BANGLADESH NGO FOUNDATION List of Grant Recipient NGOS Barisal Division District: Barisal Sl. NGO’s Name & Address Code Amount of CEO’S Name & Contact Working Area Program Comments No. Grant & Cheque info Receiving Date 01. Grameeen 145 1st Installment Mr. Jahid Hossan Khan Thana:Uzirpur Empowerment of cieZ©x wKw¯— Development Society Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Women. ¯’wMZ Khan Monjil Date: 23/11/05 01716-952749 West Hospital Road 0431-2174905 Tempo Stand 2nd Installment E-mail- Barisal Sadar – 8200 Tk. 1,00,000/- [email protected] Barisal. Date: 31/07/08 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 20/04/11 02. Arthik Mukti Sangstha 199 1st Installment Mr.s Ismat Ara Akter Vill: Horhor, Motivation for cieZ©x wKw¯— “Nirala Kutir” Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Kheyaghat & using improved ¯’wMZ Amtolar Mor Date: 19/05/07 01715-040775, 01918- Joyshreekathi agricultural South Alekanda 485677 Thana:Gournadi implements Barisal. 2nd Installment 01718-653256, 01819- Tk. 1,00,000/- 000812 Date: 15/06/08 03. Heritage Bangladesh 442 1st Installment Mr. Tuhinul Islam Thana: Banaripara Program for cieZ©x wKw¯— Banaripara , Uttar par Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director development of the ¯’wMZ Banaripara – 8530 Date: 23/11/05 01711-575736 disabled. 01916-760899 2nd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 23/12/06 3rd Installment Tk. 2,49,500/- Date: 18/03/08 4th Installment Tk. 2,49,500/- Date: 16/02/.09 04. Daridra Manabik 974 1st Installment Sadhana Bepari Vill. Kolchar & Non-formal Unnayan Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Domchar education: Rukhsana Manzil Date: 30/05/07 0189-673264, 01727- UP. Chandpasa enrolment of Nabagram Road 247127 Thana. Babugonj dropout children in P.O + P.S : Barisal Sadar 2nd Installment primary schools -8200. Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 12/10/08 3rd Installment Tk.2,00,000/- Date: 01/02/11 4th Installment Tk-2,00,000/- Date: 18/07/12 05. Alor Disha 976 1st Installment Mr. Mojammel Haque Thana- Mehendiganj Awareness creation cieZ©x wKw¯— Vill: Asa Tk. 1,00,000/- Talukdar on use of sanitary ¯’wMZ P.O: Ulania Date: 19/04/07 Executive Director latrine and Dist: Barisal. 01558-471333 distribution of 2nd Installment 01718-141677, sanitary latrine Tk. 1,00,000/- 01712-245715, (ring-slab). Date: 15/06/08 06. Bangladesh Rural 163 1st Installment Mr. M M Anwar Ullah UZ. Agiljhara Healthcare cieZ©x wKw¯— Advancement Through Tk. 2,00,000/- Executive Director ¯’wMZ Voluntary Enterprise Date: 05/07/07 01716-908536 (BRAVE) Vill. & P.O: Mollapara UZ. Agiljhara Dist. Barisal. 07. Grameen Seba 1211 1st Installment Mr. Motahar Uddin UP. Agarpur & Distribution of cieZ©x wKw¯— Sangstha – GSS Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Kedarpur water filters ¯’wMZ Vill : West Bhuterdia Date: 05/06/06 01712-558665, 01712- Thana-Babugonj amongst the P.O : Bhuterdia 696320 distressed people P.S : Babugonj 2nd Installment of arsenic affected Barisal Tk. 1,00,000/- areas. Date: 27/08/07 08. Association of Volunteers 3003 1st Installment Mr. M.R.Sikdar UP. Garuria & Dudal 1 Motivation for For Rural Development- Tk. 1,00,000/- Director Thana.Bakergonj using improved Bangladesh Date: 19/05/07 01716-661800 agricultural Vill. Nilgonj implements. P.O. Kathipara 2nd Installment 2. Training on safe- Upozilla: Bakergonj Tk. 1,00,000/- motherhood District: Barisal Date: 19/08/08 3. Awareness creation on use of 3rd Installment sanitary latrine. Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 21/01/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 06/04/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 02/01/13 09. Social Economic 2140 1st Installment Mr. Habibur Rahman UP. Madhabpasa, Awareness creation Development Society Tk. 1,00,000/- Talukdar Rahmatpur, on environment. Talukder Lodge Date: 20/02/07 Executive Director Chandpasa, New Circular Road 0431-64316, 01711- Dehargoti, Agargoti, South Alekanda 2nd Installment 186282, 01199-252443 Kedarpur Post Code –8200 Tk. 1,00,000/- Fax. 088-0431-64482 Thana.Babugonj Sadar, Barisal Date: 06/04/08 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 18/08/10 4th Installment Tk-2,00,000/- Date: 15/03/12 5th Installment Thana.Babugonj Goat rearing. Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 24/06/13 10. Village Development 635 1st Installment Mr. Sohrab Hossain UP. Otra, Sholak, Free medical cieZ©x wKw¯— Society Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Jolla facilities for the ¯’wMZ Village + P.O: Otra Date: 05/07/07 01712-083972 Thana. Uzirpur distressed men & Thana: Uzirpur women. District: Barisal –8222 2nd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 17/09/08 11. Love Thy Neighbor 274 1st Installment Begum Mahmuda UP & Thana: Empowerment of House # 282/103 Tk. 1,00,000/- Begum Banaripara Women. Nazir Moholla Road Date: 07/08/07 ExecutiveDirector Barisal 01711-931753 2nd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 12/10/08 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 31/07/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 11/08/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date:17/09/12 12. Community Service 916 1st Installment Sundra Eka Bar Barisal City Free medical cieZ©x wKw¯— Centre Tk. 2,00,000/- Executive Director Corporation facilities for the ¯’wMZ Ladies club building Date: 07/08/07 01711-335999, distressed men & (Ground floor) women. Rajabahadur Road, 2nd Installment Bels’ Park, Barisal- Tk-2,00,000/= 8200. 