--L/ f -~ ..... .I \ I ( I !' I ' \ I .I Denis Freney Memorial Scholarships Up to $10,000 AUSTRALIAN Applicatio ns are in vited from people currentl y engaged BOOK REVIEW in (or about to commence) a research, writing or cultural project whi ch is judged to make a contributio n to the labour and progressive moveme nts in Australi a. MAY: The SEARC H Foundation wi ll award scho larships to assist wi th the costs o f such a project. Priority will be An essay by Terry Collits g iven to pro jects which have good prospects of pu blicati on or othe r public use of th e results, but A double review of Germaine Greer's whi ch do not have access to other funding. The Whole Woman by S EA RC H is an inde pendent, non-pro fit fo undati on Jenna Mead and Peter Craven established to assist acti vities whi ch pro mote social j usti ce and the development of a more democrati c and Dorothy Hewett on Jm·die Albiston's egalitari an society. Deta il s of its aim s and objecti ves are avail able on request. The Hanging ofJean Lee Suitabl y qualified applicants should contact SEA RCH Susan Lever on David Foster's essays for deta il ed applicati o n g uidelines. Applications must be received by July 20, 1999 and his new novel, Social Education and Research In the New Country Concerning Humanity (SEARCH) Foundation Rm 610,3 Smail Street, BROADWAY NSW 2007 Andrew Riemer on Ph : (02) 921 I 4164; Fax: (02) 921 I 1407 James Bradley's The Deep Field SEARCH FOUNDATION New Subscribers $55 for ten issues plus a free book ACN 050 096 976 Ph (03) 9429 6700 or Fax (03) 9429 2288 in the footsteps of Dam Gregory Murray, Joseph Gelineau SJ and Richard Connolly MUSIC FOR SUNG MASS GREGORIAN CHANT New rhythmic edition with organ accompaniment Introduction: 'Looking towards 21st century Gregorian Chant' Short Mass (Advent, Lent), Gloria XV, Mass VIII (de Angelis), Credo III $25 WORKS FOR THE ENGLISH LITURGY (including Mass settings approved by the National Liturgical Commission) 1. A Parish Mass on Three Themes (and Responses) $ 1 0 2. Mass of Saint Ambrose (with Creed) $ 1 0 3. Short Mass of Saint John, Mass of Saint Pius X, Creed from 'A Christian People's Mass' (and Responses) $2 0 4 . Six Biblical Canticles (Habakkuk, three from St Luke , Ephesians, Revelation) and Nicene Creed (from Mass of Saint Ephrem) $2 0 5. Seven Entrance Psalms from the Simple Gradual (Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Eastertide, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi) $ 2 0 6. Seven Psalms, antiphons and responses, set to modal psalm-tunes (Pss. 188, 50, 66, 94, 125, 129 and 150) $2 0 7. English 'Te Deum laudamus'-a Jubilee Year setting $1 0 Prices for manuscript copies include postage and permission to duplicate for own use. Michael Mann 6/15 The Avenue Heathcote NSW 2233 'MOVING REFLECTIONS' (Seventy-five hymn-tune arrangements) is available from the publishers , Music Sales (Australia) Pty Ltd , 120-126 Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery NSW 2018. Volume 9 Number 4 EU May 1999 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology 22 CoNTENTS THE PHOSPHOR OF A CITY: PETER PORTER'S 4 IMAGINATION Cover: Beach Road Beaumaris, COMMENT by Clarice Beckett, c1919, With Morag Fraser, Andrew Hamilton Peter Steele inhales the smoke of cities oil on board, 35.5 x 25.4cm, and Toby O'Connor. with one of Australia's finest poets. collection: Alan and Lesl y Martin. He also reviews Porter's new volumes All reproductions of Beckett 7 of Collected Poems, 1961-1999 (p25) . paintings courtesy The Ian CAPITAL LETTER Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne. Paintings are from the 8 Paintings by Australian artist exhibition 'Clarice Beckett: THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC Clarice Beckett (1887-1935). Politi cally Incorrect', curated With Becci Fleischer, Jim Davidson, by Rosalind Hollinrake. Design by Siobhan Jackson. Lee Cataldi, Kate Manton and James Griffin. Photograph of Peter Porter p3 by Greg Scullin. 11 32 Photograph of C larice Beckett p3 co urtesy Ian Potter Museum. SUMMA THEOLOGIAE BOOKS Graphi cs pp8- 9, 17- 18, 41 Rob Darby reviews Frances de Groen's by Siobhan Ja ckson. 12 biography of Xavier Herbert; Peter Pierce BUSH LAWYER reviews Keith Beattie's The Scar that The exhibition of Clarice Beckett's work, 'Clarice Beckett: Binds: American Culture and the Politically Incorrect', is 15 Vietnam War (p36); Jon Greenaway currently touring Australia, ARCHIMEDES surveys the life of Burma's having completed its opening season at the Ian Potter Museum Aung San Suu Kyi (p38); of Art, University of Melbourne. 16 Ian Dunn reviews Michael Cannon's Sydney: 24 April-13 June 1999, RUNNING ERRANDS FOR THE That Disreputable Firm ... The Inside S. H. Ervin Gallery (National Trust of Australia NSW); GOVERNMENT Story of Slater etJ Gordon (p41 ). Orange, NSW: 19 June- 18 July Moira Rayner looks with alarm at 1999, Orange Regional Gallery; government accountability. Adelaide: 6 August- 42 19 September 1999, Art Gallery PLAYTIME of South Australia; 18 Geoffrey Milne on the Come Out Youth Bendigo, VIC: 30 September- INTEGRITY: THE LONG WALK Arts Festival in Adelaide. 