
nc want every wn £ Advertise var Wonts i hum ivulckul to i- ',4 in the PRHSS. One * ,» Cent a Kurd. Ulve it vuar, In in' * a Trial. $ YiH CHATHAM. N. .1.. SATl'lJltAV. 1 I U!M A!'V l'KK 1. F1V1. CKNTS. NOTICE OF PKIMAkV. M,s, K.l-ic At.endg an.-nded a ihca Anniversary ol Ladies' keajiug Circle OFFICE Ol' Ihe Uepubluan voter.-, of ('hatham 'IV l"»'.v on Friday. The ti -nth anniversary ni the Ladies,' ;tn- loipicsted to attend a primary in The storekeepers ,,,, (I,,, northeast Ubiidiu^ Cucle was observed al their upen ALFRED C. COURSEN. !„• lit'M at llic Horough Hall, ('hat- regulai meeting, held at the home of Ami MAIN STREET, on. X..L. Friday evening, Fet.ru- *'<»'"' main street have h-id -n.,w for Mr- (..odiiei on Fridyv. February \ I'S, HK'J, for the purpose of noini- sale this AI ,-k \| CHATHAM. N. J. ung a camlidute for Freeholder. louiU'i nth. Foi'iner members a::d >" C. B. Harrison, the butcher, an- ,.| transacting such other bii-ine-s vited guests wow present and a -• LAW N. Y. , WILLS, inn properly come before the "('lice liiat be w ill have fresh fish on • 1: .11011 was enjoy > CONTRACTS. !• ..- ' C. A Joiiv.sON •ale iluring I,i ni . vocal v.lo by \l REAL ESTATE, NOTARY PUBLIC, I l|:iiriu:ll. I .-I I'l'ii.. .1 In another eoluinu appeals a eal gl I el lllg il olll lol'inei lui Ul '• K I .-• '.U ie INSURANCE. COM. OF DEEDS lor a Republican primary, for lh lead bv the seel "-y Mi-- M:iry Wednes-da purpose of iioiniiialing a candidate for liardiur GENERAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ADVICE. freeholder, will he h. Id al t'halbain Mis (..miner tb. Telephone 83-F. next Fiida\ i veiling, Februaiy '.'Mil. llu pail of Ihe Ueailinu I'iivle, lei lew- (,t.r j,) Ui-,)Okl> n 111^: iti oi/ani/.-" 1 ion and iv.nl [or th Summit will probably have the ben- Mrs. Abnini >.pu. i ..i U ,o.mi -, • , i Louis Blown, of lieinard-vilh -pent la.-l h 11 veals, anil ni'iiing to the lit of the railroad impiiivemonts. The ss Ihe gin -I •i !.. -'•:• i. Mi- Ai.n." Minday witli his parents ol this place. pleasure and piolii ' ' ' : - coinmitee having the all'air in hand milh. thi- A Man Wants Mayor and Mrs. r'redriok II. l.uui have practically accepted the cominenibei.s- . Theodore It all -iiia N. 'A.ii-I have returned from a -hurt nip I At- pany's terms. And all this u.iiwith- Mrs. Ti nvilliger. tin president, g.ixe a bright and oiilertni.iing paper on Widneadav hi re pi li.ll bis s la 11 tie Citv in Li I'I- In "The Heading Circle of the I'resont. ' rural mail Imxi • Clla- 1 ,1 ,1 was followed by Mis. I ,...!.- will, , \Y ..ii • Hedges iveiuic IKI il U IU For a liinited time you can gel the humorous prophecy "I the sai, dctricitv. with attack nl $3.00 Carbon finish. special I'hoto- d'u wais hei>'• [i.s tlie past week. ,'. i \ i. i • w. i, tin-!- A live bird match shoot will he held graphs for only if 1 ..'ill per dozen. This Mis.. Cam. < pn-pared a William Helm wa> una bv the Chatham Fish m ! Club nlfei is mily good on Tuesdays and pi,,m on lie n-nm iiirthday of the iVtllll.- !.is in bis mail route for tin. this afternoon. Fndaysat the Chathain studio. \V. Ciule, which was received with much tin account of the -iii I.. II Kllsi I>IV-I. Mainsiuxt. f •_>•_' appiause. uud the program eimchidell I'.ulh vl I-M-. ami Michael White of til nklyu Mill ii piano selection by Mrs, Freder- Charles Smith, who I, Mimlay with hi- • M- The ladles uf the Cniigiegaliuiial ii k Smith of New Ymk. with ; for a wei'k or in- :alv;iiiia£' in IV.ul •nun! Mis. James Whiti ' huicli are plauinii:; to -i-rv.- a public siippi r mi Tie -day night, .March I Li ''ii'sbments. prepared by ladies of ly getting ar .und : I.onion services are being !.', w.-i'1 then served in the Puiicies. 11 is to be al the ho of Mrs. C. I Mis. Th- i I in St. I'atrick'.s eliureh i Tui' .I..,.;,., ii.ulu. where a healtlimily dec- llesselgia.'e. i ,,i ner of F.dgcliill and ing has been .