! ^rl.' ."i |Ais, V v '/ .V ? - j'? • ^ A . - i ; , v A ‘ . , A'/ : ,.rV*d ,^ ’ I 'Average Daily Net Prew Itiui The Weather Fw ttw Week Ended FBneeel efO. S. WMrtkee September f , i m matmirnd. Iklr, n^. M eeel teidgU.‘lig^ 13,345 In Mn. Tneedeymeetly ato,,hfK Member of the Andlt nrenehn climdhieee doHag f ^ Butenu ef Olrenletlen neon. laig» n to »6. 'A"*' Maneheiter——A City of ViUage Charm YOL. LXXX, NO. 296 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTEK, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1961 (OUenUled Adrerthtac •» Fec* l*> PRICE FIVE CENTS UN Secretary-General Flying on Peace Mission in Congo ^e$8age to K ennedy State News OperatousISay Crs^ France Bars TRlks Roundup Possibly Shot Doim Now with Russians Man, 26, Heltf ildville. The Congo, Sept. 18 <jP)~OwnvB of tho plane which carried Dag Hammdrwjold' Raid today they are United Nations, N. Y.,,^presence of the British and West German foreign ministers by In Slaying of trying to find out whether ^ 0 DC6B may hare been shot Sept. 18 (JP)—^The tragic French Foreign Minister Couve de down by a jet fighter fr^^atan ga. death of United Nations Sec- Murville at a luncheon in the White Officials of the Swejlim Trans Air (k>., charter operators retary-general Dag Hammar- House last Friday. Mother of 7 The story also said in part: who supplied the pjafie for the U.N. Secretary-general, said skjold threatened to intpose this seemed a pomibility. There was no confinnatkm from new ^trains on U.S.-SoTiet re- Oouve de Murville, who former- Groton, Sfept. 18 </P)— A 26- ly servrt in both Washington and year-old Coast Guardsman is any source. lations .today in advance of Bonn as French ambassador, told to be charged today with as- exploratory peace talks be- the Allied leaders that hla govern- By OOUN FROST ment believed that the Soviet Un- sault with intent to commit tween_ Secretary of State Ndbla, Northern Rhodesia, Sept, 18 <iTV—Rhodesian offl- Rusk and Soviet Foreign Min- ion was trying to Impose Its own murder in connection with the solution of the German problem death of a pretty young cials reported that Dag Hammarskjold (lied today in the ister Gromyko. * on the West. mother of seven. crash of a plane carrying the U.N. secretary-general on a A new East-West struggle He said it could be stopped from doing so—not by proposing a 4- George Joseph Letko, Dallas,- mission to seek peace in The Congo. • ' over control of the executive power conference wdth the Soviet Tex., a radio student at the Coast The slight, sandy-haired secretary-general of the United machinery of the United Na- Union on Germany—but by w’am- Guard Training Base, was arrest- Nations, 56, was flying from Leopold^le for truee talks at. tions could upset the delicate ing Moscow that any attempt to ed yesterday by officers Investiga- this northern Rhodesian copper mining center with ]^reei- Berlin discussions at the very interfere with the 'Vt'est’s rights ting the slaying of 31-year-old and obligations to supply the mili- Gladys Chouinard Saturday morn- dent Moise Tshombe of secessionisjt Katonga. outset. tary Md civilian .poptilation of Ber- ing. The United Nations office at Leopoldville said 11 bodies lin would lead to war. Mrs. Chouinard's nude body was had been recovered at the scene of the plane crash, and one By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS found by one of her sons on a was positively identified as Haihmarskjold’s. The French government At United Nations, meanwhile, couch in their home, 27 Flint' Ct., There was one survivor, U.N.f> Secretary of State Dean Rusk will Poquonock Bridge, Saturday. She officials said. They expressed be- has told the United States try to find out from Foreign Minis- had been strangled and stabbed 13 that it will not participate in lief that the plane carried 14 or ter Andrei Gromyko this week times. One officer said the killer 16 persons, including a crew of 8. Dag Dedicated any Allied conference with whether- Russia is ready to nego- must heve been a sadist. Earlier the total complement had the Soviet Union on Berlin tiate on a compromise settlement Lefko, a divorced man, had been reported as 10. •and Germany under present of the Berlin criMs or intends to kno^^•n Mrs. Chouinard about a Rhodesisui 'authorities aaid the To Search for press its demands at increasing month and had had two or three wreckage of his plane—a DC6B circumstances, the New York risk of war. dates with her, police said. ThC This is the most recent photograph of Dag Hammarskjold, United Nations secretary- shot up by Katanga rebels Friday, Times said today. Hfgh.weatem diplomats said the couple had been drinking together general, taken when he was greeted by Congo military leader Gen. Joseph Mobutu, cen- but