31 October 1999, Bendigo Art Gallery; Ballarat, VIC: Antony Campbell on the challenge of 5 November 1999- 16 January unconditional love. 44 2000, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery; FLASH IN THE PAN Hobart: 3 February- 26 March 2000, Tasmanian Museum and 20 Reviews of the films Divorcing Ja ck; Art Gallery; Burnie, TAS: IN MEMORIAM Lolita; The Craie; Happiness; Praise and 7 April-22 May 2000, Michael McGirr on Indonesian social Hilary and Ja ckie. Burnie Regional Art Ga llery. reformer and priest, Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Eureka Street magazine 46 Jesuit Publications 3 1 WATCHING BRIEF PO Box 553 POETRY Richmond VIC 3 121 Tel (03)9427 73 11 'Snail Bait', a suite of poems 47 Fax (03)9428 4450 by Jack Hibberd. SPECIFIC LEVITY VOLUME 9 N UMBER 4 • EUREKA STREET 3 C OMMENT M ORAG FRASER A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology Publisher Daniel Madigan SJ Cities in Editor Morag Fraser Assistant editor Kate Manton O NCR S A c~~~Nc~~~o~T who ha< m•d' Consulting editor so many of us think afresh about the way our minds work, Michael McGirr SJ was talking recently about walking in the botanical gardens. I caught the conversation-it was with the ABC's Louise Graphic designer Adler-while I was stuck in city traffic. Siobhan Jackson Sacks goes to the gardens every lunch time, after seeing Production and business m anager his patients. During the w alk he forgets completely the details Sylvana Scannapiego Editorial and production assistants Juliette Hughes, Paul Fyfe sr, Geraldine Battersby, Chris Jenkins SJ Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ, Perth: Dean Moore Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor Queensland: Peter Pierce United Kingdom correspondent Denis Minns OP South East Asia correspondent Jon Greenaway Jesuit Editorial Board Peter L'Estrange SJ, Andrew Bullen SJ, Andrew Hamilton SJ of his morning consultations. He just takes the time and lets Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ the backroom of his min d do the work of salting down. Come Marketing manager: Rosanne Turner the afternoon, he has the shape, the narrative he needs to Advertising representative: Ken Head make sense of the morning's experience. Subscription manager: Wendy Marlowe To make his point even more dramatically, Sacks told Administration and distribution the story of the playwright, Harold Pinter, who once read Kate Matherson, Lisa Crow, the neurologist 's book, Awakenings, and promptly forgot Mrs Irene Hunter about it completely for ten years. But then, out of the blue, Patrons he had a detailed dream about what he had read, and had to Eureka Street gratefully acknowledges the make something out of it, urgently. support of C. and A. Carter; the It is probably lucky for Sacks' patients that his trustees of the estate of Miss M. Condon; transformation process is speedier than Pinter's, but the W.P. & M.W. Gurry point-about fallow time and the creative, transforming Eureka Street magazine, TSSN 1036- 1758, mind-is well m ade. Australia Post Print Post approved pp349181/00314, Art comes out of transformative processes like these. is published ten times a year Art can also be the botanical garden for those of us who take by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, the time to read or look or hear with our defences put behind 300 Victoria Street, Richmond, Victoria 3 121 Tel: 03 942 7 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 us for a while. email: [email protected] So in this month of May, which will be a jangle of war, http:/ jwww .openplanet.com.a ujeureka/ dispossession, political stridency and opportunism, our cover Responsibility for editorial content is accepted by records one still moment. The car, moving toward you like Daniel Madigan, 300 Victoria Street, Richmond. the onset of winter, was painted by Clarice Beckett, who died Printed by Doran Printing, 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3 195. when she was only 47. Her Melbourne contemporaries were © Jesuit Publications 1999 concerned with more heroic subjects; Beckett recorded the Unsolicited manuscripts, including poetry and fragile moment. On this page you can catch a different fiction, will be returned only if accompanied by seasonal moment, a turn of a shoulder into the bleaching a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Requests for summer sun, in The Red Sunshade (1932). Many of Beckett's permission to reprint materi al fro m the magazine should be addressed in writing to: paintings were dest royed after h er death-fashion and The editor, Eu reka Street magazi ne, carelessness contributing to a loss that is ours now.
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