buttered • Ground Beef Patties with asparagus tips held in bundles by Bananas green pepper rings. 2 pounds ground beef 6 long slices bacon 1 small onion, grated 1 egg • Stuffed Flank Steak 4 bananas 1 lemon 1 large or 2 small flank steaks Spiced currants 2 tablespoons lard Salt and pepper 1 cup tomato puree Salt and pepper Season ground beef with salt* pepper 1 cup bread crumbs pound pork sausage and grated onion. Moisten with slightly 2 eggs beaten egg and shape into cakes of the 1 onion, chopped desired size. Wrap with bacon slices and 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped Vi teaspoon baking powder fasten with skewers or toothpicks. Place in a sizzling hot skillet and let brown on Combine sausage and bread crumbs and both sides, then cook at a lowered tem- add baking powder. Season with chop- perature until almost done. Choose ped onion and parsley. Moisten with bananas with a green tip—they are then slightly beaten egg. Have the flank steak in the cooking stage. Peel and cut scored diagonally. Season the steak with bananas lengthwise, sprinkle with lemon salt and pepper and pile the 6ausage juice, and lay in pan with partially stuffing on it. If a large steak, sew the cooked meat. Place in a slow oven edges together; if small, sew the second (300° F.) and bake until the bananas steak over the first. Brown the stuffed are tender and the meat is done. Serve steak in hot lard. Transfer it to a baking on a large platter garnished with spiced dish, cover with tomato puree, and bake currants and parsley.- • Spiced Steak cream and horseradish, and season with 2 pounds round or chuck steak cayenne. Serve this sauce with beef* cut 1 inch thick 2 tablespoons lard • Meat Loaf }/z cup vinegar 1 Vz pounds ground beef 2 tablespoons brown sugar l/i pound ground pork 1 cup meat stock 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon grated onion Salt and pepper 1 cup moist cracker crumbs Cut the steak into pieces suitable for 1 cup chili sauce individual servings. Brcrwn them on Salt ana pepper both sides in hot lard. Add meat stock,- 2 thin slices American cheese vinegar, and brown sugar, and let sim- Have the beef and pork ground together^ mer until tender, forty-five minutes to Add the cracker crumbs, and season an hour. Remove to a hot platter and with grated onion, salt, and pepperj thicken liquid with flour smoothed in Moisten with slightly beaten egg. Shape cold water. into a loaf, pour over it the chili sauce,; and bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) • Special Corned Beef Hash until done, about one hour. Just before 3 pounds cooked beef, chopped taking out of the oven, cover the top of 3 onions, chopped the loaf with thin slices of cheese. When 3 hard-cooked eggs the cheese is melted, remove from the 4 potatoes, cooked and chopped oven and serve. cup butter 1 cup bouillon Bread crumbs ® Frikadeller 1 pound finely ground beef Brown chopped onion in 2 tablespoons 2 unbeaten eggs butter. Simmer until the onions are 1 tablespoon flour cooked, then add the corned beef, 4 tablespoons bacon dripping* 1 tablespoon grated onion potatoes, and the bouillon and let sim- 1 teaspoon salt mer for about ten minutes. Put a layer Pepper of the hash in a buttered casserole, on Cream or milk to moisten top put a few slices of hard-cooked egg^ Add flour to finely ground steak and another layer of hash. Sprinkle with dry mix thoroughly. Season with salt and bread crumbs, dot generously with but- pepper and grated onion. Add the eggs ter, and bake in a hot oven (450° F.) and enough cream or milk to make quite until brown.- soft. Beat thoroughly—the longer the mixture is beaten the better it is. Place ^ Brisket of Beef with Horserad- heaping tablespoons of meat in hot fat ish Sauce and fry until done. 3 pounds beef brisket • Beef Tenderloin A La 1 large onion 3 cloves Mirabeau 1 bay-leaf Beef tenderloin fillets 1 large carrot 1 teaspoon mustard 1 stalk celery 1 egg yolk Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons bread crumbs 1 small bottle horseradish 6 strips bacon J/2 cup cream 2 tablespoons melted butter Few grains cayenne 6 mushroom caps Cook beef brisket, together with onion,- Salt and pepper cloves, bay-leaf, carrot and celery, in Beat together the egg yolk, mustard and water at a simmering temperature.
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