May 19, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4223 The exemptions we are debating this Bureau of Land Management lands billion emergency payment and this week are wrong on so many different aimed at protecting communities, wa- simply could not go on, so he pressed levels. tersheds, and certain other at-risk forward and got the bill done in 2002 in First of all, the legislation is unnec- lands from catastrophic wildfire, to en- the face of a fair amount of criticism. essary. There is already a waiver provi- hance efforts to protect watersheds and I thought that he showed great tenac- sion in place in the law for years. address threats to forest and rangeland ity in doing so, and I really appreciated There has never been a case where for health, including catastrophic wildfire, his efforts. military necessity a waiver has not across the landscape, and for other pur- I visited South America with LARRY been granted. Never, not one. Not one poses, which was referred to the House and other members of the Committee example has been produced before the Calendar and ordered to be printed. on Agriculture a little bit more than a committees that are examining this. f year ago, and I can recall one meeting Additionally, it misses the real in Brazil with their agriculture leader- TRIBUTE TO HONORABLE LARRY threat to military readiness, what is ship in which they were very critical of COMBEST ON HIS RETIREMENT termed encroachment. This is the same U.S. farm policy. They thought they FROM CONGRESS sprawl and unplanned growth that were poised to take over the soybean threatens our farms and forestlands, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. market of the world, and I remember pollutes our air and water, and con- COLE). Under a previous order of the LARRY’S response. He said, ‘‘My respon- gests our roadways, and this is a real House, the gentleman from Nebraska sibility is to protect the interests of threat to our ability to train and main- (Mr. OSBORNE) is recognized for 5 min- American farmers and ranchers.’’ That tain the world’s mightiest fighting utes. is what he did. Our farmers and ranch- force. Mr. OSBORNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ers really comprise only 1 percent Across the country, from Ft. Stew- congratulate Chairman LARRY COM- roughly of our population. At one time art, Georgia, to Nellis Air Force Base BEST on a long and successful congres- they were a very significant part of our in Nevada, development is threatening sional career. I was privileged to serve population. Now they are about 1 per- the armed forces’ ability to fly planes, on the Committee on Agriculture cent, and so they certainly need advo- maneuver and conduct other readiness under LARRY. We were certainly at op- cates. I really appreciate the fact that activities. This has led the State of posite ends of the spectrum. My first 2 Chairman COMBEST truly did all that California to pass their Senate bill 1468 years on the committee were LARRY’S he could to represent a very important which recognizes the long-term oper- last 2. I was without status. He was the and often unappreciated part of our Na- ations of military installations must chairman. Regardless of seniority, each tion. involve a partnership between the person had access to LARRY and his I would like to thank the chairman State, local agencies and the Federal staff on an equal basis. I have always for his contribution and for his career Government. felt that the true measure of a person’s here and for the way that he worked character was how he treated those b 1945 with other people to bring agriculture who could do nothing for him. In that to the forefront during the farm bill. It provides the military, environ- respect, I thought that LARRY was real- mental organizations and local plan- ly exemplary and I really appreciated f ning agencies the tools to work to- the way I was received. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a gether to fight common enemies of The most significant accomplish- previous order of the House, the gen- military readiness like suburban ment of the Committee on Agriculture tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is sprawl. But this proposal is completely the last 2 years was reauthorization of recognized for 5 minutes. absent from the legislation coming be- the farm bill. This was a very exhaus- (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. fore us. tive process. It went on over 2 years, His remarks will appear hereafter in The defense authorization bill is also involving roughly 50 hearings, 25 of the Extensions of Remarks.) wrong on a very fundamental level. It those in various parts of the country f is missing an opportunity to use the and 25 here in Washington. Input was TEXAS REDISTRICTING Department of Defense to set the high- received from such diverse groups as est standards. Again, given adequate the Farm Bureau, Farmers Union, corn The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a resources and the right orders, our De- and soybean, rice and cotton, fruits previous order of the House, the gen- partment of Defense can achieve any and vegetables, Ducks Unlimited, Na- tleman from Texas (Mr. EDWARDS) is mission. We are missing that oppor- ture Conservancy and the Sierra Club. recognized for 5 minutes. tunity. Everybody had a chance. Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, before I Finally, Mr. Speaker, there is a fun- What the chairman did was ask each discuss some comments I would like to damental arrogance and hypocrisy that group to write the farm bill as they make about the courageous acts of 51 somehow the Federal Government’s saw it needing to be written and also to Texas legislators last week, I want to rules and regulations are necessary to score it, to come up with what it was join my Republican colleagues in protect the environment. We will im- going to cost; and so this was kind of a thanking Congressman LARRY COMBEST pose them on small business or local unique approach because I think every- for so many years of dedicated public government but not on us ourselves. It body that tried began to realize how service to the State of Texas and to our is the wrong signal and the wrong di- complex this was. country. rection to protect endangered species Again, he took input from every Those of us who believe that one of and the health of our planet. group. The bill was written in full com- the strengths of our country comes f mittee, which I appreciated. Everybody from the values of rural America, one had a chance to speak their piece. It of the strengths of our economy comes REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- was truly bipartisan. We hear the term from the productivity of our family VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF bipartisan around here all the time, farmers and ranchers, all of us who be- H.R. 1904, HEALTHY FORESTS but this was a case where I can really, lieve those things owe a debt of grati- RESTORATION ACT OF 2003 honestly say that I do not believe ei- tude, an everlasting debt of gratitude Mr. HASTINGS of Washington, from ther side was given any advantage and to LARRY COMBEST for his bipartisan the Committee on Rules, submitted a that each side felt they had equal own- and strong leadership in our country privileged report (Rept. No. 108–109) on ership, and as a result the farm bill was not only as chairman of the Committee the resolution (H. Res. 239) providing passed almost unanimously out of the on Agriculture but as chairman of the for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1904) Committee on Agriculture. very important Permanent Select to improve the capacity of the Sec- LARRY was under a great deal of pres- Committee on Intelligence through retary of Agriculture and the Sec- sure to delay the writing of the farm which he served our Nation’s security retary of the Interior to plan and con- bill until 2003. Yet he realized that ag- in so many important ways. duct hazardous fuels reduction projects riculture was in trouble, that we were Mr. Speaker, I do want to talk about on National Forest System lands and surviving each year on roughly a 7, $7.5 the actions of last week where we had VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:00 May 20, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.037 H19PT1 H4224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2003 51 Texas legislators who fought to stop unlawful and certainly unethical use of ington, D.C., and Austin, Texas, today U.S. House Majority Leader TOM Federal resources, antiterrorism re- that should be of great and grave con- DELAY from forcing a divisive, partisan sources to track down the law-abiding cern to all Americans. Because, Mr. and unnecessary congressional redis- citizen Pete Laney? Speaker, the Department of Homeland tricting plan through the Texas House Secondly, do you have something to Security, a U.S. government agency, of Representatives. Their act of cour- hide? Why is our U.S. homeland secu- has basically now had to admit that it age was heralded by editorial boards rity agency afraid to let the American used a homeland security plane and throughout our State of Texas. I salute people and the press know what was in government resources for political pur- legislators like Jim Dunnam and John that conversation? poses and now they are covering it up. Mabry from my hometown of Waco, Thirdly, does the public not deserve As most of the country now knows, Texas.
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