Vol.XCIII No. 2 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 President Delivers All Campus Speech BY USSA SMITH strategic plan to improve the of initiatives related to the cur- News Editor social and academic environ- riculum. He believes "a great ment at Trinity. This is to be college never ceases to work on On Wednesday, at the State done through renovation of and improve it's curriculum." of the College Address, Trinity buildings and facilities and Trinity curriculum committee College recieved a hearty wel- reassesment of student life. By is doing so by initiating new come from President Borden renovating dorm lounges and programs and new courses. Painter. At 1:00, staff and stu- the student center, the hope is Many of these new programs dents, faculty and administra- that student/faculty interaction involve the community. With tors, congregated in Oosting will increase and Mather will the new Pew Charitable Trust, Gym to hear the school's presi- come to represent the center of Trinity will begin an Urban dent set out the goals and ex- campus, a representation of the Studies program. pectations for the 1994-1995 variety of student activity. Trinity's relationship to it's school year. Painter then spoke on the neighborhood was the subject Theintroductionofthenew importance of continuing to of Painter's fourth point. He Dean of Faculty Jill Reich and draw prepared academics to stressed the surrounding the class of 1998 led into an Trinity. He congratulated Dave Community's special purpose entusiastic and optimistic four Borus, Dean of Admissions and in Trinity's curriculum. He part speech on the direction of Financial Aid on the new fresh- pointed out that Trinity's loca- the college and the strategies for man class and the possibilities tion must be seen as an asset their implementation. He con- for the future of Trinity Admis- because of if s internships, com- cluded by calling to arms the sions. He encouraged everyone munity service possibilities, cul- Trinity community in order to to lend support when admis- tural attractions, and academic accomplish these goals through sion calls, including Alumni re- institutions. By looking at other anew sense of cohesiveness and cruitment and parental support. urban schools like Yale, Colum- community in this the 172nd Painter says "the best endorse- bia and Marquette, Painter in- academic year of Trinity. ment for this college is it's stu- tends to forge a successful rela- The first section of the four dents" and demands that ev- tionship with the community part address dealt with the ef- eryone at Trinity take responsi- surrounding the school. Trinity bility for Admissions. forts begun to retain and sus- also intends to make special ties Pres. Painter Addresses The Trinity Community. (CATHERINE MITCHEU. tain the students at Trinity. The third issue Painterad- with a proposed magnet school Painter spoke of the college's dressed was the new importance please turn to page 4 City Votes To Close Vernon St. Marriott Employee BY CAROLINE MAGUIRE Vernon Street was of concern to ing to assure that its entire com- Announcements Editor - Trinity administrators who felt munity has the safest possible Unionization Fails that the roadway was the po- environment —we did worry BYANNEMARIEPEIL Recently the City Council tential sight of a traffic accident. about vehicular traffic." Opinion Editor voted seven to one in favor of The closure of Vernon Street has The end of Vernon and closing off Vernon Street to been on the forefront of Trinity Broad Street will be partitioned Marriott Food Service through city traffic. The favor- administrators' minds for quite off, by the continuation of the employees at Trinity College management promised a pay able vote on the part of the coun- some time. fence currently in place on the turned down a proposed union raise if a union was rejected. cil was not a surprise to many The incident on Vernon edges of campus. The street in a May 12,1994 election. Two After the union failed, each who feel that Trinity is a "jewel" Street last spring, in which a car will still have ample pedestrian unions, Local 919 and Local Marriott employee received a to the city, with whom Hartford chase ended up on Vernon Street access, for the two residences at 217 were being voted on, but "cost of living" raise: twenty officials should work for the highlighted the need for the the end of Vernon Street, as well neither could secure the 51% five cents this year, twenty five benefit of both the Trinity com- street's closure. Brian Kelly, Di- as, the other members of the of the votes necessary to union- cents next year, and thirty cents in 1996. However, labor laws munity and the city of Hart- rector of Campus Safety, called neighboring communities who ize. state that awarding money for