-pi.io.hi:; a 1 •x and Fridav evimiig-. orated birthday cake, with (<-u ciilidles. VYatchuiig av-nues, and the prici' for Mr«. Will him Tuinpkins. The Miss Sylvia Swiniiert.in, of I'heny supper will be lixoiiiy-livc eouU. i I,,rued tbe center ol the table. Galley, who has been the sue-t ol lli-lvvoen lorty and lil'ly ladies a' II is with sleep and sincere 1 .led Ibis reunion, which proved tn be utociv uuu. ha. been laid up Win. F. II. 1.nin, has returned hoinc. Prudential W'I-announce the death of William wiioilioi- of tin' pleasani events ihm ,Vs with an attack of giip. !'•: I'ruf. F. (I. 1'avnc, ol lileii Cliive, 1.. llassjm'h.a former resident of this have gathered about lh Mr. and Mrs Ii. W. ViekiiiM.n formerly principal of the Chatham place, who died at his residence in Insurance Co. of America Veromi ha\. i, ., n.i;n... a n w .1- seiiool. was in town one day la.il New York City on Sunday last. Me For a New Presbyterian Church. with tlui; Hume Office : ok. was a member of Ihe I. I). <t K., and a Itelieving that the tini" is now ripe Ne-K«rk, N. .1. Kichard 1, , i v.i';i:.ilei id to oj - Miss l>,,relha Parkin- "! Summit,. m. inber of ihe l'lesbyteriau church. for the erecti'iir of a 1'iesbyterian A widow ;\\w\ luu i hiKllill <nr\ive en A section 'ad near his place loiiv i . win iU-.N. i'i< iiud Miss Ho.sie Daniher oi Madison, ' 'iniv-ii in I'hatbam. a meeting was I l.-l II l>. \\ Allll, Vi.c I :- tllill Was : nun I.Hire <ii'.\x 1 Hi. Ml II. WAIUV «l V. I'i. •pent Sunday as the guests of Miss '""' ..lied and held iii the eliaptil on Weil- , , HiKKI.sl !•. llllVliKX. sc ' banks Wary MtNany. Letters addressed t.i ihe iollotting nesday evening to diseus.s tlie iirm I i ink liinld leu.h II '1 \'aluable .id If the friends uf the \\ C. 1. I remain uncalled for at the Chatham Dr. W. J. Wolfe presided and A i travel by O|K'uiuu a scctiun of road have any garineiils to eoulribulc li [ins! oll'iee fui the period ending Feb. I'hiLtus Konkle was secretury. Tlie ; "C hi- ,esiil.Mve On', w :i^ badlv help till a barrel, please send to Mi- L'0, lW'J Mrs. H. N". Carmer, Mis. meeting was unanimously of the op in Nelson Kellev soon. Mary Covey. Miss Minnie Fries, Mr. ion that a now church should be Henry llavell, Mis. Sophia llarins ted, ami with as little delay as p, ,. .'• r.iii In the handicap bowling tourna a,llTiK1))i j),.. Kdgar llolden. Mr. A. hie. <iuy Minton g-<ve it as his opui- Oi an«;r ii\i line, ami taking the meiit, held lft«.t Friday evening at the | , , Morgan. Mr..lacob ion thai now was the opportune t,,,,e vrM; (in |vs M ]y •juller tn avoid a In. • i. k a i lub house, L. l'ago HIKI Mrs. J. 1'. Mantel, I.. Kory. Mrs. .1 1,. Kiiuynti, for the erecion of;» eliurch. and that ,u-k anil iwvcki'd WE ARE TALKING r .Munii were the winners. Mrs. F. Sauc. the pre.selit site was the best one ob- James II I'.iown ilso had a gnu.1 Oliver K|.ler of Berkley Heights | , , , tainable. The plan as outlined was T 1( mil willl ..i the Mi.r- of ineM on the road Tuosdav and \\ i .1- to move the chapel to the rear nf liie had l.U nose broken at Chatham, last listowl| Siu,u, (.|,liM1;,n K.i.U-:ivor THROUGH OUR HATS nesday (oaid bis grain customi-is in week, while assisting elcetneiiui \l. \\ . , , , , .- , ,, ,,. lot, and build a modern, cuminndioiis lm m wj| |i( UM <in (lu ((|[ v f. (ting to toiui mi Wednesday. church on the site. The chapel, in its Croz.ci ni trimming tree- rua.y in the chapel of the lilst l'res- iitul llii'V aio all that we rr.u'k new location, would be used as a Sun- Frank II. v- in, i- . ,.f \\»M\ Mr». II. tiray 'I'orrey has purchased byterian church, Morristoivn, ut which dav school room. It was stated tiiaf |)|stl>et v d M1..W tluMU iij" In !»' a> guml as from the SliiTuu; Silk Manufacturing the llev. (ieorge I,. Kichmond of Bos- a suitable church could he erected pi.'W go i\ ion ^^in" Cumpauy Ihe plot of ground opposite ton will deliver an address on the suh- ian In' hail fur tlu' iimney. at a cost of flJ.IKKI. The meeting ad- o(i"uiu^: up road or grain nu n ber handsome residence on Long Hill, ject of "Sabbath Observance." This journed to meet again on Friday .-v All line 1 lit Us--Black, Steel and is Io he followed by a conference on TI•, ny-li i si pper held in the Pros The lirsi niei-ting of the dancing oiling next, Fein nary ->.
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