2004 Results 1 1St U/40M 1St M Isaac Macharia Adidas 01:01:52 2 2Nd U

2004 Results 1 1St U/40M 1St M Isaac Macharia Adidas 01:01:52 2 2Nd U

2004 Results 1 1st u/40M 1st M Isaac Macharia Adidas 01:01:52 2 2nd u/40M 2nd M Joseph Riri Kenya 01:02:14 3 3rd u/40M 3rd M Fred Mogaka Kenya 01:02:51 4 4th u/40M 4th M Simon Kasimili Kenya 01:03:54 5 5th u/40M 5th M Wesley Ngetich Kenya 01:04:25 6 6th u/40M 6th M Simon Tonui Kenya 01:04:57 7 7th u/40M 7th M Dave Mitchinson Newham&E 01:05:02 8 8th u/40M 8th M Paul Green Sale H 01:05:42 9 9th u/40M 9th M Tomas Abyu Salford 01:06:12 10 10th u/40M 10th M Dave Norman Altrchm 01:06:19 11 11th u/40M 11th M Andi Jones Salford 01:06:39 12 12th u/40M 12th M Mike Proudlove CofStoke 01:07:16 13 13th u/40M 13th M Neil Wilkinson Morpeth 01:08:14 14 14th u/40M 14th M Rob Deakin StafMoor 01:08:41 15 15th u/40M 15th M Chris Birchall ECheshH 01:08:49 16 16th u/40M 16th M Rory Byrne Blkheath 01:09:22 17 17th u/40M 17th M Dave Millken Salford 01:09:27 18 18th u/40M 18th M Jerome Brooks LondonFB 01:10:12 19 19th u/40M 19th M Mike Scott BorderAC 01:10:46 20 20th u/40M 20th M Colin Rigby Horwich 01:10:51 21 21st u/40M 21st M Lee Hurst Altrchm 01:12:37 22 22nd u/40M 22nd M Jonathan Dabbs Stockprt 01:13:10 23 23rd u/40M 23rd M Peter Speake Bildestn 01:13:20 24 24th u/40M 24th M James Kovacs Salford 01:13:27 25 1st u/35L 1st L Hawa Hussein Tanzania 01:13:29 26 2nd u/35L 2nd L Mara Yamauchi Harrow 01:13:36 27 25th u/40M 25th M Michael Halman Wilmslow 01:13:47 28 26th u/40M 26th M Craig Henderson Notts AC 01:13:49 29 1st M40 27th M Mike Shaw Stockprt 01:14:00 30 1st M45 28th M Tom McGaff Wilmslow 01:14:23 31 27th u/40M 29th M Jon Fairs Serpent 01:14:32 32 28th u/40M 30th M Jon Ferguson 01:14:43 33 29th u/40M 31st M Andrew Lister MancUniv 01:14:49 34 30th u/40M 32nd M Chris Loftus Keighley 01:14:58 35 31st u/40M 33rd M Phil Walker BlaydonH 01:14:58 36 32nd u/40M 34th M Darren Dunn 01:15:16 37 33rd u/40M 35th M Steve Angus BorderAC 01:15:17 38 3rd u/35L 3rd L Bev Jenkins Salford 01:15:19 39 34th u/40M 36th M Neil Crompton Warr AC 01:15:23 40 35th u/40M 37th M Ian Bamber Spectrum 01:15:37 41 36th u/40M 38th M Kevin Beattie Stockprt 01:15:42 42 1st L35 4th L Gill Keddie LeedsCty 01:15:46 43 2nd M40 39th M Vincent Booth Trafford 01:16:08 44 37th u/40M 40th M David Barker Trafford 01:16:10 45 4th u/35L 5th L Jenny Clague LivpoolH 01:16:14 46 38th u/40M 41st M Richard Mariton Stockprt 01:16:19 47 39th u/40M 42nd M Marc Laithwaite WiganPhx 01:16:31 48 40th u/40M 43rd M Xavier Desse 01:16:34 49 5th u/35L 6th L Julie 0'Mara Wakefld 01:16:46 50 3rd M40 44th M Steven Doxey Swinton 01:16:48 51 41st u/40M 45th M Paul Guinan Blkburn 01:17:02 52 2nd M45 46th M John Telford ValeRoyl 01:17:06 53 42nd u/40M 47th M Andy Lamont Macclesf 01:17:08 54 43rd u/40M 48th M Chris Wall PennyLn 01:17:12 55 6th u/35L 7th L Galina Ignatieva kirovets 01:17:15 56 44th u/40M 49th M Andrew Nearly Horwich 01:17:18 57 4th M40 50th M Brian Hall Bpool&Fy 01:17:20 58 1st M55 51st M Alan Pover Stockprt 01:17:41 59 3rd M45 52nd M Sean Butler Altrchm 01:17:55 60 45th u/40M 53rd M Roger Whitehead 01:18:00 61 46th u/40M 54th M Bryan Lomas Congletn 01:18:09 62 47th u/40M 55th M Dave Gilchrist Altrchm 01:18:13 63 48th u/40M 56th M Steve Bacon