THE WESTFIELD LEADER • ••- * THE LEADING AND MOiT WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWAMt IN UNION COUNTY KTIETH YEAB ' Font We«tBeld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THU1SDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1949 f>ubi«tl*4 jt«l Campaign House on New Hig h School Site CoMujtersMay 500 Weslf {elders Sign Police Ask Protest Petition Beard Appointed itedto Continues to Plague CounrilMen Now Buy RR A petition reportedly bearing Co-operation 600 Westncld names will be added To Retire !Sot. I to many from surrounding com- a Thursday Delay Move After Tickets by Mail munities Tuesday night at the pub- On Shrubbery Protects of Hyalip lic meeting of county residents Town Magistrate Community Platen Avenue Residents New Plan Goes protesting the proponed gas kale Chief Reqiuwto To Stage- Play at increase of the Elisabethtown Con- Into Effect on solidated Gas Co. The meeting Property Owners Rule* Ear Parking Former Mayor Opening of Drive Still bothered with the question November 1 will be held at 8:30 p. m. in Con- of what to do about a permit for necticut Farms School, Union. The Make Survey At Station Lot Named to Fill the removal of a house from the The public phase of the 1M| Standing in line at ticket of- petitions will be presented at a With the completion of the Unexpired Term site of the new high school on hearing at 10 a. m, Oct. 26 and The Police Department, announc- tfteld United Campaign wifl Dorian road to Hyalip avenue, in fices o/i the first of the month can ing that a survey will bc made installation of parking meters under way next Thursday fey* be a thing of the past for many 27 before the Public Utility Com- in the new parking lot on the Speculation on who was to b* the face of continued protests from mission in Newark. throughout the town for violation! lglOct. *0 at 8 p. m.-with MI Jersey Central Lines commuters. of the ordinance limiting the north tide of the railroad sta- the new Town Magistrate camt to residents of the latter area, the At the meeting Tuesday night n ra"tin* at the Roosevelt Jun- Under a plan announced Tuesday height of shrubbery at intersec- tion, probably on Monday, the an end Monday night at the Towa Town Council Monday night, once Thomas A. O'Boyle of Cranford Higt School) it was announced in folders distributed on commut- tions, today asked the public to following rules will become ef- Council meeting, when Mayer' again delayed action on the re- will discuss the gas company's pe- l,y by Charles A. Doerr, gen. er trains, all commuters will have co-operate by checking their prop- fective. Charles P. Bailey announced tht quest. tition and Dr. Ku inner Sweetser j ch»i"man of the drive. At to do is fill in two short forms, erties. Meters will be in effect from appointment of former Mayor Wil- A large number of Hyslip ave- of Cranford will explain technical is mteting, open to campaign send them to the railroad and im- Police Chief John R. Schreiber 9 a. in. to 4:30 p. in., except liam M. Beard to the poat, to 111 nue residents appeared at the operations of the company. Other the unexpired term of Autrustui C. jrkers and their families and edia | the t8rt receiv said; "We hope that owner* of Sundays and holidays. meetinitolearntteTecWonofj™ 'f y y *"> » - local experts on the subject are Nash, who had resigned. Mr, lends, pledge cards »nd workers', in e corner properties will make their From 4:30 to 7 p. m., free the governing body. Mayor ! K "> 'r monthly commutation also expected to speak. Their talks Beard had served as rtcordtr »f Is will be distributed. CharleB P. Bailey said that the i tickets by U. 8*. mail at their own survey and make any changes half hour parking will be per- Louis B. Wilcox, president of will later be summed up by the the police court from IBIS to 1MI council had asked for sketches of homes or places of business. necessary to conform with the law, mitted. i Westfleld Community Players, chairman of the meeting, Fred P. and had been acting magistral* changes which the owner, Walter Thereafter Mr. or Mrs. or Miss prior to our survey. We ask their Free parking will be allow- g gnnounced that membtn ,of Andersen of Cranford. since Mr, Nash retired on July 1. W. Mooney, had, said were con- Commuter will get their tickets co-operation in this respect." ed In this lot Monday eve- i organization will stage • one- because of ill health. templated, that these had not yet by mail every month and until Section 2 of the ordinance reads nings. t