Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1950-1951 Student Newspapers 10-4-1950 Connecticut College News Vol. 36 No. 1 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1950_1951 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 36 No. 1" (1950). 1950-1951. 21. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1950_1951/21 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1950-1951 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ,\ ONNECTICUT OLLEGE EWS 86 Vol. 36--No. 1 Ncw London, Connecticut, Wednesday, October 4. 1950 lOe per copy CC EXTENDS GREETINGS TO ITS NEWEST ARRIVALS Creative Outlet Is Offe~ed CC News to Hold Try-outs for By Quarterly, CC MagazIne Business, News, and ITrueblood to Talk Freshmen and Transfers Friday Feature Staffs All Contest Underway for Search For Talent On Religious View NSA Plans Include Campus Activities For College Years Class Editors; Need There is a place on campus for Study, Tours, Trips Under Supervision Talent and Enthusiasm every kind of creative ability, The first convocation of the whether it is making a speech on year will occur on October 10 at To Unite Colleges Of Service League Scheduled for this Friday after- a philosophical problem, or. sing- 8:00 p.m. in the Palmer Auditorf- Service League is concerned noon, October 6 at 4 :20 are the urn. The College is fortunate to NSA is one of the organizations ing on' a comb. And that, of have for this event Dr. David EI. with two distinct parts of college first try-outs of the 1950-51 year to which every Connecticut Col- course, is as it should be, tor ev- ton Trueblood, Professor of Phil. life ... social services and campus tor the Connecticut College News. lege girl belongs. It is the only na- eryone loves, or longs to, create osophy at Earlham College, Rich- entertainment. Many of its duties News is the weekly newspaper tional organization of college and something in his or her lifetime. mond, Indiana; he will talk on Re- are not defined and are handled put out entirely by the students As far as I can see,. there is no ligion in Modern Life and will university students in the United when the occasion arises. Those here at Connecticut. I better time to pour forth, as it give special emphasis to the col- States as its name implies: the Na- were, than at college, for there is lege years. duties which do occur yearly are Freshmen and transfers alike tional Student Association. Hun- where we soon learn that the Dr. Trueblood is just returning grouped under the aforemen- are cordially. invited to attend this dreds of universities and colleges healthiest and happiest atmos- from a long stay in Europe, where tioned divisions. first meeting. If you are inclined throughout the United States be- phere is one alive' with creative he has been working under the The first of these can be sub-di- to be literary, there are openings energy. Every year, QUARTER auspices of The Friends Society of long to NSA-and thus a common vided into a number of services. as both news writers and feature LY, the literary magazine on cam which he is a member. He is also organization unites us with col- pus, holds wide welcoming arms a member of The Philosophical Local Social Service~ take care of writers. If your powers of persua- lege students elsewhere in our to all pieces of writing material Society. He has written many , work at the Mission House in New sion are above average, the adver- country. London and of local Girl Scouts This year QUARTERLY is not books on religion and philosophy. tising staff will be your forte. If only encouraging work from as This year the College is inte- Of special interest on campus and Y.W.C.A. projects. Char-Ity Drives include the Cancer Drive your business acumen is especial- many students as possible, but Is grating a convocation lecture with are NSA's opportunities for link- I and T.R seals at Christmas. Post ly keen, the business staff is your also looking for many new editors the annual Religious Emphasis ing us with students of other na- to work on the magazine. Right Period. Two other speakers of War Services and the Lost . and best bet. , tions. There are summer pro- this minute a contest is under way note will appear on the campus Found are two more of Service There are, of course, other grams for inexpensive trips or League's regular activities. The for editorships, and although it is at this time. On Sunday, October phases of newspaper work, such study tours to Europe, bicycle largest single service project of primarily intended for Freshmen, 8, vespers will be conducted by Dr. as circulation which handles the we urge everyone-5ophomores, Herbert Gezork, President of And- trips in the United States, and the year is Community Chest Juniors, and Seniors, too-to en- over-Newton Theological School. opportunities to meet foreign stu- Drive which occurs in the fall. distribution of copies to the dor- ter it. Here is an opportunity for At chapel on Monday and 'I'ues- dents who dre studying here and More Enterta.lnment mitories. Shutter-bugs may also everyone to join in the work and day, October 9 and 10, the college at other colleges. Because NSA is On the entertainment side Serv- find a place as News photogr-aph- fun of publishing a literary maga- community will have the privilege affiliated with students unions in ice League has certain yearly ers. zine. of hearing Dr. Thomas Hayes European countries, many chan- functions: the Coast Guard Recep- nels are provided for American Whatever your particular In- Authors Wanted Proctor, Professor of Philosophy tion, Informal dances and Mid- clination may be, you are sure to at Wellesley College. Religion in students to. travel abroad or enter- Winter Formal. Last year we add- t A magazine cannot be a success the college years will be stressed tain foreign students in this coun- ed a freshman reception with Yale find an outlet in the Connecticut without enthusiastic supporters, by all three speakers. try. who believe in it and want to and this year in addition we hope College News. The meeting will be make it a success. And QUAR to be able to have a freshman get- held in the News 'Office, which is TERLY can be one of the best in · d C dl I .. A II tog~t?~r with Wesleyan, All.social.in the basement or Plant house. stitutions on campus, and perhaps -'g an an e nnites activities are under the chairman- S t ide' thl F·d t 4·2' F off campus as well. If QUARTER W II" II ShIP of Jane Law '52, who this e aSI e IS nay, a . u or LY has not been as exciting to as ;54· J Club 'year will have a committee or all the News try-outs. many people as it should have Dramatists to 0in house and class social chairmen. been, it is doubtless because not There is no requisite for memo Freshmen Asked to enough is known about the maga Uncle Sam may not need'yOU, pily for them, and Wig and Can- bership in Service League except- zine. Well, that can no longer be personally, for the next four dle, they may participate in all ing membership in the college stu- Join Home Ec Club . h F everyone other parts of production. Forh ere IS a c ance or years, but Wig and Candle of Con- dent body. Active participants be- be J C tl t C II ' And such work is not without t oem on onnec ICU 0 ege s necticut College does. And hereby gin with the Cabinet including all You don't have to be able to litI erary worId . Details of the con hangs the tale .... Wig and Can- reward! Wig and Candle is a club the heads of Committees, the cook and sew to be a member of e, t ·11b· t Iater: mean which may be J-oined only when a WJ e grven au a, dle is the quite theatrical name chairman of publicity, the' Vide the Home Economics Club at Con- while, the editors of QUARTER which identifies the most dramatic student has earned 20 points in President, and the President. The ·11 t t this very kind of a backstage ac- necticut College. This club is open LY hope th a t everyone WI s ar club on campus. This is the organ- rest of the active participants are ltl ttvtty. Points are awarded on an to anyone who 'thinks she may wri mg. ization which produces two full- all those who are interested in any hours-worked basis for backstage phase of Service League's work. want to major in any of .the van- To create something to answer length three-act plays, and puts its work, and for acting, in proper- Help is always needed. There is ous fields of Home Economics: an assignment is one thing; to back into about five others during tion to the difficulty of the part. create something merely for the the course of the academic year. plenty of work for everyone. So Food and Nutrition, Institutional A record is kept of the number of watch the Service League Bulletin sake of its own creation is anoth Virtually everything dramatic points that each student earns by Economics, General Home Eco- er.
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