Congletn 01:18:29 64 4th M45 57th M Keith Thomas Lostock 01:18:39 65 5th M40 58th M Les Footitt BuxtonAC 01:18:51 66 5th M45 59th M Nicholas Bishop Wilmslow 01:18:52 67 6th M40 60th M Blake Zemp 01:18:54 68 49th u/40M 61st M Justin Noonan 01:19:00 69 6th M45 62nd M Kevin Buxton WirralAC 01:19:00 70 50th u/40M 63rd M Lee Kaufman Sale H 01:19:13 71 51st u/40M 64th M Graham Miles ValeRoyl 01:19:14 72 52nd u/40M 65th M Paul Stitt Glossopd 01:19:16 73 1st M50 66th M Jeff Mason 01:19:34 74 7th M40 67th M Sean McMyler Salford 01:19:37 75 7th M45 68th M Andrew Yates Sale H 01:19:39 76 8th M40 69th M Steve Almond Stockprt 01:19:40 77 53rd u/40M 70th M Ben Bennett 01:19:50 78 8th M45 71st M A Brocklehurst Middletn 01:19:52 79 54th u/40M 72nd M Jerome Fanning 01:19:58 80 55th u/40M 73rd M Shaun Wright 01:19:59 81 56th u/40M 74th M Robert Porter 01:20:00 82 9th M40 75th M Stuart Parrott Wilmslow 01:20:04 83 57th u/40M 76th M Jon Bradshaw 01:20:24 84 9th M45 77th M Mervyn Ward HelsbyRC 01:20:27 85 10th M40 78th M Dave Owen StafMoor 01:20:31 86 58th u/40M 79th M Chris Petch Stockprt 01:20:35 87 11th M40 80th M Bruce Penhale Trafford 01:20:38 88 59th u/40M 81st M Jim Pendrill Wilmslow 01:20:40 89 60th u/40M 82nd M Paul Howarth WirralAC 01:20:46 90 61st u/40M 83rd M David Cooper Tipton 01:20:50 91 62nd u/40M 84th M Nigel Armstrong Warr AC 01:20:54 92 63rd u/40M 85th M Philip Wood 01:20:58 93 10th M45 86th M Peter Maher ValeRoyl 01:20:59 94 12th M40 87th M Leonard Buxton BingleyH 01:21:03 95 11th M45 88th M Paul Light StafMoor 01:21:05 96 64th u/40M 89th M Chris Lord Salford 01:21:07 97 65th u/40M 90th M Bradley Murphy 01:21:14 98 66th u/40M 91st M David Alderson Altrchm 01:21:18 99 67th u/40M 92nd M Paul Rockliffe ManchUni 01:21:34 100 68th u/40M 93rd M Stephen Hardy 01:21:43 101 13th M40 94th M Neil Holding WestPenn 01:21:50 102 69th u/40M 95th M Paul Barrett Oldham&R 01:21:55 103 14th M40 96th M Robert Boon BOAlloyA 01:21:57 104 70th u/40M 97th M Robert Salter 01:21:59 105 15th M40 98th M Pat Toolis ValeRoyl 01:22:01 106 71st u/40M 99th M Brian Nolan 01:22:12 107 16th M40 100th M Gary Matthews ECheshH 01:22:14 108 17th M40 101st M Dennis Matthews ECheshH 01:22:15 109 72nd u/40M 102nd M A Whittingham Stockprt 01:22:18 110 73rd u/40M 103rd M Simon Stewart BorderAC 01:22:18 111 18th M40 104th M Mike Hatton SthChesh 01:22:18 112 7th u/35L 8th L Jenny Murray Stockprt 01:22:22 113 19th M40 105th M Tim Stock Macclesf 01:22:26 114 74th u/40M 106th M Gary McKenna Bpool&Fy 01:22:28 115 75th u/40M 107th M Jon Metcalfe 01:22:42 116 76th u/40M 108th M Adrian Fuller SLondonH 01:22:43 117 77th u/40M 109th M Ray Noble Wilmslow 01:22:48 118 78th u/40M 110th M John Pares VillageR 01:22:50 119 20th M40 111th M David Fulton 01:22:53 120 79th u/40M 112th M Robert Gilbert Macclesf 01:22:55 121 80th u/40M 113th M Marc Henshaw 01:22:59 122 81st u/40M 114th M Gary Cassidy Altrchm 01:23:08 123 8th u/35L 9th L Van Mulholland Altrchm 01:23:12 124 82nd u/40M 115th M James Heron Macclesf 01:23:19 125 83rd u/40M 116th M Chris Blake 01:23:23 126 84th u/40M 117th M Keith Simpson WirralAC 01:23:25 127 85th u/40M 118th M Simon Marsden Lanc&Mor 01:23:26 128 86th u/40M 119th M Richard Hall 01:23:29 129 87th u/40M 120th M Chris Hall Badtri 01:23:30 130 88th