The Exponent Volume 60, Number 31 South Dakota Northern College — Aberdeen, South Dakota May 17, 1962 Plans In Progress Scholarship Award For Baccalaureate, Donated By Jerde Commencement Granted To Brost As underclassmen prepare for their Diane Brost, junior from Aberdeen, last day of finals, graduation activi- was named winner of the Dean's Scholarship Award at the second ann- ties will begin with Baccalaureate ual Award's Day Assembly yesterday services May 27 in the College Audi- morning in the Administration Audi- torium at 2:00 o'clock. torium. The baccalaureate address will be This award is given to the student given by Rev. Clair Mitchell of the of any classification who attains the First Methodist Church of Aberdeen. highest academic average during the He will also present the invocation current fall and winter terms. and benediction. Diane has majors in mathematics Northern Singers under the direc- and physical science. She is a mem- tion of Professor James Ewing will ber of United Christian Campus Fel- provide the music for the service. lowship, AWS Judicial Council, and They will sing "Seek Ye the Lord" is secretary-treasurer of Sigma Delta by Jean Berger, "I Will Greatly Re- Epsilon. joice in the Lord" by Berger, and "The Wall of Heaven 0 Savior Rend" by Brahms. Accompanist is Curtis J. NSTC Participates Wilske, Redfield senior. The processional and recessional will be played by Merritt Johnson, as- In Collegiate Band sociate professor of piano, organ, and Nine South Dakota Colleges at- theory. tended the first concert of the All- Commencement exercises will be South Dakota Collegiate band held held in the Aberdeen Civic Theatre in Sioux Falls May 12 according to after he announced at the Annual Blue Key Assembly May 29 at 10 o'clock. Diane Brost ,Aberdeen junior, receives congi atu- Harvey Moen, associate professor of Dr. C. P. Lura, President of State lations from Dr. Walter J. Jerde, Dean of the College, yesterday that she was awarded the Dean's Scholarship. wodwing and percussion instruments. Teachers College, Minot, North Da- kota, will present the commencement Guest director for the festival was address entitled "The Front Seat." Dr. Myron Russell of the State Col- The invocation and benediction Gypsy Day Preparations Underway lege of Iowa. will be given by Rev. Harley Thomp- Students participating from North- son, First Methodist Church. em were Sharon Gugel, flute, Mc- Dr. Walter J. Jerde, Dean of the Laughlin sophomore; Lynette Olsen, College, will recommend the classes As Chairmen Announce Committees flute, Columbia sophomore; Roberta for graduation. The Honorable Rus- Although most of the campus is Van Beek, assistant professor of edu- be planned by a committee headed sell Molstad, member of the State Hauge, clarinet, Aberdeen freshman; not aware of it, preparations for the cation. by Dr. LeRoy Larson, professor of Beverly Griffin, clarinet, Mitchell Board of Regents, will present the education. authorization of degrees and diplo- 1962 Gypsy Day are well under way, Harvey Moen, director of Concert senior; Kristin Urban, oboe, Aber- mas. Dr. J. Howard Kramer, Presi- according to Dr. L. F. Johnson, ad- Band, and William Chaloner, direc- Judges and prizes will be selected deen junior; Martha Williams, french will take care and qualifications will be set up by horn, Britton freshman; and Steve dent of the College, will confer the ministrative coordinator of the annual tor of Marching Band, of arranging for the incoming bands, Dr. Lester Clarke, associate profes- Hansen, trombone, Stockholm fresh- diplomas and degrees. event. both during the parade and the after- sor of education, and Mrs. Margaret man. The processional and recessional Formulation of a fairly complete noon competition. Thommen, instructor in library sci- The guest director, Dr. Russell, is a will be played by Prof. Merritt John- schedule has been accomplished by Tackling the job of parade chair- ence. performer on oboe. He has been a son. the co-chairmen Paul Russel, Marian men, who must register, coordinate, The art committees are already member of the Chicago Civic Orche- junior, and Kathy Blair, Groton jun- Wilske will play a piano solo en- and line up entrees are Wynne Ester, working on a. design for letterhead stra and the St. Louis Symphony. A- ior, along with the business manager titled "Reflections on the Water" by assistant professor of business, and stationery under the direction of Mrs. mong his publications are "Oboe Rich Cinclair, junior from Aberdeen. Debussy. "Drink to Me Only With Dr. Harris Wollman, assistant profes- Alma Schwarz, assistant professor Reed Making and Problems of the Faculty chairmen for the numerous Thine Eyes" by Roger Quilter and of fine arts. The poster contest is Oboe Player" and "Bassoon Reed committees have been contacted and sor of education. "A Heart That's Free" by Robyn will being completed and is advised by Making and Problems of the Bassoon are also beginning work. Assistant director