subsequently repaired—was World Peace It Is understood, a Waahingtem fateful issue of war or peace has Friday night but not to the point found in the bush country at the seldom been more^ starkly preSent- ter, and saluting Congo officer, when, Hammarskjold arrived in Leopoldville last week. dispatch to the Timea added, that of intoxication, police said. (AP Photofax.) Congo-Rhodeslah border. They this message vras conveyed to Pres- The dead women's husband, Rob- said hia body was definitely iden- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ident Kennedy personally in the (Contliiaed on Page Nine) ert, is undergoing treatment for tified. Dag Hammarskjold was a coolly tuberculosis at the Naval Bo*Pital The plane was the,object of a poised diplomat who searriwd the in St. Albans, LJ., N.T. Her 3- Chicago Crash widespread search by U.N., Brit- world for the makings of peace. He month-oid twins, Dwayne and ish, Americail and lUiodealan air- came under fierce attiiek, path* In- Party Loses Majority Dwight, are being treated for the Reds Fire N-Shot 13 craft for more than 18 hours. At sisted that nothing mattered but same disease at Uncas-on-Thames Of Electra Kills midnight it ehseked over the the United Nations and its StiortM Hbspltal in Norwieh- Ndola Airport for a landing and to safeguard the peoplea o f the Lefko, who has not signed any then mysteriously vanished. It had world. •„ confoiaien. will be charged on a AU 37 Aboard In New Test Series been given clearance to land, then Many penonspersons disagreed with Adenauer Rejects clreult. 8durt irarnUit, police said. radio contact was lost- some of his methods And wt|h the Murdef charges must bs made by This was the most tragic blow usefubicas of the Uiilted Ngtlobs a grand jury, they said. Chicago, Sept. 18 (A>) — A N or^ - Washington, Sept:^ 18 {/Pi—ThepNevads. It was described as a of Its kind to the U.N. executive itself. But few qu^Btioned the west Airlines Electra carrying .37 Russians flrto^^nother nuclear low-yield device — equivalent to staff since Count Folke Bema- bachrior Swedhle dedlcRtldin to Us Job. " Link to Socialists 184 to 182 persons on a Florida-bound flight blast tod^.'^fhe 13th in the cur- the force of 20,000 tons of TNT or dotte, Palestine thice commis- ioner, was shot dead on a Jeru- He was the second seerkaty- crashed shortly after takeoff from rent Sptrlet series, the Atomic less—that produced no falout. Hartford, Sept 18 (AT—^The commiMion announced, salem street 13 years ago—Sept. general o f the United Natlfio*, the State Motor Vehicle Department's O'Hare International Airport yes- The Russian test Saturday was 17, 1948. organization that grew out of Bonn, Germany, Sept. 18 (/P)—^Brandt's Socialists ahd the Fres brief statement said: in the atmosphere at Novaya daily record of automobile fatali- terday, killing ail aboard. ,S^;'The Atomic Energy Commls- Bemadotte, Uke Hammarskjold, Worid War H. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, -de- Democrats oppose. Adenauw re- Zemlya, an island In the Arctic was Swedish. The Conge brought Hnuoank- maining as chancellor, and say ties as of hut midnight and the The plane, radioing “no eon annoimced this afternoon that ocean. The AEC said it was in prived by Sunday’s parliamentary as its ftnal word to the jold the severest teat in .his eb h t they will reject a coaIitt<m -until totals on the same date last year: the Soviet Unloh~agaih conducted the-order of a megraton, equivalent . -.The plane ' crashed between •lections of the majority which 1960 1961 trol tow'er,'"plunged tpata a low Ndola and Mufullra.-a copper min- yearii o f directing. the UMted Nr - permitted him to rule Germany the chancellor retires. ’That can a nuclear detonation in the atmos- to a million tons of TNT. KiUed ...................184 182 altitude into a fieM^-at the south- phere early today. The detonation ing and smelting center near the with an iron hand for 12 years, re- mean his successor will be popular Th? Soviet blast yesterday, al- (Oonlhwed « i Page Eight) Ludwig Erhard, an economic ex- west edge of tlja^'airport. was on the order of a megaton so in the atmosphere, too place Katanga frontier 40 miles north- jected today any thought of coali- Among tije^Z passengers was west of Ndola. This suggested that tion with the powerful Socialists. pert whose free enterprise policies 2 Youths Killed yield and occurred In the vicinity in the vicinity of Semi-Palatinsk a mothej:^^d her four children. of Novaya Zemlya.” in Central Asia. The AEC said it Hammarskjold's Swedish pilot, a The 85-year-old chancellor, his helped West Germany become a Bethany, Sept 17 (P)— One five crew members powerful Industrial nation.
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