ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326 July 12, 2020 CLERGY SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Fr. William J. Kosco, Pastor Saturday Vigil . 5:00pm Fr. Kevin Penkalski, Sábado (Español) . 7:00pm Parochial Vicar Sunday . 8:00am Dcn. Mark Gribowski 10:00am Dcn. Victor León Domingo (Español) . 12:00pm Dcn. Nick Bonaiuto Prayer For a New . (Español) . 6:00pm Parish Home Receptionist Lord, help us in our endeavor to Flor de liz López build a new home. Enlighten us to DAILY MASS see how You are leading us, both SCHEDULE Secretary as a Church and as a family. Nancy Vela Through the intercession of Mon. Tue. Thurs. Fri. 8:30am St. Henry, we ask for guidance and Wednesday . 12:00pm noon inspiration during this journey of faith so that the fruit of our labor may live on for many CONFESSIONS generations. OFFICE HOURS Amen Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00pm Oración Por un Nuevo Hogar Monday - Friday Parroquial ADORATION 9:00am - 12:00pm Señor, ayúdanos en nuestro es- fuerzo de construir un nuevo ho- Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00pm gar. Ilumínanos, para ver como Tú Parish Office: nos guías como Iglesia y como fa- www.sthenrybuckeye.com milia. Por medio de la intercesión de San Enrique, Te pedimos nos Facebook: (623) 386-0175 guíes y nos inspires durante esta jornada de fe, a fin de que el fruto St. Henry Catholic Church E-mail: de nuestra labor perdure para mu- chas generaciones. Buckeye, AZ [email protected] Amen July 12, 2020 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Patron: St. Henry Born in the year 972 in Bavaria, Germany, Henry became King of Germany at the age of 30. Henry was a great supporter of the Church and defender of the Pope, who was under attack in Rome. As king, he was involved in the unfortunate politics and disputes Saturday July 11 that raged throughout Europe in 5:00 pm +Bob Laundra 7:00 pm Maria Pico his days, yet he was also very Sunday July 12 concerned about helping to 8:00 am +Gabriela Loya Ramirez spread the Christian faith. To this 10:00 am + end, he supported the building of 12:00 pm People of the Parish churches and monasteries. He 6:00 pm +Carmen Orozco also showed concern for the poor Monday July 13 of his land. 8:30 am People of the Parish Tuesday July 14 St. Henry and his wife, 8:30 am Elisa Ott St. Kunegunda, were childless – Wednesday July 15 reportedly because they had tak- 12:00 pm + Thursday July 16 en a mutual vow of chastity. It is 8:30 am Javier Vela suggested that they both would Friday July 17 have preferred to join religious or- 8:30 am +All Souls in Purgatory ders, but submitted to serve within Saturday July 18 civil life so that they could use 5:00 pm +Virgil Sloggett their authority and power to aid 7:00 pm +Pablo Garcia the Church in other ways. Sunday July 19 8:00am +Jesse Quiñonez Perez St. Henry died in 1024 and is buried in Bamberg Cathedral in 10:00 am +Meg Summersgill Germany. 12:00 pm + 6:00 pm +Hipolita Guerrero In paintings and statues, he is often portrayed as holding a church because of his reputation as a church-builder. $ Finance Council on Flocknote $ th His official feast day is July 13 . St. Henry, pray for us. If you would like to receive the parish’s quarterly Finance Council minutes and others financial up- SATURDAY CONFESSIONS dates, please join the FINANCE th COUNCIL group on the St. Henry We are planning to re-start Saturday confessions on July 25 . We FLOCKNOTE account. want to provide parishioners the opportunity to receive the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation but we will need to adjust a few You will also be able to receive things: answers to any questions you may have about parish debt, particular 1. The time will be 4pm until 5pm. expenses, monthly collection infor- mation, etc. You can even inquire 2. All penitents must wear a mask. how much our Diocesan "bishop tax" is or how much we pay 3. There will be no face-to-face confessions. Fr. Kosco! We run an open book here at 4. Keep your confessions brief and to-the-point. St. Henry and you can have confi- dence that your contributions are 5. Penitents will say a private Act of Contrition (there are hundreds cared for with dedicated fiduciary of them) in silence in the chapel after receiving absolution. responsibility. Julio 12, 2020 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Nuestro Patrón: San Enrique Nació en el año 972 en Bavaria, Alemania, Enrique se convirtió en rey de Alemania a los 30 años de edad. Enrique fue un gran apoyo para la Iglesia y defensor del Papa, quien estaba bajo ataque en Roma. Como rey, estuvo envuelto en las desafortunadas políticas y ACEPTA EL HECHO disputas que surgían por todo Europa en esos días, pero aun así se DE QUE ERES INCREÍBLE preocupaba por ayudar a difundir la fe Cristiana. En esto, apoyó pa- ra que se construyeran iglesias y monasterios. También demostró ¡Agradecemos a cada uno de interés por los pobres de su tierra. ustedes quienes se registraron para donar sangre el Domingo San Enrique y su esposa Santa Kunegunda, no tuvieron hijos— pasado! Gracias por su heroís- según se dice porque habían tomado mutuamente el voto de casti- mo, son unos HEROES! dad. Se decía que los dos hubieran preferido unirse a ordenes reli- giosas, pero se sometieron a servir dentro de la vida civil para así Recordatorio Para Los usar su autoridad y poder para ayudar a la Iglesia en otras formas. Resultados de Anticuerpos COVID 19 San Enrique falleció en el año 1024 y esta sepultado en la catedral Para obtener sus resultados de de Bamberg, Alemania. la prueba de anticuerpos En pinturas y estatuas, siempre aparece deteniendo una iglesia COVID19, inicie sesión en su porque se le conocía como constructor de iglesias. Su día de fiesta cuenta en bloodhero.com. oficial es el 13 de julio. San Enrique, ora por nosotros. Debe usar la misma información que proporcionó con respecto a CONFESIONES DEL SABADO su nombre y correo electrónico Estamos planeando reiniciar las confesiones del sábado 25 de ju- para encontrar su cuenta. lio. Queremos brindar a los feligreses la oportunidad de recibir la Los resultados de los gracia del Sacramento de la Reconciliación, pero tendremos que anticuerpos contra COVID 19 ajustar algunas cosas: demorarán entre 2 y 3 semanas para publicarse en línea. 1. El horario será de 4pm a 5pm. PARISH OFFICE 2. Todos los penitentes deben usar una máscara. CLOSED THIS WEEK 3. No habrá confesiones cara a cara. July 13-17 4. Se le pedirá que mantenga sus confesiones breves y al punto. La Oficina Estará 5. Los penitentes dirán un acto privado de contrición (hay cientos Cerrada Esta Semana, de ellos) en silencio en la capilla después de recibir la absolución. Julio 13-17 ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE AMAZING We thank everyone who signed up to donate blood last Sunday. Thanks to you the lives of 48 people will be changed forever! Thanks for your heroism, you all are HEROES! Reminder For COVID 19 Antibody Results To get your results from the COVID19 antibody test, please log onto your account on bloodhero.com. You must use the same infor- mation you gave regarding your name and email to find your account. It will take 2-3 weeks for the COVID 19 antibody results to be posted online. .
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