of special serv- be sung by Soprano Kristi Vensand, William Holady, assistant professor Player." Aberdeen sophomore. She will be ac- Activities during this year's Oct. ices Kermit Wahl will head both the of fine arts. The purpose of the fetsival was to companied by Dr. John Berggren, 11, 12, 13 event will run on a sched- publicity and photography commit- give the best band musicians from head of the music and fine arts de- ule very comparable to last year, Dr. tees. Mrs. Margaret Smith, Dean of Women, will arrange for the display this area an unusual opportunity to partment. Johnson said. A campus picnic or Dr. John Berggren, chairman of read and perform the best in sym- barbecue will start things off Thurs- the division of fine arts, and James of gifts presented to the Royalty by Uihers for baccalaureate and com- phonic band music under a guest di- day evening followed by the Costume Ewing, assistant professor of music, the sponsoring organizations on cam- mencement will be the Order of Ma- pus. rector of national repute. roon and Gold members. This Order Ball at which the announcement of are in charge of working out the Fri- is made up of the highest ranking Queen and Marshal will be made. day evening coronation program, one Responsibility for the transportation It was designed to provide an in- spiration to the students, directors, members of the junior class. Those in Friday's activities will include the of Gypsy Day's highlights. and schedule of the royal party will and the audience. Maroon and Gold are Kathy Blair, Di- traditional morning assembly, Coron- Mrs. Mary Spensley, secretary to be given to Miss Muriel Hoover, as- sistant professor of education, and ane Brost, Karen Hubbard, Joyce ation and Kings of the Gyps pro- the President, will take care of all The colleges participating in the Miss Louise Stolle, assistant professor Kettering, Carl Kline, Ralph Kusler, gram, and the Street Dance. of the costumes for the Queen and first of these festivals were Augustana of mathematics. College, Dakota Wesleyan Universi- Kay Mitchell, Lloyd Peterson, Kristin Gypsy Day, Saturday, Oct. 13, will Marshal and their attendants. ty, General Beadle State Teachers Urban, Joyce Washnok, Carol Wub- be filled with a parade, Queen's Making arrangements for the home- Several of the committees have, as College, Huron College, Sioux Falls bena Carter, Donald Zimmerman, and Luncheon, band barbeque, marching coming dance will be Don Vogt, in- yet, not been formulated. However College, South Dakota State College, Larrie Zimmerman. band competition, alumni reunion, structor in physical education, along they are expected to be established Southern State Teachers College, band exhibition, football game and with James Lauver, assistant profes- before the end of school this spring, stated Dr. Johnson. Yankton College and Northern. homecoming dance. sor of fine arts. The street dance will Methodist Students Working out the many details of this schedule is being done by the various committees which have been Plan To Entertain set up. Faculty chairmen will contact Mewaldt-Jensen Proposed As Name students to serve on their commit- Board Of Directors tees soon. Wesley Club members will host the Responsible for the correspondence to Northern alumni and the alumni For Education Classroom Building Club's Board of Directors at their regular Sunday evening meeting, May get-together are Dr. Sinnia Billups, N. II. (Scout) Mewaldt, professor 20. professor of English, Miss Julia Fin- of mathematics, and John FI. Jensen, ley, assistant professor of elementary Following a 5:00 o'clock supper a professor of chemistry, have been education, and John Arneson, student Dramatic Worship Service will be recommended by the faculty to be union director. presented by some of the members. honored in the naming of the new The service was given at the Metho-. Gypsy Day assemblies and the education classroom building. dist Student Movement Spring Con- Thursday evening activities will be Mewaldt-Jensen Hall is the name ference last weekend at Lake Poin- planned by Virgil Ellwood, assistant cnosen by a vote of the faculty. The sett. The students have put in a lot professor of economics, and Richard final decision is in the hands of the of time and work on this service, Board of Regents. This building is said Joyce Washnok, club president. now under construction and will re- It was well received at the conference Griffith Is Recipient place Central which was destroyed and all students are urged to attend by fire in February, 1961. this meeting added Miss Washnok. Both professors were chosen to be Joan Carson, Langford sophomore, Of Chemistry Honor listed in the 10th edition of the publi- was elected state treasurer at the bus- David Griffith, Wekota freshman, is cation "Men of Science" earlier this iness meeting of the Spring Confer- winner of the freshman chemistry a- year for having distinguished them- ence.
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