■ P«Kt 13 ■ PiC* 15 | Page 19 Wave if glory M-cimpislng firms Dukes face red-hat Rams Red, while ami blue Inllow around the Zirkle House artists unravel vibrant Rhotie Island calls on IMU this BweJr- "■" jot itudentt tbcuUvtna'community colors and dismantle crashed cars. ciirf with freshman quarterback Clayton members display patriotic colors. Matthews at the helm T«t>>' f "^ /arnes Madison UnivetgttU today: Showers •'*> High: 75 Low: 55 _HEfiw. r.", issue d BREEZE lliiir-ilin/, Sctttcnibfr 20, 2001 Groups organize disaster relief efforts New group aims to 'Make a Difference,' ojjfers support as students cope with tragedy BY KYRA PAI'AIII tragedy BO we laally encour- Management has volunteered powder, hot beverage mixes, campus," Making a Diffeamceis contributing writer age people to stop in to the the trucks to take all the sup- packaged cereal and granola available to help individuals In response to List week's Office and make donations of plies to the Salvation Army," bars, duct tape, mailing sup and groups deal with the axvnl tragedies, main students want either items or time." i hatette said plies, toiletry items and flash- crisis by listening to individual MonetaT) donations in tocontiibutetoraUd effort* lights with batteries. stories, offering support and Adult aocks In addition to thi' enier- either cash or cheek an' accept- -u- It is also asking for medical information and helping others Foot powcMjri RBncy Wood drives throughout Bd at the Warren Hall Box supplies including gauze, use their sta*ngths and resources Energy bans Hamtonbuig md the nation, OffiOB and i*ther campus loca- ... it was really neat bandages and medical tape in to aid in the current disaster I ML' organizations .ire acottng tions. Interim Director ot Sealed packaging. relief ettorts in our country, Hot chocolate packeta Other means of relief. Human Resources Brian how quickly such a Senior Peter Swerdzewski, according to the SGA Web site Gauze, tape, bandagae The Offioe of the Reglstnu Charette Bald, "The money is large team from coordinator for the SGA collec- uniii'jmuA'iUior^^vn'UiiMtml. ■few Duel tape ■Oil an e-mail to JMl students being divided three tvayi one tion site, said, "It was an unfor- The Psychologv Pan Packaging tape Monday, detailing ways Oft how third to the United Way. one different groups came tunate thing that happened, Advisors, members ot Btriea individuals can Like part in third to the Red t ross M\A one but having all of us band Counseling and Psychological ishliahte relief ettorts third to the Salvation Army." together in this effort. together for the common cause Services, Chi Sigma Iota and BatterJae The Studenl (.ovemment SGA President David Mills says a lot. It's allowed us to other psychology graduate stu- booties Tor naacua doga Association, FacffltHM Man said, "A lot of the money is — Brian Charette meet other people, and this is a dents are among the group's •igement and Human going to Bptocnwhcad coat En Human Resource* really good thing' volunteers. Students may direct Resources Department joined these non-protit gRMlpa like Another group, Making a ideas, concerns and questions Bring Items To to set up drop-ofi catitea tor tnu ks man-houn and Baa." 55 I titference is interested in con- to Johnston Hall Room 1H or Univeraity Information Doak, people to donate MpptteB need Charette said, "I thought it tributing to support after the call \-S6214. Houn BSE College Center: ed by the \ utims ot last week's Wtt really neat how quickly According to the e-mail, as tragedy It is a newly organized Monday to Thursday from 10 M-F Ba.m -10p.m. terrorist ada Midi a large team from differ- the items are collected, they will support group formed by stu- a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday 1 p.m. SGA Office, Taylor 234: Sophomore Ashley ent groups came together m be sent from the Harrisonburg dents and faculty from the to 3 p.m. M-F Wm m -6 pm Morris, SGA vice president CM this effort. Usually something SalvattOfl Armv to Washington, School of Psychology. Cither events have been Human Resource Office, Student Affairs, said. "We n like this takes | long time to DC. and New York. Aiming to "complement the organized for relief efforts University Services Building accepting anything people coordinate The Salvation Army is efforts of the JMU Counseling Six bands performed at Suite 202: think might help people In "Once we have full loads at requesting items mdl as blan- and Student Development "COOL AID!" in PC Ballroom all of our locations, Facilities New York (after) the current kets, adult-sized socks, foot Center and other services on sec STUDENTS, page 5 joi)YwoM14ita!TtiiV Grad Top: SGA President David Mills, center, speaks Monday at the symbolic reopening of process the Madison Center located In Wilson Hall. Phil