play, entitled IVAe» the Whirl- been received and action would be they notify the railroad they have as follows: "If the Chief of Po- The appointment was somewhat nd Bloat, under the direction of delayed until they could be stud- no further need for the speciaj Protest Erection lice shall determine at any time In the nature of a surprise, sin** is8 Prances Stiles. Also on the ied. service, that any brush, hedges or other Mr, Beard had previously itatol ogrsm will be live (kits demon- CAPT. FSIBD A. WAHDEX Stress Need of Residents of the Hyslip avenue The only condition of eligibility plant life growing within 10 feet that he could not take the pmltiwi ttting good and poor campaign Of Two-Family of any roudway within the Town permanently, because of pratMrt licitation methods. The cuts will section claim that the removal of for participation in the plan is the house, said to be about 60 that the commuter must have a of Westfteld and within 25 feet New Fire Truck of his other activities. Thli Indi- ;lude Mr. and Mrs. Paul Houck, Capt Warden to of the intersection of any two iuch cated the poiition wii wide opM r». Clark Donovan, • Weyman years old, to their section would regular checking account with one Borough Homes reduce values of neighboring: of the 60 banks listed in the fold- roadways, obstructs the view of and many local lawyers were he eengrafc, Dr. E. P. finyder, Mr. persons using such, intersection so lleved in the running. Majr«r d Mrs. H. G. Geetlein and Mrs. Retire Nov. 1 homes. Mr. Mooney has stated er. Boro A*lu Gtbena' that the changes he' contemplates | jne n(w Residents Voice as to create a traffic hazard, he Bailey said Monday night that Japierre Rearich. of commutation shall notify the tenant or owner Vote for Equipment after having held the position In will make the house in keeping j tjc|(Ct ukc, ^^ wjth t|)e Objections at The "Corn Borers," a local com- Ends 40Yeart With of the lands on which the same an acting capacity for thrw y band, consisting of LeRoy H. with others in the neighborhood. issuance of November, 1949 tick- MOUNTAINSIDE — Mayor Increases in taxicab rates are Mass Meeting Is growing to cut or. trim same months, Mr, ttoard had found that ihony, Marshall D. Morris, Wil- 'Fire Department ets and it is made possible by the to a height of not more than two Charles N. Thorn ordered read to he would be ablt to handk It. m S. Nettleship, Herbert C. authorized in an ordinance passed co-operation of the 60 banks, all MOUNTAINSIDE — A mass (.ml one-half feet or In such other the audience at the regular coun- okup, Joseph Brozek Jr. and on first reading by the council. The official resignation of Mr, Capt. Fred A. Warden, veteran of ' which are located along the meeting of residents from the manner as he may designate as cil meet I ntt Tuesday nifrht a draft impson Hubbard, will present Public hearing will, be held at the Nash was accepted at the matting member of the Westfleld Fire De- lines of the Jersey Central or in Birch Hill and Wood Valley road necessary to eliminate such hai- of the letter which will be circu- me of their unique comedy music next meeting, Oct. 24. The new and the mayor, in announcing tkt partment, will retire Nov. 1 after New York. sections of the borough, was held ard and to afford a clear and un- larized throughout the borough lich has been enjoyed by West- 40 years of service. Captain War- rates would be 50 cents for one or just prior to the General Elec- acceptance, paid tribute to tht two persons and 25 cents for each One of the forms to be filled in Friday night in the Baiough Hall, interrupted view at such Intersec- nearly 25 yean of servlot iwndw- Iders on many recent occasions. 1 den, who is 65, is the oldest mem- by the commuters is an order to protesting the proposed erection of tion. ' tion, regarding the need for a Garwood participation in this additional passenger, from 6 a. m. ed by Judge Nash, On motion of ber of the department, both in the railroad for the regular month- 10 two-family dwellings on Wood new (Ire' truck. Tbo letter was ar's United Campaign, under to 10 p. m., within two mile Councilman Return J. Mctgt, the years and length of service. ly mailing of a commutation ticket, Valley road. drawn up in a conference between e chairmanship of Conrad Keim, radius. The present rate is 35 the council and the fire depart- town clerk was Instructed to send In West field'a wooden sidewalk .nUfor each ige." For di.
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