ford. the closing of Vernon Street "Yet use Vernon Street daily. The Several of the employees not voting for a union (other- The high flow of traffic on another major step Trinity is tak- incorporation of Vernon Street claim that Marriott brought in into the rest of the campus, is "spies," to discourage people wise known as buying votes) is what Eddie Perez, Director of from voting in favor of a union. illegal. community Relations and Af- One employee said that the Employees claim that the Trinity Fined $10,000 firmative Action, terms as a union busters "were Spanish- raise didn't turn out to be a "natural growth" which relates speaking and were able to in- raise at all. "This year BY JUSTIN VAN ETTEN cilities, Management, Plan- Vernon Street to the rest of the timidate people into not vot- everybody's hours were cut, Production Manager ning, and Services as well the Trinity Campus. ing for a union." three to four hours... Thanks College's Chemical Hygene Of- Some concern was raised According to another (for the raise), but no thanks," The August 18, 1994 is- ficer, this is not entirely true. about the neighboring source, a note was enclosed said one worker. sue o? the Hartford Courant He claims that the $10,963 pay- communi tie's reaction to the clo- with each employee's pay- Director of Marriott Food spoiled that Trinity College ment was part of a settlement sure of Vernon Street. The Trin- check before the union vote. It Services Jonathan Small said, was fined S i 0,963 by the Con- with the Enviommental Pro- ity Community's outreach to our stated, "If you were a member "That's just not true. We're necticut Department of tection Agency in which the neighboring communities, is of Local 919 or 217 3'our pay- incredibly understaffed at the Enviommental Protection for College admitted guilt to no however, in no way stymied by check would be reduced by beginning of the year... We did violating federal environmen- violations. According to the closure of Vernon Street, as- the union dues payments ev- not cut hours." tal laws involving the release Wooley, "we [the college] sures Mr. Perez. It is merely an ery month. The union may Two Marriott employees of toxic, cancer causing chemi- would probably been shown action taken to prevent an un- increase your dues year after were particularly vocal about cals. Specifically, that poly- innocent but the litigation in- fortunate traffic accident. year. Thanks for your sup- their support of unionization: chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) volved wouldhavebeenmuch In response to allegations port. Vote no and keep your Banquet Captain John Thomas were released from two elec- more expensive." that the neighborhood was up- money in your and your of Catering and Cook Terry trical transformers. Concerning the actual vio- set by the decision to close family's pocket and keep your Forde of the Bistro. Terry Forde However, according to lation, Wooley stated that a Vernon Street, Mr. Perez stated freedom of choice.'" resigned this summer due to please turn to page 4 One employee said that please turn to page 4 John Wooley, Director of Fa- please turn to page 4 THIS WEEK'S TRIPOD.... METRO-HARTFORD: ARTS: FEATURES: NEWS: Eat Drink Man • Harry Conick, Jr. • A Fish Called Ralph • Marriot Union Woman Reviewed Album Critique • Along The Long Walk Failure A Reflection On • Sarah Goodwin Parking Problems • Dean Of Facult- Out Community Austin Exhibition Jill Reich Page 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - September 13, 1994 EROS Encourages Dialogue Community When Convenient About Sexuality At Trinity To the Editor: forum for discussion and change throughout Trinity. We have been Do you remember the Gender pleased to see that the current curricu- 111 too often/ any new policy here at Trinity has Bender? lum now includes courses that explore justified its existence as "helping to promote For those of you who weren't here issues about sexuality in various areas of or don't know, the Gender Bender was a study. And for the future, we hope that ! community." For instance, the letter informing dance Halloween weekend in the fall of this will continue and grow as Trinity students of the new keg policy stated, "The underlying last year. It was brought to the students strives to compete with other schools. issue is community." Additionally, the letter was ad- by EROS, (Encouraging Respect of We are open to hear what you, the Sexualities), a student run group consist- students, want and find lacking in the dressed to the Trinity Community. ing of straight/gay /bisexual people that attitudes and manner that these issues Last night, an open forum was held to discuss the met infrequently to discuss issues con- have been dealt with in the past.
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