Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford College Catalogues Registrar 1928 Wofford College Catalogue, 1927-1928 Wofford College. Office of the Registrar Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/catalogues Recommended Citation Wofford College. Office of the Registrar, "Wofford College Catalogue, 1927-1928" (1928). College Catalogues. Paper 54. http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/catalogues/54 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Registrar at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in College Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OFFORD COLLEGE Seventy-Fourth Year Catalogue 1927-1928 Announcements 1928-1929 1928 BAND 6 WHITE. Plltl HTUU ·~AltTANeu .. o • • . c . \VoFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE 3 1 9 2 1 929 JANUARY JULY JANUARY JULY Board of Trustees SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWT rs SMTWTJI 1284667 1 2 8 4 61 617 8 4 6 - " 11 2: a B. HART Moss ( 1903), President.............................. rangeburg, . C. 8 9101112 1814 8 g 10 11 12 JS 14 1011 12 7 8 910 111111 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 16 17 18 19120 21 17113 14 15 ~1 J6~ J718 19 14161617 1819 Riv. }AMJtS \V. KILGO, D. D. (1906) ...... Upper S. C. Conference 222324 2526'1:128 22 28 24 25 26 27128 2425 26 21 22 28 2' 211•.F: 293031 ____ 20 21 !22123 81 - 128 293031 1'BOKAS \V. CARROLL (1925)-............ __... _ ......... Charleston, s. c. 298081 -- - - ~l~~ I ~ ··---··----·- ------- B. CAlu.ISLE (1907)--····--····.. ······-Spartanburg, FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY AUGUST a s. c. W. F. STACKHOUSE (1910) .......... ---····-·····---··-Marion, S. C. 6 6 7 811 92 108 11• 45678tll Riv. D. M. McLEOD, D. D. (1910)-............ - .. S. C. Conference 12 13 14 J6 16 17 JS 1-2 i-iJS ·-u J5 lR 17 18 ;g ~;1 ·1~ 1 ;~ ~r J~ J: 11 12 JS 1' 16 JI 17 19 20 21 2"I2 23: .i24 ri25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 1 19 20 21 22 28 1s 19 20 21 nu·1l Riv. W. C. KIRKLAND, D. D. (1912)----··-S. C. Conference 'l'I'26272829 ---- 26'1:1 28 293031 - 2 -:!.5 -rr26 271211 291) 11 -----··--- - 1- 1-- - 1- -- - ~. ~1~1: :. ~ :::: =- - --1- 1- -1- A. M. CHU:ITZBERG (1914)-·-·--·---Spartanburg, S. C. SEPTEMBER MARCH MARCH SEPTEMBEI ]OBN A. LAW (1914)--..... _.. Spartanburg, S. C. 1 2 - -- - - 11 2 8 8 910 tlUllH 4 6 0 7 9 JO 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ir Riv. GEORGE C. Li;;oNARD (1914) ... --Upper S. C. Conference 11 12 JS H J5 J6 17 ~ 1 :~ 1 :i 1 :~ l ;~p lg 10·rrr 11 J2 IS 1··-H 116 1le 15 1617 18 JI 211 IB JO 20 21 22 28 24 16 17 J 10120 21 22 17 1 19 20121 :!212J 22 2S 24 2518.. ~ J.B. HUMBERT (1918)--.. ·-··-··.. ····-··.. ······-·-·····.Anderson, S. C. 2.126272829308J ·- - - -- --1-- -- ~ 1 :~ 1 ~ 1 :~ 1 ::'. I ~ ~ rn~1 :~l:'. l ~l~I~ ~~I :::: Riv.]. R. T. MAJOR (1927) ........................... pper . C. Conference APRIL OCTOBER APRIL OCTOBEll Riv. PETER STOKEs (1927)................................................ Conference 5 6 7 ---1 l l ti SI • I 51 6 91011121314 -·7 rg1 10s1. 11J213 61 6 1 9 1 6789Jll 15 J6 17 lB J9 20 21 J4 J5 J6 li' JS 19120 14 15 JO 17 J J9 20 IS 14 J5,J6r 1111 21 22 23 24 i"lb 26127 21 l22 8 123 124Tl1T 25 26 2i 2021HISUM--1·1·u ~~~~=~~~r1r 1 28 1 ~\~ \~l~.: \-.:-:.L~. \: ~ 28 1~1~~== - 1- 1--- 1- -·'-· - ~1~1~1 ~-= ::::I:::: MAY NO VEMBER MAY NOVEMBEll Alumni Association __ 1 2 SI 41 5 2 a - T. EA TERLI G, 1902 g JO 11. 8 6 7 8 • c. ' 6 1S6 147 168 16 9 17J0111112 18 19 11T5r6 12 13 r147 11511 16~ Jl 7g 1621 ..13 6 1-1471 15~ J6 17 18 10 11 I! 1314 1511 President I 19 20 !l 22 2S 24 19 20 21 22 282' 25 17 I! 19 2011 ~ti !O 27 28129 SOil - 24 2.'i26 !7 !8 tllllr ~~~~~~!~~ ~1=~,~e1~1~ = 1--'·-·'···· -1- A. G. REMBERT, '84 JUNE DECEMBER JUNE DECEllBEll General Secretary and Treasurer 1 J 84 8 8 9 10 11 I! II H 10 11 6617l! 13 u 16 I i6 !19 -10· -1;1 -1~11~1- i-1! 15 -~ ;·~ ~;1;~1;:1;! 1~ 16 JO J7 18 ti \VALLACE DUNCAN DUPRE, 1909 17 18 19 20 21 2228 J6 17 22 16 17 I J9 20 2J 22 2228H251!11 Jar• 20 21 293031 ____ 2425 26 '1:128 29 so ~3 1!• 29 28 24 25 26127 28 29 r1r1 Alumni Secretary ·- ---1-- . SO Sl ~~1=1~ so .... -1·-·'···-1-·- -·. - 1- 1- 1- - - - -. \VoFFORo COLLEGE CATALOGUE 5 4 ' OFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE Faculty and Of6cen HENRY NELSON SNYDER Calendu President The e sion is divided into three Terms, with no inter­ vening vacation. ARTHUR M SON DuPRE The Fir t Term begin for Fre hmen on Tuesday, Septem­ Dean ber 11, and for all other tud nt on Wedne day, September \VILLIAM CHAPMAN HERBERT 19. ew ·tudent , other than Fre hmen and tho e havin( Registrar deficiencie to make up, are required to report Tue day, Sep­ tember 1 , for examinati n and la ification. DANIEL ALLSTON DuPRE, A. M. The Se sion closes on the first Monday in June. , Professor of Geology Holidays JOSEPH AUGUSTUS GAMEWELL, A. M. Founder's Day, October 19. Professor of Latin Thanksgiving Day. HENRY NELSON SNYDER, M. A., LITT. D., LL. D. Ten days at Christmas. Professor of English La11g1iagc and Literature Washington's Birthday. Dr. Carlisle's Birthday, May 4. ARTHUR GAILLARD REMBERT, A. M., LrTT. D., LL. D. Literuy Societies and Class Functions Prof11sor of Greek and Professor of Psychology and Bible Oratorical Contest, February 22. JOHN GEORGE CLINKSCALES, A. M., LL. D. Sophomore Exhibition, econd Monday in April. Professor of Ma thematics and Astronomy Freshman Declamation, second Monday in May. Junior Debate Friday, May 31 , 1929. DAVID DUNCAN WALLA CE, A. M., lumni Day, aturday, June 1 1929. PH. D., LITT. D., LL. D. Professor of History and Economics Examination Dates, 1928-29 COLEMAN B. WALLER, A. M., PH. D. Fir t Term, December 13-December 21. Professor of Che·mistry and Biology econd Term, March 8-March 16. Third Term, May 23-May 31. WILLIAM LEONARD PUGH, A. M., PH. D. Professor of English Language and Literature Special Religious Services Second week in February. ARTHUR MASON