u/40M 121st M Coyle Roberts ChestTri 01:23:31 131 2nd L35 10th L Kerrie Wood Stockprt 01:23:33 132 89th u/40M 122nd M Graham Millican BorderAC 01:23:37 133 12th M45 123rd M Chris Riley 01:23:38 134 21st M40 124th M David Stubbs Macclesf 01:23:41 135 90th u/40M 125th M Albert Dejong Spectrum 01:23:46 136 2nd M55 126th M Mick Fairs Wilmslow 01:23:51 137 9th u/35L 11th L Ant Minniti Notts AC 01:24:01 138 22nd M40 127th M Gary Brooks WirralAC 01:24:01 139 91st u/40M 128th M Simon Jones WirralAC 01:24:07 140 10th u/35L 12th L Emma Parry Wrexham 01:24:13 141 92nd u/40M 129th M Peter Geoghegan EllsmrPt 01:24:20 142 93rd u/40M 130th M Jon Bradbury 01:24:25 143 94th u/40M 131st M Paul Capey Sale H 01:24:26 144 95th u/40M 132nd M Matthew Powell 01:24:31 145 96th u/40M 133rd M Thomas Howells 01:24:34 146 97th u/40M 134th M Mark Joynson 01:24:36 147 3rd L35 13th L Nicky Hills Macclesf 01:24:38 148 98th u/40M 135th M Matt Shaw Tipton 01:24:47 149 99th u/40M 136th M Martin Loy 01:24:47 150 23rd M40 137th M Mark Hall 01:24:51 151 24th M40 138th M Dave Walmsley 01:24:57 152 3rd M55 139th M Terry Lonergan Ilkley H 01:24:57 153 11th u/35L 14th L Gill Bacon WiganPhx 01:24:58 154 100th u/40M 140th M Daniel McGraph 01:25:04 155 101st u/40M 141st M Martin Fuller 01:25:05 156 102nd u/40M 142nd M Nigel Critchlow BuxtonAC 01:25:07 157 12th u/35L 15th L Emma Calderbank NthFylde 01:25:08 158 25th M40 143rd M Andy Miller 01:25:14 159 103rd u/40M 144th M Tom Broadbent 01:25:14 160 13th M45 145th M Andrew Waring Birkenhd 01:25:16 161 104th u/40M 146th M Mark Norton 01:25:18 162 105th u/40M 147th M William Ash 01:25:23 163 106th u/40M 148th M Chris Heys Sale H 01:25:25 164 107th u/40M 149th M Rich Walter 01:25:27 165 14th M45 150th M Stewart Jones 01:25:31 166 15th M45 151st M Ben Gregory Stockprt 01:25:33 167 13th u/35L 16th L Cath Robinson BelleVue 01:25:33 168 108th u/40M 152nd M Carl Wormald 01:25:40 169 109th u/40M 153rd M Robert Potts 01:25:42 170 110th u/40M 154th M James Buckley 01:25:46 171 111th u/40M 155th M Gareth Simpson ECheshH 01:25:48 172 112th u/40M 156th M Terry Greenwood Trafford 01:25:51 173 113th u/40M 157th M Scott Rennie Middletn 01:25:53 174 26th M40 158th M Steve Smith Wilmslow 01:25:54 175 114th u/40M 159th M Paul Henderson 01:25:56 176 27th M40 160th M Ian Smallwood Wilmslow 01:25:57 177 28th M40 161st M Keith Hatton LivpoolH 01:25:58 178 115th u/40M 162nd M Ben Connell Stockprt 01:26:08 179 1st M60 163rd M Ken Burgess Altrchm 01:26:11 180 116th u/40M 164th M Andy Fletcher 01:26:12 181 29th M40 165th M Colin Highfield Asics 01:26:13 182 117th u/40M 166th M Kevin Costello 01:26:15 183 30th M40 167th M John Kimpton 01:26:24 184 118th u/40M 168th M Matt Sweeting ValeRoyl 01:26:25 185 119th u/40M 169th M Stephen Roberts ECheshH 01:26:27 186 120th u/40M 170th M Chris Sykes Manch H 01:26:27 187 16th M45 171st M Michael Jones Altrchm 01:26:27 188 121st u/40M 172nd M Graham Randfield PennyLn 01:26:31 189 31st M40 173rd M Tony Hurst 01:26:33 190 17th M45 174th M John Negus Stockprt 01:26:37 191 32nd M40 175th M Mark Morris WirralAC 01:26:40 192 122nd u/40M 176th M Dar Washington BOAlloyA 01:26:44 193 123rd u/40M 177th M Daniel Barnshaw DudleyH 01:26:44 194 33rd M40

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