Bigler. left. Madison Center direc- gets early tor, sits with the new JMU time capsule to be opened In 50 years. start JMU President Llnwood Rose, right, spoke at the ceremony about the Bv RVLA NAVVI I ii Importance of the cen- contributing wruer ter. For graduation each year, ■ number of Students tail tit meel Below: Sophomore the school's requirements I as] Brittany White signs a Mat however, more Students copy of the U.S. than usual had this problem, Constitution while according to Sherry Hood, the sophomore Halleluya Registrar's Office department Samuel waits to sign. head. In response* the university is requiring new, earlier Je.nl- Time Capsule hnes KM graduation appUcaliofll, .001-2051 Applications tor May 2002 grad- uation an.' now due CX1.15. Part of the problem was that last saiwaslai ■ new oomputei system was put in place to keep track of seniors, Hood DAVK K\M/ct*itnbuiti}( phMographer said. The system "was not as detailed as their former auto- mated system, and it's still not there yet," she said Hood said lhal other schools Documenting history require their bachelor applica- tions earlier than IMU had in the JMU ties national Constitution Day celebration signings pasl. "We decided to start cheek- ing the seniors earlier BM said to Madison Center reopening, time capsule dedication "Right now we contact the sen- BY MATT MCCI I SKI ^ signatures to a giant copy of the held on the steps of Wilson iors the semester (they are gradu- contributing writer < onstitution. Hall. JMU President Linwood ating). Our goal is to gel all the Americans across the nation I iir copies of the Rose, Student Government applications in the summer celebrated the creation of the Constitution were distrib- Association President David before M. W| M ill have a lull vear Constitution of the United uted for the first 1,000 sign- Mills and new director of the (lo work witli students)." States of America. Monday was ers, along with issues of Madison Center, Phil Bigler, Michael Stoloff. director of Constitution Day, an annual The Constitutional Gazette, each spoke to the gathered undergraduate psychology, national holiday held to cele- an annual publication by audience. John Douglas Hall works with about 3<) advisors brate the birth of the the National Constitution appeared as James Madison who work with students in the Constitution and to recognize Committee. and spoke to the audience in psychology department the continued importance the The goal of this holiday, character I 1st yeac primarily bacaute document holds today according to John Bogle, The Madison Center, we didn't benefil Boot the Student! and faculty t halnnan of NCC, is to located on the second floor Academic Progress Report, observed the hollda) with .1 remind the American public of of Wilson Hall in room 205, (RAP. anteta), the task of act symbolic signing of the how the Constitution has opened two years ago to demk advising became more dif- ( .institution, the reopening of "defined, defended and driven develop and raise "|stu- ficult," he said. "The Records the MadJaon Canter and the our n'public." dent's] awareness ... of Office has ibo set an Od 15 leaUngol ■ ttmacapwle Once the symbolic signing James Madison, of his deadline for May graduation The fcattviMea began al noon COndudedi ■ dedication cere- name and his ideas," application, [hey plan to verity On the commons, when1 BtU* mony for the reopening of the according to Bigler. thai student- have completed dent-, wan invited to .uld tlieir lames MadtfOP Center was *r CONSTITUTION, page 3 graduation requirements by i\M M( III OH n lanuary, allowing them to after spring schedules it then'is a deli uencv. I In- should be a much better syslem than checking graduation requmments during MI- Students to attend D.C. anti-war protest \HW pap ! Student activists arc Kohktf issued a |oinl statenx'nt On Saturday. Sept. 29, the oppression wilhin the I rated ettorts to attend the war Crailuaiioii requirements preparing to travel lo Monday, etating ih.it tlx' deci- International Action Center Stales." pretest She said she hopes Waehrngton, DC, Sept. 29 to sion to not hold the meetings (IAC) "had planned fo The Web site'states, "In light approximately VI to 40 itu attend an anti-war demonstra- Sept. 2" to 50 cam ate con- demonstrate against the Bush of the current crisis, with its dents will join her in tin'trip to I May 2002 graduation tion tli.it w.is iirigin.illy sched- sulting with (ederal officials administration's reactionary tragu conaaauencaa lor so Washington, D.C. called U'l 1 applications due Oct 15 uled .1- .1 World Hank and and government members ol foreign and dofflOSth policy main thousands ol people, we On the bus." IBA requirements — mini- International Monetary Fund the two groups.
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