DuPRE, A. M. Professor of Latin and Mathematics JAMES ALBURN CHILES, A. M., Pu. D. Professor of Modern Languages 6 \VOFFORD CoLLEGE CATALOGUE WOFFORD CoLLEGE cATALOGUE REV. ARCADIUS McS\V AIN TRA\VICK, A. B., B. D. 7 Professor of Religiotts Education JOSEPH WHEELER STARKEY Captain Infantry, U. S. A Professor of Mil ·t . · \VILLIAM CHAPMAN HERBERT, A. M. i ary Science and T t' Professor of Greek and Education ac ics HARRY LEE HAGAN CLARENCE CLIFFORD NORTON, A. M., PH. D. A . Captain Infantry, U. S. A ssutant Professor f M't· . Professor of Political Science and Sociology o t itary Science and Tactics ED\V ARD HAMPTON SHULER, B. S. WILLIAM B. H. CAMPBELL Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics . ~ergeant, U. S. Army Assssta11t m Military S . cience and Tactics *JOHN \VEST HARRIS, JR., A. B., A. M. Assistant Professor of English . THOMAS C. SCAFFE (Lieutenant U. S. Navy . d n· , re 1ire') *JOHN LEONARD SALMON, A. M. trector of Athletics Assistant Professor of Modern Languages C. J . LUTZ CHARLES SEMPLE PETTIS, B. S., M. S. R. M. FREW, B. s. Assistant Professor of Physics Assistants in Athletics JOHN MARVIN RAST, M. A. Assistant Professor of English W..tory Aaiatanb in Chemis . ANDRE\V EZELL TERRY, B. PH. R try, Biology and Physics Acting Assista11t Professor of Modem LanguaglS · A. PATTERSON M A lnstritetor in Che'fnical Labo~at~ry \VILLIAM RAYMOND BOURNE, M. A., C. Studen t Auiatanta Assistant Professor of Gertnati MAJOR, Chemistry c H M F. B. HIP JR. B·. l OSELEY, Chemistry EDWIN FOUNTAIN MO ELEY, M.A., H p W , ., io ogy Acting Assistant Professor of English . HEELER, JR., Physics RAYMOND AGNE\V PATTERSON, M. A. Assistant Professor of French JOHN REUBEN BOAT\VRIGHT Captain fofantry, U. S. A. Professor of Military S cience and Tactics •Absent on leave. \VoFFORD CoLLEGE CATALOG UE 9 VVoFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE 8 Facuity Committees, 192 7-28 latnace, Couraee of Schedule Officen Sblll~, Records W. C. Herbert JOSEPH AUGUSTUS GAMEVVELL, A. M. A.M.DuPre J. A. Chiles Secretary ].A. Chiles A. G. Rembert D. D. Wallace R. A. Patterson JOSEPH KENNERLY DAVIS, A. B. W. C. Herbert A. E. Terry Treasurer and Business Manager Wtioa• ActiTitiea Dormitories A. M. Trawick MISS MARY SYDNOR DuPRE E. H . Shuler C. B. Waller Librarian A. M. DuPre A.M.DuPre C. B. Waller J. VV. GRAHAM ]. G. Clinkscales C. S. Pettis F . JAMES C. C. Norton Library tudent Library Assistants ]. M. Rast D. D. Wallace ~ Societiee, J. A. Chiles MISS DOROTHY ELEANOR WOODWARD P•ltllc Fuactioaa, Etc. C. C. Norton Secretary to the President W. C. Herbert C. S. Pettis W.L.Pugh MRS. ADDIE F. GARVIN J . A. Gamewell D. D. Wallace Matron Carlisle Hall R.O.T.C. D. A. DuPre J · R. Boatwright MRS. L . W. KINARD ......... H . L . Hagan A. Gamewell Matron Snyder Hall J· J. W. Starkey C. S. Pettis A. M. DuPre MRS. E. R. TISON A. M. Trawick Nurse, fofirmary Deareea ]. M. Rast D. A. DuPre DR. H . R. BLACK E. F. Moseley A.
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