10/11/2008 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 31/07/10 13. Agragami Unnayan 1420 1st Installment Mr. Nurul Islam UP: Shayestabad Training on goat Sangstha (AUS) Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Thana: Barisal rearing. Vill + P.O: Date: 27/09/07 01711-009518 Sadar Shayestabad 2nd Installment Thana: Sadar, District: Barisal Tk. 1,00,000/- Date:25/01/09 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 07/12/09 th 4 Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 14/03/11 5th Installment Barisal Sadar Training on goat Tk. 2,00,000/- rearing. Date: 18/06/12 6th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 24/06/13 14. S.S Foundation 1752 1st Installment Prof. M.A Kader Thana: Banaripara Training on cow cieZ©x wKw¯— Sadar Road, Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director fattening. ¯’wMZ Banaripara, Barisal. Date: 27/10/07 01718-143231, 04332-56120 2nd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date:11/05/10 15. Saint Bangladesh 1418 1st Installment Mr. Jahangir Kabir Thana: Sadar Awareness creation Akthar Mansion Tk. 1,00,000/- Chairperson on use of sanitary C & B Road Date: 30/01/08 01711-132358 latrine and Barisal 0431-2176016 distribution of 2nd Installment sanitary latrine Tk. 1,00,000/- (ring-slab). Date: 25/06/09 3rd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 13/10/11 4th Installment Tk-1,00,000/- Date: 28/01/13 Tk-99,600/= Date : 20/05/13 (Additional ) 16. Barisal Disabled 0353 1st Installment Md. Shah Alam Upazila: Program for 2nd Round Peoples’ Organization Tk. 1,00,000/- Director Mehendiganj development of the cieZ©x wKw¯— to Development. 21/04/08 Phone: 0432556047 disabled. ¯’wMZ Khorki Road Cell: 01711-201014 Village: Khorki 2nd Installment Post: Mehendiganj - Tk. 1,00,000/- 8270 Date:02/03/09 Thana: Mehendiganj District: Barisal 17. Social Environment 1742. 1st Installment Moshiul Alam Palash Upazilla Muladi. Awareness creation and Rural Development Tk-100,000/= Director on use of sanitary Organization (SERDO) 23/04/2008 Phone: 01711-939874. latrine and Sher-e – Bangla Sarak, distribution of Nothullabad, Barisal- 2nd Installment sanitary latrine 8205. Tk-100,000/= (ring-slab). Date: 12/06/13 18. Save the Costal People 1284. 1st Installment Kazi Enayet Hossain Barisal City Waste management (SCOP) Tk-100,000/= Executive Director Corporation. and organic Nijubashi, Kaunia Main 02/06/08 0431-61101, fertilizer. Road, 01711-047113 Barisal-8200. 2nd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 27/10/2010 19. SUN - AID (Social 1656 First Installment Md. Anisur Rahman Barisal Sadar UZ. Creation of 2nd Round Unity for Networking Tk-100,000/= Chowdhury awareness on use cieZ©x wKw¯— Aid) 30/07/08 Executive Director of sanitary latrine ¯’wMZ Ashraf Sarak Phone: 880143- and safe drinking Village: Nabogram Road 2nd Installment 2174252 water Post: Barisal Tk. 1,00,000/- Thana:Barisal Sadar Date: 19/04/09 Cell: 01712-368282 District: Barisal Email: sun_aid2006@yahoo. com 20. Barisal Unnyan 2599 1st Installment Md.Shafiqul Islam Barisal Sadar: Rehabilitation of 2nd Round Sangstha (BUS) Tk-1,50,000/= Executive Director fishermen cieZ©x wKw¯— Village: Kagashura 30/07/08 Phone: ¯’wMZ Post: Amirganj Bazar Cell: Thana:Barisal Sadar 2nd Installment 0152480431,0171885 District: Barisal Tk. 1,50,000/- Date:06/05/09 2296 Fax: Email: 21 Barisal Social 2688 1st Installment Bandana Nath Barisal Sadar: Awareness 2nd Round. Advancement Society - Tk-1,50,000/= Executive Director creation on BASAS. Date: 30/07/08 Phone: oppression of Nilachal Nibash Cell: 01711120700, women 90, Anamilan, Sadar 2nd Installment 01711-956468 Road Tk-1,50,000/= Post: Barisal - 8200 Date: 25/03/09 Fax: Thana:Barisal Sadar Email: District: Barisal 3rd Installment [email protected] Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 27/10/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 30/01/12 5th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Skill Development Date: 24/06/13 and Income Genaration. 22. Interfaith Care Society 2504 1st Installment Reksona Haque Area: Barisal Sadar Activities: Health 2nd Round (ICS) Tk-1,50,000/= Executive Director Uz. Care Project. Luna Vixus, Natun Date: 16/09/08 Phone: 0431-63473 Bazar, Hospital Road, Cell: 01714-767589, District: Barisal 2nd Installment 01727-223700 Tk. 1,50,000/- Date: 17/08/10 Fax: 0431-64881 3rd Installment Tk-2,00,000/- Date: 15/03/12 4th Installment Tk-2,50,000/- Date: 27/06/13 23. Reach to Unreached 823.
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